Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

How do you pin instead of hooping??

I guess I will make an ON trip tomorrow! I made TWO trips to Joann's today! Once for the fabric and then went back for thread.

Darn about the MAW embroidery. Maybe someone can make one! I have no idea how though!

Ok, here is my next project!

Tori is an ambassador for the Ride for Wishes that is taking place in St Louis next week. They raise money to fund MAW trips. I wanted a "Biker Mickey" outfit and this is what I came up with.



That is fantastic!! I agree -- a bandana would look so cool with that and I imagine you want Tori's head covered in the sun anyway so that would be perfect.

I can't remember if I mentioned before or not but I have a free tut for sun hats that I've made for BG kids in the past -- while bald is beautiful a sunburned bald head probably isn't as cute and would hurt. Let me know if you want the link.

For t-shirts I hoop medium weight cut away, mark a cross on the stabilizer, then mark the inside of the t with a cross. I spray the stabilizer with Dritz and then line up the shirt on it so the cross meets the cross. Then I just pin the edges of the shirt to the stabilizer (with ballpoint pins). I find I don't stretch the shirt, I get it lined up even (most of the time -- one time I did a big goof but it looked like I did it on purpose) and I was always terrified of hoop burned so never tried hooping. I do hoop cottons if I'm making something like a patchwork skirt and can cut around the design -- some times I pin cottons too.

On another thread there is a question about people having an issue with using a Disney likeness and copyright issues, the post-er of the question didn't go into details. I personally had never heard of anything like that before. Has anyone else heard of something like this?
As long as what you are making items for personal use you shouldn't have a problem. Agree with what Sally said -- that's why some designers do use "mouse" instead of "Mickey" and why some hide their designs on their sites. I know someone once posted that they were selling a Suess fabric outfit on perhaps e-bay or etsy and they had to remove it. I also know some people get rude comments at Disney about being sued due to their clothes -- even D~ said some cm's made comments to her of that nature when she arrived at POFQ. But if licensed fabric is sold clothes are going to get made from it and worn -- no one buys the fabric just to admire it and not use it.

DECISION TIME: Should I or shouldn't I go to Joann's today? I think i have an idea for the piano teacher's bag that I can do with some fabrics I have already -- better go inventory how much I have and if I can make it work.

One teacher tote is done, one is cut (except for the lining), and I haven't done a thing yet for the piano teacher. And that reminds me -- I ran out of Deco Bond so IF that is on sale at Joann's that's my excuse to make it plausible to go. And then of course I might as well stop at ON on the way home for a few tanks.
DECISION TIME: Should I or shouldn't I go to Joann's today? I think i have an idea for the piano teacher's bag that I can do with some fabrics I have already -- better go inventory how much I have and if I can make it work.

One teacher tote is done, one is cut (except for the lining), and I haven't done a thing yet for the piano teacher. And that reminds me -- I ran out of Deco Bond so IF that is on sale at Joann's that's my excuse to make it plausible to go. And then of course I might as well stop at ON on the way home for a few tanks.

Looks like you found a good reason to run to Joann's :)
That is fantastic!! I agree -- a bandana would look so cool with that and I imagine you want Tori's head covered in the sun anyway so that would be perfect.

I can't remember if I mentioned before or not but I have a free tut for sun hats that I've made for BG kids in the past -- while bald is beautiful a sunburned bald head probably isn't as cute and would hurt. Let me know if you want the link.

For t-shirts I hoop medium weight cut away, mark a cross on the stabilizer, then mark the inside of the t with a cross. I spray the stabilizer with Dritz and then line up the shirt on it so the cross meets the cross. Then I just pin the edges of the shirt to the stabilizer (with ballpoint pins). I find I don't stretch the shirt, I get it lined up even (most of the time -- one time I did a big goof but it looked like I did it on purpose) and I was always terrified of hoop burned so never tried hooping. I do hoop cottons if I'm making something like a patchwork skirt and can cut around the design -- some times I pin cottons too.

DECISION TIME: Should I or shouldn't I go to Joann's today? I think i have an idea for the piano teacher's bag that I can do with some fabrics I have already -- better go inventory how much I have and if I can make it work.

