Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Hooray! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

I'm picking my Grandma's Elna Supermatic tomorrow! She's all clean and tuned and ready to sew up a storm! She needs a name though. Grandma's name was Lydia, but that doesn't seem to fit. I kind of like Prudence. Any other suggestions?

#2 fantastic news: I'm ordering my PE770 on Friday. :cool1: That's so I can find out what sort of bobbins I need for the Elna and order them at the same time. BTW, do I need special embroidery needles other than ball points for knits? There was a little ad off to the side on my Amazon cart page for embroidery needles, so I wondered. I'm so glad I have y'all to ask about these things. It takes the worry out of it all. :lovestruc

Thanks, fellow Dis-noids!

Lori in East Podunk
Oh also, can I know why you don't like sewing/embro machines? Are they difficult to sew with? Or do you just prefer them to be seperate?
Ok ladies, here is my first attempt at an American Girl dress. I am very happy with how it turned out, especially considering I just learned how to make this dress and do appliques in the past few days!


Here is a shirt I made for Tori tonight..Want to try a skirt I think to match.


Looks like you have been busy. Both the dress and the top are super cute!

Nursing-Cover-O-Rama continues here. Since I only have a couple hours a few nights a week, I think I need about two more weeks to be completely done. :hourglass


At least the end is in sight now.

Just to prove to you all I do still sew I am posting some new things I made. I have been working on orders which are recreations of previous items I made so I don't post those

These were for an emergency Big Give on Facebook

Off to a meeting at Js school and then home to work on some orders.

The Big Give outfits look great. I always like how you pair up fabrics for the outfits.

On an exciting note, I get to pick up a package from the post office today - it is from my cousin and it will be my Aunt's serger! I am looking forward to getting it unpacked and figuring out how to use it!

Congrats on the serger arriving! I hope you will have it up and running quickly!

Got some Applique done for a fellow Diser (Can't remember her dis name now)
The 3 bears from the new movie Brave

IMG_8462 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Angus the horse

IMG_8468 by tricialee22, on Flickr

And Merida;s little brothers.

IMG_8464 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Cool. I will have to see the movie when it comes out on DVD (too cheap to go to the theatre).

I am finally getting around to posting the shirts I've made for our upcoming trip. Just 10 more days until we leave. I still have a couple of more shirts to make and 2 autograph bags. I could not have gotten all this accomplished without the help and advice of several people on this board. You guys helped me from picking out the embroidery machine (PE770) to which threads to use to helping me find great digitizers and help picking out editing software. Thanks for all the great advice! I still have lots to learn and my new sewing machine arrived yesterday, but that new project may have to wait until we get back from vacation.


Wow! You have been busy! I like the "Wild" shirts the best!

First, Thanks to each and everyone of you who prayed for Lisa. The surgery was postponed until summer, due to Devine Intervention from above. If you want to know what REALLY happened, click on over to our TR (Not to be confused with our LATEST PTR...yes, we get to go back to Florida, Thanks to Pete’s brother!) Our PTR will also have some about our DIS meet in Charlotte, so feel free to sign in and say hi please.

So many were kind to respond to Lynn’s (cajunfan) request for hospital gowns for Lisa; however, not all have been pictured here and they were such a HUGE hit and brought Lisa such joy that they MUST be shared for all to see!

Amy (thebeesknees) made Lisa one, along with a matching gown for her doll Molly.


Lynn’s gown in action.


It looks like Princess Lisa will have lots of beautiful hospital gowns when the time comes for her surgery! Please keep us posted about her progress.

And now, some Robin photos:
Mama Bird



It won't be long now! They are sitting on top of each other!


Thanks for the pictures of the robin family!

I worked on my stuff for the big give tonight,

Things I learned tonight:

my seam ripper is my new best friend.

irons will indeed melt the tops of your pins.

sewing with a 4 yo hanging on each arm is a challenge

the tension knob does indeed need to be adjusted when going from a heavy fabric to a light one. bonus to this...I learned how to make ruffles

Thanks for contributing to the Big Gives. I have to say I have done items #1, 2 and 4 on your list!

