Everything You Do, CELEBRATE YOU! - Polynesian - Club Level - TPV

Yay! I am loving all these updates Katie!

The pool was lovely and quiet, and the tiki music was very soothing.

I have always loved the Poly pool - it's so beautiful. It doesn't seem like they changed it that much after the construction...
So he came down, and as soon as he took his seat, the kids activities started up and a speaker was blasting music right next to us :rotfl:
:rotfl2: When I think of poolside activities at Disney, I always remember the CMs playing "Pumping up the Party" from Hannah Montana! They always blast the music and all relaxation is put on pause:rotfl:

That skirt is super cute! :goodvibes

We checked in and were greeted by our server, Bev.
I kind of recognised her, and thought maybe she served us last year…
Then she said,
“I think I recognise you two, did you eat here about a year ago?”
Bev is amazing.
She is probably the friendliest CM I’ve ever met.
She said that she was glad to have us here about 8 times :laughing:
This is sweet! I love nice Cms!:goodvibes
Jamie got the shrimp cocktail.

Those things are huge!
He liked it, but I don’t think he was expecting it to be cold shrimp on ice (there’s a new ice-skating show for you!)
Then for our entrees we both got the 6-oz Black Angus Filet Mignon (medium rare) with Mashed Potatoes and Cabernet Wine Sauce.

That looks delicious!:goodvibes
We had a look in the Marketplace.

I think the BCs giftshop is one of my favorites. I have always loved it!:thumbsup2
Jamie opted to stay behind and catch up on football, so I left the room just after 11pm to get the boat to Magic Kingdom!
Yay! Solo adventures are also so much fun!
Since I’m a bit backwards, I went for the ride with the longest wait, Peter Pan.
But hear me out!
I wanted to see the newly renovated standby line.
So what better time than now?
The wait time was posted at 25 minutes, but I only waited a little over 15 :thumbsup2
And it was worth it!
I love Peter Pan's new queue! And yes, it is like another attraction in itself!:goodvibes
Just kidding, these are more my price-range :thumbsup2

Those figures are very interesting looking - I will have to look out for them this summer.
“Your dreeeeeams coooome truuuuuue!”

I love catching this!

Aw - the Kiss Goodnight looks so nice. Thanks for posting a video of it. I have always wanted to see it...

Loving all these updates Katie! You seemed to have such a fun filled day! As always, looking forward to reading more!:goodvibes

Just catching up on your trip report now!

I keep meaning to ask you, what camera do you use?
I want to get myself a good camera for our next trip!
You take some really great photos!

You really think I can stay away for an entire day?
I think not.


Looks so yummy! Great benefit of the club level!

I could not for the LIFE of me figure out how to open the Magic Band-operated gates?!?!

TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! I totally looked like I was sneaking into the AoA pool when I couldn't figure it out!

At around 12:30pm I told Jamie how quiet and relaxing it was with just the Hawaiian music playing.
So he came down, and as soon as he took his seat, the kids activities started up and a speaker was blasting music right next to us :rotfl:

Hahahaha Poor Jamie!

Love your skirt!!

I need to eat here next time I come! It looks so nice and a lot of people seem to really love it!

We checked in and were greeted by our server, Bev.
I kind of recognised her, and thought maybe she served us last year…
Then she said,
“I think I recognise you two, did you eat here about a year ago?”
Bev is amazing.
She is probably the friendliest CM I’ve ever met.
She said that she was glad to have us here about 8 times :laughing:

Beth sounds awesome!!!!

I got the lobster bisque.


This looks so good! Have you had the one at Chef de France? I love that!

Great photo of main street

Hahaha I can't imagine him wearing these! I think he'd have wear something underneath to meet their dress policy in the parks!


Next I walked around to Liberty Square because I wanted to browse Ye Oldy Christmas Shoppy.


Again.. great pics!!

(I didn’t buy any because they were fairly expensive, but I found some on sale at the Disney Store back home :thumbsup2
I got Pascal in a dress, Beast in the bath, the pod of peas from Toy Story, and my Mum got me a Mary Poppins for Christmas!)

Oh I love those decorations! I bought so much from the UK Disney Store!! AND then more in Orlando although I got mine in the outlet!

I took a picture of this cool Ghost Host shirt that I found for $25 (which Jamie ended up getting!)

There was also a women’s version, and I considered scrapping my Buzz Lightyear outfit and getting this so we would match…


There are awesome! But why the massive price difference??!!! What's up with that!!

Seriously... these pics!!

I got the cross body in the design on the left and I was so nervous about getting it dirty! I ended up getting it a little stained with dark jeans but it came off with make-up wipes. BUT I literally haven't used it once at home. I will however take it with me on ever Disney trip from here on out!

Main Street USA at night... perfection!

I had two mini muffins, a bagel with cream cheese, and a croissant with butter and jam.
I am not healthy.

But calories don't count in Disney! :mickeybar:mickeybar:mickeybar

I went back out on the balcony for a while, and I didn’t even notice that Jamie had been spying on me…


I looked at this picture for a solid 45 seconds before spotting Jamie! :rotfl2:

We checked in and were greeted by our server, Bev.
I kind of recognised her, and thought maybe she served us last year…
Then she said,
“I think I recognise you two, did you eat here about a year ago?”
Bev is amazing.

That's amazing! I love when CM's remember us from past visits. It makes everything so much more magical :blush:

I didn’t think I could be any more in love with the Beach Club, but then they renovated the rooms since we stayed there, and WOW.
I think they look incredible!

Everyone in my family are big fans of the Yacht Club, but they are ALL in love with the Beach Club now because of the renovations. The rooms feel so much nicer than they did before, and they were pretty nice before!

The lobby was just as beautiful as I remembered it, although the famous Beach Club smell wasn't really circulating.
But I can get past that.

If you want to know how to buy the scent the Beach Club uses in the lobby go to the desk near the water station in the lobby, and ask a CM if they can look up the name of it! I was getting a water here once, and the CM overheard my mom and I talking about the smell. She pulled out a binder and gave us the name of the scent and where to buy it! (I would tell you the names, but my mom was the one who wrote it down)

I checked in to see how the newlyweds were doing.

