Disney Princess revealed as bisexual on 'Once Upon A Time'

Rumors Rocks

Mar 29, 2013


Do the math: At least one of those princesses had to be LGBT. Ever since Sunday’s episode of ABC’s “Once Upon A Time” the Internet has been buzzing over the dramatic reveal that Mulan is in love with Aurora of “Sleeping Beauty." For those who don't follow the show, the reveal was even more dramatic because last season, it was believed Mulan had feelings for Aurora’s Prince Phillip. Drama! The series, now in its third season, follows classic fairytale characters from Disney movies as they interact with each other both in an enchanted realm and the real world. Now, fans are applauding the big reveal, saying it represents the LGBT community that enjoys the show every week — and TV critics are hailing it as a commendable gesture of acceptance and affirmation by ABC and Disney.
Well, the Emperor did say you don't meet a girl like that every dynasty.
Interesting they chose to even consider for a main character. And it was such a small piece that it didn't lend to a story at all. Didn't bother me, but it seemed like a wasted segment.

Of course it won't get me to stop watching. I'm addicted!
OK...Call me ignorant, I completely missed that part of the storyline! I thought Mulan was going to finally tell everyone she loved Phillip! She was in love with him in the beginning, right?! I'll have to rewatch it, I must've stepped out of the room during a piviotal point!
Last season we were led to believe that she wanted to save Phillip because she was secretly in love with him but didn't have the heart to tell Aurora. This reveal basically implies that she was actually trying to save Phillip this whole time to make Aurora happy.

ndebt, there was a part where Mulan went to Aurora and said she had something to say. Aurora said Phillip was gone, and Mulan said that was fine, because she actually wanted to talk to Aurora, and not Phillip. That was the tip-off that she was lesbian, or bi. When Aurora revealed her pregnancy, Mulan got cold feet and said her news was actually that she was joining Robin Hood's band, and then she turned and left immediately.
I seriously need to watch this show. I think I need to cave and get TV for my house just so I can watch this show!! Do they stream it on Hulu or anything??
I seriously need to watch this show. I think I need to cave and get TV for my house just so I can watch this show!! Do they stream it on Hulu or anything??

I know that it's on hulu, or was, because that's how I got started. I'm just not sure if it goes back all the way to the beginning. It's an amazing show. Can't wait to see Ariel and Ursula, and the Rufio reference this season made me super excited.

There are also rumors they want to work in Rapunzel and Cruella de Vil this season. Pongo is already on the show, as Jiminy Cricket's (Dr. Hopper) dog.
I am addicted to this show too. So happy to see others are as well. My husbands goes crazy that I interrupt his football to watch this show but I just can't get enough!
I seriously need to watch this show. I think I need to cave and get TV for my house just so I can watch this show!! Do they stream it on Hulu or anything??

The first two seasons are streaming on Netflix too! Also ABC is really good about having episodes from current seasons on demand and on their website to stream!
I didn't pick up on this either. I figured Mulan had spent so much time with Aurora she felt the need to tell her the feelings she had for Phillip. Usually, if a girls is in love with a friends significant other, it's polite to approach the friend first. I don't think the average viewer picked up on your idea of bi feelings.
I disagree. I read this on huff post after the episode aired. Reads to me like people forcing it based on speculation. Seems to me like common sense would say it's Phillip, and though you could make the argument that there's no PROOF it's not Aurora, it's just not logical.

I wouldn't believe it, based on what we've seen, unless someone from Disney/ABC/Once Upon A Time comes out and says it, as well. Regardless of all the googling I've done, I've yet to see an actual rep from the show say it...it's all blogs and Inquirer type media outlets.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong.
In earlier shows it was clearly Philip she was interested in. It is a huge assumption that this means she is lesbian! People want her to be so make the leap in their own minds. And Disney is very smart, like with Gay Day. They will not say a word. They don't want to confirm or deny, let people think what they want and be happy. Just like how they get all the right merchanise in before Gay Day, but don't support it officially at all. Everybody is happy, nobody is mad at Disney, and they make money.

I wouldn't even put it past Disney, or the writers, to drop such a line in the story crafted for exactly this purpose. Just like politics: Plausible deniability!
I didn't pick up on this either. I figured Mulan had spent so much time with Aurora she felt the need to tell her the feelings she had for Phillip. Usually, if a girls is in love with a friends significant other, it's polite to approach the friend first. I don't think the average viewer picked up on your idea of bi feelings.

Totally agree. My sister called me the next day up in arms about it. I missed it, although I don't care if that was what implied. We'll have to wait and see - still my favorite show:)
there was a part where Mulan went to Aurora and said she had something to say. Aurora said Phillip was gone, and Mulan said that was fine, because she actually wanted to talk to Aurora, and not Phillip. That was the tip-off that she was lesbian, or bi. When Aurora revealed her pregnancy, Mulan got cold feet and said her news was actually that she was joining Robin Hood's band, and then she turned and left immediately.

It was all in what was NOT said....I got it right away actually.
I know that it's on hulu, or was, because that's how I got started. I'm just not sure if it goes back all the way to the beginning. It's an amazing show. Can't wait to see Ariel and Ursula, and the Rufio reference this season made me super excited.

The first two seasons are streaming on Netflix too! Also ABC is really good about having episodes from current seasons on demand and on their website to stream!

Thank you both!!! I need to set aside some mommy time to catch up...and now that the point of it still being about Philip is being shared, I can see that making sense too...very interesting. I saw the clip from the show that everyone was talking about and know nothing else of the show, so I went into it reading all the "bi" headlines, so that was the only way I saw the clip.
OK...Call me ignorant, I completely missed that part of the storyline! I thought Mulan was going to finally tell everyone she loved Phillip! She was in love with him in the beginning, right?! I'll have to rewatch it, I must've stepped out of the room during a piviotal point!

Likewise, my impression was she was going to tell Aurora she loved Phillip but decided she couldn't after she found out Aurora was pregnant.

After re-watching the clip I think it could go both ways, :-)rotfl2:) I'm not sure if she was going to tell her she loved her or Phillip.
I'm interested to see where this goes. I was telling a friend about all hub-bub. We both had watched it and while I had thought something with Aurora was hinted at, she didn't pick that up at all. So we both watched it a few times together and it really doesn't lean either way (or maybe it leans both ways as a PP said :) ) .

I'm OK with it if that's what they do, kudos for having the guts. I'm OK if that's not what they were hinting at either. It really was pretty ambiguous, and we were really trying. :) Perhaps all that time living with men in the military rubbed off on her.
Not that i would be against the the two ladies, I still think it was that she loved Phillip, it just seemed to work with the storyline from last season:confused3popcorn::


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