Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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tinkerbell with ruffled straps. picture is a bit blurry but she wouldn't stand still


princess and the frog simply sweet

Your dresses are adorable. My 9 year old just requested the minnie one so I need to figure a way to make it tweenish.
Hi Everyone!!

I had an idea - if anyone would like to send Kade(our new big give kiddo) some lollipops, just let me know - it be so cute to shower him with them for his trip!!! He LOVEs lollipops!! He cant chew, but loves to lick lollipops and, mom said his speech therapist its good for his face muscles!!!!:rotfl:

PM me if you are interested!! Or, if you are going to be part of his big give, you could send them with that package!!!

Woo Hoo!!
Your dresses are adorable. My 9 year old just requested the minnie one so I need to figure a way to make it tweenish.

thank you
the spots are in fashion again this year in the uk for older girls as well as younger ones. maybe a plain red bodice and spotty skirt would be a little older girl looking but i think you can't go wrong with spots again this year
So there I was at Disney World . . . at the Magic Kingdom. . . on the second floor of the Columiba Harbor House. . .in the bathroom. . . and there's a cute little girl wearing a patchwork twirl. I asked if her mommy made the skirt and the grandmother answered, 'yes and six other outfits as well'. We exchanged dis names -- it was jeniamt's daughter.

And just to recap, here are our emails before I left!

I would take R&C any day over a Super Bowl party! Its our favorite!!! How long will you be in WDW? DD4 and my parents arrive Sunday (AKV-Jambo House) and check-out Friday. Keep an eye out for her... she will decked out in customs!

Anyone else going to be in the World this week? I am living viciously through my parents and DD4. She is beside herself with happiness. They left MD this morning at 4am and are about 2 hours away from their friend's house in Tampa! They said she has been a perfect passenger and is loving all the one-on-one attention from her Gaga and Papa.

Glad to hear you like Rose & Crown. I think it's the last "international" Epcot restaurant for me to try. I'm looking forward to some Yorkshire pudding.

I will definitely be looking out for an adorable 4 year old :cutie: wearing some amazing clothes. Last year when I went, also in February, it was so cold everyone wore coats the whole week. This year's forecast looks like it may be a bit wet. :sad2: (I'll be staying at Old Key West.)

What are the odds???
Soooo, this weekend we drove from Philly to Cedarville, OH to surprise my neice for her 19th Birthday. She is a freshman at Cedarville university, and I had this idea that we should go and see her. Her parents agreed, we rented a big SUV and packed it with the 8 of us plus Zoey and started drivin!!! The only bad thing was that poor Tim had had the flu all week and really wasnt himself - on the mend, but definately not Tim - it was so sad to see him like that!! Anyways - Bekah was SHOCKED and we had a great time!!

Even though the rental car guy said we'd have plenty of room, we had a Tuscon for 8 people BUT there was no room for luggage or my legs in the back row!!!! Grrrrr - anyway, the 3 kids fought so much about who would get to sit next to me that we had to just finally stick all 3 in the back and then I got some more leg room - lol. Zoey kind of sat on Hannah's feet. It was sooo funny - she'd have her eye's closed, asleep and would say "Zoey Loves to sit on my lap" - never opened her eyes or anything!!! It was so funny -she did that about 5 times and we'd all laugh our heads off!!!!

Her brother (the one that got married in January) and his wife also attend Cedarville so the plan was that they would invite Bekah and her BF out to lunch at the olive garden - and we would all be there!!! haha!!!!!!:banana:

All of us by the Cedarville Rock

And, Hannah in her Minnie outfit!!

Tim would not cooperate for a picture and would only frown in his Mario outfit - so I told him I didnt want to take his picture then!!!

I gave Bekah a heart picture frame, a pair of Eeyore footie pj's and this big pillow for up on her bed..

Any ways - it was so much fun and such a secret!! I love my Bekah!!!!!:lovestruc
So there I was at Disney World . . . at the Magic Kingdom. . . on the second floor of the Columiba Harbor House. . .in the bathroom. . . and there's a cute little girl wearing a patchwork twirl. I asked if her mommy made the skirt and the grandmother answered, 'yes and six other outfits as well'. We exchanged dis names -- it was jeniamt's daughter.

