Fave Disney Movie


Waiting for my prince to come
Mar 20, 2011
So I am planning on watching some Disney movies over the break but I don't know which ones too watch so I am hoping you can help me out. Just post you fave dis movie and why you like it. Thanx. ( Mine is The Lion King :simba: )
pocahontas. i find it so moving. shes the only disney 'princess' who isnt your stereotypical princess. she's beautiful, and courageous and the movie has a brilliant soundtrack!
Mine's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's so different from all the other ones, with makes it stand out, and everything about it is nothing short of breathtaking. The story, the characters, the animation, the artwork, the music.... :lovestruc
The Emperor's New Groove - It cracks me up every time I watch it. I deffo agree with TLK and HOND. I adore the music in both of those. :lovestruc
Mine is Beauty and the Beast. I love the entire movie, but I also feel like I can relate to Belle (I'm a bookworm, and don't always feel like I fit in). I also love the message that it's whats on the inside that matters, not whats on the outside.
I reccomend Peter Pan, Aladdin and A Goofy Movie. They're all funny, have good music, and occured when Disney was in its heyday.
My current favourite is the Three Caballeros. It's just maddeningly entertaining!
My top two would have to be The Nightmare Before Christmas and Peter Pan. I've loved them both since I was young. Nightmare Before Christmas has really great music and Peter Pan is just plain fun. popcorn::
My favorite Disney movie is 101 Dalmatians, but I've been in love with the movie since I before I can remember. It's been an integrated part of my life forever. Currently, my favorite movie, or best to recommend at least, is probably Hercules. It's a hilarious movie! If you are looking for something comedic but heartwarming, I definitely recommend that!
I think its a tie amongst Hunchback of Notre Dame, Sleeping Beauty and Princess And The Frog for me. Hunchback of Notre Dame because I believe it is an obscure-but-should-not-be-obscure Disney movie. Sleeping Beauty has been my favorite for awhile, who knows why. Then, Princess and the Frog because of the great music and characters.
If pixar counts, then Toy Story. I love that movie, and can basically quote the entire thing. I love the characters, and depth of storytelling it does, yet it is still simple. But, I think the qualities of the characters make that movie. Can't get enough of it.

If pixar doesn't count, then my favorite is Mulan. It is the first movie I ever saw in theaters.I live the fact that Mulan is a girl, and is an awesome fighter and hero. I have always loved it.
My favorites are The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, and Tangled.


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