Ariel is still full of regret, and Eric is still high as a kite.

This joke will never get old :rotfl:
Your trip reports are absolutely brilliant. I laugh, oooh, and ahhh, the entire time! :D :D :D
Can I first get this out of the way...

I noticed you didn't know what a corndog was?!?! :eek::faint::eek::faint::eek: I feel like when you come to Disneyland (soon please!) can I please be the person to buy you your first corn dog?! Cause you MUST have it at the Little Red Wagon!

Also, I only recently noticed that when Yzma throws the "poison" drink into the cactus to avoid drinking it, THE CACTUS TURNS INTO A LLAMA..


:faint::faint::faint:Never, ever noticed!:faint::faint::faint:

I had two mini muffins, a bagel with cream cheese, and a croissant with butter and jam.
I am not healthy.

But technically carbs help us survive and the last I checked, surviving is pretty healthy, so eat on!

It took me, a good 30 seconds to figure out where he was :blush::lmao: It was kind of like one of those 'When you see it' pics, I was all scared and anxious cause I couldn't find him right away!



NO FREAKING WAY?!?! I've never heard of that saying either but what a jerk! Clearly he's jealous that he can't have a bod like yours!

I’d seen people complain about hair and leaves and stuff in the pool before.
I was a little apprehensive because that grosses me out, but the water was crystal clear :goodvibes

Thank goodness someone else feels the same as me! I can deal with leaves and things that may float naturally into the pool, but hair?! :scared::scared: Ugh that's so gross.

Space Jam


Then I napped from 2:30 – 3:30pm!
It’s been a very challenging day.

Living that Riley life apparently! :confused:

You didn’t get off at Epcot, you ask?
No, we did not get off at Epcot.
Because a certain somebody forgot his Magic Band.


Hymie returned at 5:42pm,


We chatted to her for a while, and she told us she is one of the original Yacht Club CMs, having worked here since the day it opened 25 years ago!

Good grief that's a long time. The hostess at the Kona Cafe for our 2015 trip, told us she started working when the Contemporary first opened! :eek:

Once he’d finished he put his knife and fork together on the plate to make it look like he’d used them and not his hands :laughing:


Top score for the Yachtsman Steakhouse!

Yachstman is my favorite Signature, easily!


:rotfl2::rotfl: This needs to be a thing.

As I said last year, here’s one the best things about Epcot at night, and if you disagree, you’re wrong:

I definitely don't disagree. And I still want them for my walkway at home.


“Reaction Time: 0.00 seconds”
How is that even a thing?!
And what do you need to do to get "Great!" ?!?! :confused3 :laughing:

Omgosh, I was thinking the same thing, what is considered great then?!

I got a chocolate mousse from the lounge, yum!

Even though the Food & Wine desserts would have been nice, nothing beats free dessert back at 'home'!


Magic Kingdom is open til 1am!


My fav store :love:

When I’m a grown up I’m going to have a Christmas Tree filled with Disney decorations.


So I just officially became a grown up this past Christmas (DM had bought a brand new pre-lit tree that she used once but didn't like it because it was too small so she gave it to me :hyper:) and I was able to put all my ornaments on it, including the one in the pic! And you bet your hiney I bought some more ornaments this past trip to put on for Christmas this year! ::yes::

I briefly went up to Enchanted Tales With Belle, but they need twenty people to run the show, and I was the only one there :laughing:.

I wonder what they would have done if you had actually waited there and you were still the only one...:rotfl2:

(Frizz-prone people will understand! :crazy:)


Plus I don’t think I’d use one outside of Disney,

Same! I have two Disney Dooney's but will only use them on Disney trips. It is, what it is.

Very cool shot!

Sideways sleeper?!?
Good morning!
It’s Saturday!

It is? Wow. It's Tuesday evening here.
Weird how those time zones work.

You really think I can stay away for an entire day?

Yes I do.
Provided you're back on the other side of the pond.

Jamie woke up at 8am to watch football (soccer) – what commitment!
I woke up at 8:30am, and went to get some breakfast from the lounge at 9am.

You did?
You should've stomped your foot and demanded he accompany you.
Preferably just before it looks like a goal might be scored.

Jamie had two eggs and a mini muffin.
He’s healthy.


I had two mini muffins, a bagel with cream cheese, and a croissant with butter and jam.
I am not healthy.


Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Well, I'm old enough to be your father (wow. part of me has this overwhelming need to say that in a Darth Vader voice) and I forgive you.

Unfortunately the same guy saw me leaving the lounge with all four platefuls from both visits, he must have though I was crazy!

:laughing: "How does can she eat so much??"

I went back out on the balcony for a while, and I didn’t even notice that Jamie had been spying on me…


:lmao: Took me a while to find him too.

I could not for the LIFE of me figure out how to open the Magic Band-operated gates?!?!

It's a safety feature.
If no one can access the pool, then they don't have to worry about any one drowning.

At one point an old man was walking past, and he turned to me with a smirk on his face and said,
“Life of Riley!”

How rude!
And presumptious!

And inaccurate!!! I pay my share! :sad2:

No, no, no!
I presume since he was in the pool area that he was a guest there?
If it was me, I might've said the same thing.
It means "Isn't this great? Don't you wish we could live like this all the time?"
It is a bit presumptuous however, since it implies that you don't live like that year round.
So if you were a rich snob, you might be offended that someone would think you don't live the life of luxury all the time and might <gasp!> have to work for a living!

Another way of saying "(This is) the life of Riley" would be to say "This is the life!"
It's a good thing.
You'd say it if you were happy.

I’d seen people complain about hair and leaves and stuff in the pool before.
I was a little apprehensive because that grosses me out, but the water was crystal clear :goodvibes

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?
I don't know.
But if a leaf falls in a pool, does Katie bolt for her room?

At around 12:30pm I told Jamie how quiet and relaxing it was with just the Hawaiian music playing.
So he came down, and as soon as he took his seat, the kids activities started up and a speaker was blasting music right next to us :rotfl:

:lmao: Figures!
"Thanks Katie. This is really relaxing."

Then I napped from 2:30 – 3:30pm!
It’s been a very challenging day.

Been on leaf patrol is a very demanding job!