And just to recap, here are our emails before I left!

What are the odds???

that is sooo funny!!!!

glad you had a good weekend Wendy...looks like fun!!!!!
Soooo, this weekend we drove from Philly to Cedarville, OH to surprise my neice for her 19th Birthday. She is a freshman at Cedarville university, and I had this idea that we should go and see her. Her parents agreed, we rented a big SUV and packed it with the 8 of us plus Zoey and started drivin!!! The only bad thing was that poor Tim had had the flu all week and really wasnt himself - on the mend, but definately not Tim - it was so sad to see him like that!! Anyways - Bekah was SHOCKED and we had a great time!!

Hi Wendy

I only live about a half hour away from Cedarville. That's pretty country. (of course I'm a little prejudiced. lol) :thumbsup2
Hi Everyone!!

I had an idea - if anyone would like to send Kade(our new big give kiddo) some lollipops, just let me know - it be so cute to shower him with them for his trip!!! He LOVEs lollipops!! He cant chew, but loves to lick lollipops and, mom said his speech therapist its good for his face muscles!!!!:rotfl:

PM me if you are interested!! Or, if you are going to be part of his big give, you could send them with that package!!!

Woo Hoo!!

already put lollipops in his package!!!
looks like you had a fun weekend!
Last minute as usual, I'm working on my girls outfits for our trip and with two weeks to go I'm about half done but one is giving me trouble. I scored a last minute ADR for CRT lunch and decided on a Belle Simply Sweet for my younger DD, but older DD wants Snow White. I know I've seen a Snow White, I think Portrait Peasant?, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it now that I'm looking for inspiration!

Does anyone have any tips, pics, or ideas for where an amatuer would start looking to modify a YCMT pattern into a lovely Snow White?

I made this one for my niece a few years ago.

And, this one was for a Big Give


Found the picture of the back

We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.


Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

Everything is adorable!! I love the first one with the added ruffle!!!
I was going to ask where you got that cool Mickey fabric too! I love it!

It is from Joanns but neither of the stores in my area carry it. I had to order it from the website. I just loved the print so much that I picked out the stripwork pattern and the other fabrics specifically to work with it.

The Monsters Inc fabric was an Etsy find - the seller had two fat quarters of it and only wanted $.70 each for them, so of course I bought both. DD2 is in a Monsters Inc phase and spends half the day hiding behind things just to jump out and yell Boo! so I went searching for fabric to make her a Monsters dress. I was actually looking for a Japanese print I saw, but this worked out so much better (and cheaper! those imported Disney prints are pricey) because I had the coordinating fabrics in my stash from doing my girls' purple-and-turquoise bedroom.

I will definitely post some action shots. My girls aren't very cooperative models at home but they totally ham it up for my camera at Disney!
GREAT deal on the Monsters fabric!!!! Woo hoo! :woohoo:

Thanks for asking. He went back to work this morning. It has been 3 weeks since his surgery (16 days since the second one). He has all his staples out and seems to be healing quite nicely. Still having a little pain associated with the surgery, but he does have wires running down the side of his head just under the skin, and a battery pack in his chest, so I think the tissue around those are still in the healing process.

As for his phantom and nerve pain that the surgery was done to help. It does seem to be helping already, even though the battery pack is not even on yet. There is a certain amount of 'insertion effect' just from having the wires touch the proper spot on his brain, and he is having relief just from that.

Life is back to normal.... well at our house that means crazy busy with hockey and basketball, and we are going on a little trip this weekend to visit and ski with friends. (No, the man that had brain surgery does not plan to ski just yet, he will pass this time)

I'm glad to hear things are going ok. I hope your husband has continued pain relief. I think a little trip is just what you need! And, I'm glad to hear your husband will not be skiing!
Looks like you retooled the Big Give board while I was at WDW freezing my ears off. I can no longer log in. Do I need to rejoin? You probably went over all that stuff a few dozen pages back -- I've been gone over a week.

