Eric and Amanda's Wedding TR Italy/WP/Cons. Station SLIDESHOW POSTED PG13

Aww you look like you are having a great time and a great place to be in too :)
We did!

We totally had the same waitress! That's crazy.

Great to see your TR! Can't wait to read more!:thumbsup2
Haha OMG really!??!:lmao:

Figured it out. I can see them on my laptop at home. Daggone government jobs trying to keep me from having fun at work!! How dare they??:lmao:

Here are some ESPN The Weekend Pics:

ERic played in a basketball tournament




Baseball clinic with Bernie Williams and Curt Schilling


Rain, Rain, Go Away

Eric is not only a Yankee's fan, but Jets too

Eric even got some autographs

I could really use that beer flight right now! How did you like Paradisco? I really want to go there...especially now that I see there are chocolate cake shots!
Yay! Trip report! Congrats again Amanda. I can't wait to read all about it. I'd type more but my cat has decided to use my one arm as her bed, so...

Just one comment...You left Raglan Road to get drinks??? haha :rotfl:
Amanda, I lurk on these board a lot but just had to comment -- your wedding looked beautiful!
As a fellow Yankees fan, I have to say it's pretty awesome that you saw Bernie Williams.
Can't wait to see more pics and hear more about your trip!
Cute pictures!

What a good wife (or almost wife) you are for going along with Eric for the ESPN stuff. You're such a good sport. (Cheesy pun intended. :rotfl:)
What did Eric say when he realized it was Bernie Williams?

Your MOH looks so much like a friend of mine.
I could really use that beer flight right now! How did you like Paradisco? I really want to go there...especially now that I see there are chocolate cake shots!
We had to ask for the cake shots. Lauren and I get those any time there is a special occassion (birthdays) so it was a must! Paradisio was a lot of fun!! The boys went back for a bacehlor night of sorts the next night.

OMG!! Are Mike's lips as big in person? That man has Angelina Jolie pillowlips!!:laughing:

Lol I didn't notice that!!!

We didn't buy the sign, but it was kind of funny.

Yay! Trip report! Congrats again Amanda. I can't wait to read all about it. I'd type more but my cat has decided to use my one arm as her bed, so...

Just one comment...You left Raglan Road to get drinks??? haha :rotfl:
Awww kitty!

Lol yes we left Raglan Road for drinks! Not everyone was digging the music and the waiter was kind of rude. I really think it was because he automtically got 18% gratuity.

Amanda, I lurk on these board a lot but just had to comment -- your wedding looked beautiful!
As a fellow Yankees fan, I have to say it's pretty awesome that you saw Bernie Williams.
Can't wait to see more pics and hear more about your trip!
Aww thank you!!!
Cute pictures!

What a good wife (or almost wife) you are for going along with Eric for the ESPN stuff. You're such a good sport. (Cheesy pun intended. :rotfl:)

What did Eric say when he realized it was Bernie Williams?

Your MOH looks so much like a friend of mine.
Lol he freaked out. Then he realized he should have tried to get an autograph. It was pretty funy.

Up next, Rehearsal day!!!
We had been watching the weather and while Monday was GORGEOUS (70 and sunny), the outlook for Tuesday wasn't looking too hot. Eric and Eric had big plans to golf at the Magnolia Golf Course. The major part of the storm was supposed to clear by 9 a.m. so there was no convincing them to change their reservations!

I dropped them off at around 8 a.m. and told them to call when they were done. We had to be at the Wedding Pavilion at 3 p.m. so they knew how much time they had....

I headed back to the BWV's to my parents room. We decided to head to DTD. I needed to pick up the TIW card and we just wanted to get out of the hotel for a bit. If I haven't mentioned it before, my Dad isn't really into Disney. He had no interest in coming, except for the wedding, so we didn't get him to a park or anything. He seemed to have a good time at DTD with is new camera.

He got a kick out of Stitch spitting...

Stormy clouds...

Mom and I had to stop at Basin, so dad kept himself busy...



We headed back to the hotel so we could get ready for the rehearsal. I gave Eric a call only to find out they weren't even close to being done. He thought I wanted them all to be ready by 2:45 but I had to tell him everyone was meeting at 2:15...and it was a good thing we did. I don't think Eric realized how hard it was to get everyone ready and in cars to be somewhere on time!! My brother was a godsend and went to pick up Eric and Eric from golf, dropped off my Eric then went to get our Best Man Eric and his wife.:lovestruc

We made it over to the wedding pavillion about 10 minutes early:

The following are a mix of pictures between my Dad, Lauren and Lauren's husband Patrick while he had her camera:rotfl:

I just love the wedding pavillion

My wonderful grandma...everyone just loved her. She's so funny!

Our best man and Eric's Mom

Here they are from the other side...and you can see Patrick getting ready to take pictures

The boys



My dad and Patrick having fun with their cameras



Love this one!!