Just hoping if I get on this thread it will motivate me to finish our stuff for the trip! We have 20some days left and I have only finished one outfit (out of like 6 eeek). Ive just not been in the sewing mood I guess.

Welcome! Hopefully some of the projects here will help you find the sewing mojo.

Not Disney but made my nieces and nephew outfits for a trip to the zoo. I really liked the fabric. I would sew up the arm holes a little bit more on the pillowcase dresses next time. I love how easy the bowling shirt pattern is. I’m totally a newbie with sewing and it’s so easy.

Sorry for the weird pictures, I didn’t take any before dressing the kids and I’m trying not to show my sisters’ kids faces on the internet!

Dress 1:

Dress 2:

Bowling shirt:

Playing in the dirt:

Great job on the outfits! I hope your nieces and nephew liked them!

And then I made this Snow White skirt for Tori. This is the first part of my trip outfit planning!


And of course, I can't post without asking a question. How do you do appliques like this? I know how to do the frame, but how do you go back and put the name in there? Isn't it hard to line up exactly?


Great job on the skirt! It looks great. I totally agree with what Andrea said about not unhooping between doing the frame and the name.

I'll do eye spy bags.

I hope that means you are feeling better!


Ok ladies,

I have never done the planning of outfits before. I have Hollywood studios planned for the boys Cars outfits. And Magic Kingdom they have Mickey and Peter Pan themes. Christopher has one for Animal Kingdom, but I am at a loss for Jonathon. He is 5 and Christophers is to babyish for him too. AND I have no clue for Epcot. I am planning to do shirts for the 3 older kids too.

I want to do a shirt for all of us to wear when we get to go back to GIVE KIDS THE WORLD to volunteer. It was such an amazing experience when we stayed there, and I want to thank them too. Anyone have any wonderful ideas???

Allison just told me I have 24 days left to get done. UGH!!!

OK, Thanks!

For Epcot, how about the Epcot ball with ears or maybe something with international themed fabric?

For GKTW, the first thought that popped into my head was shirts that simply said "Thank you for an amazing experience"

I am struggling to come up with an idea for AK.

I will have to post some photos of what we caught this morning. We were aiming for an opossum thinking that is what ate the duck eggs but the lady from animal control said they don't hang around long in one place (though I see it form time to time!). We had the animal trap for two weeks and it was due back tomorrow, but lo and behold, we awoke to a raccoon in the trap this morning -- absolutely beautiful! Hopefully that is was has been twanging at our screen door periodically waking me up in the middle of the night. Mr/s Raccoon will get a nice new home courtesy of Animal Control.

Sounds like you had Meeko's friend causing trouble!

Okay Ladies (And Gentlemen.. are there any gentle men on here)

My birthday is coming up and I was going to gett a new sewing machine for myself, yay me. Anyways, I have a sewing repair shop near me that sells used/ refurbed machines.

I know everyone had been asking for ideas lately but I have it down to two choices.

A. A 1945 Singer that has been completly restored to its orginal beauty and works perfectly. or...

B. A Brother SE400 computerized embroidery/sewing machine.

See I have a soft spot for all things vintage but man, the Brother SE400 is so nice.

Anyways, What would you get? Give me your thoughts ladies!

Please and Thank you

I'd go for the restored Singer too.
I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).
Are there any limitations on vintage ones that you know of? Anything I wouldn't be able to do?

Right now I have two machines - both were hand me downs and are great machines but there is cause for upgrading. I have a singer from the 60's and a brother that I mother bought around 2001 but never used - I prefer the 60's one as the brother is super simple yet way to hard to use. I don't think it was ever very good quality.

A few pages back D posted a list to her links (she is our resident vintage machine expert) You may be able to fix your 60s singer yourself.

Okay Ladies (And Gentlemen.. are there any gentle men on here)

My birthday is coming up and I was going to gett a new sewing machine for myself, yay me. Anyways, I have a sewing repair shop near me that sells used/ refurbed machines.