One teacher tote is done, one is cut (except for the lining), and I haven't done a thing yet for the piano teacher. And that reminds me -- I ran out of Deco Bond so IF that is on sale at Joann's that's my excuse to make it plausible to go. And then of course I might as well stop at ON on the way home for a few tanks.

Wow! I had no idea you could do that. I might have to try that!! You all are freaking me out about the licensed stuff! I looked at etsy last night and there are TONS of Mickey stuff, tons of Cat in the Hat. I guess it all depends if they feel like coming after you?

I would love the sun hat tutorial! She has to wear a hat any time she goes outside, so that would be great!

Joann's definitely has good deals. I'm not going to buy any more fabric until I've definitely made a dent in what I have! But I do need tshirts. I don't know where the best place to get them cheap is...any suggestions?
Working on appliques again today. Right now I am redoing a stitch appliqué. My 770 is acting up so I am using my Duetta which works way better.and cuts the jump stitches. I have no patience for taking apart the 770 today.

So the plan is to do a lot of appliques and then switch to sewing :)


Does anyone have a thread stand and do you like it?
That is really cute too - I almost bought that Simplicity pattern, but I have a really similar Taylor Made Designs pattern, so I (somehow) resister.)

I actually used the Taylor Made pattern for that bag. Have you used that pattern before? I love the finished product, but I thought that some of the instructions could have been clearer.
Working on appliques again today. Right now I am redoing a stitch appliqué. My 770 is acting up so I am using my Duetta which works way better.and cuts the jump stitches. I have no patience for taking apart the 770 today.

So the plan is to do a lot of appliques and then switch to sewing :)


Does anyone have a thread stand and do you like it?

I have a thread stand and like it. It is the only way I can use large spools of embroidery thread without actually holding up the thread for the whole design, which gets quite tiresome.
Hi All!
Tori and I are both feeling much better this morning! We just hit up Joann's. I did awesome! I am a veteran so I got to get 20% off my total order, clearance and sales included!!! I ended up with over 25 yards of fabric, two packages of the colored velcro for diapers and a package of heat n bond..all for 64 dollars.

Dumped it all in the washing machine and am very excited!!!!

Glad to hear that both you and Tori are doing much better!

We canceled our AK cruise. :sad: :sad: :sad:

Instead we're thinking of heading somewhere in New England. If I can't see the Pacific Ocean, may as well see the Atlantic. We thought about Provincetown, but at the tip of Cape Cod it's 300 miles from us.

Our intention is to rebook, but the ENT MD has said recovery will be measured in months not weeks, so for now we've just canceled. I hope to rebook at some point.

:wizard: Your wish is granted. Here in the t-shirt quilt I made for my younger son. Don't use it as a model :rotfl: I'm sure the real quilters at my winter group would :faint: and :scared: if they saw it. I don't think I have the right equipment to properly quilt it.


But, at least you know I wasn't lying when I said I made one ::yes::

I am so sorry that you have to cancel your cruise. You know, I will hold you to the rebooking thing! In the mean time, I suppose you can help me plan my excursions! :lmao:

Great job on the quilt. It looks great from here.

Oh you are now making me very mad that I didn't go this morning. I get the 20% off too (dependent). I just hate to spend any extra money right now until our house sells. On June 15 our tenants move out and it will really hurt us financially. Our 30 year mortgage up there costs more than our 15 year mortgage here! And our house here is bigger.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the right person will come by and buy the house!

Absolutely horrible pic of an outfit I made dd. She is really into Westies so I did the t and used my $1.50 Walmart skirt to applique on. Problem is dd is wearing the skort backwards and refused to put it on properly b/c she wanted the Westie on the skirt in front. I purposely put in on the back since she has a Westie on the shirt. This will teach me to take pics of clothes NOT modeled (I'd take another pic but the outfit is currently in the wash). I'll try to get better pics b/c it really is cute -- it looks totally crooked on backwards!



And these are two shirts for Amy (she buys the shirts and designs -- I had Tink but she bought Dumbo -- and I stitch them out for her). Excuse any markings -- they are not washed post applique. The Dumbo is for Skye and Tink is for Allison. Amy hasn't even seen these yet!

The Westies outfit looks great - even if the model has different ideas! The shirts look great too!

Here is my finished Cat in the Hat outfit!


I am proud of it.

You SHOULD be proud of it. You did a great job on it!

