Exclusive Baby Gorilla Photos! (plus bonus Trip Report) - June '15 - completed 10/23 - Page 31

Kristin and the kids want to sleep in again (who are these people, and what did they do with my family?)
Wait... you can sleep in at disney?!

The pictures of CBR are really nice! Like the theming at the pool. Great report so far!
We've talked about doing a cruise and heard great things about them, so you never know!

BTW, if you're dreaming about my Trip Reports, you should probably lay off my Trip Reports for a while ;)

Yeah I thought the same thing. Maybe time to lay off the dis in general... Nah who am I kidding!

It does seem that with Kristin's desire to try something new, Dylan's love of the beach and your and Em's love of Disney that the cruise would be a perfect fit. The theming within the ships and at Castaway Key is amazing.... but I get it, there is no haunted mansion.
Wait... you can sleep in at disney?!

You can, technically, but it's generally discouraged. My family's a bunch of rulebreakers, though, so I don't think it would matter.

The pictures of CBR are really nice! Like the theming at the pool. Great report so far!

Thanks! The theming of the pool is a plus for CBR in the great "CBR vs. CSR" debate. There will be many other factors discussed as we move forward.

Thanks for reading!

Yeah I thought the same thing. Maybe time to lay off the dis in general... Nah who am I kidding!

I flip back and forth between complete ignoring the DIS for months at a time and being obsessed with it. I should probably get that checked out.

It does seem that with Kristin's desire to try something new, Dylan's love of the beach and your and Em's love of Disney that the cruise would be a perfect fit. The theming within the ships and at Castaway Key is amazing.... but I get it, there is no haunted mansion.

We've talked about it, and we're still not sure about it. We've never cruised, but it's certainly being considered.

Disney should just bite the bullet and put a Haunted Mansion up at Castaway Cay. Something for everyone :)

Alright, I've lied about updates all week, but they're coming tonight. Honest. I think.

A little late but I'm joining in! Loving your trip report so far, and looking forward to reading more!
So, what is there to do in Morocco? Well, shop, basically. And NEVER buy anything.

Oh, and walk around, taking pictures.

3/4 family photo!

Those work out great, because Dylan is already sick of all the pictures. Too bad, kid. But thanks for taking the picture!

Hey, Moroccan music!

Yeah, not really my thing. Moving on.
Now, HERE is my thing:

Or, more specifically, this:

We all love this store, and who wouldn't?

I really wish they had the cards for this game here. Why don't they?

There's a game you can play with those cards called "Koi Koi", which I've only ever played on the Nintendo DS. I'd love to have the actual cards, though.

We go nuts with purchases. Dylan gets a Legend of Zelda shirt, I get the solar bobblehead sheep you saw in a previous photo, and we all got lots of candy. Oh, and we all got chopsticks. Mine have rabbits on them, fishing. Awesome. Kristin got some small bowls for the kitchen, and we got even more candy.

Another successful, wallet-busting trip to Mitsukoshi!
We have all the goods shipped back to CBR, then head out the door, where Emily stops to have her name written in Chinese on a piece of paper by the Kidcot CM. The CM draws a slice of sushi, too. Cool!

While that's going on, I walk over to see if the place with my favorite bottled green tea is open. As I walk out, I look to the right and see Perry the Platypus come ripping out from behind the side of the building on a little boat, then u-turn back out of site. Man, that was cool! We never did the Perry adventure. We tried the Kim Possible one once, but made the mistake of starting mid-way through our day at World Showcase. "Next, go to Norway." We were in Norway an hour ago! And we're now in Canada!

I wish I could get a picture of Perry, but he was too fast. Ok, back to the original objective.

Unfortunately, the place isn't open, probably due to the impending rain. I get back, and Dylan's gone, but we figure he's in the anime animal art exhibit next door, so we go get him.

He comes out, and we get a few photos of the pavilion before moving on:

Before we're completely out of Japan, however, Emily stops for Kakigori.

I think the flavor was "green". I ended up eating a lot of it. Underneath the overhang of the side of the American Adventure.

Because it's raining now.

Pretty hard, too. We're now realizing that, while the rain jackets keep us bone-dry up top, our shorts are soaked. Not the end of the world in a Florida June, but sort of annoying after being wet for hours.
The rain eventually lets up, and we realized we could actually make it for our not-as-useless-in-June-as-they-are-in-May Spaceship Earth FastPasses. By way of Club Cool, of course. We LOVE Club Cool. As usual, we watch the Beverley first-timers in amusement, and I drink international sodas at a rate that ensures a brainfreeze. Good times!

We still have time until our SE FPs expire, so we decide to duck into Innoventions West to see what the wait is for the Disney Visa photo spot. WARNING: HEAVY REFURB AHEAD.