I know everyone had been asking for ideas lately but I have it down to two choices.

A. A 1945 Singer that has been completly restored to its orginal beauty and works perfectly. or...

B. A Brother SE400 computerized embroidery/sewing machine.

See I have a soft spot for all things vintage but man, the Brother SE400 is so nice. :confused3

Anyways, What would you get? Give me your thoughts ladies!

Please and Thank you

I would go with the Vintage they sew much nicer than newer machines.

I actually learned to sew on an SE-400 it is a good machine but doesn't sew as nice as the older machines. As for the embroidery component you will suffer from hoop envy pretty quick. Also it is a bit of a pain switching from sewing to embroidery.
I would go with the Vintage they sew much nicer than newer machines.

I actually learned to sew on an SE-400 it is a good machine but doesn't sew as nice as the older machines. As for the embroidery component you will suffer from hoop envy pretty quick. Also it is a bit of a pain switching from sewing to embroidery.

Yeah, I love my 60's singer more so than my newer one. This one is in GREAT condition too. They just replaced/retored everything. They let me do a few sample stiches and play with it and it works really well. It still has the orginal manual and everything. It all looks brand new. It's amazing.

Thanks for all the help guys. I have tomorrow off so looks like I'll be making a asap!
Hello again everyone! I was coming back to let you all know how my embroidery has been going! Then I happened to read some of the comments about the vintage versus the Brother SE-400. So, I wanted to respond to those first. Granted, I do not have really any experience with a vintage machine that old. I have one from around the 70's that was a bit of a bear to use. That being said, I do have a Brother SE-400, so I can weigh in on that. I personally like the sewing option on my machine. I find it super easy to use, and since I give lessons to little ones as part of our homeschooling co-op, I love the option of controlling how fast it can sew. Our two six year olds in the group love to put the pedal to the metal. I turn the speed way down, and no matter how hard they push, it stays one speed. NOW. As far as the embroidery function goes...I could have cheerfully thrown it out the window today.

I am self taught on the embroidery functions so that is probably why I am frustrated. There is so much information on how to work it properly that I really have to learn by trial and lots and lots of errors. I tried out the Sew What Pro free demo b/c I could not get embird on my computer to save my life. I really enjoy using SWP. I will probably buy it. I have spent hours these last couple days trying to figure out how to do straight lettering. I still cannot do long straight lines of words b/c I only have a 4x4 hoop. I believe in the research I did that I can use bigger though. I just have to be willing to put the money out. I don't understand how to split a pattern yet. I have done the actual splitting in the SWP program, but haven't loaded it into the machine to attempt it yet. Anyway, instead of doing one straight line of "Walt Disney World" on the shirt, I had to put the words like this:


Except centered of course. It worked out much better, but only after my machine tried several times to eat my shirts, and succeeded a couple times. I realized I needed to start doubling up my stabilizers, and that helped. So, after several days and 2 ruined shirts, I managed to get 4 shirts embroidered out of 12. I will include a photo, but remember there will be more on each shirt. This is just the top section of the front. We are putting a Mickey design on the front, everyone's nicknames on the back, Mickey balloons on the back as well, and our top ten reasons for visiting WDW. The top ten reasons will be a transfer. No way am I trying to embroider that. They would have to put me in a straight jacket.

So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.
I am taking v to hoop dee doo in July and I want her to have a somewhat hoop dee doo themed outfit. I know a lot of people do Jessie from toy story, but I want something different any suggestions anyone?
Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!
Are there any limitations on vintage ones that you know of? Anything I wouldn't be able to do?

Right now I have two machines - both were hand me downs and are great machines but there is cause for upgrading. I have a singer from the 60's and a brother that I mother bought around 2001 but never used - I prefer the 60's one as the brother is super simple yet way to hard to use. I don't think it was ever very good quality.
Some older models do not do a zig zag stitch -- I use my zig zag for hand appliques and for knits, so if that is something important to you inquire about that. D~ is the resident expert in old machines -- she may know something about that machine.

