Driving 6000 Miles for the Magic: A Miracle Trip

How this changed me warrants a little background information. I hope it doesn’t bore you or be declared too off topic.[/B]
It's your trip report, so nothing you post is off topic.:thumbsup2

I think it is a very nice sort of post script to your trip report. It's kind of background and continuation at the same time. I also think it is a very good philosophy for anyone with chronic health conditions. You have to somehow come to an equilibrium that works for you.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us! I really don't want this report to end!
How can I explain how your tr has touched me? You last post put a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Not sad tears, but very happy ones. The Disney Magic is alive and well in your heart, as it is in mine. I am very sad though that this wonderful Trip Report is coming to an end. So, I will end by saying, Thank-You for sharing.
I too am sad to see this report come to an end. You have put into words what a family vacation is all about. I love your writing, I love your passion. You are truelly an inspiration. Your report has touched me and others more than you will ever know. Thank you.:flower3:
the comforts of home.

Won’t it be nice to…
…Not have to unload equipment every night.
…Get a real, home cooked meal
…Sleep in our own beds
…Not have to drive
…Take a nice, long shower
…Sleep in
…Get online
…Go to church

Be home.

Amen, sister! :hippie:

With this new approach to life, a trip to Disney World was plain scary.

In short, yes I had restrictions and yes, I needed support and medicine and precautions. But that didn’t mean that I couldn’t do things. I just needed moderation.

I have the drive to do things.

In my life, I have found that the things I regret the most are the opportunities not taken. None of us can live a completely safe life and be happy -- sometimes it's necessary to be bold, face fears, and live that new and sometimes scary experience. And possibly fail in the attempt. That's okay.

I'm so proud of you -- obviously we've never met, but you have touched my heart in ways you'll never know. I am deeply grateful that you have let us share this trip with you.

Take care, friend. :hug:
Oh ChristaMae you are such an inspiration!!!
Good for you girl, Branching out is spite of your fears!! I think this what those of us Moms with kids with challenges want for each of our kiddos.
And God Bless Laura what a special woman!!:hug:

I had been gone for 2 weeks so missed your birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Please visit the DIS often after your report is finished.
We have all grown to love and admire you so!
Anytime I feel burdened by something I'll try to remember your fantastic can do attitude!

Hi Christamae,

We just got back yesterday afternoon & had a wonderful time. I am going to attempt a trip report soon.

Just wanted to say HI & catch up :)

I have the drive to do things. That doesn’t mean that things are perfect or exactly how I want. I still don’t have a nurse so I am not in college. I am at home a lot. But I am not languishing at home. Currently I am investigating volunteer opportunities and reading college textbooks to keep the mind active. I volunteer online. I go to church every Sunday. I have the wonderful special monthly outing with Laura and her friendship.


This last post (and a few others) brought tears to my eyes. I cannot tell you enough how much of an inspiration you are to me. Denial is an awful thing and I'm happy to hear you were able to overcome that. I wish I could be half the person you are.

Laura sounds like the perfect friend you needed :hug:
Thank you to all who have supported me in writing this report. For your kind and sweet comments. And encouragement.

KimAshton: I am sad, too, that it is coming to a close :(

KathyRN137: Thank you...I think that the reason Disney is magical is because there policy is happiness, politeness, being nonjudgemental, and adaptability. And of course, the power of wishing and imagination. If everyone strived to implement these qualities in their own life, the world would be a better place.

eyeheartgoofy: Thank you. For every change in life whether it be location, money, personal loss, or health change-we have to find a new balance and adapt to the new situation-or you'll go crazy! lol

Momof2wCF: Thank you. I hope that in some small way I can help. Changes in health are hard, especially when you can't do anything about it. Yet, often, declines in physical ability have greatly improved or increased an emotional or personality trait and just made me a better person...Good luck in your journey.

rushing: Thank you, I will miss it, too.

Backstage_Gal: Thank you...And thanks for the efforts you have made to make Disney even better. I wish I could continue this with all my friends. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

PittypatBR: Thank you...I like this quote:
When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on,
or you will be taught how to fly.
Barbara J. Winter

DisneyJo: Thank you...I do like writing but often don't know how to say things. Maybe it's the perfectionist in me...I do have about 50 poems and my weekly journal...

SueM in MN: Thanks. Equilibrium, balance, give and take, limit...Realizing that if you do a lot one day and over extend you will need time to recover. But that is better than doing nothing. Accepting limits and using your resources to make things easier. All that jazz...But I know you get it.

nts4wdw: Thank you for being kind and receptive to my heart. I was a bit nervous about being ignored or flamed for the openness. But I can't do things half way. And being personal makes it real.

wdw1014: Thank you...It puts a smile in my heart when I hear that my simple ramblings have given others happiness.

Poohtigeey: Thank you...I am running out of words to say thanks. For listening. Complimenting. And uplifting.

zigzagzerr: Thank you. For your philosophy, encouragement, thankfulness. I am a collector of quotes and have some that correspond to your thoughts and add some of mine:
"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."
- General Patton
Don't go through life, GROW through life.
Eric Butterworth​
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson​
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson​

LeeLee2U: Thank you...Fear is a hard thing and destructive force...We still do battle! lol Laura is very special and an awesome friend.

