Dr. Cinderella's Happily Ever After! WP/GF 2/14/12- End of Honeymoon & Trip Report!

Hi Marissa,

Your photos are amazing, I loved the fireworks ones and the ones by the lamp post, so romantic! You were such a beautiful bride and you and your DH are such a cute couple! It looks like you had a wonderful wedding. Can't wait to hear more about the day!
I love everything about your wedding, it was so beautiful and it looks like you all had a great time. Misty's pictures are so beautiful! You must be thrilled with her work.
Thanks girls! Yes, we are absolutely thrilled with our photos from Misty! She is amazing! I can't wait to start picking ones for our album!

Day 3...Day Before the Wedding! Part 1

The next morning I had a hair trial scheduled with Beaute Speciale bright and early at 7 am. They weren't able to give me Ana, who I had used for my engagement photos so I wanted to do a trial with my new artist Laine. She did a fantastic job with my hair and make-up all 3 days in a row I used her, and it lasted really good too! I ended up not wearing my headband/tiara on the wedding day because I felt like it made me look too young, and just felt a little more elegant without it. Other than that I kept everything the same for the wedding day. She also changed my hairstyle to a side swept pony tail after the trial so everyone wouldn't see my style a day early!


After that, we had our rehearsal at the wedding pavilion at 10 am. Everything went smoothly with our new planner Vita, who I was just meeting for the first time that day!


After the rehearsal was over, we all took the monorail together over to the Contemporary Resort for our Rehearsal Lunch at the California Grill, Chris and I's favorite restaurant in Disney! We were in the smaller private room, I think it is called the Napa Room. The views were gorgeous! We gave our bridal parties their gifts: The guys got nice watches, the girls got Juicy wallets, tote bags, track suits with team Bride shirts, jewelry and clutches, and the parents and grandparents got Lenox crystal photo frames. I also got my Dad the Mickey cuff links and my mom the Precious Moments Disney Wedding Figurine, and my little flower girl a little shirt that matched the girls, princess figure set, and wedding Minnie and Mickey Stuffed animals. Everyone loved their gifts! My mother in law gave a speech and my soon to be hubby did as well, they both were great, and then it was time to eat! We had Goat Cheese Ravioli as an appetizer (my favorite) and then Chimichurri Steak with Yucan Fries and vegetables! Everything was delicious! It was an awesome rehearsal lunch!

Marissa sweetie - Just had a quick peek at Misty's photos. Stunningly beautiful!!! Enjoyed the recent update!! Glad you enjoyed the GF tea!!!! But where are the hats?? :lmao: What a bunch of gorgeous girls you had as a wedding party etc!!! All girls from the US seem to know how to pose like models for photos. Are you guys taught it in school or are you all just naturally glamorous? :goodvibes
Day 3...Part 2

After the rehearsal and lunch, Chris and I headed to Epcot with some of our bridal party and some family too. We spent the afternoon and early evening drinking and snacking around the world. Our favorites were tequila and gaucamole in Mexico, Beer in Germany, and sushi in Japan! We had an absolute blast!


At about 7:30 we headed back to Italy for our Illuminations Welcome Dessert and Fireworks Party! We were on Italy Isola, and the view and everything else was beautiful! We had Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bars, Chocolate Chip Canolis, Chocolate Bottom Cheesecakes, and Vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting to eat! It was all delicious! To drink we had a bar with wine, beer, soda, etc. and then a coffee and tea bar as well with different flavorings, etc. This worked out perfectly as it was a little bit chilly out that night. Everyone loved the fireworks! Our photographer, Regina, got some awesome shots of the show and afterwards in Italy too. I loved the "Love Story" Portraits under the arches at the end best!


After we got home for the night, I gave Chris a love letter I had written and he gave me one as well as my wedding gift- beautiful diamond earrings. Then we split up for the night until the wedding, he went to stay with his Dad and my Mom and Sister came to stay in our suite with me. They both gave me special gifts as well that night- my sister a beautiful necklace from Tiffany and Co in NYC, and my mom a beautiful Pandora bracelet with pink charms and a Cinderella's slipper one! I felt so special and loved, and excited for the next day! We were exhausted and went to sleep almost right after they got there!
Beautiful, beautiful photos. Those two days sound absolutely perfect. I think anyone wanting a perfect disney wedding should be directed to your report.

This so makes me want to get married again!!

Are you saving yourself a copy of your report to read again in years to come? It will be lovely to read again in a few years and remember all the details as you may forget some little things and reading again will remind you. I can imagine any children and grandchildren you may be blessed to have will love to hear and read about it too.

By the way, love love love the 'flowers' you used for the rehearsal!
Hi Marissa,

Love the fact that you got Chris the exotic car experience for his present. I plan on getting this for my partner when we eventually get our butts to Disney.