Daddy being funny


Practice first kiss!!
After the rehearsal we headed over to the Poly for dinner and drinks



My brother gave us his wedding gift...a share of Disney Stock!

Thank you baby brother!

Grammy loved it too!:rotfl:

Everyone loved is grandma asking for 6 shrimp while everyone else got 4:lmao:


Eric and Pat were endless eating machines!! Here is Pat...God only knows how many plates he has had!

After dinner we still had some time to kill before heading to EPCOT. We decided to take everyone on a monorail ride. Eric sat down next to Grammy who apparently didn't realize it was him at first:rotfl: This is the moment she realized it:

Up next...Dessert Party at EPCOT!!
It had now started to get down right CHILLY! We had been given the option of moving it inside but thought we would be outside it was!!

We met up with our group outside of Guest Relations at EPCOT. Then the 30 of us headed toward EPCOT. I don't know that I have ever walked from the front of the park all the way to the cold...and the wind! The walk seemed like it took FOREVER!!

Of course Dad tooks pictures along the way!




Finally we arrived!!

Yummy desserts!!!




Did I mention it was cold?


Finally it was Illuminations time!!



It was so cold at this point we just needed to leave. Mom took Grammy back to the BWV on the boat while the rest of us headed toward the parking lot. It started to rain on the way which just made things bettter!:rotfl:

Eric and the boys were headed out for a night of fun...I was headed back to get warm and get a good nights sleep!!!

Up next....the big day!!!!:lovestruc
What a great update, Grammy looks like she is really enjoying herself and I am loving all the pictures :thumbsup2

Your Dessert Party looked wonderful :cloud9:
You have so many amazing pics to remember your vacation! Your Ohana pics make me soooo excited to go there, and they reminded me of how gorgeous the poly is! I'm sorry it was so cold for your DP, but your pictures look good, and I hope you still had a good time!

Your grammy is so cute :goodvibes
ok ok i'm here!!! :yay:

First of all i need to meet your baby brother and your grammy! They look like such fun loving people! Everyone looks like they were having a blast mandy!!!

sorry things got alittle flustered in the beginning with the park hoppers but it looked lke everything got sorted!

Can't wait to read more hun! :hug:
love the pictures Mandy! They are amazing! And the rehearsal looked awesome. Can't wait to see the actual day :)

What kind of camera does your dad have? I love the shots he took, they are so clear!
Wonderful update! Everyone looks so happy at rehearsal and dinner, chilly at Epcot but still having fun. I love that your brother gave you some stock!
YAY AMANDA! I just found this, so happy you decided to do one! Can't wait to see the wedding and hear more about the Disneymoon! :)
What a great update, Grammy looks like she is really enjoying herself and I am loving all the pictures :thumbsup2

Your Dessert Party looked wonderful :cloud9:

Lol she really was. During Illuminations she shreaked everytime a firework was hysterical!!

You have so many amazing pics to remember your vacation! Your Ohana pics make me soooo excited to go there, and they reminded me of how gorgeous the poly is! I'm sorry it was so cold for your DP, but your pictures look good, and I hope you still had a good time!

Your grammy is so cute :goodvibes

Thank you! I was so happy that my dad and Lauren were so picture happy. They both got a lot of great shots. Ohana was wonderful...Eric's parents just said today how they can't wait to go back.

ok ok i'm here!!! :yay:

First of all i need to meet your baby brother and your grammy! They look like such fun loving people! Everyone looks like they were having a blast mandy!!!

sorry things got alittle flustered in the beginning with the park hoppers but it looked lke everything got sorted!

Can't wait to read more hun! :hug:

My brother is awesome! Everyone loved him and he did a great job! Everyond told us they had a good time, despite the the cold weather!

love the pictures Mandy! They are amazing! And the rehearsal looked awesome. Can't wait to see the actual day :)

What kind of camera does your dad have? I love the shots he took, they are so clear!
My dad just got a new pentex, but some of those pics are Lauren's (and since she has professional equipment, are quite a bit nicer than a lot of the others).

Wonderful update! Everyone looks so happy at rehearsal and dinner, chilly at Epcot but still having fun. I love that your brother gave you some stock!
It was a great gift! I guess he was trying to buy us a cell but it was a bit out of his price range. We loved the stock! The actual certificate came in the mail just last week so we need to get it framed now.

YAY AMANDA! I just found this, so happy you decided to do one! Can't wait to see the wedding and hear more about the Disneymoon! :)

Yay Heather!! Thanks so much for reading! I have some pics of the wedding but it will be a bit before most of them come back.
Lauren's pictures are so good..I want her camera!!

and I want that chocolate whipped cream thing please!
the rehearsal dinner and dp looked awesome! And what great pics you got of everything! The food looked so good! Looking forward to hearing more.


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