Finished the matching shirt for my snow white outfit.


You have been busy sewing I see!

I am finishing up some shirts for the big boys:

They are all from the same Ottobre pattern - I just need to add the buttons, buttonholes, and front packet to the Lego Jack Sparrow shirt to finish.

Meanwhile, I stitched out a design on a polo for DH:

I figured out a trick to hooping shirts like this without getting extra fabric caught - do it over a stool!

Great job on the shirts. I must ask - where did you get the Lego minifig Jack Sparrow embroidery? As some of you know, DH is very much into Lego and I am always in search of Lego-related designs! (I have designed a minifig but I just haven't had time to do more).

Good tip on the stool! I just float my fabric instead of hooping after a few incidents with extra fabric being caught. Maybe I will try your method.

Ok, here is my next project!

Tori is an ambassador for the Ride for Wishes that is taking place in St Louis next week. They raise money to fund MAW trips. I wanted a "Biker Mickey" outfit and this is what I came up with.


That outfit looks great and totally fits the theme! Great job! I can't wait to see this outfit in action!
Tori is an ambassador for the Ride for Wishes that is taking place in St Louis next week. They raise money to fund MAW trips. I wanted a "Biker Mickey" outfit and this is what I came up with.

Are you located in Missouri? I'm from Kansas City. If you are that is the closest I've gotten to meeting anyone on here that is anywhere near me. :rotfl2:
Help!!! My embroidery machine is having an attack of stupid! I'm in the middle of an applique, 10 steps in, and when I put the frame back in after a cutting step, it's telling me to switch to the large hoop. I haven't changed anything, it is the large hoop I've been using for the past 20 minutes!!! I've done everything I can think of, including turning off and restarting, removing the embroidery unit and looking for any stray threads. I've got a Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D. Any other suggestions are appreciated. I've got this plus one other shirt to finish for our trip in less than 2 weeks. And it's only the large 6x10 hoop that seems to be an issue, the others are recognized by the machine.
Love looking at all the pictures! I am sooo jealous of those that can sew!
HockeyMom that Tinkerbell bag is awesome and I LOVE the Mickey camera bag!!

So does anyone know of any other downloadable embroidery sites for Star Wars designs? PM me if you would rather not post!

I'm not sure which ones you were looking at already, but Heathersue has downloadable SW designs, and they always stitch out great. http://www.froufroubyheathersue.com She has different coupons everymonth too, so check out her Facebook page to get them.

Hi all..had a rough day with my Tori last night. She ended up with a 103.8 temperature in the ER last night. Luckily, we were able to go home after a lot of fluids and antibiotics.
Sorry about the rough night!! I'm glad to hear she is doing better though.

I love all the things you are making!

Oh my! Time flies as I didn't even realized that trip had occurred already. I still think of Barbara and her family from time to time, so I am glad to hear that they had a great time on the trip.
Thanks Flora, they had a really wonderful time. Barbara was put on a new medication after our trip and it really made her very sick, so we are glad we were able to go when we did. They gave her some medication to help, but after she took the medication and got so sick, she seems to be afraid to take it again. And, she really needs to take it.

I was able to see all the pics :) Thanks for sharing them. I :love: AKL -- I'd eat breakfast out on our balcony most every morning.

And I have to say, I want to kidnap Lydia and take her to Dis someday -- she looks like fun, fun, fun! Tessa is looking as pretty as ever and Sawyer is really growing! I also loved your family blue t-shirts. There were tons of pics I wanted to comment on, but there were so many I can't even remember them all! Loved Lydia's new Mickey ears! Greet that you had a mini-Dismeet as well :)

I'm glad you could see them! AKL was just so wonderful. They treated Barbara wonderfully and she had the best time there.

Lydia is such a FUN kid!!! You would love her!!

Heather made all of those shirts for us!! She made the design (of course!) and I was going to stitch out half of them and she was going to make the other half. But, I was so busy that she just did them all herself. :love:

Weren't those ears great!! They are my favorite ears ever!

It was so wonderful seeing Bernadette, April and Tifani! I just can't believe I didn't get more pictures of all of us!