50 years Too!: Thank you...It's amazing to feel such support and caring from everyone. I post the most at disABILITIES.

crgfsu1: I am glad you had a good trip! I'll keep a watch for your report. Thanks for checking in.

blue river: Thank you...Everyone has been so kind and thank you for your compliments. Denial is destructive. I can't say that I am a bit better then you...but thank you for those sentiments.

Thanks to all.

I am off to write the final installment...I have procrastinated...but will post today.

It is hard to wrap this up. It seems like everything has been said. Yet, it seems that enough can never be said. What a dichotomy!

First and foremost I must emphasize the Miracle part of this report. Because the trip was a miracle. From the money. To the villa that only had those 10 days available and the whole rest of the summer booked. To finding a RV and renting it less then 2 weeks from when we were to leave. Conquering all the mishaps. Grandma’s brother, who she was desparate to see, calling us the day we left to tell us he was in Orlando. The way the trip transformed me to have a happier life. This trip truly was a gift from God. I hope to never forget that.


The planning index card binder was invaluable. I put everything in it-how long a show/ ride was, how many wheelchair spots were available, the location, whether they were Fastpass, ratings of bathrooms and number of wheelchair stalls, location of Companion bathrooms, all the counter service restaurants that were air conditioned, menus from all those restaurants. It was the guide. Some kind of planning and orientation is a must to have.

Fastpass is your friend. If you have a disability that is beyond mobility issues-get a GAC. Explain your needs. The disABILITIES forum has a great sticky. The GAC was a life saver for us.

Expect that something will go wrong. There will be some unexpected obstacle or flaw. Focus on all the fun you have had and fun you have planned.

Don’t let a commando mentality turn the magic into madness.

Share your trip here!

Things we would change:

We wouldn’t drive unless we could also sleep in the RV. Driving was our only option this trip…but now there is a special airline (iflymat.org) that lets you fly in your wheelchair!

We would have had at least one day for rest in the middle of the trip. Towards the end we really started dragging and some people got cranky.

I would’ve liked to spend at least ½ a day more at AK-instead of Epcot

I would’ve planned the World Showcase day(s) better so as to see multiple street shows-especially the candy lady

I wouldn’t have underestimated the power of pin trading and would’ve tried to persuade my parents to get me some traders from e-bay or dizpins

I would’ve started this report sooner

Now is the time when most people excitedly tell of their next trip…Sadly, I cannot do this. There is no trip planned.

I don’t know if there will be another trip.

We certainly don’t have the money…maybe when Danielle graduates and gets a job as an interpreter.

Heck, we didn’t ever think this trip would happen.

I often think of that sentiment…and dream.

Since we went, 4 new attractions have been added. We imagine staying at a monorail resort. We imagine going and relishing in the wonder. Staying two glorious weeks with rest days to rejuvenate. Enjoying some dinner shows and a little more Sea World. Maybe a day at Universal…

It can’t hurt to wish, right?

And maybe our wish will come true.:wizard:

Thank you so much for coming along on my adventure and all your kind words and encouragement…I’m thinking of sending PMs to all who signed just to let everyone know it’s over…I know sometimes I have lost track of reports and missed the ending…would that be bad?

Thanks again,

Addendum and Sign up for Traveling Wish Bear-Page 41, #604
Christamae, your trip report is the best and most inspiring one I have read. I hope someday your wish comes true and you are able to go back to the Magic! You definately deserve it. I would love the link to your journal if you have the time to PM me .
Wonderful ending to a fantastic report. I loved EVERY moment of it. You are such an inspiration to me. I wish we were closer so were could be friends in "real life". You are a fascinating person. Dont ever let something hold you back. Be sure to do all you want & can - you will be happy you did. Though I am several miles away, if I can ever do anything for you - just ask.

I will PM you when I start my trip report. I too am a bit nervous to do it, but I will try & see how it goes. :thumbsup2

I will continued to look for you on the DIS and will check you CB site often.

Take care,
I will surely miss reading your report; it's been an incredible journey and your writing was so enjoyable.

Even though there is not another WDW trip in your near future, I hope you will not become a stranger to the TR boards. Please come back and visit us!!

:hug: All the best,

You are a fabulous writer, I am going to miss your installments. Your outlook on life is truly amazing. I wish more people in the world thought like you did. :hug:
Christamea, thanks for taking us on this fabulous journey. It sure has been an eye-openier for me, and as many have said, very inspirational. I have your blog bookmarked, and will try to check in sometiimes.

Thanks for your fabulous report, and the very best of luck and good wishes to you and your wonderful famly! This feels really awkward, like saying goodbye to a good frend you dont wnat to say good bye to. :hug:
Thank you so much for taking me along on your adventure. I felt like I was with you every step of the way. You and your family are truley and inspiration to us all. You have taught us all so much. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in the future and that you are able to get back to the magic.
:thumbsup2 Thank you! :thumbsup2
I have enjoyed this trip report so much! You have been an inspiration to me.:hug:
I hope your wishes and dreams come true. You deserve it!
Don't lose your way to the trip report board, OK?
It can’t hurt to wish, right?
Oh Christamae never stop wishing, you never know when they will come true, I have absolutely loved reading your TR, sometimes through tears, you and your family are so courageous and you have opened my eyes to so many things. I truly hope that sometime in the future you are able to go back and feel the magic again although I truly feel that you took some of that magic home with you :hug: :goodvibes


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