And the Magic Kingd-
Oh wait?

Umm.... overshot the mark a little?

No, we did not get off at Epcot.
Because a certain somebody forgot his Magic Band.


We exited the monorail and I made Jamie RUN back to the room to get his band.

I should hope so!

We finally arrived at the Yacht Club at 5:55pm!

Whoa. Cutting it close.

We checked in and were greeted by our server, Bev.
I kind of recognised her, and thought maybe she served us last year…
Then she said,
“I think I recognise you two, did you eat here about a year ago?”

Wow! Impressive.

We chatted to her for a while, and she told us she is one of the original Yacht Club CMs, having worked here since the day it opened 25 years ago!

No way! That's cool!

That’s longer than I’ve been alive!!

:sad2: Thank you soooo much for making me feel decrepit.

I especially loved dipping my onion bread into it (I’m so classy.)

Not to worry. I'd do the same.

Jamie was a little perplexed at using his hands to eat his shrimp in a fancy restaurant, but there wasn’t really another option.
Once he’d finished he put his knife and fork together on the plate to make it look like he’d used them and not his hands :laughing:

:laughing: Did he mess them up a bit too, so they'd look used?

We also shared a side of garlic mushrooms which were really good too.
Except I dropped mushroom sauce all over the table cloth :sad2:
(Like I said, I’m classy).

A model of poise and refinement.

We didn’t finish them all either, and Jamie was like,
“you can’t just throw them all over the table and not eat them!”


"My dear, it's obvious you're in love. You're positively glowing."

Jamie then decided to order a dessert since I had an entire cocktail to drink.
He got the crème brulee!
It was tasty!
It defeated both of us!

Note to self. Order the filet and the crème brulee... and nothing else.

I finished my drink and pocketed my first glow cube of the year :thumbsup2

So you were walking around with your skirt glowing?

We wandered outside, gahh I’m so in love with this whole Epcot resorts area.

::yes:: Finally saw it (as you know) for the first time and fell in love too.

Then I went to the bathroom and noticed SIX of these HUGE bites on my arm!!!

And you didn't notice them biting you?

Anyway, here’s me attempting to make a heart shape in front of the Beach Club, but it looks like more of a kidney if you ask me.

You kidney it?
I swear I thought that before I read any further.


I knew it!
Still hilarious.

We got to see people in the cranberry bog!

What? What are they doing?

There were some long waits tonight, so we went to The Seas and walked right on!

This ride's attendance has been grossly overestimated by Disney.

The Seas always makes me a bit jittery because I'm terrified of sharks, and generally dislike the entire ocean by association.
But believe it or not, this year I actually enjoyed the experience!!!

Good for you!
Next you'll be swimming with them!



The scuba divers were out too.
This person was taking time out of their diving session to amuse the kids (and the adults!)

That's the best part!

It reminded me of everyone's favourite maple syrup friend @pkondz who did the same thing on his February trip!
(If you haven't read his Canadian Buffoon reports, go do it now.
Wait no! Finish mine first, THEN go read his :thumbsup2)

You gave me a shout out! Awww! Thanks!! :hug:

Next we walked up to The Land to check out the wait time at Soarin'.
75 minutes!

Nope! Nope, nope, nopity nope.

As I said last year, here’s one the best things about Epcot at night, and if you disagree, you’re wrong:


Au contraire. I totally agree!

We pulled ugly faces for the picture.
Brace yourselves.


I had a little look around and had a go at Super Driver, but I was not very good.
(Lol female drivers, amirite?! :thumbsup2)


While I was gone, SOMEHOW Jamie managed to do THIS?!?


The boy's quick. I'll give him that.
I bet he could catch a fly with chopsticks.

Then I watched some Disney Channel until 11pm when I fell asleep.


Magic Kingdom is open til 1am!

Go go go!



:lmao: Yes!

Just kidding, I just really like posting a new day at the top of a page, so imma hog those top two spots. Consider it a cute quirk, rather than ridiculous and high maintenance :thumbsup2

Of course I consider it a cute quirk.

@pkondz - and you'll appreciate me hogging the top two posts when you see your SPECIAL MENTION coming up :teeth:

I did! Thank you! That's really kind of you!

Jamie opted to stay behind and catch up on football, so I left the room just after 11pm to get the boat to Magic Kingdom!

I keep telling you to dump him and run away with me.

I saw this pair of boxer shorts that he could wear with a black t shirt and some Mickey ears?!


However, when I showed him the next day, he said there was no way he could walk around Disney in boxer shorts!

:sad2: See, I would gladly do that for you.

Okay... what does Christmas smell like?

When I’m a grown up I’m going to have a Christmas Tree filled with Disney decorations.

Somehow, this surprises me not at all.

Then I went to Memento Mori, for the first time ever!

You only needed to say "I went to the coolest store in all of WDW."

I took a picture of this cool Ghost Host shirt that I found for $25 (which Jamie ended up getting!)

Ah! So there's hope for the boy, yet.

But this one was $40!


Should've gotten it. It'd look cute on you, I'd think.
(disclaimer. being a man, I have no fashion sense... at all.)

Now that is an absolutely brilliant photo!
Did you spot that on your own? Or had you seen this before?
It's the first time I've seen that.

There was no wait at all, so I walked straight on

Another ride that's been overestimated.

Ariel is still full of regret, and Eric is still high as a kite.

:laughing: ::yes::

I exited the ride and had a look at the wait times on the app.
What a great sight!

This is apparently the time to go to MK.

Since I’m a bit backwards, I went for the ride with the longest wait, Peter Pan.
But hear me out!
I wanted to see the newly renovated standby line.
So what better time than now?
The wait time was posted at 25 minutes, but I only waited a little over 15 :thumbsup2
And it was worth it!

Isn't that queue terrific?
Might be the best queue in MK.

There’s also an interactive shadow wall, where you can ring bells and let butterflies land on you.

But from your video, you didn't do that. You just zipped on by.
Plus the pan shadow part is new I think.
At least I haven't seen it before.

It's basically an attraction it's own right.
Everyone seemed more excited by the queue than the actual ride :laughing:

:laughing: Well, nothing beats that flying feeling (especially... especially! that part over London) but it really is good.