Absolutely horrible pic of an outfit I made dd. She is really into Westies so I did the t and used my $1.50 Walmart skirt to applique on. Problem is dd is wearing the skort backwards and refused to put it on properly b/c she wanted the Westie on the skirt in front. I purposely put in on the back since she has a Westie on the shirt. This will teach me to take pics of clothes NOT modeled (I'd take another pic but the outfit is currently in the wash). I'll try to get better pics b/c it really is cute -- it looks totally crooked on backwards!

I love your daughter's outfit!!! She is so cute!!! That is something my kids would do, wearing it backwards! I have had similar conversations with Lydia about things!! I usually loose.

Here is my finished Cat in the Hat outfit!


I am proud of it.

You should be proud!!! This is wonderful!!

Finished the matching shirt for my snow white outfit.


I love this outfit so much!!!


They are all from the same Ottobre pattern - I just need to add the buttons, buttonholes, and front packet to the Lego Jack Sparrow shirt to finish.

Meanwhile, I stitched out a design on a polo for DH:

I figured out a trick to hooping shirts like this without getting extra fabric caught - do it over a stool!

Wow, everything is looking good!!!
I love your hooping trick! Thanks so much for sharing.
Darn about the MAW embroidery. Maybe someone can make one! I have no idea how though!


I am not sure if Heather has a Wish trip design. I know she was working on bald princesses. I'll ask her about the Wish design.

This skirt and top is so cute!!! I agree though, it needs a bandana!!!

I think HeatherSue has an unadvertised one, but if I remember right, it was embroidery and not an applique. Cute at any rate. I think she offered it to people sewing for Big Gives. I haven't seen her here since her family's trip, but TeresaJoy has been by, and they're sisters, so I'm sure she'll say something for you. I can put a note on Facebook for you too.

I don't remember a Wish design, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I have a hard time remembering everything she does! She's been working on a bald princess line, so if anyone needs those for a Give, they can let her (or me) know.

Help!!! My embroidery machine is having an attack of stupid! I'm in the middle of an applique, 10 steps in, and when I put the frame back in after a cutting step, it's telling me to switch to the large hoop. I haven't changed anything, it is the large hoop I've been using for the past 20 minutes!!! I've done everything I can think of, including turning off and restarting, removing the embroidery unit and looking for any stray threads. I've got a Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D. Any other suggestions are appreciated. I've got this plus one other shirt to finish for our trip in less than 2 weeks. And it's only the large 6x10 hoop that seems to be an issue, the others are recognized by the machine.

How frustrating!!! Do you have a memory card on this machine? When my 770 was messing up a design, I had to turn off my machine and take the memory card and put it back in. I'd already tried turning it off and on several times. For some reason, that worked. You could also try unplugging it for awhile. Sometimes that helps to reset things.
Yes! We live in St Louis!

I don't know why but I am so excited to meet a fellow Missourian on the DIS boards. Awesome! Anyways, it's super cool she gets to do that. She must be very proud.

I've been looking into getting more involved in our local Make A Wish chapter.
I am not sure if Heather has a Wish trip design. I know she was working on bald princesses. I'll ask her about the Wish design.

This skirt and top is so cute!!! I agree though, it needs a bandana!!!

I don't remember a Wish design, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I have a hard time remembering everything she does! She's been working on a bald princess line, so if anyone needs those for a Give, they can let her (or me) know.

Thanks! I would love bald princesses and a wish trip design! Tori is such an inspiration to me in that she sees herself as beautiful with her bald head. She is such a pretty girl, that sometimes it is hard for me to see other people look at her with..pity? I guess. From the time she was little, everyone always stopped me and said how cute she was, and now, they just look sad.

But Tori, she prances around with her bald head, models for me and says how pretty she looks. She is such an inspiration to me. It makes me cry.:sad:
I don't remember a Wish design, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I have a hard time remembering everything she does! She's been working on a bald princess line, so if anyone needs those for a Give, they can let her (or me) know.

How frustrating!!! Do you have a memory card on this machine? When my 770 was messing up a design, I had to turn off my machine and take the memory card and put it back in. I'd already tried turning it off and on several times. For some reason, that worked. You could also try unplugging it for awhile. Sometimes that helps to reset things.

