Famous people at WDW


I love this thread. anyone seen any celebs lately, besides Mickey Mouse?

We saw Michael Phelps at Magic Kingdom! Got some great pics, too! It was the Friday before last, if I remember right?
I saw Nsync and Jordan Knight at MGM (they were filiming a special)...I also saw Tyrese who was a jerk to everyone (just ignoring people)...but I guess it gets old after a while....I saw some woman and her family from a soap opera at Haunted Mansion...and the blonde woman from the show "Wings" at POR.

My cousin used to work at Tower of Terror and saw Mary Kate and Ashley, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Mariah Carey...all were nice but Mariah....DIVA.
I saw Nsync and Jordan Knight at MGM (they were filiming a special)...I also saw Tyrese who was a jerk to everyone (just ignoring people)...but I guess it gets old after a while....I saw some woman and her family from a soap opera at Haunted Mansion...and the blonde woman from the show "Wings" at POR.

My cousin used to work at Tower of Terror and saw Mary Kate and Ashley, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Mariah Carey...all were nice but Mariah....DIVA.

nsync lucky!

Lol I keep dreaming that I'll see the jonas brothers at disney. But it's impossible because they'll be out of country when I'm there. :/
I saw Batista, Armando Estrada, and Umanga at MCO. My wife was very happy to see Dave Batista.

I also saw Jerry Lynn at DHS. I also saw Jerry Lynn at the Minnesota state fair a few years ago, so that one was pretty funny.

I am a big fan of wrestling, in case you missed that.
A co-workers boyfriend met Steven Tyler on Buzz lightyear and said he was a really cool guy, not stuck up or mean at all! :hippie: :thumbsup2

OMG I would've just died!!! I :love: :love: :love: Aerosmith!!! Oddly enough I have yet to ride RRC. I the was waaaayyyy to long the first time we were there and I was preggers the last time.

My husband says he saw Sinbad at DTD when we were there Oct 06.
Taken from the M5industries (their special effects company where they shoot most of the show I believe) website..just an FYI they don't do tours for safety reasons:
M5 Industries
1268 Missouri Street
San Francisco, California

I wanted to drive by last time I was in SF but didn't have time or a car
I can see why they would not do tours for safety reasons.:scared1: :eek: :scared1:
A lot of their stuff seems to involve blowing things up or shooting things.
My DD's favorite episode is where they busted the myth about whether flushing an airplane toilet while sitting on it will cause suction that holds the butt in place.:happytv:
A few years ago, we were at DTD and saw this swarm of people. We ran over to see what all the commotion was and there was Michale Jackson with one of his children.
That's one of our family jokes.
If we see a group of people who seem to be part of a commotion, we say "I think it's Michael Jackson".
When we saw Slash and his wife in Palo ( I was facing him so I couldn't help but stare all night LOL) he was wearing all black topped off with a backwards black ball cap! I mean you couldn't help but notice that! His wife was dressed more for street corner walking:flower3: than for fine dining. She had a REALLY short skirt on and was hanging out on top. :rolleyes1
Maybe she wasn't out for fine dining.:flower3::rolleyes1
I met Joe Rohde (hence the avitar) last year at the Rose and Crown.

And I better not get a "Who's Joe Rohde?":rolleyes1
I think we saw him last Spring.

We were in line for Jungle Cruise, waiting for the wheelchair accessible boat, when I saw a bunch of people, accompanied by about 4 CMs come into the area where we were waiting.
I quickly recognized John Lasseter (mostly by his Hawaiian shirt). There were several other guys with him, dressed kind casual, but none had quite as 'loud' of shirts as he had. I whispered, "John Lasseter is over there" :ssst: (I didn't want to cause a scene by talking loudly).
The other people in my party said "WHO?" :confused3
except for my oldest DD. She and I recognized some of the other people from Behind the Scenes videos (which is where I thought I recognized Joe from), but we could not name the other people. Sadly, they got on the next boat that pulled up and we didn't have time to take any pictures.

When we got on our boat, the driver was all excited and asked if anyone had seen the celebrity. DD and I raised our hands and said we had seen John Lasseter :wave:
The rest of the people on the boat were saying "WHO?":dance3:
The boat captain mentioned things like Pixar, Toy Story, etc. and had to go thru quite a list before most people figured out who he was.
The captain said the Jungle Cruise captains were especially excited because John Lasseter had worked on Jungle Cruise in DL when he was young (DD and I knew that because we watched the extra features on some Disney DVD).:thumbsup2
We hoped to run into them again, but no luck.:sad1:
The closest I came was to seeing Hanson at DLR in 2004 (we were there for the concert) and we ended up on the monorail with one of their wives & their son.

Also saw Hanson at DTD in 2005 (right before wilma hit), in the parking lot...but again, they were doing a show at House of Blues that night. But again, we went for the show, so we weren't that surprised to see them.

OT, but I was also on a flight with them once, as well. They've always been super nice. Great guys.

That's about it for my celeb encounters...I would have killed to see any of the boy meets world cast there..like I've seen a few people have. Soooo jealous! I love love love ben savage. :love:
we saw the main character from everybody hates chris at beaches and cream two weeks ago. of course i knew he was a celebrity because he has his disney tour guide/escort with him, but i couldn't place him. once he said he was from everybody hates chris i was like "ohhh yeeeaaaahhh" lol. He was waiting for a table just like us, but he was seated before us. of course my aunt who has a great sense of humor said "hey im pretty sure we were here before that movie star..." lol

then i saw another "someone" on line with a disney escort on the tower of terror but i couldn't figure it out. this coming from the woman who subscribes to US weekly and reads perezhilton.com religiously!!!!:rotfl2:
I've seen a few people that are famous in the UK, and I saw the guy from Home Improvement (not sure what his name is) coming out of a restroom in MK!
I saw Joey Fatone at the PP party in 2007, and John Stevens from American Idol and his family rode in the same boat as my friend and me in PoTC. I was really happy about the last one! I read somewhere on these boards that they're both at WDW often.
OMG I would've just died!!! I :love: :love: :love: Aerosmith!!! Oddly enough I have yet to ride RRC. I the was waaaayyyy to long the first time we were there and I was preggers the last time.

My husband says he saw Sinbad at DTD when we were there Oct 06.

LOL!! Move to MA, they are around here all the time everywhere!! The drummer, (Kramer)is at the gym I go to everyday with his wife!! I want to introduce my son to him before we go on RRC!!
Years ago we saw Tia and Tamara Mowry, that was back in the mid 90's.

On the way down to Orlando I've been on a plane with Sting and Rick Springfield.

And then obviously, all of the famous people that do the Christmas singing for the parade.
My DH and I saw Peter Gammons (sports reporter) in the Adventurers Club about 10 years ago. He looks exactly the same now as he did then!


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