I briefly went up to Enchanted Tales With Belle, but they need twenty people to run the show, and I was the only one there :laughing:.

Darn. A private audience would've been cool.

Splash was sending down empty logs!
I would’ve ridden it had I not just washed my hair a few hours ago.
(Frizz-prone people will understand! :crazy:)

But why not go at the end of the night just before you went back to the hotel?

I had Frontierland all to myself!

So cool! The place is deserted!

There was a really great photopass photographer on Main Street.
He had me doing some fun poses.

And yet, you only posted one.

I made a note of a couple of souvenirs to buy:

I knew you were kidding, but then I started to think about it.
If you bought one, where could you possibly put it? It's so huge!
And then I realized that if you could afford it, you probably had plenty of room for it.

The last store was a favourite of mine, the Main Street Cinema.

I remember when the Main Street Cinema was an actual Cinema that showed really old cartoons.
(Think black and white, no audio.)

This is what I want my future house to look like :laughing:


I found Jamie like this.

All tuckered out from.... from.... WHY IS HE SLEEPING?!?!?

He’s a great Disney companion, but he can’t quite keep up with me :thumbsup2

I keep telling you!
Oh, nevermind.
Definitely post videos of you talking! We would love it. My almost sister in laws family is from London and I could listen to her Mom talk ALL DAY! :rotfl2:
I love David Tennant in Broadchurch :lovestruc. He was great in that. And I do love his accent also, it's my favorite also.:love:

Great update. Keep it coming. I hope one day to eat at Yachtsman. It's hard to find a good steak, but that steak looked magnifico!

Haha thanks! I'll see how many more videos I have of us talking and I'll be sure to post them :thumbsup2
Oh cool you saw Broadchurch! I really liked the first season, I love the little seaside town it was filmed in :goodvibes
Thank you! Yes yes yes you need to get to the Yachtsman! You won't be disappointed! The steaks are amazing, always cooked perfectly, and you can sub the sides for whatever you want, no problem :thumbsup2

Love your report... what camera are you using? The pictures are great and it looks pretty compact

Thank you! The camera is a Sony Cyber Shot DSC-HX20V, it's great, I'm very happy with it! I know nothing about fancy photography, so for a little point and shoot camera I think the photos turn out pretty good! It has a great zoom on it too. I think they're fairly cheap now, although there might be some better updated versions. This one was actually a display camera, so we got it super cheap because it was the last one in store and didn't have a box! :thumbsup2

Thank you. I am so glad I decided to change jobs. I have a future working for the University of Utah. I like that. You are to funny. I totally get it though, WDW is not cheap. I have tried Haggis and it isn't the worse thing I have ever had to eat. But believe me, it doesn't bring me joy. I did have it at a Burns Supper as well. LOL. No worries. I won't force him to eat it. Although, he will still have to eat his veggies. That is a must LOL. We have several Highland Games where I live. The biggest being in Lehi, Utah. All us Americans out their in our kilts with the on lookers wondering why we are wearing skirts. My wife doesn't get it but she still supports it. She loves me and stuff. :banana:I can't wait to read more of your trip. Keep it coming.

That sounds great, I'd love to work in research at a university (the unis I've studied at have conducted research to a golden standard!) I hope you're enjoying it :goodvibes
Oh dear, I dread to think what things you've been eating that are much worse than haggis..?! :laughing: And that's so cool that you have Highland Games! I didn't know little old Scotland had much of an influence across the pond :goodvibes

I usually spleen things when I am really passionate about it. Its a personal preference I suppose. The Kidney is pretty cool. :laughing:

:rotfl: I spleen the Beach Club just as much as I heart it and kidney it :rotfl2:

I won't disagree with you, it is pretty cool. Plus, I don't want to feel your wrath.

Haha I'm nice really :cutie:

Oh snap!!

:laughing: I've been driving for 7 years and I've never even had a light bump, but I'm the first to admit women are worse drivers :faint: (I'm talking about collective averages - I have to state this because I can't deal with people getting offended :laughing:) Although I'd say men are more reckless drivers (again, on average). What I feel even more strongly about though, is that female drivers are much more RUDE!(in my opinion)!! Men always gesture a "thank you" when I let them go first, women do not!!! o_O I wonder if these are more British sentiments, or if they carry over to the US...? :scratchin

I am a grown up (60% of the time) and I do. Its the best Christmas tree ever!! My wife even got a tree stand that rotates the tree which is good because we have a lot of Disney ornaments. Our favorite are the mickey ear hats that are designed to look like different characters. I wish I had a picture. It is a sight to see!

Well, that sounds like the best Christmas tree ever :goodvibes I totally know the ornaments you're talking about, I love them too. If I'm around the Dis at christmas (probably writing my 2016 trip report) you'll have to get a picture to send me :goodvibes

That is how I feel about everyone I have gone to Disney with... I love them and they try but I am a person who wants to get in as much park time as I can. Trish is pretty awesome and keeps up pretty well.

Glad to hear you have someone who can keep up with you "pretty well" :thumbsup2 Jamie's probably the same. I would rather go out to the parks by myself than stay in the room, so at least it's a good opportunity to get stuff done that he doesn't care for, like shopping and photographing, it's a win-win I guess :goodvibes
Did you fly in? I would NOT like to be on an airplane through that storm :scared: Good idea to brave it, I'll never let the rain ruin a trip to Disney! :goodvibes
We didn't fly in. They quit doing direct flights out of our city a few years ago. We decided by the time we drive 2-3 hours to catch a flight, deal with security, magical express etc.. We would be better off to drive. We drive from as north in Alabama as you can get (not sure how familiar you are with the states). We made it in exactly 10 hours with only 2 stops. With our gas being so cheap last September it made much better sense to drive.

I'd be staying there this year if there wasn't so much construction :sad2: but maybe it will be done by Jan 2017?
I am hoping construction will be done by then but who knows with Disney:confused3

Even though I preferred lounging to the tiki music, they did play some fun tunes.
(Wild Wild West, How Does She Know, Bop To The Top, and Space Jam, anyone?! Just me? OK.)
Tiki music and relaxing by the Poly pool=AMAZING but I might have had to take it back to the 3rd grade if I heard Space Jam :dancer:bahaha I completely forgot about this movie.

