DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM - A Spring 2013 Adventure! *COMPLETE* 11/20

YAY 6 updates!!!!! When you went MIA in May with all your awesome busy plans, I paused reading your TR and went and read all of Lia's (thank you for that suggestion haha!) so it's so exciting now that you guys are together!! It's so cool how you guys became such good friends even though you pretty much only met once!

Looovveed all the character pics, especially the Minnie one with all the girls!!

I'm a vegetarian and everytime you post pics of your amazing mac and cheese I'm like "omg I will happily just eat that EVERY day of my trip next year!" Can you believe I've never tried it at WDW?! :eek:

Your new Disney class sounds really interesting! What were the other "salon" choices other than photography?

Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventures! :goodvibes
Noooooo why is my trip over?! I seriously feel like you were just freaking texting me saying "AHHH I'M LEAVING FOR MY PROGRAM TOMORROW" and this trip wasn't even planned yet, and now it's over.

And I can not believe how quickly you got through day 1. I guess when your whole life is one big trip report you learn to do that! It is going to take me like 9832293 updates to get through that first day alone! Like all this stuff is normal to you but when you were getting our tickets I noticed I could see the castle from the parking lot and Lee-Anne and I were like *FALLS OVER* THEEEE CASSTTEELLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG hahaha. Frumpy castle freak out in Brooke. Whatever.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I MISS PORT I MISS PORT I really have to stay there again next time. I just totally fell in love with the place.

I love that first pic of us together. I WAS SO READY. omg. Can I cry now or

I still can't believe the first Disney food I ate was SALAD. It was so good though. I miss all the foooooooodddd. I'm sad.

I want to go to a character meal with Mark again, he was so funny hahaha. I'm so angry because I took a video when Goofy sat down at our table and it's just ... GONE. I have NO idea what happened to it and I am SO MAD BECAUSE THAT WAS THE BEST MOMENT.

YAY! REUNITED AT LES CHEFS!!!!!!!!! That was so great, and so was frumping around for pins. I must have traded at least 100 times this trip and I didn't keep track of it like at all so I have no idea when I got which pins. Oh well. All I know is that out of everything I am probably craving pin trading the most and I can not believe you just get to do it at any time. No wonder why you need a new pin book. AHH.

I'm excited to read more of this. It's really REALLY weird to read someone else's report on my trip!! But awesome cause it's another perspective! There's stuff in here I didn't really remember until I read it, so yay!
YAY LIA AND LEE-ANNE! I cannot wait to hear all about this trip!


That Rapunzel sounds perfect!

Your Haunted Mansion pictures from the outside are just fantastic. The building looks so cool with that sky!

Your character pictures from Chef Mickey’s are adorable. Like just stop.

Pin trading + dinner in France = PERFECTION.
I was in line with John Stamos once in Adventureland. He was very nice. :goodvibes
You seem a little down lately. Hope things are looking up soon and that all turned out how you wanted
Great updates, Jess!!!
Congrats on being #1 again on the Top Ten Threads on the Podcast. Pete said some wonderful things about you today on the podcast!
This is Seriously awesome!!!!!!! I just heard about this thread while watching the dis unplugged and I can see why you win every month.
Jess, you are quite the young lady! I have enjoyed reading about this wonderful time in your life so very much. I am going back to read all of your other TR now while I wait for you to get caught up here!

My hubby is the one that learned about your reports when he caught wind on the dis podcast and I have to tell you, aside from getting to "meet" you and hear about your CP adventures, the best part has been that he wants to try sooooo many new foods! He is a terribly picky eater and the only TS restaurants my family ever does are character breakfasts and Le Cellier. As wonderful as those can be, I want more dinner dining!!

Keep spreading your wonderful pixie dust--it has been such a pleasure to read! I hope our paths cross one day at the most magical place on earth. My daughter thinks you are a rock star; she was looking over my shoulder while reading a post one day and when I told her about you, her eyes got huge, her jaw dropped and she declared she would do the DCP one day too! So, even if you never get to be great friends with Jasmine or Belle (which you totally will!) I know a young princess who would love an autograph from Princess Jess!
Loving the latest updates!

Is your friend Courtney good friends with Rapunzel? ;)

I wish you were staying until October!
Loving all of your updates!

#BirthdayFestivus13 is an amazing idea! Love that you can celebrate when you can all be together. Happy Birthday to all of you! Mark and I are birthday twins, although I am sure I am (quite) a few years ahead of him. If you are into the trivia at Canada (Epcot), July 1st is their Dominion Day.

