Does it get uncomfortable at the ports of poor countries?

Are you uncomfortable when panhandlers ask for a dollar in (insert USA city here)? Or offer to "watch" your car while you are away?

Do you make eye contact with the Roma that try to push a flower in your hands in (insert EU city here)?

Do you feel crushed when a poor person is selling knick knacks in (insert major city in the world)?

If so, yes you will feel uncomfortable.
I can handle walking around ports as long as we don't stray too far from the beaten path. We have been offered drugs (with our children) in many ports....Nassau, Sint Maarten, St. Thomas, etc.

Just as I would in NYC or any other city don't act like a tourist....don't pull out a map in the middle of the sidewalk, don't wear valuables, keep your camera or phone out of sight, be aware of your surroundings at all times, don't venture down dark or unpopulated area.

I've never found it scary, but there are the hecklers and the very pushy sales people. I don't want to deal with that on my vacation when I am trying to get a break from my own stresses! I wouldn't want to go back to Nassau. St. Thomas was okay, still pushy people although we had a really nice tour guide who was a local and knew a lot about the island (not a Disney excursion, we just found the place when we got off the ship)
Falmouth is the only place I have ever felt uncomfortable, mainly because the trip outside the port with a DCL excursion opened our eyes to real life there. This led to a great discussion with our daughter about blessings and helping others. It also led to a discussion with our tour guide about the economic role of tourism. As for Grand Cayman it was one of the nicest ports we've been to and I had no problem roaming around. Grand Cayman is home to billionaires and banks and the vibe is very different. Best story: In st Thomas a few years ago we got off the boat and just walked around the boardwalk. A man walked by and asked if we wanted any weed to which my daughter loudly proclaimed "wheat! Why would we want to buy wheat?"
My family is looking to book our first cruise, and it seems that, logically, the less expensive cruises go to poor-er countries. I'm concerned that we might be really uncomfortable from scammers/beggars/drug pushers etc. do these things really happen or am I crazy? (or both)

Have you ever been out of your home country? Don't make eye contact. I've cruised on Carnival (one of the "less expensive ships"and never had to worry and each time it was just my sister and I. Just be alert like you would be in any US city,walk with purpose.
I had an unsavory experience in Cozumel years ago, much like another poster mentioned, someone grabbed my hand and physically pulled me into a shop and started strapping bracelets and necklaces on me. I wasn't prepared for it so I didn't know what to do. I am much more aware of my surroundings now and am prepared to FRIMLY say no. They usually understand when you are firm about it. We've been to quite a few places and that was the only place I've had an experience like that though. I also have lots of friends who have gone there and have never had an issue. I think my problem was I was young (21) and only one other young adult with me, both of us clearly tourists in an unfamiliar place. We may as well have had targets on our backs. I would go back to Cozumel again but I would just be more aware and firm. In almost all cases they aren't trying to hurt you, they are trying to sell you something which is how they make a living so if they don't think you're buying, they will move on.
My family is looking to book our first cruise, and it seems that, logically, the less expensive cruises go to poor-er countries. I'm concerned that we might be really uncomfortable from scammers/beggars/drug pushers etc. do these things really happen or am I crazy? (or both)

Well I won't go to Jamaica, so that's not a trouble spot for me. In Nassau there were people who wanted to sell their tour services or their items.

If you have no intention of buying, just say "no" and keep waking. Don't waste anyone's time by listening to their spiel or by even saying "no thank you". Just be quick so they can have a chance at selling someone else their tour services or craft items.

We've never been offered drugs or illegal services, fwiw.

And one thing we have noticed is that even though the aesthetics aren't necessarily nice to our eyes (greycliff in Nassau is super fancy, but looks like it's falling apart for instance), for an island nation battered by storms the countries with the ports aren't bad. And I've noticed happy people. (As long as I'm not wasting their time by listening and then saying no) The people I've seen don't seem unhappy at all.

And the only true scammer I've ever heard of is in San Juan, which is of course part of the US. (The guy's father was mugged and is in the hospital and it's been going on for years now!)

Still feels wild it's legal in my state...! ^^;

Oh I am soooo over it. I thought signs were supposed to be "subtle"! And it's not like my "previous-life" friends who partook ever had problems finding it anyway.
My family is looking to book our first cruise, and it seems that, logically, the less expensive cruises go to poor-er countries. I'm concerned that we might be really uncomfortable from scammers/beggars/drug pushers etc. do these things really happen or am I crazy? (or both)

I would say it's normal (if you have a good heart) to feel bad/uncomfortable to be enjoying a cruise (which is a luxury) in those places. I do not feel comfortable in Nassau (Jamaica and Haiti are definitely not for me).

Also, those can be unsafe. An excursion with a group is highly recommended. And leave all jewelry, iPad/iPhones and branded clothes on the ship.
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Yes, in Nassau we were asked if we wanted to buy some "blow". I am assuming that is cocaine. I really don't know. Some vendors are aggressive, but they give up as you walk away. We were fine though. We did some shopping and stayed close to the ship.
As DisneyWishes 14 said, Falmouth was an eye opener to us as well. We did take a tour outside the secure area and if I had a dollar for every hostile glance cast our way while we were in the van, I'd be a rich man. VERY uncomfortable to say the least.

Meanwhile we walked all around Grand Cayman and felt just fine. St Thomas was ok as well.
The Cayman Islands is not a poor country and St. Thomas is part of the the United States of America, which is not a poor country.
Heck, I walked to K-Mart and a convenience store while in St. Thomas. Acted like a local and got treated like a local.
St. Thomas is part of the United States of America, which is not a poor country.
My daughter was a bit uncomfortable in both Nassau and Falmouth when people tried to pressure us to buy things. I used it as a teaching moment though. I think it is important for her to grow up understanding that the world is a very diverse place and it is important to understand and respect other cultures. I never felt unsafe in either of these ports or in Cozumel. It was just different than what we experience at home although we are used to a pretty large homeless population due to our legalization of marijuana in Colorado.
You had a large homeless population in Colorado long before your state legalized marijuana.
People post about how terrible Nassau and Cartagena are. Many people stay on the ship out of fear. We explored those areas on our own without a tour group and felt perfectly safe. We travel smart and have never had any issues.
Many people are not comfortable being around people with skin color that is different than their own.
I'm going to leave this here.....
I find it most interesting that many Americans, seem to have painted pictures in their heads about the Bahamas or other similar tropical destinations, of nothing more than pina coladas, white sandy beaches and palm trees. Many seem to forget that actual people live in these countries. People that deal with the same issues as many Americans and have societies with the same social ills as many American cities. I am sure we would all love to live in a perfect world free of beggers, scammers, and criminals and their heinous crimes, but sadly that is not the world we live in.
The most aggressive pickpockets and juvenile delinquents we've encountered in our round the world travels were in Paris., France.
Not exactly a poor country.
The Cayman Islands is not a poor country and St. Thomas is part of the the United States of America, which is not a poor country.

There is a good reason why the ship when it's docked at Falmouth is as crowded as any sea day.


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