Double stroller for new baby and 3yr old OR single stroller and an umbrella stroller?


DIS Veteran
Oct 10, 2002
HI, need opinions please.

Having a 2nd baby due Oct. 12 and we have a ds now 3. Since we have AP's and spend alot of time at WDW I know we still need the stroller for my 3yr old -- but....he's getting tall and I'm undecided about weather to get the graco duo-glider and be able to put both kids in the one stroller or if I should just keep the Carter's sport stroller I already have for the new baby and just get an umbrella stroller for my 3yr old.:confused:

My concern is that ds is now 3 and getting taller and I'm afraid of spending the $$ on a double stroller and having him out grow it too quickly -- he's 30lbs now and about 3 ft tall. I've already decided against the sit and stand stroller -- just don't care for it and really need something I can make ds sit in when we need him to ride in the stroller. Is it more of a pain in the neck to have to push 2 strollers vs. one double? Would he outgrow the double too soon if we go with one?

Opinions and experiences much appreciated;)

My suggestion would be to get 2 singles and link them together - probably maclarens would be your best bet. I have the graco and it is too heavy to push, plus once the baby got older he started pulling dd hair, so i put her in back - guess what - she did the same to him. We bought 2 volos for dd4 and ds13mos for when we go in september and will link them together with stroller connectors when we need to (when dd goes on a ride and ds is asleep) or we can just put one on our shoulders as they have straps. for a new baby the volo won't be good bc it doesn't recline, but the other maclarens do, and they are umbrella type so that the connectors will work when you need to (and also if you need to separate you have 2 strollers, or in the am at mk you might not need one for your 3 year old.

This is just a suggestion that was given on this board a while back that i decided to use - just my opinion though.

I think the previous poster gave some great suggestions. Especially with a very young baby, I think you might want to be able to separate the strollers so one of you can go off to feed the baby, etc. if needed and the older child can still ride if he's tired.

We did use the DuoGlider for our DS 3.5 and our DS 1.5 last month, even though we rarely use this stroller at home. The stroller was somewhat bulky, and (LOL kj&zb's mom) we did have a few problems with the boys pulling each other's hair or kicking the seat in front, but overall we were THRILLED with the way this stroller worked out for us on this trip. It has better one-handed steering than my Combi travel strollers; that was a big plus for us. The canopies were helpful and the back seat reclined for the baby's nap. The basket in the bottom was priceless for carrying mister fans, rain ponchos, etc. (we took a backpack for diaper supplies, camera, etc. and carried it with us onto the rides).
BTW, our 3.5 year old was 41" tall and 38 pounds on the trip and he fit in the stroller just fine, with a bit of room to grow.

Just some thoughts. Congratulations on your soon-to-arrive baby!
We went to Disney last year when my ds was 2 and my dd was 8mos. I bought the Kolcraft double umbrella stroller for the trip. It was great! It had reclining seat backs for naps and canopies to keep the sun off. It also was very light and folded up small enough to fit on the buses and monorail. Its not too expensive. I bought mine at Babies R Us for about $56 but I've seen them at Target for less. We still us it now (my son is 3.5) for vacations. He climbs in whenever he is too tired to walk.

We also have the Graco Duo Glider. Its much too heavy to travel with. I call it my mall stroller because the basket underneath can carry a lot of packages and its not too wide to fit down the isles. Funny but my dd also learned at an early age that she could reach up and grab a handful of her brother's hair. She thought it was hysterical.
We also have both the Kolcraft and Graco...actually we own about 6 strollers....and 7 car seats.....anyone need any?

We found the Kolcraft is great for folding up and getting on the bus, getting around in stores, going through a single doorway (just makes it) and turnstiles. Plus it reclines.......

Good luck and have fun.
One option that I rarely see mentioned but that I think works out very well with a preschooler and an infant:

Take one reclining stroller
Take an infant carrier or sling

The preschooler will walk some of the time so the infant can be in the stroller. The infant will want to be held/cuddled some of the time, and then the preschooler can ride in the stroller.

It is so much easier to get on and off the busses with only one single stroller as opposed to a large double or 2 singles. The baby is very comfortable in the carrier or sling on the bus.

As someone who had a 3 YO and a newborn, here's what I recommend. Buy the BEST double stroller you can afford. You will use it A LOT more than at WDW. You'll use it all the time. My 3 YO, HATED strollers until my next child came along. Then all she wanted to do was ride in the stroller like the baby. So, I used it EVERYWHERE, and it got a lot of use. I bought the Combi Twin Savvy. It's rated to hold up to 45lbs in each seat, so it will last you awhile. Unforunately, mine got broke by an airline, and I had to replace it. If you don't think your child will sit in a stroller, then here is another option. The stroller that I replaced my double with was the Peg Perego Pliko. This stroller is GREAT!!! It can carry an infant, and has a small platform on the back in which a child can stand and ride along. My DD 5, still rides on this platform all the time. It's great, I know where she is at all times, and she gets to ride and doesn't tire out. If she wants to walk, she just gets out, and I'm not pushing a double anymore. For the age of your children, I wouldn't recommend two strollers. You'll have to carry one the baby, and your DH will have to assist the 3 YO on the bus, and also be carrying the stroller(s). I know my DH would have a COW if I asked him to carry and hold two strollers on/off the busses, he feels one is enough!!!!
Originally posted by peg2001
One option that I rarely see mentioned but that I think works out very well with a preschooler and an infant:

Take one reclining stroller
Take an infant carrier or sling

The preschooler will walk some of the time so the infant can be in the stroller. The infant will want to be held/cuddled some of the time, and then the preschooler can ride in the stroller.

It is so much easier to get on and off the busses with only one single stroller as opposed to a large double or 2 singles. The baby is very comfortable in the carrier or sling on the bus.


I agree with this suggestion. I have a 4-month old and a 2.5 year old, and I use a sling all the time. The baby just isn't happy in a stroller for very long, so it's easier to just put him in the sling (I use a Maya Wrap) and let my toddler ride in the stroller. I also use this method when we go grocery shopping. Yes, it can be a little tiring but the baby always takes a nap in the sling and is very content, which is easier then trying to keep a fussy baby happy. We're probably going to bring our Baby Bjorn carrier to Disney as well, if DS isn't too long by then (DH uses the Baby Bjorn, but with our first son it got to the point where everytime the baby kicked he was hitting DH in a *bad* spot :)
My suggestion is to take a stroller for the baby and rent one for the older child. This is what we did last year. We have a double stroller but it is rather bulky. If you are going to do any shopping, that can be a nuisance. Also this allowed my DH to take my older DS by himself to various rides while the young DS and I could sit in the shade while he napped. Hope this helps...


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