Was I joking?

Innoventions West is basically closed, with the exception of the Disney Visa photo place, and the video game demos along the side wall. The line's pretty long for this, and although a guest leaving says the line moves quick, we pass on this for today and go over to Spaceship Earth.

We ride with Dylan and Emily in front of us. Dylan does The Annoying Face (tm), and our touchscreen is glitchy. We get to answer most of the questions, but location is left out. Also, no ride face photo for the kids. I tell Dylan it's because of his dumb face.

No matter. Still an Epcot classic, and one which we'll always love. I got No photos of the ride this time around, until we got to "Project Tomorrow", which is the area underneath Spaceship Earth. Kristin actually heard someone refer to this place as "Tomorrowland", which is pretty hilarious. We get a kick out of people calling things by the wrong names, if you haven't noticed. The kids play:

It's pretty crowded, in here, but the waits aren't that bad. Maybe one or two groups ahead of us for "Where's My Femur?", and we had only one person before us at this thing:

These games are a lot of fun! Less fun is playing, "no, you cannot line jump in front of us, middle school field trip kids", but we're pretty good at that, too.

While Dylan, Emily, and I play, Kristin heads out to get our 4th FastPass. NO CLUE what she'll get, since all the good stuff is long gone. She eventually returns, and she's got Figment FPs! Almost pointless, but not entirely so here in June at Epcot.

Kristin was gone a while, which was fine, since we were having fun in Tomorrowla- um, I mean, Project Tomorrow. Turns out she went into MouseGear on her excursion, too. Sneaky ;)

Our Figment FPs are for basically right now, so over we go...

The rain stopped, but it's not exactly sunny.
We ride, we enjoy, and we tell the kids we're not playing. But we end up playing anyway.

The devices here are woefully out of date, but at least the Simon wall seems to be working today. A little bit.

We contemplate jumping the chain and rushing up the steps to the Rainbow Tunnel, but decide that NOT getting banned from Walt Disney World forever is probably in our best interest today. So outside we go, and Dylan hits the restroom while I get photos of the girls. This small, remote area of Epcot is themed like Inside Out:

This is joy:

This is disgust:

I don't know what this is:

This, however, is the Imagination pavilion again:

And this is Club Cool:

No idea why I took that photo, because it's not like we went into Club Cool or anything.

What? Ok, maybe we did. Maybe I messed up in my notes. Anyway, here's Club Cool. The Sparberry from Zimbabwe and Fanta Pineapple were the biggest hits. I liked Bibo, too (DJ Kiwi Mango on the cut!), though Kristin thinks it's too sweet.
Off to World Showcase now, and I know my notes are correct now, because they match the photos. We evidently ducked into the Soon-to-not-be-Duffy-at-all store:

I got a kick out of that shirt. They had some other funny Star Wars shirts, too.

We head outside, and as you can tell, the rain has cleared out the crowds. Nice!

We still have some time before dinner, so we duck into Mexico for a quick boat ride.


Always time for a fountain pic:

And it's off the boat ride, whatever they're calling it these days.

Right near the entrance, however, is a mariachi band:

They convince a guest to lead them on some song in Spanish that none of us know.

The guy was AMAZING. Everyone watching was completely into it (probably because about 30 of them were members of his party), and he was really belting it out. Quite possibly drinking, too.

Onto the boat we go, and we get a shot of the San Angel Inn:

And the pool at Coronado Springs:

And the Jungle Cruise:

And It's a Small World:

And a Hidden Mickey:

And a fountain:

And some other stuff:

Alright, I guess that means we're leaving! Bye, Mexico!
We make the trek to Germany, passing the wall concealing the Arendelle pavilion:

Not sure what I think about that. I LOVE Frozen, but this doesn't really fit in World Showcase, if you ask me. But since New Fantasyland is done, I'm not sure where it would go.

Dark clouds are back:

We walk past Norway proper...

Past China...

...and run into a problem:

Oh well, I have an excuse to get some more Epcot photos:

The delay ended up being pretty cool, however, since we got to see this:

The bridge finally lowers, and off to Germany we continue:

We make a quick duck into Der Teddybear, where we photograph teddy bears:

One of my yearly purchases is a handful of paper coasters with German beer logos on them, but I can't find them today. I ask a CM, and all he can find are plastic ones. No, thanks, and booooo!!! I loved those.

Outside again, where Kristin checks in at the Biergarten, the rain has again started, and I get some more photos:

Within about 5 minutes, our pager buzzes. We're in!

(next update)
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Great update! I love that store in Japan too, I almost always find something in there I want to buy. For a few years I was collecting Chokin things from there. I don't know if they still have it but they are little decorative porcelain plates, fans, boxes with a little design in the center like swans or flowers.