I thought she had done the Make A Wish official logo, but I could be wrong, there's always so many things to see here, its impossible to remember them all!!! And it was a few years ago I think.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it, can't hurt, right? I've done a google search to no avail. I really don't want to bring it in unless I have to, because I know I won't get it back in time.
Thanks! I would love bald princesses and a wish trip design! Tori is such an inspiration to me in that she sees herself as beautiful with her bald head. She is such a pretty girl, that sometimes it is hard for me to see other people look at her with..pity? I guess. From the time she was little, everyone always stopped me and said how cute she was, and now, they just look sad.

But Tori, she prances around with her bald head, models for me and says how pretty she looks. She is such an inspiration to me. It makes me cry.:sad:

She sounds like such a wonderful little girl! :love:

I thought she had done the Make A Wish official logo, but I could be wrong, there's always so many things to see here, its impossible to remember them all!!! And it was a few years ago I think.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it, can't hurt, right? I've done a google search to no avail. I really don't want to bring it in unless I have to, because I know I won't get it back in time.

Hopefully she will have time to do one if she hasn't.
I hope you can get your machine to cooperte!
As long as what you are making items for personal use you shouldn't have a problem. Agree with what Sally said -- that's why some designers do use "mouse" instead of "Mickey" and why some hide their designs on their sites. I know someone once posted that they were selling a Suess fabric outfit on perhaps e-bay or etsy and they had to remove it. I also know some people get rude comments at Disney about being sued due to their clothes -- even D~ said some cm's made comments to her of that nature when she arrived at POFQ. But if licensed fabric is sold clothes are going to get made from it and worn -- no one buys the fabric just to admire it and not use it.

I've never been asked, but I always figured I'd just say a friend did it for me, or I did it. Save alot of hassle in the parks.

Working on appliques again today. Right now I am redoing a stitch appliqué. My 770 is acting up so I am using my Duetta which works way better.and cuts the jump stitches. I have no patience for taking apart the 770 today.

So the plan is to do a lot of appliques and then switch to sewing :)


Does anyone have a thread stand and do you like it?

I have one, and almost never use it. It would be good if you use the large cones or to get your thread colors in line. But most of the time it sits in the closet.
Thanks. Nothing seems to be working. I wish tomorrow wasn't a holiday, but I do have other embroidery to do, so I'm working on that now.

Still open for suggestions...

Is it every design for the 6x10 hoop or just one?
I have no real idea how the hoops work or how it knows what size you have, but are there any sort of connectors or something that you could clean? Could you try taking an eraser and cleaning the metal clamp parts of the hoop and where you hook them up? (again, I have NO idea if that makes any difference!!! Just a thought that jumped into my head!)

Does anyone have a thread stand and do you like it?

I had one and really like it. I used it for my regular machine, because I had some large cones that didn't fit. Then, it fell on the floor and someone stepped on it. So, I started putting the cones on the last holder of my serger (I only use 3 threads and it's a 4 thread machine). My cousin has given me another holder, but I haven't used it yet, since the serger is much handier for me!
Looks like you found a good reason to run to Joann's :)
And wouldn't you know it, they were out of Decor Bond and I had to go to Walmart for it instead! It wasn't on sale anyway. And while I was at Wally's I got 4 yards of fabric on clearance for $2 yd -- much cheaper than anything I got at Joann's. And Joann's had a sign up by the few bolts of Halloween fabric they had for 40% off and when I checked my receipt (after I left the store) it didn't ring up as on sale so all I got was 20% off. I double checked my flyer b/c I was going to take it back, but it's the "patriotic" that was listed on sale -- though the store had the sign right over the Halloween ones and I even checked the tagging on the bolt to make sure I was selecting the right fabric. I did get some Snow White (for a project for a friend) and they also had Brave fabric -- but I didn't buy any of that. Just had never seen Brave before.

And ON was packed -- but I got what I wanted except I would have liked a bright pink for dd and they didn't have that in her size -- so instead I picked up another swimsuit for her as they were on sale for $9.

Wow! I had no idea you could do that. I might have to try that!! You all are freaking me out about the licensed stuff! I looked at etsy last night and there are TONS of Mickey stuff, tons of Cat in the Hat. I guess it all depends if they feel like coming after you?

I would love the sun hat tutorial! She has to wear a hat any time she goes outside, so that would be great!