I had a dream I ate here the other night. Maybe your TR is a sign I need to book it for this trip. It was so nice Bev remembered y'all!

As I said last year, here’s one the best things about Epcot at night, and if you disagree, you’re wrong:
EPCOT is gorgeous at night!

Then I watched some Disney Channel until 11pm when I fell asleep.


Magic Kingdom is open til 1am!
hahaha I mean come on EMH at MK are the BEST EVER!!!!:tigger: It's crazy reading your TR knowing we were there at the same time but had two totally different experiences. And to think of all the thousands of other people who were there too. Just kind of puts into perspective how big and how much Disney really has to offer. We were at MK this night for EMH. Being the responsible/grown up 20 something women we were we did the obvious...We met Anna and Elsa. Really though I was not about to wait in a 90 min line to meet characters, but 10 mins at 11:30 pm...okay why not.

I briefly went up to Enchanted Tales With Belle, but they need twenty people to run the show, and I was the only one there :laughing:.
I wanted to do this sooo badly but I wondered how it worked if you didn't have kiddos in tow. Didn't know if I would feel awkward or not:confused3

They are cute but I prefer some of the older designs.
Plus I don’t think I’d use one outside of Disney, and even in Disney I’d be worried about it getting splashed or rained on :confused3
I actually bought the Haunted Mansion Dooney Tote. I ended up selling it a few months ago. It was too big and just not practical. I am thinking about purchasing a pouchette (I think that is the style) this next trip.

Can't wait to read more!:thumbsup2
Still, we enjoyed watching the games.
Even though I preferred lounging to the tiki music, they did play some fun tunes.
(Wild Wild West, How Does She Know, Bop To The Top, and Space Jam, anyone?! Just me? OK.)

What? No Men in Black? No 5,6,7,8?
I’m crossing my fingers for a Yacht Club and Wilderness Lodge renovation soon!

Well the Wilderness Lodge renovation is already underway - should be finished in 2017....

The shop was empty, and it smelled like Christmas, YAY.


I love the ornaments so much.

When I’m a grown up I’m going to have a Christmas Tree filled with Disney decorations.

I have the same plan but $20 a decoration is pretty steep (and it's even worse when you factor in the Australian dollar!)

It's nice but I think I'd want a bit more sparkle...

Let start by saying I love to read your trip reports they are the best and most entertaining reports I have ever read..you have talent. My oldest daughter will be graduating from Oklahoma Christian University on April 29th. She has always wanted to see the Eifel tower so I asked her if she would like to go and see it as part of her graduation celebration, She thought for about 30 seconds and said “ I would really like to go back to Disney World…. So we are heading back to the world May 8th. I do have a question for you. If you could pick just one dining experience at Disney World what would your choice be? Cinderella’s Castel is of course already booked for the entire 10 days. Oh and don’t tell Jamie but we are HUGE Chelsea fans in my home, One day I will make it across the pond and see them play, I have seen them play here but I’m sure it’s not the same.

Thanks for a suggestion,

So I had a million ques from your post, and my internet crashed. So unfortunately I'll just sum it up.

I wish I could avoid the parks on weekends. Our trips usually aren't long enough, so I try to squeeze every ounce of park time out of it!

Jamie should be a spy. Like level 100.

That guy at the pool?!

You're young and pretty, and he's just jealous.

You guys made EXCELLENT time for having to do a second loop around back to your hotel!

Thats so funny that Bev remembered you. She is an excellent CM!

The yachtsman is a BEAUTIFUL resort. I really hope to be able to stay there sometime in the future.

You have no arguments from me on the sparkly sidewalk at Epcot. Its my favorite part of Epcot at night!

Maybe instead of a spy, Jamie should be a ninja. Those reflexes are incredible!

Late nights at MK are the best! I love seeing everything lit up :)

More interesting than getting Jamie to actually wearing those boxers to the park would be if security let him in with those on!

AHH I LOVE THE CHRISTMAS SHOP! That smell gets me everytime. I want to bottle it up and bring it home with me. I wouldnt mind my house smelling like christmas all year long :) The ornaments are VERY pricey, but I do try to get atelast one every trip. Well, two. We usually get one with the year on it, then some other ornament. Although, I fell a pickle ornament may be in my future this year.

It would be a little awkward is that Gaston shirt was a females considering there's chest hair on it. But hey, whatever floats their boat. Maybe some women dream of having some chest hair lol.

I cant wait to check out Momento Mori. I REALLY want one of those holographic photos that changes your face into a ghost!

I'll have to add one of those crystal palaces to my wish list. We WILL be in WDW for our 3rd anniversary. Thats the crystal encrusted palace anniversary right?! I;m pretty sure that thing costs more than both of our vehicles together.

I've really been eyeing up one particular Dooney & Bourke bag, but I'm in the same boat as you that I probably wont use it much outside of Disney World and it is ALOT of money. I may end up with a new Vera Bradley bag though instead :)

Sorry about not haing the quotes, I just didnt want to risk crashing again :(
That sounds great, I'd love to work in research at a university (the unis I've studied at have conducted research to a golden standard!) I hope you're enjoying it :goodvibes
Oh dear, I dread to think what things you've been eating that are much worse than haggis..?! :laughing: And that's so cool that you have Highland Games! I didn't know little old Scotland had much of an influence across the pond :goodvibes
Working at a University does have its highs and lows. After 6 months I get 50% tuition... BONUS. I also get 10% off University merchandise LOL!!! I wouldn't mind the same on Disney merch when I go.
Haha I'm nice really :cutie:
You do not strike me as a angry person. I am sure you are very nice. I was just kidding.
I wonder if these are more British sentiments, or if they carry over to the US...? :scratchin
I'll have to look that up. I can tell you that males 18 to 24 pay more in insurance premiums per month than females in the same age range due to a higher risk. While I know many safe and responsible female drivers I have been cut off more often by female drivers who did not indicate their intention to change lanes.
Well, that sounds like the best Christmas tree ever :goodvibes I totally know the ornaments you're talking about, I love them too. If I'm around the Dis at christmas (probably writing my 2016 trip report) you'll have to get a picture to send me :goodvibes
Can do. I'll have to get one off facebook from last year or the year before. Also, I have a terrible memory so you may have to remind me.
Glad to hear you have someone who can keep up with you "pretty well" :thumbsup2 Jamie's probably the same.
Yeah, I don't mind a late start a few days during the trip but most days I am go go go until I drop. That isn't always okay with my better half. But I couldn't ask for a better Disney companion. I'll find out what it will be like with a baby this November. I might write a TR about it. We shall see.
Loving your TR!! Did they refurbish the whole Peter Pan ride, or just the queue area? Last time I was there was 2012, but we are booked to go back the end of September. The last time we rode, I was a little bummed, because it badly needed a rehab, and it's one of my favorites! Hoping they did a little more painting or something to the inside ride as well, but I am so excited to see the makeover though, your video of it looks awesome! Thanks!!
Late to the game, but I'm reading along! The rooms at the Poly look absolutely beautiful! I'll definitely have to stay there one day!

