Do you have "good" hair ?

My hair stylist says I have great thick hair. I love it when someone says what type of dye I use in my hair and I say it's natural.....grey of course! :)
I have good "raw materials," but I'm terrible at doing hair (especially my own) so my hair doesn't live up to its potential! ;-)
I have great hair (although it is going gray now and I have to color it), but I am super lazy, so I mostly wear it in a pony tail. I also work at an elementary school that is ALWAYS having Head Lice breakouts, so wearing it pulled up is in my best interest anyway.
I do, but now I keep it very short so it doesn't really live up to its full potential. It used to be down to my waist and very thick and shiny, I was always getting compliments. I cut it sometime in my 40s (the stylist just about died when I said to cut it all off), and I haven't looked back. I always hated having hair in my face.
My hair is naturally curly and tends to frizz. It's been a lifelong battle. I can't wear it short because it resembles a clown wig when it's humid outside. I'm playing with stopping the hair dye right now so it's brown and gray at the moment. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay the course.
I had fabulous thick and wavy hair in a cute short cut until Monday....then it all fell out due to chemo! Curious how it will grow back!
I'm sorry about losing your hair. When my grandmother had chemo, I was surprised how quickly hers fell out. It stayed in for longer than we expected (maybe she *isn't* going to lose it?) then when it started to go, it went FAST. I hope you have a full remission and that your hair grows back quickly and beautifully!
My stylist says I do. It's not thick and it's not thin. It will hold a curl but also straightens easily. Drying naturally it is in between straight and curly and doesn't look good without some intervention.

This is me too. Although mine is pretty thick. My stylist has to thin it out considerably or I look like a mushroom (have a bob cut). It looks great blow dried and flat ironed, but it's a hot mess of large waves and frizz when air dried. If it was longer, it would air dry into those highly coveted "beach waves", but it's short so its like half a wave and weird outward flip on the ends.
I do, my hair is thick individually and there is a lot of it. Tons of it! Naturally it's got a bit of a wave. People compliment it all the time, but they aren't the ones that have to wash it, takes forever to wash and dry.
I HATE my hair. People always compliment on how pretty it is. It is thick, curly, and tends to frizz. Being biracial my hair is a mix of black and white hair, so NOTHING works on it. It takes FOREVER to straighten, so I never straighten it.
I had fabulous thick and wavy hair in a cute short cut until Monday....then it all fell out due to chemo! Curious how it will grow back!

after chemo mine comeback a bit fuller and curly, now years after, its not curly but a little bit wavy, I like it
I have never liked my hair. It was naturally curly and fairly thick, but somewhat unruly and frizzed easily. In high school in the early 1970s, when "long and straight" was the style of the day, I HATED my hair. I used to wash it, pull it into a pony tail on top of my head, and wrap it around orange juice cans in hopes of it straightening as it dried. Ironing hair so it was straight was the "in" thing; remember that this was before curling irons, straightening irons, or even hand-held hairdryers were available. The best thing that ever happened to my hair was hot rollers; I could set my dry hair, wait until the rollers cooled, and then style my hair so it looked like Farrah Fawcett's when she was in Charlie's Angels. It looked pretty good until I got outside; if it was at all humid, misty, rainy, etc., BAM! Frizz-city.

My hair is very different now. I had bariatric surgery about three years ago. I held onto my hair for awhile, but 3 months later DH had knee surgery which became grossly infected. He spent 8 weeks in either the hospital or nursing home, flat on his back with his leg elevated, hooked to a picc line, and my hair started falling out in a big way. I'm sure it was a combination of my own surgery and the stress of DH's health situation, but I lost So Much Hair! Now I take lots of biotin, watch my protein intake religiously, and it's slowly growing back (probably shoulder length after 2 years of growing it) . Now it's pretty thin and limp, and doesn't hold much curl or style very well. It makes me sad now. I miss my long, wavy hair. It's the hair I always wanted to have in high school... which is a direct lesson in "Be careful what you wish for." :(
Nope. Mine is straight until about my ears and then likes to get wavy and go every which way. So, I have to straighten it to make it look semi decent. It’s also a mousy brown color but at least I’ve not found any grey hairs yet (I’ll be 38 in a few weeks)
Nope. I still have all of it, but it grows so curly and nappy, I just buzz it to the skin at least once a month.
I have fine and thin hair. While it's great because I don't have to do anything to have it be straight it also means style does not retain in it so I just don't do it. I do get compliments on the color and how nice it must be to have it be so straight but again the straight has it's own issues.
I did. I had princess/mermaid hair. I didn’t appreciate it when I had it
After I got pregnant, but especially after I gave birth, it severely darkened, broke, and started to fall out. I look nothing like the picture now and my hair will never look like that again. 8CE121A7-1637-4776-BFA0-64348AED4A88.jpeg


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