Hooray! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

I'm picking my Grandma's Elna Supermatic tomorrow! She's all clean and tuned and ready to sew up a storm! She needs a name though. Grandma's name was Lydia, but that doesn't seem to fit. I kind of like Prudence. Any other suggestions?

#2 fantastic news: I'm ordering my PE770 on Friday. :cool1: That's so I can find out what sort of bobbins I need for the Elna and order them at the same time. BTW, do I need special embroidery needles other than ball points for knits? There was a little ad off to the side on my Amazon cart page for embroidery needles, so I wondered. I'm so glad I have y'all to ask about these things. It takes the worry out of it all. :lovestruc

Thanks, fellow Dis-noids!

Lori in East Podunk
All I can tell you is my dd would highly approve of Prudence since she's a Beatle's fan.

Your machine should come with possibly four ballpoint needles. I just order mine from Marathon for replacements but I don't change mine that often. Speaking of which CHERYL asked me how often I changed needles and the answers is: hardly ever! I milk them for all they are worth. I only change them if the stitching starts looking funky and I will change them more when I do one of the huge fill designs.

Oh also, can I know why you don't like sewing/embro machines? Are they difficult to sew with? Or do you just prefer them to be seperate?
I've heard it's a pain to change functions though I have no experience with that so it's all hearsay. My main issues would be if the machine breaks you are out both your embroidery and sewing machine (though I see you have back up sewing machines). The other issue is I sometimes sew and embroider at the same time if it's something that doesn't need constant babysitting.

Sounds like you had Meeko's friend causing trouble!
Meeko's friend was apparently not the end to the problem -- today I was awoken at 4:03am with something twanging the door to the screened in porch again. I will need to call animal control for another trap -- hopefully they'll have one to loan us -- it took me two weeks before they had one available this last time.

I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).
Welcome! Where in VA do live? We might be able to go down together and I'll just bring my dd and we can leave all the boys at home!

Hello again everyone! I was coming back to let you all know how my embroidery has been going! Then I happened to read some of the comments about the vintage versus the Brother SE-400. So, I wanted to respond to those first. Granted, I do not have really any experience with a vintage machine that old. I have one from around the 70's that was a bit of a bear to use. That being said, I do have a Brother SE-400, so I can weigh in on that. I personally like the sewing option on my machine. I find it super easy to use, and since I give lessons to little ones as part of our homeschooling co-op, I love the option of controlling how fast it can sew. Our two six year olds in the group love to put the pedal to the metal. I turn the speed way down, and no matter how hard they push, it stays one speed. NOW. As far as the embroidery function goes...I could have cheerfully thrown it out the window today.

I am self taught on the embroidery functions so that is probably why I am frustrated. There is so much information on how to work it properly that I really have to learn by trial and lots and lots of errors. I tried out the Sew What Pro free demo b/c I could not get embird on my computer to save my life. I really enjoy using SWP. I will probably buy it. I have spent hours these last couple days trying to figure out how to do straight lettering. I still cannot do long straight lines of words b/c I only have a 4x4 hoop. I believe in the research I did that I can use bigger though. I just have to be willing to put the money out. I don't understand how to split a pattern yet. I have done the actual splitting in the SWP program, but haven't loaded it into the machine to attempt it yet. Anyway, instead of doing one straight line of "Walt Disney World" on the shirt, I had to put the words like this:


Except centered of course. It worked out much better, but only after my machine tried several times to eat my shirts, and succeeded a couple times. I realized I needed to start doubling up my stabilizers, and that helped. So, after several days and 2 ruined shirts, I managed to get 4 shirts embroidered out of 12. I will include a photo, but remember there will be more on each shirt. This is just the top section of the front. We are putting a Mickey design on the front, everyone's nicknames on the back, Mickey balloons on the back as well, and our top ten reasons for visiting WDW. The top ten reasons will be a transfer. No way am I trying to embroider that. They would have to put me in a straight jacket.

