Experience of first choice package?


Earning My Ears
Sep 23, 2006
Last time (first time) we went to WDW was our honeymoon in 2007. We went with Virgin and everything was great. I got a little bit lost driving from the airport and DH was semi concious due to picking up a bug from our pageboy but neither was virgins fault and we quickly got over it and LOVED our time. So much so that we have been pretty much spoilt for any other holidays.

Anyway we now have a DD(1) and I work part time so quite a bit less money. We just got back from our UK break and pretty much decided that we could happily skip holidays til we can afford to go back to WDW.

So... I have been looking at the prices and it seems I could save loads by going with first choice rather than virgin. I know some of it would be because we would fly into sanford I think rather than MCO but the longer drive wouldnt bother me too much as it is only at the start and end (although blocking out getting lost last time :laughing:) but is there anything I should worry about booking with them?

I see alot of you book everything separately - thats something I would love to do if it would save money but am a bit worried about doing it - can anyone offer any advice for a beginner?

I have booked at FC package to Canaries and had no problem, and next year heading back to Florida in August and doing it DIY for the first time.
Firstly decided we wanted to go for 3 weeks and planned itiniery e.g. X days onsite at WDW, X at Universal, etc then priced this up as a package with Virgin (£8800 with premium seats for 2 ad 1 teenager, I4 car, WDW tickets). That gave me a benchmark of the maximum price, and I started hunting for flights, hotels, etc I reckon to save £2800+ by doing it myself.

So far booked premium seats with First Choice at £2500 - if you book online they ask for all money now - however book via your local FC travel agent and they should knock some money off the online price and only ask for a deposit!
Next booked, via Complete Orlando, 12 nights at Saratoga Springs resort with Free table service dining plan, at just under £2000 (includes WDW 14 day tickets). I'd never used this company before but their service so far is excellent.
This is leaving approx £1500 for car hire and Universal hotel. As yet too far ahead to book these and have plenty of time to monitor prices.
I dont need to buy Universal tickets as bought the $99 deal earlier in the year.

Happy Planning
CJC :cheer2:
haven't found any travel agent that can match or be cheaper than booking flights and car hire separately. The economies of booking a package seem to be around the heavily subsidised accommodation prices. Virgins fly-drive price was £200 higher that what we have paid booking flights and car hire separately (and the flights are with VA) This year we have booked accommodation directly with Disney (free dining) flights with VA and car hire with Budget via ebookers. Booking a similar package with Virgin even with the 10% on line or frequent virgin discount was far more expensive.
Thanks for the replies so far, looks like I might have to bite the bullet and book them separately :eek:


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