Better late than never! I think it's more fun to find half-written reports and binge-read them in one go :goodvibes Thanks for joining! And yep yep, get the Poly on your bucket list! The entire resort i so pretty :flower1:

I've never heard of that "Life of Riley" phrase either....reminds me of a time when an older client (I'm a hairstylist) said I was a 'silver-tongued devil' and I had to Google it. Still not sure what to think about that one...

Sounds like this one was a delicious and fun day at Disney!

My guy can't keep up with me when it comes to Disney parks, either. I'm going to have to let him have some naptime on our next trip.

Ha I had to Google that too, you're right I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult?! :confused3 the customer is always right I guess, so you'll just have to laugh and agree :thumbsup2 :laughing:

Yeeah I'd rather Jamie get some sleep and miss out than be grumpy! Nap time is important to us haha (we're 5) :goodvibes

Hehe my Chris has the ghost host top! I wanted the female one but I was outraged at the price difference so I wouldn't buy it out of principle!

Right?! It doesn't look like it was that much more to produce?! Weird. :sad2: I'm ok with it though, because I've since stolen Jamie Ghost Host tshirt that I wear to bed / around the house :thumbsup2

Oh the craziness of parks on a Saturday! A good pool day indeed! I can't get over your view from the room! Amazing! Wish the DVC Longhouses were not so obstructed by the Bungalows. But I still hope to have a small view to MK from our room at the end of this month! I requested the Tokelau Longhouse, that way it is not directly behind the Bungalows. Yachtsman Steakhouse looks sooo good! (I booked a belated Birthday dinner there for Dan on our August trip! He does not know yet, and I don't plan on telling him until we are actually there! Sneaky, sneaky! LOL). Love MK at night. Especially when it is late. Such a great opportunity to take it all in and snap some pictures here and there. Looks like you guys had such a great evening!

Yeeeah it's hard for me to slow down at Disney :laughing: but a busy Saturday is a good excuse to spend the day by the pool :goodvibes Tokelau sounds like a good option, do you want to face the new Oasis pool? It looks so pretty now, that would be a nice view. Oooh I hope Dan enjoys the Yachtsman! You really can't go wrong with that restaurant :thumbsup2

Hi there! Coming out of lurkdom here - I just read your whole DLRP Trip Report - it was great! You are a born storyteller! I have been very fortunate – WDW many times, DLR once , and on a trip to Paris last summer, a one day jaunt on the train to DLRP. It rained THE WHOLE DAY and was very cold - and it was July! I was very happy to be there, but was slightly underwhelmed - maybe due to the weather? It just didn't have that magical feeling I get at the other parks. BUT - then I went in the castle! The castle alone was worth the trip on a cold, rainy day! Absolutely gorgeous! I will also say, the rides were better than their American counterparts, I agree with you there! Do you feel less of the magic in DLRP?
Anyhow - enough thread hijacking - my apologies - off to read about your WDW trip!

Yay welcome out of lurkdom! :welcome: Thank you, I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! Ahh yeah, as you can see we had a day that was really rainy, it does take a way from the experience, especially if you have to run from shelter to shelter :sad2: I kind of agree although I think DLP has to be appreciated as its own right rather than compared to WDW. I think WDW is MUCH more whimsical and magical, DLP is more... classy? :confused3 I don't know, but they do have a completely different feel to them, I don't think it's JUST the rain!
Noo don't apologise I love chatting to people on here! Thanks for reading and commenting! :goodvibes
Yay! I am loving all these updates Katie!

Thanks babychild! :hug:

I have always loved the Poly pool - it's so beautiful. It doesn't seem like they changed it that much after the construction...

Yeah it's not too different really, I can't believe it warranted the whole mess of tearing out the entire thing and starting from scratch :rotfl: But it's realyyy nice so I'm not complaining :goodvibes
:rotfl2: When I think of poolside activities at Disney, I always remember the CMs playing "Pumping up the Party" from Hannah Montana! They always blast the music and all relaxation is put on pause:rotfl:

You know, since they got rid of move it shake it celebrate it, I would LOVE to hear Pumping up the Party at Disney :sad: But yep, I love that pool, but at this point I wished the quiet Oasis pool wasn't under construction ::yes::

That skirt is super cute! :goodvibes

Thanks girl! It's from Mango, I don't know if you have that over there?

That looks delicious!:goodvibes

It makes me hungry just looking at it :faint:

I think the BCs giftshop is one of my favorites. I have always loved it!:thumbsup2

I like it too, although I wish they old more QS food.. There are only a few QS sandwiches you can get from there, and throughout the whole resort! :confused3 It's my only criticism of Beach Club I think, needs a proper QS restaurant.

I love Peter Pan's new queue! And yes, it is like another attraction in itself!:goodvibes

The line moves even slower now that everyone has to stop and take pictures and videos! Myself included :laughing:

Those figures are very interesting looking - I will have to look out for them this summer.

I think that's the store where the little man sits and makes glass figures in front of you, very cool to watch! It would be awesome if he takes requests.

Aw - the Kiss Goodnight looks so nice. Thanks for posting a video of it. I have always wanted to see it...