I am not surprised you joined the photography group in your class. Your pictures are amazing! Some of your photos could be sold on the Disney Photopass DVD, they are that good! What do you use for a camera?

Can't wait to
Loving the latest updates!

Is your friend Courtney good friends with Rapunzel? ;)

I wish you were staying until October!

Thank you! Yes, she does know her quite well!

Loving all of your updates!

#BirthdayFestivus13 is an amazing idea! Love that you can celebrate when you can all be together. Happy Birthday to all of you! Mark and I are birthday twins, although I am sure I am (quite) a few years ahead of him. If you are into the trivia at Canada (Epcot), July 1st is their Dominion Day.

I am not surprised you joined the photography group in your class. Your pictures are amazing! Some of your photos could be sold on the Disney Photopass DVD, they are that good! What do you use for a camera?

Can't wait to

Thank you! I use a Nikon D3100 and iPhoto for any enhancements!
How fun! I found your trip report a few weeks ago and I've been slowly reading it. I love it! It reminds me of my CP back in 01. I can't believe it's been that long!

Thanks for writing this! It's fun to read! I miss the days of working and hitting the parks! Although we're pretty spoiled we live here now so we go a few times per week!

Enjoy the rest of your program!
I just found out one of my friends kids knows you slightly. Her daughter is on her college program too and knows you.
May 13th, 2013 (Part 1) - LIA'S HERE!!!!!

From there we kept going through all of the countries. We stopped in America for quite a while so Lia and Lee-Anne could have the god-like creation of the Rocky Road Brownie Mousse. I was too full to eat it but they enjoyed it very much. It felt really good to sit in the shade. I was exhausted.


Then we kept walking and Mark and I grabbed Frushi in Japan! I am seriously going to miss that stuff SO MUCH. I will never get tired of frushi. I wish it would become a permanent menu item somewhere.


Continued in Next Post

Isn't the Frushi the best? I think I got that every time we went through the countries! That needs to be on a menu somewhere!

Same with the Rocky Road Mousse! I think my only regret with that one was waiting until the last day of Flower and Garden to get it! Same with the pulled pig slider! Yum!

Your trip report is giving me so many ideas for places to eat!

I am new today to Disboards so hey everyone!
I'm 20 years old (will be 21 by the time I do my CP) and I'm from the UK. I'm currently looking at applying to the CP in WDW next summer for 2 and a half months and I was wondering if anyone had been on a college programme? Or knows a little bit more about it than I do? I have heard you can become a character attendant which I am very interested in, and maybe auditioning to become a character, however, I've had a job in a mascot outfit before and I get a bit claustrophobic so I was wondering if you could apply for a "face" character as I think they are called? (Where the character is a real person such as Mary Poppins, The Princesses, Alice in Wonderland etc?)
And my last question is how much does it cost or how much do you get paid? The applications for next year aren't open until August so I am waiting to find out more then

If anyone could help me at all that would be great I am starting to get excited about it even before Ive applied so I would love to know more so that I can start my application 100% certain that I want to do it

Thanks Guys xxx
I'm from the UK. I'm currently looking at applying to the CP in WDW next summer for 2 and a half months.

Hi! I'm no expert, but a friend of a friend did it and my sister is also looking into it so I'll tell you what I know! Firstly, we are also from the UK and my sister was told that you cannot do the 'College Program', only the 'International Program' which is a bit different! (See the website for more details!).

I have heard you can become a character attendant which I am very interested in, and maybe auditioning to become a character.

My sister was also told that with the International Program, you are more limited in what you can do. Basically you work the food and merchandise outlets in the UK Pavilion in Epcot! She found that a bit disappointing as she would have liked a role in the resort hotels, but I guess it doesn't really matter, you still get the Disney experience!! :-)
(I also chatted to a girl in the Twinings Tea Shop on my last trip who has been doing the IP for a few months at a time on and off for the last 10 years lol, always in Epcot and she loves it!)

However, I've had a job in a mascot outfit before and I get a bit claustrophobic so I was wondering if you could apply for a "face" character as I think they are called? (Where the character is a real person such as Mary Poppins, The Princesses, Alice in Wonderland etc?)

The way I understand this is that no matter what program you are on, you cannot apply for face character as such. Once you are already in, you have to attend an open audition with about 400 other people and get picked for further stages of auditions. But again, I'm under the impression you can't do this at all as an international program :-(

And my last question is how much does it cost or how much do you get paid?

I believe you are provided with accommodation and some income (probably minimum wage!) but your living costs are pretty low!

Hope that helps!
All the recent food pictures are making me hungry, because they look soooo good!


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