Discovery Cove review - April 12, 2016


May 11, 2015
The idea of posting a trip report of my entire 2 week vacation was too daunting so I’m doing it in little pieces. Apparently no one has read it but I’ve got a review of my Disney days here and this will be a review of day at Discovery Cove (April 12th). This was my first trip to Discovery Cove and the advice I got from you guys here really helped so thank you!

A little introduction – I’m Sandra and my husband is Darren. We’re Canadians who love theme parks, Florida and animals. Expect lots of pictures.


I originally wanted to do Discovery Cove on a trip last year but it wouldn't fit in the schedule and I thought it was too expensive. It was one of the first things I booked this trip and when I really worked it out, the cost wasn't really as bad as it initially seemed. After tax, I paid $668 for Darren and I. That included our day at Discovery Cove (with the dolphin swim), unlimited admission to Sea World, Aquatica and Busch Gardens Tampa for 14 days (including parking at all parks). We weren't interested in Aquatica but had already been planning on going to Busch Gardens. So if you consider that we did 3 parks (and the Discovery Cove day included all food and drinks), it wasn't as bad as it initially seems - about $100 per person, per park, per day, which is typical for Orlando. And after actually visiting Discovery Cove, I feel like it was 100% worth it so I’m really glad we went.

The water at Discovery Cove doesn't open until 9am but everyone here said you should get there really early. So we arrived just after 7am and it was a good move - we were one of the first people in line and they started letting everyone inside about 5 minutes after we arrived. We signed in and got the first dolphin swim time for the day, 8:30. It was good to have an early time so we could relax for the rest of the day and not ever have to worry about checking the time. After getting our ID card, we got our free souvenir photo taken (I look pretty awful, as I didn't really do my hair and makeup, seeing as we'd be spending all day in the water). We grabbed some breakfast (which was good - lots of choices and everything was fresh) and sat outside to eat. While we were eating, Darren was telling me about a couple he'd seen at breakfast in our hotel that morning (he'd gone down for a 'pre-breakfast' of coffee & cereal while I was getting dressed). She went to gather up their used plates & cups and take them to the garbage and her husband stopped her - "What are you cleaning up for? They've got people for that." So they just walked away and left all their trash on the table - so rude! When we were done our Discovery Cove breakfast, Darren gathered up our dirty plates and other garbage and went to look for an area to drop them off. A park employee came rushing up to him. "Sir, sir! Please do not ever handle your dishes and garbage, just leave it all on the table. We've got people for that." Hahahaha!!!! Any staff that we encountered all day were super friendly and helpful. It really felt like we at a resort down south, not in the middle of Orlando.




Waiting for opening.






Before our dolphin swim, we had to get changed into our bathing suits and either a wetsuit or swim vest. If you are in the water at Discovery Cove, a wetsuit or vest is mandatory (they say it's safety reasons, helps make you more visible to the lifeguards). Since it was early and the water would be cool, we opted for wetsuits for the dolphin swim. I was out of the change room first and Darren wasn't out yet - strange. I put my stuff in a locker, put on sunscreen and waited for him. When he finally showed up, he explained that he struggled to get the wetsuit on and when he came outside, some kid was staring at him and smiling. Darren noticed that their wetsuits looked different. 'Hey, yours zips up in the I have mine on backwards? I do! Why didn't you tell me?" The kid laughed and said, "I don't know, I figured that was just how you wanted to wear it." Hahaha! So Darren had to struggle to get it off and put it back on the correct way. Then he couldn't get the zipper up (women are used to zipping up dresses or doing up bras, I can reach any part of my back with no problem. Darren's range of motion is a lot more limited so I guess he had a really tough time getting the zipper up). And getting the thing off and on to go the bathroom was a total nightmare so after our dolphin swim, we both changed into the vests instead.
Hi. I'm taking my boys to Discovery Cove for the first time this August and am really enjoying your report so far. One question, if the water areas aren't open till 9am what is open? Just the restaurant or are there other things you can do? I know everyone says get there early but my 10 year old has a low boredom threshold and I don't want him taking gadgets to play with! Thanks
Hi. I'm taking my boys to Discovery Cove for the first time this August and am really enjoying your report so far. One question, if the water areas aren't open till 9am what is open? Just the restaurant or are there other things you can do? I know everyone says get there early but my 10 year old has a low boredom threshold and I don't want him taking gadgets to play with! Thanks