You need to see it some time! That's how you know you've officially closed out the Magic Kingdom pixiedust:

Loving all these updates Katie! You seemed to have such a fun filled day! As always, looking forward to reading more!:goodvibes

Thanks for reading my love! :hug:


Just catching up on your trip report now!

No rush over here friend, I'm sure I'll be around for a while :laughing:

I keep meaning to ask you, what camera do you use?
I want to get myself a good camera for our next trip!
You take some really great photos!

Thank you! It's just a little point and shoot, it's a Sony Cyber Shot DSC-HX20V :goodvibes It's small and lightweight, fits right in my pocket, and takes pretty good pictures, for someone as photographically challenged as myself :rotfl: There's probably some updated versions, but the one I have seems to be fairly cheap now :thumbsup2

Looks so yummy! Great benefit of the club level!

We ate ourselves stupid trying to get our money's worth!

TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! I totally looked like I was sneaking into the AoA pool when I couldn't figure it out!

Right?!? I looked so suspicious trying to bust the gate open :rotfl:

Love your skirt!!

Thank you! It was from Mango on Regent Street :cutie:

I need to eat here next time I come! It looks so nice and a lot of people seem to really love it!

You really can't go wrong with the Yachtsman! Unless you're with a veggie.. and even then, I'm sure they're very accommodating :thumbsup2

This looks so good! Have you had the one at Chef de France? I love that!

I've never been to Chefs de France, but I have it booked for September ! Thank for the tip, I loved the lobster bisque so I'll probably get it there too :goodvibes

Again.. great pics!!


There are awesome! But why the massive price difference??!!! What's up with that!!

No idea! It might have cost more to make, but not $15 more! Sadness.

I got the cross body in the design on the left and I was so nervous about getting it dirty! I ended up getting it a little stained with dark jeans but it came off with make-up wipes. BUT I literally haven't used it once at home. I will however take it with me on ever Disney trip from here on out!

Gahh I'd be nervous too. I have a Mulberry that I don't take anywhere because I'm terrified of it getting rained on/dirty! I literally only take it I'm going to an indoor shopping mall, where I can park undercover and where I wont have to put it on the floor :rotfl:

Thanks for reading! :hug:

But calories don't count in Disney! :mickeybar:mickeybar:mickeybar

SO true! Especially when you incorporate all the walking you get done, it all balances out fine :goodvibes

I looked at this picture for a solid 45 seconds before spotting Jamie! :rotfl2:

Right?! I've no idea how long he was stood there before I noticed him :rotfl:

That's amazing! I love when CM's remember us from past visits. It makes everything so much more magical :blush:

HOW do they do it?! We were amazed! She must meet thousandssss throughout the year!

Everyone in my family are big fans of the Yacht Club, but they are ALL in love with the Beach Club now because of the renovations. The rooms feel so much nicer than they did before, and they were pretty nice before!

They're so pretty now! Ugh I love that resort so much. I hope the Yacht Club gets a similar refurb soon, I bet they could do something really pretty with those rooms too. Gahh Disney knows how to make me throw my money at them!!

If you want to know how to buy the scent the Beach Club uses in the lobby go to the desk near the water station in the lobby, and ask a CM if they can look up the name of it! I was getting a water here once, and the CM overheard my mom and I talking about the smell. She pulled out a binder and gave us the name of the scent and where to buy it! (I would tell you the names, but my mom was the one who wrote it down)

That's awesome, thank you! I'll be sure to ask when I'm at Disney this year, I'd LOVE for my house to smell like the Beach Club :lovestruc:lovestruc

This joke will never get old :rotfl:

Hahaha the funny thing is, I don't think they always look like that, I think I just keep catching them in those expressions :rotfl2:

Thanks for reading!
So, here is what happened.

I just read through your replies for your last update and was waiting to see your respose to mine, and there wasn't any! :eek: Which made me sad! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
But then I noticed my message hadn't posted!! :confused:

I totally remember writing it, especially my obsevation about your dislike of wood in your sausage..:rolleyes1
So it turns out you weren't ignoring me, I was ignoring you! :scared1:

But I wasn't really, can we still be friends??? :hug:


Okay. Now that that weird ramble is over....


Good morning!

Good morning Katie!! :wave:

You really think I can stay away for an entire day?

I hope not! This would be a very short TR otherwise! :laughing:

Jamie woke up at 8am to watch football (soccer) – what commitment!

But who want to watch football (we are English-it's football :laughing:) in Disney?! Or at all...:rolleyes1

Jamie had two eggs and a mini muffin.
He’s healthy.

I had two mini muffins, a bagel with cream cheese, and a croissant with butter and jam.
I am not healthy.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Yes, he maybe be healthy, but is he happy?


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I ate on the balcony and texted people back home.


That is some view! :love: :love: :love:

I can't wait till September!! :hyper:

Unfortunately the same guy saw me leaving the lounge with all four platefuls from both visits, he must have though I was crazy!



I went back out on the balcony for a while, and I didn’t even notice that Jamie had been spying on me…




I could not for the LIFE of me figure out how to open the Magic Band-operated gates?!?!
I don’t know what people are complaining about with pool hoppers, I was staying there and I couldn’t even get in!

Well they need to keep the riff raff out somehow! :rotfl:

At one point an old man was walking past, and he turned to me with a smirk on his face and said,
“Life of Riley!”
I humoured him with a bit of a giggle, but really I had no clue what that meant, so I got Jamie to Google it…



How rude!
And presumptious!

And inaccurate!!! I pay my share! :sad2:

What an total tango whiskey alpha tango! o_O


At around 12:30pm I told Jamie how quiet and relaxing it was with just the Hawaiian music playing.
So he came down, and as soon as he took his seat, the kids activities started up and a speaker was blasting music right next to us :rotfl:

Bahahaha! :rotfl:

Even though I preferred lounging to the tiki music, they did play some fun tunes.
(Wild Wild West, How Does She Know, Bop To The Top, and Space Jam, anyone?! Just me? OK.)

I LOVED Space Jam when I was little!!




Oh la la! Don't you do clean up real nice! princess: <----That is just Jamie btw! :rotfl:

You didn’t get off at Epcot, you ask?
No, we did not get off at Epcot.
Because a certain somebody forgot his Magic Band.



