Dorothy goes to MNSSHP!!! A quickie trip to WDW update 10/23

I thought I had already joined in on your TR but see I haven't! I definitely do not like those smaller planes - those propellers make me SO nervous lol

Disney Springs looks so much better - can't wait to visit hopefully next year! Love your pic at Goofy's Candy ;) I can't tell if you've grown taller or shrunk since your last visit - j/k!! Cute pic :goodvibes

They are not the best planes, but if they help me get where I want to go, I'll take them anytime! Hahaha I did love the look of DS, but it just didn't quite feel like Disney. Lots of options for shopping, but I was really happy to get back to the Marketplace section for some feelings of home!

Oh boy! That was funny about my Goofy's candy pic. I do love that mirror.

There are defiantly lots of good shopping options at Disney Springs! Looks like you had a great trip!

Lots of stores, I enjoyed browsing them. :) I had a wonderful, short, but sweet trip!
Ah Tina! I haven't logged in since before we moved and here I am to find a new mini-TR from you! So excited because I've been having intense Disney travel feelings lately! Can't wait to see what else you got up to. :)
catching back up. I so don't like Disney Springs now. I am not a fan of the upscale shopping places. It just isn't Disney to me. We spent a long time there this trip and I found the parts I liked were the older spots.
Also did you think the World of Disney was lacking? I swear it seemed like so much was missing there. The selection was poor for us too. I was just really disappointed with it all.
Ah Tina! I haven't logged in since before we moved and here I am to find a new mini-TR from you! So excited because I've been having intense Disney travel feelings lately! Can't wait to see what else you got up to. :)

Hey there! Glad to give you a little surprise! I'll be posting a new update today.

catching back up. I so don't like Disney Springs now. I am not a fan of the upscale shopping places. It just isn't Disney to me. We spent a long time there this trip and I found the parts I liked were the older spots.
Also did you think the World of Disney was lacking? I swear it seemed like so much was missing there. The selection was poor for us too. I was just really disappointed with it all.

I liked the look of the new section, but not really for a Disney shopping area! LOL I was so happy to get back to the Marketplace to some real homey feeling and Disney feeling shopping. I don't remember too much about the WOD store, but now that I think back I did maybe notice there seemed to be less in some rooms than I was used to seeing.
For lunch, I really wanted to try the Blaze fired Pizza place. I love pizza, so that was my plan.

Walking back to the new area of DS, I decided to browse that new bakery. All the food looked really pretty, but I didn't buy anything.

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An artist at work!

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And I said, well, since I'm around, I may as well browse some shops some more.

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And I bought some items at the UniQlo store. I am actually wearing my Mickey turtle neck sweater now. And I bought a dress and a t-shirt too. I wanted so much more, and it was lovely to find items that were a little more wintery for me!

This was a store I enjoyed while in Spain....

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In fact, I took this to send to my fellow pilgrims.

P_20161022_121505_BF by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I found the prices to be worse in the US than in Spain. I bought both these pairs of paints and they were 25 Euros each I believe. Here in the US they were $50 each. To make it easier for me, I converted both to the Canadian dollar. I paid about $70 for both pairs of paints. If I'd bought them in DS, they'd have cost me $69 EACH.

I bought they yellow and the pink while I was in Spain. They are adorable though, aren't they?

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I found this interesting to see...

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I grabbed a map of DS, sat in a rocking chair near the new guest services area, snapped some shots and tried to figure out where the pizza place was. LOL

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And sent this home to my sisters to torture them....

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This was my second choice. If I'd been there longer, I'd have for sure tried it!

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I got in line, which was inside the door, so not too bad.

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And I got a build your own pizza.

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I didn't like my drink, but I loved my pizza so much that I didn't want to waste any. I didn't bother taking any back with me, so I ate it all! I did not like my drink though, I should have stuck with normal pop/soda.

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I took one with my cell to share on FB but I like the one I took with my camera better!

P_20161022_123823 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I loved the river part of DS, I thought it was pretty!

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The line was growing and was outside when I turned to look again.

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I liked the river better, so I snapped another few. I haven't been to DS/DTD in the evening/night in a long while. I think this would be pretty in the dark.

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I love to take a picture of the bus directory, which hopefully helps people out for their planning.

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I got in line and within seconds saw this:

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I do so love palm trees!

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I got back to the resort, walked through the food court (snapping one picture along the way) on my way back to my room to drop off my things and decide what to do next.

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I took a picture of the construction around the pool. It didn't bother me at all, even though my room was fairly close. Took one on my cell to forward to the other GGs and to my niece (the Princess) since she enjoyed that pool on our last trip.

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The camera on my phone is ok, the 2nd one above is with my camera. Not when it is zoomed in though....

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Then I decided to take a picture of some purchases to show the Golden Girls.

My new sweater:

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And my new dress:

P_20161022_134727 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Then I decided to put my feet up. It's a trick I learned in Spain, and it works if your feet swell due to whatever (flying sometimes makes my feet swell). And of course, I have to take a picture to send to Rose because she looooovvvveees feet!

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And then send her this too, just because I'm a nutbar!

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And then what did I do? All those plans for my really short trip to WDW.... and I took a nap! Seriously! It's been a tough go at school this year, not the students, I love them. Just the amount of prep work at school. Until that trip in October, I think I'd been at school all but one day, and that includes weekends. I was there yesterday and I'll be back this afternoon and again on Monday and/or Tuesday and school doesn't start again until Wednesday. It's just a constant amount of correcting/planning/organizing/creating. Non stop. So I guess I needed some sleep. Which was good, because I wasn't planning on getting much on Sunday night! :)
cute clothes! I refused to go in those stores but maybe in the future I will give them a chance. My friend loves them and keeps finding cute stuff too.
cute clothes! I refused to go in those stores but maybe in the future I will give them a chance. My friend loves them and keeps finding cute stuff too.

