"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Your food at Raglan Road looks good, but too bad you didn't really enjoy it. I wonder if being inside with the dancers would make a difference?
But, since we decided against La Nouba tonight, we pushed this ADR back to 10:30 to allow for more shopping time!
10:30 for dinner? Yikes! :eek: If I don't eat dinner by 6:00, well, I'm not sure where I'm going with that one. Except to say I couldn't imagine eating dinner that late!

We started out with our drinks! Mom ordered a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet. For all of you non-Wisconsinites, the drink basically consists of Sprite, brandy, cherry juice, bitters, muddled orange, sugar, and a cherry to garnish. This drink is pretty exclusive to Wisconsin, and my mom has had terrible luck with ordering it in other states. When we were in Texas one time, Mom ordered one and literally got a glass full of brandy with bitters :crazy2::rotfl: Luckily, Disney must study up on their cocktails, because they made a pretty good Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet!
I don't think I've ever had an Old Fashioned, but I've had friends get asked "are you from Wisconsin" when ordering a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet in different states. The drink is that well know as a Wisconsin staple!
Sorry to hear that Raglan Road was a one and done :sad1: It always stinks when you look forward to trying a new restaurant at Disney and it doesn't live up to the hype!

The apple and cake pop look AMAZING.

So sad that this TR is coming to a close but SO SO SO excited for your future TRs!!!

Yeah, Raglan Road was a bust but I'm still glad we tried it!! YAY so excited to write them!! I'm already thinking of a title for my March 2017 TR :scratchin

What a bummer about the outside table, they should let people know before you make the decision that the dancing is only viewable inside, oh well. We had a late lunch here last October and really loved the food, no dancing for us either since it wasn't dinner time.

Goofy' candy shop is always a must for us, yummy!

I know how hard it is to leave the GF, such a great resort!

Looking forward to your last day adventures!

We loved the food at Raglan Road as well, but it would have definitely bumped it up for us had the Irish dancers been there!

I can't believe we really just discovered Goofy's on our 2015 trip, now it's basically our stomping grounds whenever we are in DS :rotfl2:

Yes! I'm so excited we're going to be there at the same time.


:rotfl: truffle fries do remind me of @DexLabDeeDee! She loves them!

Aw that's sad to hear. I've been hesitant to try for awhile because the food doesn't appeal to me, but I have heard it has a good GF menu and people seem to like it there so I asked Josh if he wanted to try it but he didn't seem crazy about the food either. On the last trip when @DexLabDeeDee came out of the restaurant saying good things about the GF accommodations, then Josh decided he wanted to try so we may be booking it to see for ourselves this next trip!

AHHH so excited to finally/potentially meet you!! :hyper: And you and Josh should definitely check it out for GF options; what we ordered was delicious, so I'm sure their GF food is great too!

Sounds like a great trip! Congrats on your new job and on booking your bounce back trip!

Thanks :) I've got an exciting summer ahead! Hope you and the kids are doing well, I've been following along with your Poly PTR as well :goodvibes

I'm sorry you didn't love your experience at Raglan Road! But treats afterwards are a nice consolation :)

Haha, I agree! :thumbsup2 I'd be willing to give Raglan Road another try, but I'd love to try to some other TS places in Disney Springs first!

I just binge-read your trip report from the beginning (I had started it awhile ago but sorta fell behind on all the TR's I was reading!) and I just absolutely LOVE it! Your writing style is so much fun! Your trip is lovely and since I'm going to Disney for the first time this September I really enjoyed hearing about the lack of lines after Labor day! Can't wait to hear about your last day and also for your mini-March trip! Hooray for Sept 2017 trips aswell:lovestruc

Ahhhh thanks for reading, girl!! :hug: I've been following along sporadically with your TR as well, you and your boyfriend are so cute! You will LOVE Disney in September; nice warm weather and no crowds! Once Mom and I did our 2015 trip, we agreed that September is now our prime time to go. Will you be in WDW at the same time as us?! If you are, we should definitely do a little Dismeet!

Your food at Raglan Road looks good, but too bad you didn't really enjoy it. I wonder if being inside with the dancers would make a difference?

Yeah, the food was delicious, but the ambiance was just a bit lacking! I think that it would have been better had we seen the dancers, but I'm not sure if it would have catapulted Raglan Road into a top choice!

10:30 for dinner? Yikes! :eek: If I don't eat dinner by 6:00, well, I'm not sure where I'm going with that one. Except to say I couldn't imagine eating dinner that late!