So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.
I promise I'm not laughing! I always slide a piece of paper or stabilizer or something over the needle plate when I'm changing the needles to avoid that problem -- I can't believe you can't find it though!

The font looks good! I didn't know Sew What Pro had a free trial version -- I will keep that in mind next time I have desire to combine something. I'm sorry so many shirts lost their lives in the process.

Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!
Navy Mom is centered -- keep in mind the "N" and the "M" are much wider so the center is not the middle of the "o" in "Mom" but is rather before the "o" or to left of center -- make sense? If you measure from your handles I bet it is centered! The bag looks fantastic and I love the fabrics. You'll get some nice brownie points with you MIL :)

For the magnetic snap just make sure you don't put it too high -- you want to have room to get your sewing foot around it when sewing the interior to the exterior. i do NOT speak from experience ... nope, not at all :rolleyes1
I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).

Welcome! :cheer2: I would say that hubby's loss is your gain!
Hello again everyone! I was coming back to let you all know how my embroidery has been going! Then I happened to read some of the comments about the vintage versus the Brother SE-400. So, I wanted to respond to those first. Granted, I do not have really any experience with a vintage machine that old. I have one from around the 70's that was a bit of a bear to use. That being said, I do have a Brother SE-400, so I can weigh in on that. I personally like the sewing option on my machine. I find it super easy to use, and since I give lessons to little ones as part of our homeschooling co-op, I love the option of controlling how fast it can sew. Our two six year olds in the group love to put the pedal to the metal. I turn the speed way down, and no matter how hard they push, it stays one speed. NOW. As far as the embroidery function goes...I could have cheerfully thrown it out the window today.

I am self taught on the embroidery functions so that is probably why I am frustrated. There is so much information on how to work it properly that I really have to learn by trial and lots and lots of errors. I tried out the Sew What Pro free demo b/c I could not get embird on my computer to save my life. I really enjoy using SWP. I will probably buy it. I have spent hours these last couple days trying to figure out how to do straight lettering. I still cannot do long straight lines of words b/c I only have a 4x4 hoop. I believe in the research I did that I can use bigger though. I just have to be willing to put the money out. I don't understand how to split a pattern yet. I have done the actual splitting in the SWP program, but haven't loaded it into the machine to attempt it yet. Anyway, instead of doing one straight line of "Walt Disney World" on the shirt, I had to put the words like this:


Except centered of course. It worked out much better, but only after my machine tried several times to eat my shirts, and succeeded a couple times. I realized I needed to start doubling up my stabilizers, and that helped. So, after several days and 2 ruined shirts, I managed to get 4 shirts embroidered out of 12. I will include a photo, but remember there will be more on each shirt. This is just the top section of the front. We are putting a Mickey design on the front, everyone's nicknames on the back, Mickey balloons on the back as well, and our top ten reasons for visiting WDW. The top ten reasons will be a transfer. No way am I trying to embroider that. They would have to put me in a straight jacket.

So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.

I will tell you that sometimes when I do a lot of lettering I will float a piece of water soluable stabilizer where I am doing the lettering so it doesn't sink into the shirt.

Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

The bag looks great. I've collected a few Navy fabrics and it drives me crazy that they have ships and planes on the fabric, but not submarines!

What does your DH do in the Navy?
I forgot to catch the quote/picture....BUT I love the little skirt with the Snow White fabric. What a nice job and I like the pattern for the skirt, too.
The bag looks great. I've collected a few Navy fabrics and it drives me crazy that they have ships and planes on the fabric, but not submarines!

What does your DH do in the Navy?

I too, feel the same way as my DH is a bubblehead!!! Submarines is all we know...so the planes and big ships do nothing for me!!

Thanks for the compliments on my bag!
I just knew the thread was gonna jump while I was away! Thankfully, I caught it and am here now. Way, way, way TMTQ while we were gone. So many beautiful projects have been posted that I don't think I'd catch everyone if I tried to quote/mention them.

tinkerbell3747 - Just wanted to give a special :banana::banana::banana: YAY!!! :banana::banana::banana: for your delivery tomorrow! Can't wait to see what you make for your trip!