I didn't enjoy many of them. Levis was tiny and over priced (I only buy the outlet jeans), Zara was way more than they were in Europe for the same price. The only store I really liked was Uniqlo because it had Disney clothes, and they were cute!
I must have gone down to refill my mug after my little nap because I have some pictures around the pool.

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Then I went back to my room to leave my mug and take my big camera for a walk around the All Stars. I had already seen all of them, but I enjoy taking pictures and seeing the resorts, so I did.

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I have a niece who, at about 2 would say "Mommy's Pepsi and Daddy's Coke." Hee hee

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It was around here that I started wondering if the door to my room was latched properly. I'd had to pull it shut a few times and I wondered if it would be closed if I hadn't done that.... I kept going anyways.

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I understand the need for the gates, but the pools are much prettier without them!

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The somewhat newly refurbed food court:

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I don't know how I feel about this new look of the characters...

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By then I was really wondering about my door, so I went back to check.

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from raw-9984 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Love Blaze pizza! There's one pretty close to us and it's hard not to go all the time! We also don't have a hard time finished one off haha. What drink did you get? Those pants are very very cute!
Hi Fellow Maritimer :) Following along and loving the pics. We are taking our first trip to ASSp in March!

Hi Pooksma! I really like the values, they just scream Disney for me. And I love Disney! :) Take a look at my 2014 TR if you want, there are tons of pictures of All Star Sports there.

Love the resort pictures!

You would! You love taking pictures of the resorts as well. It's so fun to look back on them. In fact, once I put a bunch on a USB stick to share with my sister. Just resorts because she was thinking about which resort she wanted to book. It comes in useful. Another time I made a small photo book for my friend of just resorts she's stayed in.

Love Blaze pizza! There's one pretty close to us and it's hard not to go all the time! We also don't have a hard time finished one off haha. What drink did you get? Those pants are very very cute!

Yummy! I'd be there a lot of there were a Blaze pizza nearby. I've recently discovered Pita Pit and I love it! So yummy, and healthy!!! I think I got a strawberry aqua and I was thinking it was going to be like the strawberry aqua fresca at Via Napoli, but it was not. :( The pants I got as a Christmas gift from my niece/my sister. They know me well!
I went back to my room to find the door...

Properly latched and locked and fine! Oh well. Now that I was back, I probably refilled my mug, went back to my room and relaxed. I know I watched a bit of tv, read some of my book on my phone and ate some of my rice crispy treat. So much for all the plans I'd had! I guess I really needed the break. I think I'm due for another one.

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And if you've never did the whole design your own treat thing.... here is the form.

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I think I just ate leftover chicken for supper, but I likely went and filled my mug once or twice.

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I loved watching the kids playing in the field.

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I saw the screen come up and I was sure I'd go down and watch the movie.

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Let's get something to drink and get ready to watch the movie.

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Oh look, they are playing the wii.

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I went to get my drink, and then came back to my room. And never went down to watch the movie. I did shop in the store through the day. I know I bought some shampoo and conditioner (did I mention that before?) because it is what I had when I had my stay at the GF, and it totally reminds me of Disney each time I use it. I chatted with the lovely CM all about MNSSHP. She was full of tips.

Hey, I just found my notes.. I didn't even make it to my Disney Springs visit. LOL And I dated my purchase list with AUGUST 22 and 23. LOL I'd never been to WDW or DL in October before, so I guess I messed with my brain!

So that evening I didn't want to buy a whole lot, because this was NOT a shopping trip, and I was going to the outlet the next morning, so I didn't want to buy much before then. I had bought a few things at Basin and UniQlo, but that was it at DS. So I bought a few things ($113 of things) that afternoon. Nothing much, an All Star Resorts mug for me, a couple of All Star Resorts magnets , a WDW insulated bag, and a car decal, on top of the shampoo and conditioner I'd bought. Oops.

Were there fireworks around 8pm at AK? No, I just checked google maps and it doesn't fit with the location. Would the ESPN Wide World of Sports have had fireworks? I don't even think it works for DHS, but it might. It just seemed early to me, but then again I'd never been in October before, maybe that was normal.

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Yes, I stood inside my window and took pictures and video of fireworks!

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And my shampoo/conditioner in case you were wondering. They are not cheap at all, but to bring home the "scent" that brings me back to WDW each time I use it, it's priceless!

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I watched a little tv, tried to pack some things, knowing that I would do at least a LITTLE shopping the next day, and went to sleep kind of early. I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep the next night. I also knew that even though I'd just arrived, I'd be seeing the DME departure envelope the next morning. :(
That is the same shampoo and conditioner they have on Disney Cruise line and I LOVE that stuff. It smells so good. I always ask for extras to bring home.

I love it! I think I might take a shower right now and get that out for my hair. I'm trying to finish an older set someone had given me, so I might just treat myself with Disney smells!
I was up early because I wanted to get some Mickey waffles into me before heading to Mass.

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I must not have really been awake because I thought the waffle station wasn't open until 7, so I sat down and read on my phone.

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And apparently took pictures.

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Before 7, I noticed someone walking by with waffles, so I went to ask, and the OTHER station had waffles since 6am or 6:30! Duh!!!

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So I wolfed them down, ran back to my room to drop off my mug and brush my teeth (I typed drop off my bug!) before heading back down to grab a taxi.

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And I saw this:

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So sad to see that after really just getting there!!!

I snapped some (semi unclear) pictures with my cell phone, so some are on my flickr account but they are not worthy of posting here!

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I don't recall EVER seeing some steam off the pools. I've always gone in way warmer weather.

P_20161023_071148 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr



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