We moved the board, you will need to sign up for a new account and get approved. We are approving people pretty quickly, so you shouldn't have to wait long.




princess and the frog simply sweet

I love the dresses!!! And, your daughter is so cute!

thank you
the spots are in fashion again this year in the uk for older girls as well as younger ones. maybe a plain red bodice and spotty skirt would be a little older girl looking but i think you can't go wrong with spots again this year

I was wondering if you usually call them spots as opposed to polka dots in the UK? I always find it interesting to hear what other English speaking countries call things (or even different parts of the United States!)

So there I was at Disney World . . . at the Magic Kingdom. . . on the second floor of the Columiba Harbor House. . .in the bathroom. . . and there's a cute little girl wearing a patchwork twirl. I asked if her mommy made the skirt and the grandmother answered, 'yes and six other outfits as well'. We exchanged dis names -- it was jeniamt's daughter.

And just to recap, here are our emails before I left!

What are the odds???

That is so cool that you saw her!!

Soooo, this weekend we drove from Philly to Cedarville, OH to surprise my neice for her 19th Birthday. She is a freshman at Cedarville university, and I had this idea that we should go and see her. Her parents agreed, we rented a big SUV and packed it with the 8 of us plus Zoey and started drivin!!! The only bad thing was that poor Tim had had the flu all week and really wasnt himself - on the mend, but definately not Tim - it was so sad to see him like that!! Anyways - Bekah was SHOCKED and we had a great time!!

Any ways - it was so much fun and such a secret!! I love my Bekah!!!!!:lovestruc
You guys are so sweet!!! I just love how close you all are!

And, everytime I see that picture of Bekah, I think it's my niece for a second!

LOVE that girl!! (and the dress is cute too). I don't think I have ever seen this picture.

Aww, thanks! I love her too! I made the dress a few years ago.
I love it. I'll have to show that to DD and see what she thinks. She's 9 and not really into princesses any more, but once I started sewing for DD2 she decided she didn't want to be left out of the fun!

Kirsta is 9 in the picture. I made it tunic length, more pointed on the sides. She really loved it and asked for others.
I posted earlier the Valentine's Day shirt I made for my DD6. here is the full outfit I made for my DD8:

and here are both Girls:

Thanks for looking
Wow lots of incredibly cute stuff posted in the last couple of days!! You guys should all be so proud of the great talent that you all have!

tinkerbell with ruffled straps. picture is a bit blurry but she wouldn't stand still
That is so pretty and your DD is very sweet.

So there I was at Disney World . . . at the Magic Kingdom. . . on the second floor of the Columiba Harbor House. . .in the bathroom. . . and there's a cute little girl wearing a patchwork twirl. I asked if her mommy made the skirt and the grandmother answered, 'yes and six other outfits as well'. We exchanged dis names -- it was jeniamt's daughter.

And just to recap, here are our emails before I left!

What are the odds???
That really is neat when that happens. I have only met one person from the Dis boards at Disney, and she was from the disability group. It was great.
Soooo, this weekend we drove from Philly to Cedarville, OH to surprise my neice for her 19th Birthday. She is a freshman at Cedarville university, and I had this idea that we should go and see her. Her parents agreed, we rented a big SUV and packed it with the 8 of us plus Zoey and started drivin!!! The only bad thing was that poor Tim had had the flu all week and really wasnt himself - on the mend, but definately not Tim - it was so sad to see him like that!! Anyways - Bekah was SHOCKED and we had a great time!!

Even though the rental car guy said we'd have plenty of room, we had a Tuscon for 8 people BUT there was no room for luggage or my legs in the back row!!!! Grrrrr - anyway, the 3 kids fought so much about who would get to sit next to me that we had to just finally stick all 3 in the back and then I got some more leg room - lol. Zoey kind of sat on Hannah's feet. It was sooo funny - she'd have her eye's closed, asleep and would say "Zoey Loves to sit on my lap" - never opened her eyes or anything!!! It was so funny -she did that about 5 times and we'd all laugh our heads off!!!!

