Eva And Angie's Oct 2014 Wishes Wedding! Germany, Italy and California Grill and Chip & Dale!

The wedding after party!

So we had a welcome party in Italy, a ceremony in Germany..... where shall we go after the reception? Well there are extra magic hours at EPCOT tonight, so back to EPCOT it is!

We were a little ambitious thinking that we would make fast pass + reservations starting at 330, so I did have to get on the app and start doing some juggling as we
didn't make it to the park until about 445... Abut my first stop had to be France... no visit is complete without a Gray Goose Slushie and a crepe... its my favorite! And I was feeling great back in shorts and a t-shirt!


We wandered around the showcase and future world for a while (I think we rode Nemo and Spaceship earth) and then made our way to the Biergarten Restaurant for dinner with Evas family who are authentic born and bred Germans... I know.. it was a risk, but we had a theme going! I was sad as our 830 reservations meant we caught about 1 minute of the band, and then they were done for the night!
The meal is a buffet and I just
didn't get any pictures of the food! I think it was good... but everyone was so engrossed in talking about the days events, I don't know if any one cared about the food! We had great aspirations to stay in the park as late as possible... but having little sleep the night before, all the excitement of the day, and knowing tomorrow would be early.. we sadly had to let the night end by like 10pm! I wanted to party like a Rock Star and hit JellyRolls....but there was no way....

Last park day - Day 6- My family is all leaving this day, Evas family is leaving tomorrow (but they
didn't arrive until like 20 minutes before the Welcome Party). We hadnt yet taken my family to Hollywood studios- I knew my sister would love it, but Eva's 70 year old mom who
doesn't understand our Disney fascination would not- so less then 24 hours into our marriage - we split, and she took her mom to Animal Kingdom while I went with my peeps to DHS...


More funny are the pictures on the bus going back to the AKL...
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Once the family was back on the Magical Express around 5 (their place was at 730)... we got ready for our reservations at Jiko with Evas family and some friends. I guess after taking almost 1000 professional pictures, I was pictured out... because I have ZERO pictures of Jiko! But I can tell you, it was exceptional... everything we ate was great... we had terrific African wine, and they brought us out a special dessert... Eva, her mom and Uncle had an especially good time... and had to be taken back to their rooms after dinner by me and Evas 20 something nephew Justin. But even with the family passed out, and even though we had to be out of the resort by 7 am for our 9 am flight- Justin and I couldn't pass up EMH at the Magic Kingdom until 3am! These are my last pictures- Justin and I at about 2 am... we had hopes to ride the 7 dwarves mine train, but at 1:45 am the line was still almost an hour.... will have to wait for next trip! We did ride at least 7-8 other rides (I was absolutely amazed how many young kids were either fully awake or still being pushed around the MK in strollers completely passed out after 1am!)
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And thats the trip! I hope it was informative, and please don't hesitate if any questions! Happy to help! Thanks so much for reading!
I know the black pants were a mistake, but I think they look sharp :goodvibes

Thanks... I don't think anyone noticed in the family, but the black knit pants with the brown cowboy boots did bother me a bit, but once the day started... I quickly forgot about it!
The ceremony

We walked in with each other to the song "Once upon a Time...Story book Love" from The Princess Bride movie. We used the acoustic guitar version you can find on iTunes by Matthew Lister... was super pretty...
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During the ceremony my sister read a passage from Dr. Seuss "Oh, the places you will go" just because neither of us is particularly religious, and we thought it was nice and whimsical... and it made Eva cry

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Next were the vows, which we ended up exchanging promises instead... for example... I promise to always keep the Wi-Fi and all electronics up to date and working and not critisize how many shoes or purses Eva buys, in turn she will always keep Sundays free for football with me and agrees to never be an Eagles, Giants, or Redskins fan.... (As you can guess I am a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan). Funniest part came when Eva agreed to let her past judgements and grudges go (she has a hard time with things not being as she sees they should be).. and belted out that she will agree to "LET IT GO!!"... and it brought down the house!

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Next was the sand ceremony, however, for us this wasn't just about us joining officially, but about the families joining as well... and we wanted everyone to see what they meant to us... so we blended the Sand Ceremony with the "Golf ball and Jar" story (if you do not know it, just search online or on you tube and you will find the general story. We did have my dad taking video, so as soon as I figure out how to crop videos, I plan to post it on you tube at many persons requests and will post the url here). (FYI, our music during the sand ceremony was an acoustical guitar version of "I wanna grow old with you" by Adam Sandler)

First the jar is filled with Golf Balls- these represent the most important things in life, your family, health, friends, and feeling of well being...