Looking forward to the Biergarten update! one of our faves!! :yay:
Funny story, the first Mitsukoshi I went to was in Japan! My dad got sick on a business trip and my mom and I had to fly out to be with him, and our haven (when we weren't at the hospital with him)became the Mitsukoshi down the street from our hotel. It was a very normal department store...Think Macy's normal. It felt like a little bit of home while we were waiting to find out what was going on with my dad. So imagine my surprise when I saw my beloved Mitsukoshi at the Japan pavilion and found it to be full of souvenirs! Epcot's is definitely more fun, but I had to get past that sense of betrayal my first visit to really learn how to enjoy it. Now, I always make a point to get a fun snack from their packaged food section each trip!

I completely agree about the Norway pavilion update. I think a lot of the charm of the World Showcase is that it's not 100% "Disney" focused. Frozen doesn't seem to fit the theme, and I sincerely hope this isn't foreshadowing a larger trend. As you can probably tell from the previous story... I do NOT like change! ;)
Yay for another great update! We're really down to the wire now, and I'm having trouble working - this is so much more fun!!!

My hubby collects those coasters too - in fact, as I pulled out our suitcases over the weekend to start packing, there was one stuck to the inside flap of one - but I just checked and it was from Big River Grille...oh well, that was going to be a cool coincidence :rolleyes1
:yay:Great update!
Thanks! Are you done being impatient now? ;)
Great update! I love that store in Japan too, I almost always find something in there I want to buy. For a few years I was collecting Chokin things from there. I don't know if they still have it but they are little decorative porcelain plates, fans, boxes with a little design in the center like swans or flowers.
Looking forward to the Biergarten update! one of our faves!! :yay:
There is so much I want in there, but I only have so much money!

I love the Biergarten, too! We missed it last year because Kristin wanted a break, and wanted to try Tutto Italia. It was good, but there was no live entertainment, and certainly no liter-sized beers :)
Funny story, the first Mitsukoshi I went to was in Japan! My dad got sick on a business trip and my mom and I had to fly out to be with him, and our haven (when we weren't at the hospital with him)became the Mitsukoshi down the street from our hotel. It was a very normal department store...Think Macy's normal. It felt like a little bit of home while we were waiting to find out what was going on with my dad. So imagine my surprise when I saw my beloved Mitsukoshi at the Japan pavilion and found it to be full of souvenirs! Epcot's is definitely more fun, but I had to get past that sense of betrayal my first visit to really learn how to enjoy it. Now, I always make a point to get a fun snack from their packaged food section each trip!
Awesome story! Thanks for sharing. We could easily spend an hour, and a lot of money, in there. I leave a lot on the shelves because it's simply not fiscally prudent to get everything I want. But then again, that's common for me in Disney (see "Mori, Memento").

I completely agree about the Norway pavilion update. I think a lot of the charm of the World Showcase is that it's not 100% "Disney" focused. Frozen doesn't seem to fit the theme, and I sincerely hope this isn't foreshadowing a larger trend. As you can probably tell from the previous story... I do NOT like change! ;)
Not sure why they have to do it in World Showcase, unless there simply isn't room elsewhere. It will undoubtedly be really cool, but I'll miss the old Maelstrom, and hope this doesn't represent a trend and end up pushing out the more "authentic" things in WC.

Yay for another great update! We're really down to the wire now, and I'm having trouble working - this is so much more fun!!!
TWO DAYS! Wow. I'm jealous :)
My hubby collects those coasters too - in fact, as I pulled out our suitcases over the weekend to start packing, there was one stuck to the inside flap of one - but I just checked and it was from Big River Grille...oh well, that was going to be a cool coincidence :rolleyes1
Well, I'm not 100% convinced that the CM and I just couldn't find them, so there's still hope! I'll check again on our next Epcot day.

Going to a minor league baseball game tonight with my Dad, brother, and nephew (the latter two are in town from California), so I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tonight. That said, I'm kind of ready to close out Day 3, so don't rule out a late night post.

Thanks, everyone, for following along! Your feedback keeps me going.
Holy update! Awesome!

Loved your description of the Perry mission. We love those. They are a lot of fun and we can't wait to do another one in August!

Don't you love it when the rain clears out the park? We'll always stick it out for a while during the rain because it's usually so short lived.

Mitsukoshi IS an awesome store. Can't wait to go back there.

I have mixed feelings about the refurb of Norway. Frozen is a great representation of the country, and the ride did need an update, but I also hope this doesn't become a trend. We shall see.

Can't wait for Biergarten!

Did you see the video of the new Tron roller coaster at China Disney Park? Wow. It would almost be worth the trip.


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