So last night he asks me how long it goes for and is worried about the instructor sitting next to him not letting him go to fast. I told him that there was a girl on disboards who got it for her hubby and I'd ask her :hug:

What was Chris's take on this experience? Would he do it again? Like Chris he wants the lambourghini as it's his dream car.
Chris loved the driving experience! He went up to 120 mph! It took about 3 hours in total. He totally would do it again! That is a greet idea to save a copy if my trip report for later on, thank you!

To hold you over until I start on the wedding day, here is a condensed version of 200 or so of my favorite professional photos from the wedding! Should be much easier to go throught this way!

Love the pics and all the pink. Can you even take a bad picture? ;)

Thanks for the info about the exotic cars. 3 hours seems like a good chunk of time. Few follow up questions:
How much of that was in the car?
How many laps did Chris do?
Did Chris find the instructor telling him to slow down?

120MPH is 190kmh which my partner used to do in his stupid younger days LOL. But to do it in a Lambourghini would be pretty awesome.
Sorry I didnt see your questions sooner, I think Chris did 8 laps but the actual driving part didnt take very long. He loved it though!

And also sorry for the delay here ladies, I was in Florida again visiting my Grandma last week. It is her first time going to her condo in Florida alone since my Grandfather passed away so we have been trying to give her lots of visitors! The weather was beautiful and we had a really fun time. On to...

Wedding Day! Part One

Just wanted to mention that we don't have our CD of photos from Misty yet, so I will just be using my mother in law's photos for the wedding day for now here, but I have already posted the link to all of Misty's photos previously if you want to see those!

I actually slept really well the night before with my Mom and sister all in the king bed! We woke up around 8 am or so, and decided to skip our planned breakfast reservation at 1900 Park Fare and order room service instead. I showered while we waited for breakfast to arrive, and then ate some fruit off my room service plate. My nerves had kicked in a little bit this morning and I didn't want to eat very much. The weather was beautiful, in the 80's so I was happy about that! About 9 am the ladies from Carolyn Allens arrived at our suite to steam my dress, and then Laine and Rosie from Beaute Speciale arrived at 9:30 to get started on my Mom, sister, and I's hair and make-up. The three of us had our beauty services done in my room while the rest of the bridesmaids were in my parents condo getting theirs done at Bay Lake by 3 more of Beaute Speciale's ladies. It was nice and relaxing with just the three of us at first. By about noon, the rest of my bridesmaids arrived all beautified in their getting ready outfits I had gotten them to my room to finish getting ready and get dressed together. We ordered some more room service for everyone for lunch: club sandwiches, fruit and cheese, and champagne and bottled waters to give us some energy until the reception. I didnt feel like I could eat anything more before the ceremony though. Around noon, Misty arrived to start taking photos and it was quite a whirlwind from there! She took photos of all my accessiories, the girls, putting me in my dress, etc. and then she was off to take photos of the boys in the lobby. So we had about 15 minutes or so for touch ups and to relax before we started our pre-ceremony photos in the lobby. I was buzzing with excitement and for the first time so far a little bit of nerves too.


Meanwhile, Chris stayed overnight the night before with his father at Port Orleans and had breakfast with his parents at Olivia's Cafe around 9 am the morning of the wedding. Then he got dressed with his Dad and groomsmen at the Port Orleans New Orleans, and they were picked up in the limo from there at 12:30 to head to the Grand Floridian for pre-ceremony photos. We didn't see eachother before the ceremony so we each did photos with our attendants and families before hand inside and outside the Grand. Will start on that next post!
Wedding Day! Part 2!

The boys took thier photos mostly with Nelio at about 1:00 pm, they turned out great! Then they took the limo to the Chapel and did who knows what until the ceremony! At about 1:30 pm there was a knock at my door of my suite, and it was Richard an elderly Cast Member of the Grand Floridian, who told me "It's Time" and escorted me outside for photos. There were two large golf carts to pick up me and all my girls, all ten of us, and take us to the lobby. We took photos both inside and outside the lobby, it was beautiful, sunny, and hot out! Misty staged a "First Look" of me by my Dad beneath the main staircase, and we both cried when we saw eachother. Im definetely a Daddy's girl! Toward the end of our photos, I saw Cinderella's Carriage pull up and just started bawling! I couldn't believe my dreams were coming true right in front of my eyes. The carriage was one of the things that orginally made me want a Disney Wedding when I was a little girl! Soon, my Daddy was helping me in and we were on the way to the ceremony! The girls all took the limo over, and my Dad, Mom, sister and I were in the carriage. It was one of my favorite parts of the day riding in the carriage, I felt like an absolute princess! We took the main road due to the construction, which was great because we got a longer ride! They also stopped traffic on the main road, we felt like such celebrities. Families and kids were yelling congratulations to us and waving, and Nelio followed the whole way taking photos. The carriage was most definitely worth the money to me! I loved it! Before I knew it we had arrived and I was whisked into the Bride's Vestibule to sit and rest and have some water before the ceremony. I couldn't wait to see Chris at the end of that aisle.
Wedding Day Part 3!