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Then the jar is filled with pebbles- these are other things that matter- your job, your house, your accomplishments

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And then lastly the jar is filled with the sand- the sand is everything else... the "small stuff"

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The moral of the story is, if you put the sand in the jar first, there will be no room for the golf balls or the pebbles. The same holds true for life... if you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are really important to you. (The are also variations where the end is that you also then pour either a beer or a cup of coffee into the jar to show that no matter what life brings, there is always room to have a drink with a good friend... but we didn't want it to get messy!).

See next post!

Your sand ceremony has to be my favorite that I've ever seen done!
This is so cute! I love the Germany pavillion. And you pulled it off under $25K for the wedding. Good for you!
I absolutely love your wedding day and ceremony location! Everything looked so perfect and wonderful. Congratulations to you both!
The 7 Dwarfs mine train is SO short! It's definitely not worth over an hour wait... the line has cool features, but I wish they had made the ride itself a little bit longer. Don't be too disappointed you missed it, we were disappointed we waited an hour and a half for it when we rode last November.

We are getting married at the Wedding Pavilion in Sept. Can't wait! Loved your photos! :)
Fabulous report! Gorgeous photos; you had an amazing wedding. Thank you for sharing!
Congratulations!!! I was looking for an Oct trip report with Food & Wine and I get one with added wedding: awesome! Love that so many of your fam came for the Disney wedding. Can't wait to read more!
Phew, that was definitely a crazy ride!

I definitely get you with the stress about getting places on time, and people around you taking their sweet time. Like, people, do you not understand that we have places to be? ;)

This was such a sweet ceremony, and it looks like you all had a great time in spite of the few hiccups here and there (I mean, what can you expect when there's so many people involved anyway?). This is coming in way late, but congratulations to both of you! :)
Thanks so much....it was a magical experience and still today the family refers to the event as the "Best Wedding Ever!" Cant wait for the anniversary trip!
Well, I just got a chance to read your trip report. I hadn't realized you had done one. It brought back such great memories and we had such a nice time being able share in your wedding. We can't express how fabulous and well planned everything was. We had a great time at every event! The Italy Illumination Party a once in a lifetime experience and the food was soooo good. Then the wedding, what more can you say. It was a really lovely intimate ceremony. We were honored to attend, the setting was lovely and you both looked great (even in those pants.) I think one of the biggest treats was the reception at the California Grill. The food was top notch but the view and the party. Plus, your cake was awesome. It was funny I was doing some food pictures in my pre-trip report and wanted to slide that in because it was beautiful, but didn't.

Someday we hope to go back again with you to have more fun. When is your anniversary trip?
We are heading back this September 29- Oct 1....Would absolutely love to do Disney with you guys! We are thinking about doing Aulani September 2017 and staying Disney with our DVC points- If you guys are interested, that would be so much fun and I'm sure we can work out getting a room for you guys with points too! Just have to find plane tickets!
I know this trip report is a little old, but just found it and it was awesome! You are an adorable couple, and being together for over 20+ years, in this day an age, is an awesome and inspirational thing! My BF, his DD7, and I are going to be in Disney the same time, Sept 29-Oct 4. A little birdie told me I might be expecting a proposal, so I have been in wedding mode for a couple months now. Seeing how beautiful and amazing your wedding was, has put the Disney wedding bug into overdrive. Anyway, Hope you have an amazing trip, congratulations on your wedding, and I am going to keep my eyes open in the parks in case I recognize you and hopefully say hi! Lol
LOL... thanks so much for the kind words! This was a once in a lifetime event, and even though we were getting married, it soon became clear to us that having our family there and being together was far more important to us then the actual ceremony, things really fell into place. We spent hardly anything on decorations or clothing, and more on the specialness of the events and it was so magical! Do what is important to you on your day! Absolute favorite part is probably the whole family on the Isola at sunset for welcome dinner and then fireworks. Simply magical....
I am super-late to your party, but wanted to let you know how beautiful it was! Thank you for sharing for the rest of us to see.


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