Disboutiquers Part 4ish Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I don't have a serger, so I zig zag everything.

I zig zag everything. I go through and sew all the seams with a straight stitch than go back after I am finished and zig zag the raw edges at once - saves me from switching the settings on the machine and forgetting about it. (More often than once I have started sewing what I thought was a straight stitch to find out the machine was still on zig zag.)


Thank You. guess I should practice my zigzagging!
the FMLA only covers emplyees who have worked for the company at least 12 months.

Frankly I am not sweating it. The company largely sucks and my Dh has been begging me to look for a new job. I am going back to school in Aug. and I'd have to get a new job anyway b/c the hours at this one are NOT flexible. I'd like to tell them what to do with the job but I think it may work out for the best this way. I can collect unemployment while I heal and find a new job and school is just around the bend. I am trying to see if w/ my grants and loans I can just stay home (saving daycare $$) and take the majority of my classes online. Finishing my degree has become my #1 priority so I can stop working for crappy places like this one.

the surgery thing...yeah, well apparently the stuff (muscles, tendons, ligaments) by your toes are kinda important so they can't just go hacking away at them...that's why they couldn't take care of it in the ER or the Dr's office. YUCK. I've never had surgery and I am pretty nervous.

I'll see what I can do about the campfire.Keep your fingers crossed cause I'll have to talk B into driving me since I won't be able to use my foot.

:wizard: Hope you're not in too pain.

We'll be at Epcot on Saturday as well. I'll keep my eyes open. We're also planning on going to the Pirate & Princess Party Friday night. Will you be there?
Not doing Pirate & Princess Party-we have done it in the past.

LovesDumbo- Go! Conquer! Bond!

Panic mode panic mode panic mode!!!!! :scared1:
Me too! I usually would have been packed by now but instead I was sewing. And then all this fun with chicken pox and tick. I called the pediatrician today and they said the lab said the tick test would take 7 days so it looks like the antibiotic will be coming with us. I know I'll be fine once I get there though!

Here are some pictures:



and here is a halter dress I just finished today as well:
LOVE those and your DD is such a cutie!!!

just a couple more thing i wanted to share. the tinkerbell dress is a total CASE of somebodys beautiful dress

and a nondisney outfit
Very cute!
Just wanted to drop by and say hello to everyone.... I haven't had a chance to do much sewing lately.....couple weeks ago, I had a gallbladder attack (my second one) and the ultrasound showed a pretty big stone, so I am off to see a surgeon tomorrow afternoon to talk about surgery. Oh what fun! A week after that, I had an allergic reaction to something and broke out in hives from head to toe and up to this day, I still have no idea what cause it! Right now..we are pretty much living in chaos...the kids went upstair into our master bath and left the water running at the sink, and it flooded the whole bathroom, part of the master bedroom and closet, and the water came leaking through downstairs into our laundry room, downstairs bathroom and the garage! Quite a bit of damage was done since I didn't discover the water until at least 1 1/2 hours later! All the rooms are still being dried by these huge industrial dryer/fans right now, and the guy just came and checked and it is still wet. All the flooring had to be completely removed in the master bath, and insulation removed from the walls, and through the ceiling in the garage!

Anyway, I didn't get a chance to go back and catch on some of the older post, but did go back the last few pages. Sorry I didn't quote but I will say that I love all the customs!!!

HeatherSue/TeresaJoy...I can't believe you are leaving soon!! Your kids/nieces are going to get some attention with all those wonderful customs. Can't wait to see more pictures when you get back! We leave in about 43 days!!!

I will post some pictures later of some outfits that I completed before all the chaos began!


Oh Jenny! :hug: I am so sorry you are having souch a rough time! I hope you are feeling ok now.

I HATE water problems. There is not much that stresses me out more than having water where it should NOT be (seriously it's like an odd phobia or something). Unfortunately, we have a lot of leaky pipes in this house. So, I can only imagine how horrible that is for you to have your house flooded like that! I hope everything gets cleaned up and back in order soon! :hug:
I don't think anyone answered me the first time so I am going to ask again....sometimes I feel ignored.:confused3 .

