EARLY CHECK IN: December 15th, 2007 - Seven night Western - 12/15/07

from deck 4.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Hi Susan! Glad you had a great time in New York. It's been years since I've been there. I would love to get up there and just spend all my time at the shows.

I'm going to thow my hat in with the pictures! Here's the Magic docked in Key West:


Well, time to go get ready for class. I have history of mass media and statistics :headache: . I had my other two, intro. to PR and intro. to mass communications, yesterday. LOVE LOVE LOVE them both! My intro. to mass comm. professor actually did the Disney College Program a few years ago as an educator, so when I talked to her after class, she told me to come to her office at some point to talk about it. Hope y'all have a great day!
Hi William. Enjoy your college years. Life goes by so quickly!! Glad to see your photos. Please keep them coming.
Susan--Glad you had a great weekend away.
William--Sounds like you'll have a great semester.

Today was DS first day of 2nd semester classes for 9th grade. He is in a "technology" class this semester. They have 3 units, CO2 cars, Lego Mindstorms, and making gliders. He is thrilled that he gets to play all semester. I told him the same thing Susan did, enjoy!

My picture for the day is of the statue dude in Key West, he was cool, he would act like a robot and make sounds effects like one too, very convincing:
Hi Stacie...good to see you again.

Cristi...how is Rachel doing away at camp? How are you doing without her?

Here's my picture for today...brunch at Palo


I'll post the other side tomorrow.

Oh, I wanted to add, DD said a funny thing Monday when DH got home from work. I met him at the door with lots of hugs and kisses. DD was not so patiently waiting her turn. She said, "You had plenty of time to do that in New York!" :blush:
That is a great picture William!

Susan, that is really funny what Rachel said. :)

My Rachel doesn't leave for outdoor lab until the 28th. I still need to find snow boots for her. Nobody has any left. You would think in JANUARY people would still carry them. Our snowiest months aren't even until March and April. :headache:

Here is my picture for the day. William, I am pretty sure this is the one you took of us when we were going into Parrot Cay.
Great pictures everyone. I so wish I was back on the ship again. It's snowy and cold again here and is only supposed to get colder over the next few weekend. No school here today, its supposed to snow again tomorrow but hopefully late enough in the day that they have scool. Hope everybody is well. Laura ended up missing both Thursday and Friday last week but is feeling better now.

Hi everyone.

Crisiti, glad the picture came out so well! My parents and I are going through some big withdrawls. My dad doesn't know about the repo. cruise in May. My mom and I wanted to keep it a secret. We're going to tell him about it next week when he is down for my birthday. We've already talked to his new secretary to see what he has on his schedule during the time.

Here's my photo of the day, my parents and I with Capt. Jack on Pirate Night!

Hi everyone. John was awake once per hour last night from 10-4. Thus, I didn't spend much time on the computer today. Cristi and William, great pictures. I love the expression on Jake's face!! William, please tell your mom I want to borrow her pirate outfit for our next cruise!! That's a great surprise for your dad. I'd love to be on the repo cruise.

Here's the other side of the Palo group. I think the flash worked this time.


Please send pixiedust: for a good night's sleep tonight. Maybe I should go to bed now!!
Hello Dis friends.

I love your pictures.

Staci, I made great use of your goodie bag, My living room is disney theme. The GB layed on the couch till the other day. I put it on the closet door & now the mail goes in there so we all know where to find it. Great idea!!!!!! I finally put it to use.:dance3: . Now DH doesn't have to ask me every day where I left his mail:lmao: .

We were supposed to get rain yesterday, we ended up with 3inches of snow. :scared1: Some one goofed up. By the rush hour it turned to sleet. By today it is gone. Well gotto go for now have some errands to run.
Hi all looks like you all had fun, just a quick question.

We are sailing on the Jan 27th, 4 day wonder cruise and we were wondering what the Castaway club members gifts are.

We sailed last Jan. as well and they were the mesh bags with flags, etc., are they still the same?

It was a nice tote bag with 2 water bottles, lanyards with key tag holders, mesh bag for the beach. Really nice. It might change before you get there, let us know. Have fun on your trip
Cruising Canuck ~ DH took a picture of the CC gift. It is attached. The lanyards are not in the photo. You get them when you check in at the port.


This is my "official" picture of the day.


We're anxiously awaiting to board the Magic. You can see the new lanyards on DH and DD. I think post-cruise depression has really set in :sad1: Oh how I long for the Magic.
Susan, did John sleep better last night? We are going to babysit for my SIL on Sunday. She has a 3 year old and a 5month old. They will be gone for most of the day. I sure hope Hanna takes her bottle for me, otherwise it could be a long day. :)

Sharon, that is a great idea for the goody bag, maybe I will have to steal your idea. :thumbsup2

William, that is a great picture with Capt Jack. I'll bet you can't wait for the Repo cruise.

Susan, good picture in Palo, mine didn't really turn out. :(

Here is mine for today. The last one was one that William took for us, here is the one that Susan took for us
Hi all.

Susan-I'll let her know. She actually carried a hoop skirt halfway across the country and throughout the Caribbean just for that one night!

Here's a slightly delayed picture of the day of the ship heading into Key West:

Hi everyone. It's pretty :cold: in my neck of the woods. We actually got a dusting of snow yesterday. That's big news in these parts!!

Here's my picture for today. Rachel as the White Hare at Tea with Alice. After this, I'm going to need to download more onto photobucket.


William ~ where do your parents live? If she can carry that hoop halfway across the country, surely she can get it to me. Is she wearing it again on the Repo cruise? Maybe one day we can do a repo cruise. You'll have to tell us all about it. I want lots of pictures from the PC crossing.

Cristi ~ John has done much better since his sleepless night. He had 2 nights of just waking once. Last night he slept through until 7:15 this morning :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :cool1: We have a new routine. We are laying him down awake, doing the bottom pat, then staying in the room with him until he goes to sleep. We usually sit in the rocking chair only to get up and lay him back down. It took over an hour at nap time today. At night he will stick his arms and legs through the bars, scratch the mattress, anything to stay awake. But last night I heard him wake up and get himself back to sleep. Hopefully this new plan will work. Sorry for all the complaining. Rachel was a good sleeper and I didn't think we'd be dealing with this at 10 months.

Where are Stacie, Kathryn, and others? I need to tell Kathryn about my flight. I talked with her and her husband at dinner one night about never having flown. If you guys are lurking, please say hello!!
Thanks Queen2 and Pinkprincessmom, they look very similar to the gifts from last year. If the gifts change I will let you know for sure.

We are very excited only 6 days away!
Have a MAGICal cruise canuck!!

I won High School Musical tickets today from our local radio station. It will be at our theater starting next Tuesday. We got tickets for opening night. Rachel will be up late that night. Patty, if you can get Laura a flight down here, she can come with!!

This is a picture of the sunset just before sailing away.



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