Her brother (the one that got married in January) and his wife also attend Cedarville so the plan was that they would invite Bekah and her BF out to lunch at the olive garden - and we would all be there!!! haha!!!!!!:banana:

All of us by the Cedarville Rock
Wendy, that is such a nice story and I loved reading about your family how kind you are and thoughtful. You do set a great example. I loved the story about Zoey too.
I made this one for my niece a few years ago.

And, this one was for a Big Give


Found the picture of the back

Very pretty snow white dress. What pattern did you use for the give? Both are just amazing.

I posted earlier the Valentine's Day shirt I made for my DD6. here is the full outfit I made for my DD8:

and here are both Girls:

Thanks for looking
Awww, so much cuteness and a great job on the outfits. I guess I am lucky to have a boy but miss the cute girly stuff. Did you enjoy making the outifts? Did it take a long time?

DS want this in the post: :scared1::scared1::scared1:
We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.



Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

My goodness you have been sew busy! Can you send your mojo over to me so I can the things done. Ijust love the stripwork jumper! Button holes are so easy now the computerized machines. I really like the twirl skirts.

You have been very very busy! It is al so pretty. We leave in 1 week and a few days.

Hoping for good warm weather:yay:
In the spirit of my New Year's Resolution, I have been keeping up with this thread! I cleaned out my craft area in our unfinished basement and did about 30 loads of laundry getting all of my fabric rewashed so it is ready for when the inspiration hits! I don't sew down here, just store my supplies and carry them upstairs to work. I like to sit at the kitchen table, making my mess right in the middle of everything! Here are some pictures.

My Fabric in the first two cabinets:


Once I got all of that cleaned up, I found quite a few unfinished projects that I needed to tackle! I made a Tinkerbell Vida of a birthday gift and forgot to take a picture :confused:

I also made this baby quilt from autographed blocks I got at her baby shower that was in the stack:


I have also recently made some Big Give outfits and such for Taylor's Wish Trip, so once she gets the package, I will post those pictures:woohoo:

Today I am going to fix a couple of pairs of Easy Fit PJ pants, one has the elastic too big, one to small (Can you say Picky, picky girls:rolleyes1) and a Valentines day dress. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

Thanks for looking and being such an inspiration!:love:

Good job on reorganizing. The quilt is a great idea. I may have to borrow that idea one day for my best friend - that is, if she decides to have a baby!

Hi Girls,
I wanted to share this tip with you that was in my Martha Pullen Newsletter (which you can subscribe to for free)

Tip of the Week

Use Couture Tip from Donna H for Gorgeously Full Skirts

There's a couture technique I learned years ago for when the gathered skirt is super-full, but you don’t want such a huge amount of fullness right at the waistline or the high bodice on a christening gown. Before gathering, take in a few darts in regularly spaced intervals around the upper edge; trim the darts (or you’ll still have the bulk); then do the gathering. Those darts will not show, because the gathers will hide them. The bulk right at the gathering line will be decreased and much more manageable, but the skirt will still be gorgeously full! Also, one very important thing (guess how I know this!), don’t get too ambitious with the darts or you’ll remove too much fullness – LOL.

Thanks for sharing that tip.

The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.

Thank you so much for managing the Big Give Boards. I am sure it takes a lot of your time, especially the last few days with tons of people to approve and getting us set up.

Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I like the matching bow for Alexa's outfit. That's a cute shirt for Connor.

signed up for the new boards.

Ever notice when it rains it pours. DH was in an accident last week at work finally went back to work and I thought things would be easier Ds is sick.

I have Khelsey's give 80% done will be finishing it up as soon as DS naps or goes to bed.

Also have all the other gives ready to go and some started. I really get antsy when my schedule gets screwy.

think I will throw the shirts for Glo's give in the wash since that is heat press shirts.

ALso need to do DS valentines shirt today.:rotfl:

Hopefully everyone is feeling better now.