:welcome: I'm glad you found our thread!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Sorry, couldn't resist! :hug: Sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I had meant to, and lost my quotes. :hug: I see some other people have answered you now though. If you don't usually finish your seams, you wouldn't have to on the peasant top. But, you would want to make sure to double fold the seams so that no raw edges are showing.
Yesterday it was 28 degrees, today it got up to 78 degrees!!! What a crazy place to live!!!

Very off topic I know, but I felt the need to share, and perhaps put off the packing that I should be doing!
just a couple more thing i wanted to share. the tinkerbell dress is a total CASE of somebodys beautiful dress

and a nondisney outfit

both are for my 3 year old. they look kinda of crooked but that's because i had to hang them from my bathroom mirror. It's the only room in the house with semi decent light!
thanks for lookin'
Great job! I love how colorful the tink dress is and I always love to see some non-dis stuff too!

Just wanted to drop by and say hello to everyone.... I haven't had a chance to do much sewing lately.....couple weeks ago, I had a gallbladder attack (my second one) and the ultrasound showed a pretty big stone, so I am off to see a surgeon tomorrow afternoon to talk about surgery. Oh what fun! A week after that, I had an allergic reaction to something and broke out in hives from head to toe and up to this day, I still have no idea what cause it! Right now..we are pretty much living in chaos...the kids went upstair into our master bath and left the water running at the sink, and it flooded the whole bathroom, part of the master bedroom and closet, and the water came leaking through downstairs into our laundry room, downstairs bathroom and the garage! Quite a bit of damage was done since I didn't discover the water until at least 1 1/2 hours later! All the rooms are still being dried by these huge industrial dryer/fans right now, and the guy just came and checked and it is still wet. All the flooring had to be completely removed in the master bath, and insulation removed from the walls, and through the ceiling in the garage!


You sould like you've had a tough few weeks. I hope your house dries out! :hug:
Oh Jenny! :hug: I am so sorry you are having souch a rough time! I hope you are feeling ok now.

I HATE water problems. There is not much that stresses me out more than having water where it should NOT be (seriously it's like an odd phobia or something). Unfortunately, we have a lot of leaky pipes in this house. So, I can only imagine how horrible that is for you to have your house flooded like that! I hope everything gets cleaned up and back in order soon! :hug:

:welcome: I'm glad you found our thread!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Sorry, couldn't resist! :hug: Sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I had meant to, and lost my quotes. :hug: I see some other people have answered you now though. If you don't usually finish your seams, you wouldn't have to on the peasant top. But, you would want to make sure to double fold the seams so that no raw edges are showing.

That's okay. Sometimes I miss threads too! I usually double fold and stitch. The zigzig stitch is not my firiend! Thanks for answering!
I don't think anyone answered me the first time so I am going to ask again....sometimes I feel ignored.:confused3

For those who do the Carla C PP dress... do you use a serger or do you zigzag or do you do something else?
The pattern says to zigzag the ends but it is a pain on my machine.
I just sew mine regular. I don't do anything fancy with it.
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyones little guy has ever had hernia surgery. My little nephew, Tim (the one with the blue face in my picture) was in the ER today - he had a fever (2 of his sisters have strep) and an enlargement. Well, he had to have a few studies done and an MRI and they said he has a hydrocele which is like a hernia that will need surgery to repair!!! poor little guy - i hope it can be done before surgery - we are a beach loving family!!!

All the customs look great! To all you leaving for trips have a GREAT time!!

All the recent talk about Napoleon Dynamite made me borrow it from the library today. I saw it a few years back and remember thinking "what was that?" after it ended. All the "fanaticism" about this movie on this thread has encouraged me to give it another try.
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyones little guy has ever had hernia surgery. My little nephew, Tim (the one with the blue face in my picture) was in the ER today - he had a fever (2 of his sisters have strep) and an enlargement. Well, he had to have a few studies done and an MRI and they said he has a hydrocele which is like a hernia that will need surgery to repair!!! poor little guy - i hope it can be done before surgery - we are a beach loving family!!!

All the customs look great! To all you leaving for trips have a GREAT time!!