The Ceremony

Before I knew it, the music was starting and it was time for the ceremony! I was a little nervous, but so happpy and excited. The boys were already up at the altar by the time it was my turn, so I just watched from the side with my Daddy as my beautiful girls walked down the aisle one by one. My flower girl was having a tantrum right before she was supposed to go, but Misty worked her magic and said "Sienna, its time to go see Daddy now" and she just smiled and walked perfectly! My sister went last before me and told me how beautiful the Wedding Pavilion looked as she stepped out the doors. Finally it was my turn to go down the aisle! The Brides March song came on from the beautiful organ and the doors flung open dramatically, and Daddy and I both started to cry tears of happiness as we began our journey down the aisle. The Wedding Pavilion looked absolutely gorgeous! I saw Chris and our eyes connected and he was fighting back tears. I have never felt so lucky and blessed before, that I got to marry such a perfect partner in life.


Next my Daddy gave me away, and the ceremony began. Our Preist did a wonderfully beautiful and touching ceremony. We light our Unity Candle, said our vows, and then the Preist asked the Best Man for the Rings....to which he had a deer in headlights look and said I dont have them! Cue "When you Wish Upon a Star" and Major Domo came bursting throught the doors with the rings in a glass slipper to save the day! We hadn't told anyone about this, so it was a really fun surprise and all our guests got a kick out of it!


Once the rings had been found, we exchanged them, had our first kiss, and were proclaimed to be husband and wife! We had some photos done at Picture Point while our guests exited the ceremony, and then made our exit back to the carriage through a shower of pink rose petals! Getting some alone time with my new husband in the carriage was amazing! We were both finally totally relaxed and ready to celebrate at our reception. We told each other about our mornings, and Chris told me how much he loved my dress and how beautiful I looked. We went back to the Chapel for some Formal Photos with our bridal party and families, Misty was very efficient and those were done in 5 or 10 minutes. Then we took some portraits with just the two of us for about a half hour or so, and then it was finally time to head to our party! We got in the carriage once again, and this time got to take a long relaxing ride over to the Whitehall Room for our reception on the main road again. We chatted about how perfectly the ceremony had gone, and how we couldn't believe we were finally married after 8 years together. Our wedding day was Valentine's Day and our 8 Year Anniversary!

Wow, you look absolutely stunning. Your whole bridal party does. The pink bridesmaid dresses were lovely.

You could see in those pics how happy and tearful you both were.

I may have to make it my mission for our next trip to see that carriage in person. You must have felt like such a princess.

Really excited to read about your reception.
Gorgeous pics.

I don't think I've mentioned it before but I love the fact that you got married on your dating anniversary. It's what I want to do but when I mentioned the idea to my partner he said absolutely not! Our birthdays are a week either side of it and he thinks it's too much money during that span to spend on presents. I told him that I am still going to expect presents then anyway so I don't care if there's another day for me to get more LOL.

Looking forward to your reception report.
Thank you ladies for your kind words! It is really nice to share my day with you all, and re-live it all again.

Wedding Day...Part 4!

Meanwhile, during Chris and I's photos our guests headed to our cocktail hour on the Whitehall Room Patio. It was gorgeous outside! We had the Domestic and International Cheese, Fruit, and Bread Display for our guests to nibble on and a full bar with a Signature Cocktail- the "Blushing Bride" a yummy pink creation to drink. They had our Guest book and gift tables set up out on the patio, as well as our DJ; and the bar was in the hallway. It was a really great set-up! We didn't get to go to this but we arrived to the convention center about 15 minutes before it was over. When we walked in, we were immediately greeted by our planner Vita with 2 cocktails and 2 plates of snacks, talk about service! We were then whisked into a small meeting room to eat and sit down and relax for a few minutes, as well as put my bustle up. Then Vita, asked if we wanted to get a sneak preview of our reception room? Of course! We walked in before anyone else had seen, and oh my gosh it was just so beautiful! It was really amazing seeing my vision become real, and it was way better than I had expected! Again I started to tear up at the beauty of our day. I loved our linens in person, our centerpieces- the silver crystal candelabras, and our sweetheart table set-up. I was also in awe of how beautiful our cake looked! The whole room looked awesome! I am so happy we chose the Whitehall Room, it was so perfect! We practiced our first dance a little bit, and then went back into our little hiding room. We heard Major Domo announcing for everyone to head to the Whitehall Room and sit down and then our bridal party was called in with us, and we were ready to start our grand entrance and introductions to our reception!



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