So here are my streamlined Valentine's Day Vidas. No ruffles or frills, which seem almost anti-Valentine's, but I wanted to get them finished. My oldest will wear hers to school tomorrow, but the kindergardener will have a Teddy PJ party and wear jammies to school. She is going to wear her dress to a Girl Scout "Sweet Tea Party" tomorrow night.


Cute Vida's. I think they look very nice without any ruffles!

WARNING: Here are a bunch of pictures.

Here is the Valentine's Day skirt I made my daughter. Some of the hearts have Mickey and Minnie in them. I made it a little bigger/longer, hoping it still fits her when we go on our trip in September.

I don't think I've shared a picture of my baby yet, so here he is. He's already 3 months old! He's laying on a beautiful afghan that my mom made for him.

And, finally, the quilt I made my parents for Christmas. It's huge. It was a King size.

I like the skirt and thanks for sharing picture of your baby. He is so cute. That quilt must have taken quite some time to do. I can't fathom doing a king size quilt at this point!

Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.

I really like it. I am also in the process of upsizing a child's pattern to an adult pattern. My first version didn't turn out very well so hopefully my second attempt will turn out better too.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments! dd is having a ball trying on her dresses. I think I really need to alter patterns to fit her after looking at the pictures. Everything is so wide on her tiny frame. I made a Sleeping Beauty dress using CarlaC's simply sweet. I made a 2T width bodice with the length of 4T and skirt size 3T. It worked out pretty well.


Good job on the dress, though a slightly bigger picture would be helpful!

When I cleaned out my craft room, I found a ton of UFO's. I got 2 pair of easy fit jammies fixed, one dress that was for my youngest that needed a hem (I didn't get a picture of that one) and one Cathy dress that just needed the neckline put in. Here are the pictures:

It looks cute. I can't wait to see the finished product.

In between working on a give today. I made this shirt for DS to wear tomorrow. I used the PE-770 for the 3rd time. I need to get better about lining up kids shirts on it but it is fine for him to wear tomorrow


I hope he had fun wearing the shirt today.

We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.



DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

I really like the first set of dresses and the Mickey stripwork jumper. I am glad that you got over your fear of buttonholes!

Thanks for asking. He went back to work this morning. It has been 3 weeks since his surgery (16 days since the second one). He has all his staples out and seems to be healing quite nicely. Still having a little pain associated with the surgery, but he does have wires running down the side of his head just under the skin, and a battery pack in his chest, so I think the tissue around those are still in the healing process.

As for his phantom and nerve pain that the surgery was done to help. It does seem to be helping already, even though the battery pack is not even on yet. There is a certain amount of 'insertion effect' just from having the wires touch the proper spot on his brain, and he is having relief just from that.

Life is back to normal.... well at our house that means crazy busy with hockey and basketball, and we are going on a little trip this weekend to visit and ski with friends. (No, the man that had brain surgery does not plan to ski just yet, he will pass this time)

I am glad to hear that he is recovering well and started to experience some relief.


minnie dots for our trip. i still need a minnie iron on thingy if anyone sells that with cheapish postage to the uk pm me :worship:

i've fallen in love with the simply sweet pattern

Thanks for sharing all your creations. I like this one the best (but I am biased since I am a huge Minnie fan!)

Soooo, this weekend we drove from Philly to Cedarville, OH to surprise my neice for her 19th Birthday. She is a freshman at Cedarville university, and I had this idea that we should go and see her. Her parents agreed, we rented a big SUV and packed it with the 8 of us plus Zoey and started drivin!!! The only bad thing was that poor Tim had had the flu all week and really wasnt himself - on the mend, but definately not Tim - it was so sad to see him like that!! Anyways - Bekah was SHOCKED and we had a great time!!

All of us by the Cedarville Rock

Thanks for sharing your trip Wendy. It sure sounded like a good time (even if it was squishy in the car).

I posted earlier the Valentine's Day shirt I made for my DD6.
and here are both Girls:

Thanks for looking

Great job! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
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