My DH has had to have three hernia surgeries. The first one was when he was just a baby, the second one was when he was 5 and the third one was as an adult. Each time it was in a different place. His mother said that the first two were super easy on him. They said that he was up and running by the end of the first day. I think that your little nephew will be just fine.
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyones little guy has ever had hernia surgery. My little nephew, Tim (the one with the blue face in my picture) was in the ER today - he had a fever (2 of his sisters have strep) and an enlargement. Well, he had to have a few studies done and an MRI and they said he has a hydrocele which is like a hernia that will need surgery to repair!!! poor little guy - i hope it can be done before surgery - we are a beach loving family!!!

All the customs look great! To all you leaving for trips have a GREAT time!!


My DD had hernia surgery shortly after she came home. SHE was fine. I on the other hand set a whole new example of a BASKET CASE.:angel: We had a WONDERFUL surgeon. He was the best. It was done in a "out patient: clinic type thing. She slept most of the day she came home. Her recovery was a few days and she was fine. I on the other hand STILL have not recovered :lmao:

On the "funny" side......... Morgan (yes Teresajoy SWEET Morgan :lmao: ) KICKED a nurse in the head :rolleyes1 , (In her defense the nurse was REALLY mean, I wanted to kick her too:rolleyes1 ). The nurse kept insisting that Morgan could not leave until she drank some apple juice-ummm HELLO she is allergic to apple! Our surgeon came over and told the nurse to back off or he would turn me loose on her:lmao: .

Hummm wonder why he said THAT? :confused3 :rolleyes1

We will say a prayer for your little nephew.
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyones little guy has ever had hernia surgery. My little nephew, Tim (the one with the blue face in my picture) was in the ER today - he had a fever (2 of his sisters have strep) and an enlargement. Well, he had to have a few studies done and an MRI and they said he has a hydrocele which is like a hernia that will need surgery to repair!!! poor little guy - i hope it can be done before surgery - we are a beach loving family!!!

All the customs look great! To all you leaving for trips have a GREAT time!!


My DS had hydrocele. It was discoverd at a regular check up at 3 months. We waited til he was about 7 months old to see if he would outgrow it but it just got worse. His surgery was laproscopic (sp?). It took over an hour and he had to have both sides done. They just taped the wounds closed. He has absolutely no scars now at age 7. He was nasty when he woke up from the surgery so they gave him something to calm him down. He was trying to pull himself up that very night. He got the tape off in just a few days and didn't seem bothered by the surgery at all. 2 or 3 of my nephews also had to have it done.
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyones little guy has ever had hernia surgery. My little nephew, Tim (the one with the blue face in my picture) was in the ER today - he had a fever (2 of his sisters have strep) and an enlargement. Well, he had to have a few studies done and an MRI and they said he has a hydrocele which is like a hernia that will need surgery to repair!!! poor little guy - i hope it can be done before surgery - we are a beach loving family!!!

All the customs look great! To all you leaving for trips have a GREAT time!!


My son had to have a herniaectomy when he was 4. He had to rest for a few days but did beautifully. I'msure your nephew's surgery will go as well.
I would also like an opinion on this machine. Anybody used the serging feature? Is it anwhere close to a stand alone serger?

For anyone looking at sewing machines or patterns and they want to read reviews I highly recommend the following web****

you will need the model # of the machine to narrow results
I don't think anyone answered me the first time so I am going to ask again....sometimes I feel ignored.:confused3

For those who do the Carla C PP dress... do you use a serger or do you zigzag or do you do something else?
The pattern says to zigzag the ends but it is a pain on my machine.

I just sew on a small stitch and then zig zag- I dont own a serger
OKay I finally finished one nemo outfit, 3 more to go! lol
Here are some pictures:





and here is a halter dress I just finished today as well:



I am making a pair of matching Denim Capri pants to match this dress in the same style as the Nemo outfit! lol, Lets see if I ever get them done!

Thanks for letting me share again!

This is soooo cute!! Love the colors!!

I finished my tink outfit Iwent with the peasant top

I think it came out pretty good.
Here are my latest outfits. They are Non Disney but I still wanted to share!








Thanks for letting me share! Candice
Here are my latest outfits. They are Non Disney but I still wanted to share!








Thanks for letting me share! Candice
Those are ADORABLE!!!! Do the headbands hold hair well? My DD5 is really into headbands right now and the ones from the stores do not hold her hair ...Your daughter looks like she really loves trying on for pictures...I have to bribe mine to :rolleyes1
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