Favorite Disney Princess?

Aurora is, was, and always will be my number one! I have a huge list of reasons, but here's 10.

1. She was born a princess AND married a prince, its like double royalty!

2. She is gorgeous, and has an amazing voice!

3. Forget Cinderella, Aurora has 3 fairy godmothers!

4. She would rather follow her own true love than anyone her parents picked out for her, so what if they HAPPEN to be the same guy?

5. Maleficent is the most legit villain ever. She's horrible, yet beautiful, yet elegant, and she turns in a... DRAGON!! Ugh, HELLO!

6. The music and artwork of the film were stunning, and it was the last Princess that Walt himself produced.

7. In my recent trip to Disney World FL, I found out at Maurice's cottage that Belle's favorite book was.... La Bell au Bois Dormant, which is The Sleeping Beauty! in French...

8. She was raised as a peasant, she knows what it's like to work for life and she knows humility and perserverance. These are all beautiful qualties for a princess to have.

9. Have you seen the screenshot of her sleeping? Who else in the history of EVER! looks that good whilst dreaming?

10! The movie is completely breathtaking in every way.
Aurora is, was, and always will be my number one! I have a huge list of reasons, but here's 10.

1. She was born a princess AND married a prince, its like double royalty!

2. She is gorgeous, and has an amazing voice!

3. Forget Cinderella, Aurora has 3 fairy godmothers!

4. She would rather follow her own true love than anyone her parents picked out for her, so what if they HAPPEN to be the same guy?

5. Maleficent is the most legit villain ever. She's horrible, yet beautiful, yet elegant, and she turns in a... DRAGON!! Ugh, HELLO!

6. The music and artwork of the film were stunning, and it was the last Princess that Walt himself produced.

7. In my recent trip to Disney World FL, I found out at Maurice's cottage that Belle's favorite book was.... La Bell au Bois Dormant, which is The Sleeping Beauty! in French...

8. She was raised as a peasant, she knows what it's like to work for life and she knows humility and perserverance. These are all beautiful qualties for a princess to have.

9. Have you seen the screenshot of her sleeping? Who else in the history of EVER! looks that good whilst dreaming?

10! The movie is completely breathtaking in every way.

This is spot-on & beautifully written & I agree! Thank you! :flower3:
My favorites are Rapunzel and Ariel because of their curiousity and adventurous spirits! But I also love Cinderella because she is kind and generous even when others mistreat her and Belle because she is compassionate, independent, loves to read, and sees the good in people:goodvibes
Belle! She doesn't care what other people think of her and she doesn't need a guy in her life. She is confident, yet humble and sacrificial, and very smart! True beauty means more to her than good looks and she isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
Up until Tangled was released it was Ariel. I have wanted to be a mermaid for as long as I can remember. When my son turned 18 months he got really into watching movies with his cousin. SHE LOVES PRINCESSES and one of her favorites for a while was Tangled. Well, now my son is obsessed with it and so am I. Rapunzel is by far my favorite. I love her whole personality and looks wise she is probably the closest to me so that probably has a lot to do with it. She is also older, 18, so I think its easier for me to relate to her. I'm actually getting a tattoo inspired by the movie later this month. It is a matryoshka (russian nesting doll) with Rapunzel features and the hair with the flowers braided. I think in the belly portion of the doll will either be the flower or castle. I haven't decided and will let the artist have full creative license with it to see what they come up with.
My favorite is Belle. When I was a little kid she was the only princess I would trick or treat as. Every year I would get a new costume, and year I wore her red dress instead of the yellow. The only Halloween that I wasn't her I went as Hermione from Harry Potter.
Hands down, Ariel! I've been obsessed since I was 2! Best Disney princess EVER! Not to mention, best Disney movie ever!

LOVE Aurora as well! I went through a major Sleeping Beauty phase when I was a child. Also went through major Aladdin, Snow White, and Mulan phases, but I'm not sure I would say Jasmine, Snow White, and Mulan would rank above other princesses if I were to rank them. I'd really have to think about my rankings, so maybe I will, and post again later.

Sooooo... definitely Ariel #1 and Aurora #2. I have to think about the others.
Always been partial to Ariel as she was the only red haired princess! But I definitely relate more to Merida! Crazy red curly hair and stubborn!
I really like Tiana. I love Princess and the Frog and wish it was more well liked. I also admire Mulan and Belle. :)


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