Yesterday on our drive home, DH told me he has decided that 4 years is the perfect length of time between Disney trips. :sad1: :scared: Since we just finished this one, I'll let him think I am in agreement with him :sad2: for a few months before I start working on changing his mind. We had a good time, although I do have to say that we will likely never do another trip with BIL/SIL. They just have a completely different idea of a vacation than we have. Nothing wrong with that either, but I'd rather just go ourselves and have a great vacation. Definitely can't complain about the weather we had last week - sunny with highs from 27-30 C (80-86 F for those of you on the other side of the border!) and no rain other than the Sunday we arrived. We all wore our Canada Mickey shirts on Monday in MK and had several people ask where we got them. Lots of comments on the kids' pirate shirts too (DS and DN11 wore them on our second MK day, DN8 didn't wear hers at all) and a lady on the bus back to the resort one night wanted my Tink bag in the worst way. DH wants us to have matching shirts for every day next time (it certainly makes it easier to keep track of everyone!) so I have lots of time (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) to plan that out. It was a good week overall and I'm not going to complain because we were in the most magical place after all was said and done.

If you are still around, will you post a pic of your canada shirts? I'm hoping to do something when we go in May for our Epcot day.
Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!



Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

Looks centered to me! i love the stars on the strap and the lining.

I am off to my moms to raid her old patterns...I think she has some doll clothes ones I will steal:rolleyes1

I'm picking my Grandma's Elna Supermatic tomorrow! She's all clean and tuned and ready to sew up a storm! She needs a name though. Grandma's name was Lydia, but that doesn't seem to fit. I kind of like Prudence. Any other suggestions?

#2 fantastic news: I'm ordering my PE770 on Friday. :cool1: That's so I can find out what sort of bobbins I need for the Elna and order them at the same time. BTW, do I need special embroidery needles other than ball points for knits? There was a little ad off to the side on my Amazon cart page for embroidery needles, so I wondered. I'm so glad I have y'all to ask about these things. It takes the worry out of it all. :lovestruc

Thanks, fellow Dis-noids!

Lori in East Podunk

Wow! Congrats on your new toys! I guess we know what you'll be up to for the next little while!

Oh also, can I know why you don't like sewing/embro machines? Are they difficult to sew with? Or do you just prefer them to be seperate?

I am down to my combo machine right now. I am trying to stick it out until I can buy a fancy embroidery machine. Frankly, it is a pain to switch between the two functions - changing needle, tension, thread, bobbin, carrier for the embroidery part. When my sewing machine was working, I would sew and embroider at the same time and it saved some time. Another thing to consider is the stitch count. DH was the one who suggested having 2 machines so I don't run up the stitch count on the embroidery machine too quickly and have to take it in for service more often than we need to (excpet of course it is a moot point now).

I am Sally, and I am a long-time lurker, first time poster on this thread.
I am a quilter at heart, and a slow sewer. I have totally enjoyed reading the multiple parts of this thread. I feel very inspired each time I read the new posts.
I am working on my and my hubby's clothes for our upcoming trip and hopefully I will get to post pictures soon. I believe this time he will wear the shirts.. he generally chickens out of our trips and just sends me and the girls. This will be his first Disney trip. Yes, I do create his shirts for the trip and then he doesn't go :confused: I end up re-sizing his shirts for myself.
I do my appliques and embroidery work by hand, and I am slow :).

Welcome! I look forward to seeing your creations. Some of us make quilts too. I hope your DH will go on the trip and see why we all like Disney so much! I was an adult before I went to Disney World for the first time and let's just say I was very hesistant to go before my first trip. It only took 1/2 day for me to be hooked!