I don't think I've ever had an Old Fashioned, but I've had friends get asked "are you from Wisconsin" when ordering a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet in different states. The drink is that well know as a Wisconsin staple!

Haha, we eat super late! :scared1: My boyfriend is always saying he gets a stomachache from eating as late as we do! Even as kids, we didn't eat dinner until about 8:00 because my mom would come home late from work.

I'm not a huge fan of Brandy, but a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet is definitely a Wisconsin thing! I tried to get my mom to try the Deep Fried Old Fashioned at the State Fair, but she claimed that that was "too far" :rotfl:
Real Life Update- Washington DC 2017- Part 1!!

Hello friends! I’m going to take a quick detour from my current TR to bring you a Washington DC recap!


I meant to write this over the weekend, but I had a terrifying combination of a sinus infection and the stomach flu that made me useless for basically 48 hours straight. (The downsides of working with germy children). On the bright side, I had a very long Disney movie marathon :thumbsup2

Many of you said that you wanted to hear more about this trip, and I love writing about my travels, so I’m excited to share with you guys :goodvibes Since this post turned out to be super long, I’m cutting it into 2 posts! I should have the other one up on Wednesday (if I’m feeling ambitious) or Sunday (If time gets away from me) ::yes::

Day 1- Friday, May 26

My parents arrived in DC that Wednesday, but I decided to fly out on Friday, May 26 so I didn’t have to miss any work. My flight left at 5:30 PM, and since I was flying out by myself, I left the house at 3:00 to give myself lots of time. Turns out, I didn’t need the time; I checked my bag AND got through security in a record 9 minutes!!!

Things were pretty uneventful before boarding the flight, except for a security guard yelling at a passenger for leaving his bag unattended. Nothing makes you ready to fly than hearing an airport cop scream “I’M SENDING IN THE DOGS!” :eek:

Luckily, everything was A-OK and we were able to board! I even managed to get a window seat :woohoo:

An hour and a half later, we were already landing! I was sooo surprised by how quick the flight was. As we were landing, I could see a perfect view of the Washington Monument :love:

After grabbing my bag, I called an Uber out front to take me to our home for the next 3 nights: The Gaylord National Resort! I was super excited to stay here because I always remember passing the Gaylord Palms in Orlando on the DME!

My dad met me inside, where him and my mom were having a cocktail. OMG, this hotel was amazing!!



It gave me serious Contemporary vibes!! I thought that any moment, a monorail would be passing through :laughing: The place was so huge; it was like it’s own little village with stores, restaurants, trees, etc.

It was 9:00 by now and we were starving, so we walked out by the harbor in search of somewhere to eat. Our hotel was not in downtown DC; it was in a town called Oxon Hill, Maryland that was right on the Potomac River with lots of shops and restaurants. They even had a projector screen on a big front lawn that would play a movie every night! Seriously, are we in DC or Disney World?! :lmao:

We ate dinner at a place called Granite City Brew Pub. The food was amazzinnnggg. I had gouda cheese fondue with jerk chicken, apples, grapes, and croutons, and it totally hit the spot! My parents loved their dinners too; in fact, my dad even had them bring the manager out to personally compliment him! It was a great start to the weekend.

On our way back to the hotel, I had to get my picture taken with Honest Abe :)


Day 2- Saturday, May 27

On this day, my mom had a conference, so it was just Dad and I! We were up and out of the room by 9:30, bound for the Smithsonian Museum!

This was on my bucket list for the trip, and since Dad and I love museums, we thought it would be perfect. We were some of the first people inside at 10:00 sharp!

The first thing we did was go to the Imax to see a show! This show was about America’s National Parks, and it was soooo awesome. It makes me want to do a giant road trip to see all of the sights like Yellowstone,Sequoia National Park, and the Grand Canyon!

My dad is a huge geology nerd (before he was a nurse, he was a jeweler), so he loved seeing the Hope Diamond and all of the gems.


Hope Diamond

My favorite parts were the photography exhibit and the insect exhibit!


This picture won “Photo of the Year” :)

There was also a really cool exhibit with animal and early human skeletons. My grandma is terrified of monkeys, so I made sure to send her this picture of a spider monkey skeleton ;) Aren't I a nice granddaughter?!



Rafiki, is that you?!?!

They also had skeletons of dinosaurs!


We ate lunch at the museum and stayed until 3:00. We pretty much saw everything!!