Gurl! Seriously! I would have be losing my shizzz! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm taking DEFCON Snooki! :laughing:


Just a nice casual loop of the monorail within an hour of a fancy meal.
No big deal.


We finally arrived at the Yacht Club at 5:55pm!

YAAAYYYYAAAYYYY! :cool1: :cool1:

We checked in and were greeted by our server, Bev.
I kind of recognised her, and thought maybe she served us last year…
Then she said,
“I think I recognise you two, did you eat here about a year ago?”
Bev is amazing.
She is probably the friendliest CM I’ve ever met.
She said that she was glad to have us here about 8 times :laughing:

That is so cool!! And so nice to hear what with all the peeps complaining lately about how bad the CMs are now! :goodvibes

Sadly I didn’t like the Pimm's Punch !!!
It was wayyy too sweet for me.
It was like drinking straight strawberry syrup :crazy2:
I really couldn’t drink it.

See this is where my skills at drinking come in! I would just down that sucker and get a new one! :laughing:

But we can't all have my talents, or lack of gag reflex! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:


Yum and wow.

Yes indeed! :faint:

I don’t think he was expecting it to be cold shrimp on ice (there’s a new ice-skating show for you!)

Take that to the BANK Katie! I would for realz what that! :happytv:

Lobster isn’t very common in England, so I wasn't sure if I would like it…

England :sad2: Letting us down bro!

Then for our entrees we both got the 6-oz Black Angus Filet Mignon (medium rare) with Mashed Potatoes and Cabernet Wine Sauce.


Ohhhh boyyyy.
Everything was cooked so well, yum yum yum amazing.
This was such a tasty meal.

THAT LOOKS SOOOOO GOOOOOOODDDDD!!!! *drool* And so fancy!!


We also shared a side of garlic mushrooms which were really good too.
Except I dropped mushroom sauce all over the table cloth :sad2:
(Like I said, I’m classy).

Pure class! :rotfl:

On an unrelated note I think we might be related! :laughing:


When Bev was clearing our plates away she noticed my drink was still full, and asked if I wasn’t enjoying it.
I’ve never sent anything back in a restaurant when it just doesn’t meet my taste preferences, but I had to be honest with my pal Bev since she asked, so I just told her it was a bit too sweet for my liking.
Well, she said she could switch it for something else no problem, and recommended the glowtini, which she brought out straight away!
I thought this was so nice of her.
God bless you Bev.


Bev is a hero! :thumbsup2

We explored the Yacht Club first, obviously.


How could you not??

think the Yacht Club is absolutely beautiful and so elegant.
I’m not sure how I feel about the room décor though, but once they get a new design I would LOVE to stay here.

Yes!!! That was why I picked the BC! :beach:

Whoever is renovating these rooms is doing such an amazing job.
I love the new Beach Club, Grand Floridian, Boardwalk Villas (etc.) rooms.

YESSSS!! I tots agree!! They are looking so good now! :thumbsup2

Then I went to the bathroom and noticed SIX of these HUGE bites on my arm!!!



Anyway, here’s me attempting to make a heart shape in front of the Beach Club, but it looks like more of a kidney if you ask me.





Guys! How did you get to Paris???? :eek:

It reminded me of everyone's favourite maple syrup friend @pkondz who did the same thing on his February trip!
(If you haven't read his Canadian Buffoon reports, go do it now.
Wait no! Finish mine first, THEN go read his :thumbsup2)

No! Don't! It's terrible!! :P

Maybe if I was winning I could endorse @pkondz's TR....:teeth:

I think Jamie wins this round! :scared1: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Then I watched some Disney Channel until 11pm when I fell asleep.


Magic Kingdom is open til 1am!

Why isn't MK open till 1am this September??? :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Jamie opted to stay behind and catch up on football

Whaaaattt??? :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:


I tried to send this to him but it wouldn’t send through the wifi, and that’s all my British phone has to rely on at Disney.

Britain. Letting us down again bro :sad2:

However, when I showed him the next day, he said there was no way he could walk around Disney in boxer shorts!

Why not?? He would still be wearing more clothes than Brer Bear! :rotfl:

There was also a women’s version, and I considered scrapping my Buzz Lightyear outfit and getting this so we would match…


But this one was $40!




That is just crazy! :scared1:

There was no wait at all, so I walked straight on, and looked through my pictures whilst singing along.
In my head, of course. :rolleyes1

In your head. Of course :rolleyes1

Ariel is still full of regret, and Eric is still high as a kite.


Dude is just super chill! :rotfl:

Since I’m a bit backwards, I went for the ride with the longest wait, Peter Pan.
But hear me out!
I wanted to see the newly renovated standby line.
So what better time than now?
The wait time was posted at 25 minutes, but I only waited a little over 15 :thumbsup2
And it was worth it!


I briefly went up to Enchanted Tales With Belle, but they need twenty people to run the show, and I was the only one there :laughing:.

But you could have just done all the parts!! :rotfl:


Splash was sending down empty logs!
I would’ve ridden it had I not just washed my hair a few hours ago.
(Frizz-prone people will understand! :crazy:)

::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

I made a note of a couple of souvenirs to buy:



Oh yes. I have both. ::yes:: :laughing:

I found Jamie like this.


Awww! :goodvibes :laughing:

Goodnight World!

Goodnight Katie :wave:
At one point an old man was walking past, and he turned to me with a smirk on his face and said,
“Life of Riley!”
I humoured him with a bit of a giggle, but really I had no clue what that meant, so I got Jamie to Google it…



How rude!
And presumptious!

And inaccurate!!! I pay my share! :sad2:

Don't take offense to someone saying you're living the "life of Riley". It originated from the Irish community in the US in the early 1900's (No...I wasn't there to start it!) and in addition to meaning an easy or pampered life, it also means a blessed life or one with good fortune. I'm sure he meant the latter!

I got the boat and arrived back at the Poly at about 1:30am.

I found Jamie like this.


Aww! :cutie:
He’s a great Disney companion, but he can’t quite keep up with me :thumbsup2

I can relate. DW can't keep up with me either! You can sleep when you get back home! :rolleyes:

Great TR...looking forward to more!


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