The water and the aviary both open at 9 so nothing is really open before that. But it's worth noting that even though the water doesn't open until 9am, our dolphin swim time was 8:30. You watch a video and get a talk on safety etc. so it was probably 9am by the time we got in the water but we still needed to be checked in with our trainer for 8:30. I found getting there early was helpful because we weren't stuck waiting in line (to sign in, get our photo taken or to have breakfast). I was concerned we wouldn't have enough to do but by the time we got checked in, did the photo, had breakfast, picked up our wetsuits, mask & snorkel, got changed, put our stuff in a locker, slathered ourselves in sunscreen, it was time to meet up for the dolphin swim. If you had a later dolphin swim time, I guess you may have some time to kill but I'd rather kill time playing in the sand or having a slow breakfast than standing in a big line in the lobby to sign in. Hope you have a great time!
The dolphin swims are done in groups but the group was small enough to make for a good experience - I think our group had 8 people, including the two of us. We met two different dolphins, Clipper and Kayley. Clipper is actually Kayley's mom but the trainer explained that Clipper just treats Kayley like any other dolphin in the pod now that she's fully grown. Interesting. They had everyone pose for some pictures and we swam out into the deeper water had Kayley pull us back. It wasn't a long experience (maybe half an hour) but I've never been able to interact with a dolphin before so it was pretty awesome. I swore I wasn't going to be suckered into buying the (insanely priced) photos but of course I did. How can you swim with dolphins and not get the photos?






I bought an underwater camera especially for Discovery Cove so the rest of the day's photos were taken with that. So the quality isn't the greatest but it was neat to be able to take photos underwater. And it was nice to not have to worry about my camera getting wet or sandy or damaged, the waterproof camera is super durable (and small - I can't remember the last time I used a camera with a wrist strap as opposed to a neck strap!) It also felt good to just throw everything into a locker because everything you needed (food, drinks, sunscreen, towels) was free and available. I was really impressed with the cleanliness of the change rooms and bathroom areas. The entire place is sand so I didn't wear shoes all day. Normally walking into a bathroom with no shoes on would be insanity but they were spotless, with huge piles of clean towels everywhere.

After ditching the wetsuits and getting swim vests, we went to the aviary. You get little cups of food for the birds and there was an interesting variety. I've fed lorikeets tons of times but there were some other exotic birds in this aviary. I do wish I had my ‘real’ camera for this part of the day, as most of my pics were crap.







When we were done with the birds, we got some snacks (even though it was 10am, Darren got a beer because, why not?) There were frozen drink machines so we each had some kind of fruity slushy (though later in the day we discovered a Coke slurpee machine at one of the other snack bar areas. Coke slurpees? Oh yes. Yes yes yes!) I had a rice krispie square, I think Darren had a pretzel and we got some warm delicious chocolate chip cookies. We tried to eat healthy on the trip but this was NOT one of those days.

Next up was the grand reef, where you can snorkel with fish and rays. The water was quite cold, I guess we might have been more comfortable in the wetsuits. But you got used to it quickly enough and it was neat to be swimming while surrounded by fish. Some of the rays were huge, 5 feet across. Wow. I didn't get the greatest photos or videos as I was having a hard time seeing what was on the screen but it was really neat.









Not a great pictures but it helps give a sense of scale. Some of these rays were huge.


Coke slurpees! Yesssss!
Hi. I'm taking my boys to Discovery Cove for the first time this August and am really enjoying your report so far. One question, if the water areas aren't open till 9am what is open? Just the restaurant or are there other things you can do? I know everyone says get there early but my 10 year old has a low boredom threshold and I don't want him taking gadgets to play with! Thanks

Hi Sarah,

Sometimes DC will bring out animal ambassadors during the later breakfast hours, to help pass the time until the water features open at 9 am. We have met a sloth and an armadillo on previous visits. Very cool experiences!
Love your trip report so far! Keep them coming!
Thank you! I hope to get the final part of the trip report posted today.

wow !
your pictures are great !!

i like how you gave us a lot of details at DC
Thanks! It was fun playing around with the underwater camera.

Great pictures and an awesome review!! You're getting me mighty excited for our two visits in October! :goodvibes
Thank you! Can't believe you're doing two visits in one trip, that's amazing! Definitely look forward to reading those trip reports! :goodvibes
I would have never guessed that camera would be as sharp as it was

Waiting anxiously for more trippie!
Here's the conclusion of my Discovery Cove day.

We had lunch - chicken & rice, pasta, coleslaw, salad and carrot cake. Everything was pretty tasty and there was a good selection of food options available. There was no line for food and no shortage of seating. After lunch, we grabbed some pool noodles and hit the lazy river. The lazy river wasn't that 'lazy' - there was actually a pretty strong current so you moved along at a decent speed. Some parts were very shallow and you might want to consider wearing water shoes if you've got sensitive feet. Darren wasn't bothered but I scraped my feet on the bottom a few times and it hurt. The lazy river flows right through the aviary, which was pretty neat. We stopped there for a bit and checked out some of the birds - one apparently did not like my sunglasses!