And look what was just right around the corner!

Before we headed back up to the Gaylord, we looked around the candy store and Peeps store down by the harbor. I didn’t get any Peeps, which I instantly regretted :sad2:

When we got back to the hotel, we quickly changed and got ready for my mom’s work reception. We got a few tables at the bar and just ordered apps and talked with all of my mom’s coworkers. It’s always fun chatting with them!


The beautiful view from outside the hotel!

For dinner, we ate at a steakhouse down on the harbor called Bond 45. I ordered shrimp scampi, and it was delicious! We had to save room for dessert, because there was a Ben and Jerry’s across the street :lovestruc I got Bob Marley’s One Love: banana ice cream with caramel and graham cracker swirls and fudge peace signs!

Our bellies full, we headed back to the hotel and crashed into bed.

That’s all for now, Disfriends! I promise that the next post will have more classic-touristy DC things! Stay tuned later in the week for my DC Mini TR Part 2 :)

I am a DC girl so I am loving these updates! The Gaylord is so amazing - I went to a conference there once and it is like its own little town.
I have loved reading along! My mom and I used to take mother daughter trips and those memories are so special to me.

Thank you! :figment:
Sounds like a great start to your DC trip!!

We had so much fun!! :)

Sounds like a great day with your dad!

It was great to get some dad-daughter time in there!!

I am a DC girl so I am loving these updates! The Gaylord is so amazing - I went to a conference there once and it is like its own little town.

Awesome, I'm so glad you like them :goodvibes And yes the Gaylord is crazy-cool, I'll have to check out the one in Orlando sometime!

I have loved reading along! My mom and I used to take mother daughter trips and those memories are so special to me.

Thank you! :figment:

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad that you are enjoying my TR :hug:
Tiny Update: PhotoBucket Troubles :sad2:

So friends, I know that I have been quite MIA lately, but part of the blame is due to PhotoBucket. After scrolling through my TR a few days ago, I've been noticing that all of my pictures on this TR have an "error" screen instead of the actual picture. Lo and behold, PhotoBucket has changed their terms and conditions, and now wants me to pay $400 to restore my pictures and allow me to keep posting them on the DIS :sad:

I'm so upset that I can barely speak. This means that all of my photos ever posted on the DIS are gone, and need to be re-uploaded in my posts from another website. It just makes me really mad that I was not warned of this and now all of a sudden none of my pictures are working.

So, please be patient, as I'm going to be doing a huge picture-replacement edit to my TR in the next few weeks :( I'm gong to try and find another website to share pictures with, and hopefully this works out. Obviously, I am not the only one who is experiencing this, and people all around the Internet are livid right now because 1000s of pictures from the internet are now replaced with an error screen. Curse you PhotoBucket!! :furious:

I will try to keep things speedy, but it may take a bit to replace my pictures :( If you are at all tech-savvy, I am desperately looking for tips and tricks to make this all go as smoothly and efficiently as possible! So please, if you have any tech information, send it my way!

Hopefully I can be back to posting real soon :) I have a new update all typed out and ready, so I'll be posting that in the next few days with a new photo-browser and I'll get started replacing my old pics.

See you soon Disfriends!! To my US friends- have a great holiday! And to my Canadian friends, hope yours was awesome! :thumbsup2


So friends, I know that I have been quite MIA lately, but part of the blame is due to PhotoBucket. After scrolling through my TR a few days ago, I've been noticing that all of my pictures on this TR have an "error" screen instead of the actual picture. Lo and behold, PhotoBucket has changed their terms and conditions, and now wants me to pay $400 to restore my pictures and allow me to keep posting them on the DIS :sad:

Same thing happened to me! Spent hours last weekend updating my photos to Flickr! Good luck getting it all sorted out again. What a pain, right?
Oh man, I am so sorry about the photos, I have seen other reports where the pictures are all gone as well boo!
I am not very tech savvy with pictures, I hope you get them back.

Happy July 4thpixiedust:
So friends, I know that I have been quite MIA lately, but part of the blame is due to PhotoBucket. After scrolling through my TR a few days ago, I've been noticing that all of my pictures on this TR have an "error" screen instead of the actual picture. Lo and behold, PhotoBucket has changed their terms and conditions, and now wants me to pay $400 to restore my pictures and allow me to keep posting them on the DIS :sad:

YES I'm so upset about this! It started happening to me a few weeks ago.