Hello again everyone! I was coming back to let you all know how my embroidery has been going! Then I happened to read some of the comments about the vintage versus the Brother SE-400. So, I wanted to respond to those first. Granted, I do not have really any experience with a vintage machine that old. I have one from around the 70's that was a bit of a bear to use. That being said, I do have a Brother SE-400, so I can weigh in on that. I personally like the sewing option on my machine. I find it super easy to use, and since I give lessons to little ones as part of our homeschooling co-op, I love the option of controlling how fast it can sew. Our two six year olds in the group love to put the pedal to the metal. I turn the speed way down, and no matter how hard they push, it stays one speed. NOW. As far as the embroidery function goes...I could have cheerfully thrown it out the window today.

I am self taught on the embroidery functions so that is probably why I am frustrated. There is so much information on how to work it properly that I really have to learn by trial and lots and lots of errors. I tried out the Sew What Pro free demo b/c I could not get embird on my computer to save my life. I really enjoy using SWP. I will probably buy it. I have spent hours these last couple days trying to figure out how to do straight lettering. I still cannot do long straight lines of words b/c I only have a 4x4 hoop. I believe in the research I did that I can use bigger though. I just have to be willing to put the money out. I don't understand how to split a pattern yet. I have done the actual splitting in the SWP program, but haven't loaded it into the machine to attempt it yet. Anyway, instead of doing one straight line of "Walt Disney World" on the shirt, I had to put the words like this:


Except centered of course. It worked out much better, but only after my machine tried several times to eat my shirts, and succeeded a couple times. I realized I needed to start doubling up my stabilizers, and that helped. So, after several days and 2 ruined shirts, I managed to get 4 shirts embroidered out of 12. I will include a photo, but remember there will be more on each shirt. This is just the top section of the front. We are putting a Mickey design on the front, everyone's nicknames on the back, Mickey balloons on the back as well, and our top ten reasons for visiting WDW. The top ten reasons will be a transfer. No way am I trying to embroider that. They would have to put me in a straight jacket.

So, here is the first one that was semi-successful. This was before I realized I needed better stabilizers, so the D in Disney was a little iffy, but passable.

Oh yeah, at one point today my needle fell out as I was trying to put it back in and went down in the machine. Hopefully that won't screw everything up, but I took it apart (probably the 5th time I did it in one day), and was not able to find it. So far it isn't bothering anything. Fingers crossed. It has been a comedy of errors for sure, except everyone is laughing but me.

Thanks for sharing your journey with learning to embroider on your machine. You know, I more or less went through the same things you did. I think the shirt you posted looked fine - we are often the hardest critic on our work. In terms of the missing needle, I can tell you that I have done it too. Did you try shaking the machine gently to see if it got caught somewhere? That usually does the trick for me (yes, it happened to me more than once) :rotfl:

I am taking v to hoop dee doo in July and I want her to have a somewhat hoop dee doo themed outfit. I know a lot of people do Jessie from toy story, but I want something different any suggestions anyone?

I think I saw some that were general cowboy themed outfit in the past (instead of Toy Story based).

Not Disney, but I put this together for My MIL. (DH is in the Navy) I went to Andrea's and she did the NAVY MOM wording. If it's off center it's because I have the hardest time with the Aivilo tote and putting the zipper on. I find that it's not 100% accurate at that point... or I measure way off. I can never get the zipper to line up right with the exterior lining. SO tonight I folded the interior lining down (a little too much) before sewing the zipper on. It worked better, but still not perfect. And Zippers are not my machines friend.. i break a needle everytime!!


Anyone have any suggestions on the zipper? I plan to make 2 teacher bags tomorrow, but will use the magnetic snap.. wish me luck!

The bag looks great. Did you look at D's zipper tutorial for the Rosetta bag? I imagine the methods can be adapted for the tote too.

Meeko's friend was apparently not the end to the problem -- today I was awoken at 4:03am with something twanging the door to the screened in porch again. I will need to call animal control for another trap -- hopefully they'll have one to loan us -- it took me two weeks before they had one available this last time.

Oh that's annoying! Hopefully you will find the trouble maker this time around!


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