No matter where we were in the park, it never felt crowded. Definitely a nice change after dealing with crowds at Disney.



They use waterfalls to keep the birds from flying out of the aviary.


These guys crack me up, I call them moustache birds.


You could walk right out of the lazy river and into the aviary.


As we were floating through, these pink birds showed up so we stopped to see them.


He seems ok with Darren…


But not me! Bird attack!


Later we came upon a baby armadillo! There was a staff member just standing by the side of the lazy river holding this tiny little guy so we climbed out to meet him. So adorable!




It felt very lush and tropical - easy to forget you're in the middle of Orlando.


The rest of the day was pretty similar - we did another loop of the lazy river, picked up our dolphin swim photos, had some snacks (they had vanilla ice cream and you could combine that with the warm chocolate chip cookies to make your own ice cream sandwich, mmmm!), relaxed in some hammocks, watched some otters and marmosets (you cruise by them on the lazy river but I didn't get any decent photos), met a kinkajou named Miela (so cute!). I decided to go back into the grand reef for more snorkeling. By this point, the battery in the underwater camera was almost dead but I managed to get some shots and videos. Darren stayed in a hammock and while he was lying there, a tiny little bunny came out of the bushes and was hopping around on the sand. Awwww!


Ice cream and warm cookies - delicious!


Exploring underwater.


The kinkajou.



Even the squirrels are relaxing.


I think we left around 4:30 or 5pm but it was a great day. Definitely a nice break from the more frantic pace of the theme parks. It had been overcast for most of the day but when we got back to the hotel, we both looked really red. I was pi$$ed, because I am so careful about staying out of the sun and am fanatical about applying sunscreen. I'd applied my own sunscreen that morning and the rest of the day, I used the 'animal friendly' sunscreen provided by Discovery Cove. The swim vest covered my back, chest and shoulders so they were fine but my arms (especially from my wrist to my elbow) were super red and angry. Arrrrrgh. So beware - apply sunscreen often! After relaxing at the hotel for a bit, we went out for dinner (Bahama Breeze on International Drive. It was ok, nothing memorable) and stopped at Walgreens to get some aloe for my arms. Sunburned arms aside, definitely one of my favorite days of the trip, I'm so glad we did Discovery Cove.
An excellent review, and your pictures were gorgeous! I loved the fact that you had the chance to get up close and personal with a couple of their animal ambassadors, too :thumbsup2.

I can't help but admit, though, my favourite picture of all was the bird couldn't have captured a more timely photo if you tried!
An excellent review, and your pictures were gorgeous! I loved the fact that you had the chance to get up close and personal with a couple of their animal ambassadors, too :thumbsup2.

I can't help but admit, though, my favourite picture of all was the bird couldn't have captured a more timely photo if you tried!

Thanks Gina! I was really hoping we'd see the sloth but no luck (though we did do a sloth encounter at Wild Florida earlier in the week so I can't really complain!).

The bird attack picture is one of my favorites too - so funny! I don't know what set him off, if I was too close or maybe he could see his reflection in my sunglasses and thought it was another bird? :rotfl2:
i'm just loving this trippie!!

the pictures are fantastic......
Thanks Gina! I was really hoping we'd see the sloth but no luck (though we did do a sloth encounter at Wild Florida earlier in the week so I can't really complain!).

The bird attack picture is one of my favorites too - so funny! I don't know what set him off, if I was too close or maybe he could see his reflection in my sunglasses and thought it was another bird? :rotfl2:

How did you enjoy Wild Florida? (we loved it on our December trip!)

Did you do either of the Airboat or Swamp Buggy tours?
How did you enjoy Wild Florida? (we loved it on our December trip!)

Did you do either of the Airboat or Swamp Buggy tours?

Wild Florida was great! We did a 1 hour airboat tour, the sloth encounter and the wildlife park. I was surprised at the size of the wildlife park - we spent a lot more time there than I'd expected. I actually think I remember reading the trip review about your visit - we were lucky and did not encounter any snakes!
Great review! I'm doing DC on Saturday!

Do you know if the stingrays are able to sting? And how close did the fish get to you in the reef?
Great review! I'm doing DC on Saturday!

Do you know if the stingrays are able to sting? And how close did the fish get to you in the reef?

The stingrays in the Grand Reef are all stinger-free :thumbsup2. You can rest assured that you can swim alongside them and there is no risk of injury.

The fish (and the rays) will be close enough to you that they can/will literally brush your legs as they swim by. The only thing you are separated from are the sharks: there is a large wall of clear glass between the swimmers and the sharks. The glass allows the illusion of swimming "with" the sharks without the danger.


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