I will try to keep things speedy, but it may take a bit to replace my pictures :( If you are at all tech-savvy, I am desperately looking for tips and tricks to make this all go as smoothly and efficiently as possible! So please, if you have any tech information, send it my way!

Sadly, there's no easy way to do it aside from replacing them all individually. I still haven't fixed all of mine. I'm using Imgur now if that helps.
My dad is a huge geology nerd (before he was a nurse, he was a jeweler), so he loved seeing the Hope Diamond and all of the gems.
Funny, I guess I'm a geology nerd too since I have a degree in it :laughing:
My early career was spent looking at little pieces of rock under a microscope. I've moved on to management stuff now but I still enjoy rocks!

I feel bad for all of you having the problem with photobucket. You're not the only one. I hope you are able to sort through it and it's not too painful.
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Ugh! So sorry to hear of your picture woes. I saw other people were having trouble as well. Have you tried just using the "Upload a File" button at the bottom of the screen? That's how I add all mine and it seems to work okay. The one catch is that you can only add 10 to each post, which is a pain in the neck sometimes.

Good luck!
I'm sorry you and many others are going through this with photobucket. What a lousy thing to do to people. Good luck getting it straightened out.
Ugh! I've been seeing those error messages from Photobucket all over the place! Something to do with using too much bandwidth.

I had a similar problem years ago with Webshots. It wasn't that they wanted to start charging me - I think I was paying $20/year for their service, but they changed their entire structure. They'd been using albums and you could organize how you wanted to and do direct links to photos. They changed it to be more like Instagram where it's all just a jumble of photos. I switched to SmugMug, which I still use. There's an annual fee, but I can still organize into albums. Hopefully they don't change things up, because it really was a pain to go through and fix my one trip report after Webshots ceased to exist in the form they had. They didn't just keep the existing links; they deleted everything. At least they gave ample warning so I could go in and retrieve things.
Same thing happened to me! Spent hours last weekend updating my photos to Flickr! Good luck getting it all sorted out again. What a pain, right?

I'm using Flickr too now! It has been such a pain, I'm sorry it happened to you too :(

Oh man, I am so sorry about the photos, I have seen other reports where the pictures are all gone as well boo!
I am not very tech savvy with pictures, I hope you get them back.

Happy July 4thpixiedust:

Hope you had a great 4th :) Luckily, I did manage to recover my photos and transfer them to Flickr, now I just have to go back through my TR and re-insert them all!

YES I'm so upset about this! It started happening to me a few weeks ago.

Sadly, there's no easy way to do it aside from replacing them all individually. I still haven't fixed all of mine. I'm using Imgur now if that helps.

Seriously!! Not cool Photo Bucket :furious:

Thanks for the tip! I decided to use Flickr for now, I have used Imgur in the past but Flickr seems to be the most convenient for now!

Funny, I guess I'm a geology nerd too since I have a degree in it :laughing:
My early career was spent looking at little pieces of rock under a microscope. I've moved on to management stuff now but I still enjoy rocks!

I feel bad for all of you having the problem with photobucket. You're not the only one. I hope you are able to sort through it and it's not too painful.

Haha you and my dad would be BFFS :rotfl:

Yeah, the whole thing with Photo Bucket really stinks, luckily I managed to recover all of my pics; now it's just the tedious task of replacing them all.

Ugh! So sorry to hear of your picture woes. I saw other people were having trouble as well. Have you tried just using the "Upload a File" button at the bottom of the screen? That's how I add all mine and it seems to work okay. The one catch is that you can only add 10 to each post, which is a pain in the neck sometimes.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for the tip :) I decided to try Flickr, so far it seems to be pretty easy and painless so I'm very happy about that!!

I'm sorry you and many others are going through this with photobucket. What a lousy thing to do to people. Good luck getting it straightened out.

It really is so sketchy; Photobucket went from being free to $400 in a matter of days :sad2: Thanks for the nice words :)

Ugh! I've been seeing those error messages from Photobucket all over the place! Something to do with using too much bandwidth.

I had a similar problem years ago with Webshots. It wasn't that they wanted to start charging me - I think I was paying $20/year for their service, but they changed their entire structure. They'd been using albums and you could organize how you wanted to and do direct links to photos. They changed it to be more like Instagram where it's all just a jumble of photos. I switched to SmugMug, which I still use. There's an annual fee, but I can still organize into albums. Hopefully they don't change things up, because it really was a pain to go through and fix my one trip report after Webshots ceased to exist in the form they had. They didn't just keep the existing links; they deleted everything. At least they gave ample warning so I could go in and retrieve things.