Joann's definitely has good deals. I'm not going to buy any more fabric until I've definitely made a dent in what I have! But I do need tshirts. I don't know where the best place to get them cheap is...any suggestions?
I would never worry about wearing a thing you made. And I see no harm in selling either, though someone on this board posted the Suess story once.

I have three hat tuts but his one is my favorite and IMO has the best fit for a child:

The hat is reversible so you can do different fabrics on the inside.

ETA: This is the shirt I lined up incorrectly so it's at a slight slant -- most thought I did on purpose so let's go with that!

IMO this one was too big (I made the child size for a BG and it fit me!):

If you print the Martha Stewart one make sure you follow the printing instructions perfectly -- you have to have the latest adobe installed and read the comments b/c someone gives exact instructions to get it to work correctly.

And I can't find the link for the other one I did -- grrr! It turned out too small IMO but this is it:

If you like this style I will see if the website is on my instructions that I printed. Just let me know. I swear it's an Ottobre free pattern but I can't find it bookmarked on my computer. Worse case scenario I can copy it for you and mail it to you.

I also ran across this while looking for the Ottobre pattern and it looks like a really nice style too:

For T-shirts my favorites for girls are Target and Old Navy. Walmart also has some that are a little thinner and I did use one and the applique looks nice and it's washed well and held up and they are only $3.47 (?) so you can't beat the price. I also ordered from this site to get these ruffled t's:

The ruffled t's are decent, but I also ordered some boys long sleeve t's and the quality is fine, but the shape is sort of sweatshirt like -- I prefer ON's long sleeve shirts for boys.

K-mart is hit or miss for t's -- last year they had some cool key hole tanks. JC Penny also has some that are more girly and varied.


Working on appliques again today. Right now I am redoing a stitch appliqué. My 770 is acting up so I am using my Duetta which works way better.and cuts the jump stitches. I have no patience for taking apart the 770 today.

So the plan is to do a lot of appliques and then switch to sewing :)


Does anyone have a thread stand and do you like it?
Sorry your PE770 is not cooperating. Something that cuts jump stitches would be a good friend of mine! Sorry , no help on the thread stand.

Help!!! My embroidery machine is having an attack of stupid! I'm in the middle of an applique, 10 steps in, and when I put the frame back in after a cutting step, it's telling me to switch to the large hoop. I haven't changed anything, it is the large hoop I've been using for the past 20 minutes!!! I've done everything I can think of, including turning off and restarting, removing the embroidery unit and looking for any stray threads. I've got a Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D. Any other suggestions are appreciated. I've got this plus one other shirt to finish for our trip in less than 2 weeks. And it's only the large 6x10 hoop that seems to be an issue, the others are recognized by the machine.
I was going to suggest unplugging it like Teresa did. Sorry, I'm of no help.

I'm not sure which ones you were looking at already, but Heathersue has downloadable SW designs, and they always stitch out great. http://www.froufroubyheathersue.com She has different coupons everymonth too, so check out her Facebook page to get them.

I am not sure if Heather has a Wish trip design. I know she was working on bald princesses. I'll ask her about the Wish design.

I don't remember a Wish design, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I have a hard time remembering everything she does! She's been working on a bald princess line, so if anyone needs those for a Give, they can let her (or me) know.
I second that Heather's designs always stitch out well and her satin stitches are a little wider than most which looks better.

I'm excited to hear that Heather is working on bald princesses -- I hope never to need them for my personal use, but they would be awesome for BG's! As would any Wish Trip designs (hint, hint!).

Thanks! I would love bald princesses and a wish trip design! Tori is such an inspiration to me in that she sees herself as beautiful with her bald head. She is such a pretty girl, that sometimes it is hard for me to see other people look at her with..pity? I guess. From the time she was little, everyone always stopped me and said how cute she was, and now, they just look sad.

But Tori, she prances around with her bald head, models for me and says how pretty she looks. She is such an inspiration to me. It makes me cry.:sad:
That's wonderful that she sees herself as the beauty she is! My dd saw her picture yesterday and really couldn't grasp Tori having no hair. It gave me the opportunity to teach her a bit about chemotherapy, but sadly I just don't think my dd can relate to something she hasn't actually seen in real life. The only person we know that had chemo was my dad, but my dd knows guys can go bald so thought nothing of it. My dd loved Tori's outfits though!


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