That was nice that they Webshots you a warning, but still mean to delete everything! I don't know if they realize that they are literally in control of people's memories and if they delete them they are like deleting people's scrapbooks?! Not cool :sad: I've never heard of SmugMug, I'll have to check it out just in case Flickr goes down the tubes as well!

So sorry about the photobucket troubles, that really stinks!! :mad:

I was so sad when I found out! :sad1: Luckily, Flickr seems to be working out well so far so I'll see where that goes!
Real Life Update- Washington DC 2017- Part 2!!

Hello friends!! HOLY CATS, 100,000 VIEWS!!


Thank you all so much for following along with my TR. I never would have imagined that my 6-day mother daughter getaway would have reached this many views. I’m so glad that you all enjoy reading about Mom and I’s adventures! I feel like such a bad Dis-er because I’ve been MIA lately, but I’m starting to straighten things out with my pictures and I should have lots of updates coming soon!

I still have two days of my DC trip left to recap, then I’ll be back on track! Our September trip will be here before I know it (our FP date was yesterday)!! :earseek: It’s so funny, because it felt like a million years away when we booked it, but now it’s creeping up so fast!

Recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of this…

And this…

And this…

And this…

I’m so in the Disney-zone it’s insane!!

Without further ado, here is the rest of my DC trip mini-TR for you guys! Fun fact- I had this update all typed up weeks ago, then Google Docs decided to delete my account because it was through my university (and I graduated last year). So I had to spend even more time re-typing it out...

But, it’s ok, I’m good, I’m zen…

Day 3- Sunday, May 28

Today, I woke up excited for a jam-packed and action-filled day! All three of us woke up around 9:30, then helped my dad pack up his suitcase. My dad doesn’t like to fly on Memorial Day (I think it’s a weird superstition or something), so he was leaving today while Mom and I flew out tomorrow. We walked him downstairs and called him a cab, then said our goodbyes at about 10:30. After that, it was just Mom and I!

I was excited for this day, because Mom and I hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time just the two of us in a while. We had both been really busy with work and my parents had been going on a lot of vacations just the two of them, so we both loved having the rest of the trip just be us girls!

After a quick stop at Starbucks (because, duh), we called an Uber and headed into town!

The first stop on our agenda was the Holocaust Museum.

I knew that this was one must-see on our trip even before we left. Ever since I learned about the Holocaust in 8th grade English class, I have been both horrified and fascinated by the history and stories behind the Holocaust. I have probably read every book having to do with genocide and I even did a paper on Holocaust history in college. My mom thinks that it’s a morbid interest, but I just find it so intriguing.

We looked through all of the extra areas before getting in line for the main exhibit. Mom and I both picked a random passport from a huge pile outside of the elevators, and we read along with the passports through the four-story walk through. The more I read my passport, the more freaked out I got. The passport I randomly chose was that of a 22 year old girl, who was interested in singing and often participated in plays in her hometown :eek:

It was scary how similar me and my girl were, and I started to form an attachment to her as I walked through the museum. Sadly, she didn’t survive the Holocaust; she died in Belzec Concentration Camp :sad1: I’d be lying if I said that Mom and I both didn’t shed some tears at the end of the museum. We lit candles for each of our people in the memorial.

After that eye-opening experience, we pulled ourselves together and headed out. I had wanted to see the Ford Theatre (where Lincoln was shot), but we were too late and all of the tickets were sold out for the day. There was a Hard Rock Cafe right next door to the Ford Theatre (very historical, right? :laughing:), so we grabbed some mac and cheese and truffle fries to share for a late lunch.

It was about 62 degrees and rainy this day, so the hot food warmed us right up! We browsed around in Nordstrom Rack before heading to our next destination: The White House!

We looked for Donald Trump inside, but of course didn’t see him :rotfl:

White House Selfie!

By this time, it was getting close to 5:00, and we were kind of lost on what to do. We wanted to see all of the memorials at night, but we had some time to kill before it got dark. Plus, it was freezing and starting to drizzle, so we needed to get inside!

Well, there was something that I had been seeing on social media that I’d wanted to try, and it seemed to be in most major cities in the US.


Sugar Factory!!

After a quick search, we found out that there was one in DC, so we headed on over! Bonus- the Sugar Factory was actually in Union Station, so we got to check that out as well!

Union Station was absolutely beautiful. There was even a wedding going on when we were there :love:

At Sugar Factory, I ordered a Barbie milkshake (strawberry and marshmallow), and Mom ordered a homemade ice cream sandwich! Our treats hit the spot, and got us out of the rain for a bit! When we were done, we took an Uber back to see the monuments. It had stopped raining at this point :woohoo:

First, we saw the Washington Monument and reflecting pool. Isn’t it gorgeous?!

It reminded me of the Disney Channel Original Movie “My Date with the President’s Daughter!” Does anyone else remember that movie?! I’m obsessed with Will Friedle (Boy Meets World is one of my favorite TV shows) so it’s a classic to me. #90slife

We also took a look at the Vietnam War, Korean War, and WWII Memorials. They were so amazing, especially at night. There was just an air of quiet around them that you noticed right away. It really is astonishing how many people gave their lives so that we could have our freedom.

Of course, I had to take a picture next to my home state!

Although all of those memorials were beautiful, this one was my favorite by far…

The Lincoln Memorial. When we walked inside, he literally took our breath away. Mom and I spent a good 20 minutes in here just staring at Lincoln. He looks almost god-like, sitting up on his chair and looking down at us. We took our time, walking around and reading his speeches that were engraved on the walls. I’m so glad we went to see the monuments at night; it wasn’t crowded at all and the shadows the darkness brought really highlighted the beauty of the statues.

It was almost 10:00 by now, and Mom and I were exhausted from walking all day! We really need to get back into shape for Disney ::yes:: We Ubered back to the hotel, and decided on room service for dinner.

And, of course, we watched a Lifetime Movie before heading to bed :goodvibes

Day 4- Monday, May 29

Wahhh, our last day in DC :sad: This trip went by way too fast! Since our planning for this trip was sort of last-minute, Mom and I both had separate flights out tonight. Her’s was at 5:00, and mine was at 8:15, so I just decided to go to the airport at the same time as Mom and kill time there. But, since our flights were later on, we still had the morning and early afternoon to sight-see!

Our first plan of business was the Air and Space Museum! This seemed interesting and something unique to DC, so we definitely wanted to check it out. We had the best Uber driver on the way there! He asked us if we wanted to take the scenic route or boring route, so of course we said scenic! He said, “Ok, I’m going to take you through Old Town Alexandria.”


OMG! We were so glad he did!! Old Town Alexandria was AMAZING! So cute and historical, with lots of quirky shops and restaurants. We almost told him just to drop us off right there and ditch the Air and Space Museum! Since we didn’t have to leave for the hotel until 2:45, we decided to go into Alexandria after the museum and grab lunch before heading to the airport.

Since we were so excited to see Alexandria, we kind of rushed through the Air and Space Museum :lmao: We basically saw everything though! We saw a presentation at the Planetarium, looked through an exhibit on Amelia Earhardt and the Wright Brothers, looked at the planets, etc. My favorite exhibit was where you could walk through a full-sized model space shuttle. They had all of these little drawers you could open and see what astronauts brought on their journeys to space, and one of the drawers had a Buzz Lightyear doll inside it :rotfl2:

We left the museum around noon, and headed to Alexandria, Virginia! It was a gorgeous day outside (pretty much the only nice day we had the whole trip), so we wanted to make good use of it. We shopped around on King street and looked in all of the preppy little clothing stores, where Mom got a purse and a necklace. There were so many people walking their dogs around, so we also stopped to pet like 923480938 dogs.

We decided on lunch at a Thai restaurant where we could eat outside! I had Pad Thai while Mom had Chicken Satay. It was so nice just soaking up the sunny weather and talking about our trip. Mom vowed that we come back to DC with Haley sometime, and stay in Alexandria!

It was getting time to head out after lunch, so we grabbed an ice cream cone from Ben and Jerry’s (are you surprised?) and strolled around for about 15 minutes before heading back.

We grabbed our bags from bell services and took another cab back to the airport (our Uber bill was insane this trip ::yes::). Mom and I parted ways, since we were flying different airlines, and I managed to get lots of work done and finish a book while waiting in the airport for 3 hours!

When I arrived back in Milwaukee, I met my mom at the airport, where we got our bags and drove home together. It was such a fun little getaway and I can’t wait to get back to DC, hopefully soon!

The start of Day 7 of my TR should be up soon :smickey: Thanks Disfriends!

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