Disboutiquers Part 18 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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Finished up a little Kimono for the grandchild of a co-worker this weekend. I got the fabric from a quilt shop, and knew that I just had to make this pattern from Habitual.wordpress with it.

(the gold is quite sparkly, not sure if that is showing or not)

I LOVE THAT FABRIC! I totally need it for my daughter!
Yes, Teresa...For those of you I don't usually talk to on FB his name will be Gabriel Ian. Believe it or not, Matt picked it...at 3:30AM! LOL
I love the "souvenir" posts!!! Congrats Shannalee!!! I was secretly hoping for a girl too...

BUT! I have a story...

As many of you know, I had two miscarriages b4 this souvenir pregnancy. My last was at 16 weeks. So at 15 weeks, when I started cramping, I freaked out! I had an ultrasound and everything was OK! Yayyyy!!!! What is more is that the tech was able to get a PERFECT shot...Of certain anatomy. Yes, it is a BOY!

I was excited to think I may get to sew for a girl, but I just want a healthy baby!!! I am 18 weeks, everyone. Past my dreaded 16 week pt. And it is WONDERFUL feeling!!

Glad to hear you're doing okay and the ultrasound showed everything was okay Alicia! Cannot wait to see him once he's born!
I hate to complain...but it is so cold here in Dallas! Hating it!!!! Today's high is only 37 and Thursday it's only going to be 29! I know for some of you that might seem like summer but it's really cold for here. Our highs this time of the year are usually in the mid to upper 50's. They said Thursday it will be as cold as it's been in 10 years here!

Sorry for the randomness, just doing my best to keep our thread moving so we can move!

Teresa, are you back from Hobby Lobby????
Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
Is it snowing anywhere today?
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
Any trips anywhere planned?
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....

What type of thread do you use in the bobbin when your working on an in the hoop project? A regular sewing thread? or an embroidery?
I just use the same thread that I'm using in the top for in the hoop projects. I just discovered how much fun in the hoop projects are. I'm just digitized my very first in the hoop design last week! I still have to write the instructions, though.

As you know, it doesn't bother me to take my kids out of school in May, so don't let it bother you! In the 12 (going on 13) years we've went they have never had a problem getting caught up. I had a teacher tell me that if you are going to take them out of school, that is the best time to do it, because they really aren't doing much learning at that point!
And, you don't want to go a week later than that becaus then you would miss Corey's graduation. Just go!!! It will be so fun!
I know you always take the kids out of school in May. But, having you actually tell me that I should go is really pushing me in that direction! I'm starting to get esited!!

Hi!!! It's great to see a picture of you! I love the shirts you did for your last trip! Very cute!

Yeah, I know. My choice to live here. I am just a hometown girl and would not move away from my mommy if it could be helped. I got my Bachelor of Commerce not far from here and then returned to my hometown (where DH was waiting) to manage the family business (a collection agency). My parents are here, one of my 3 brothers, DH's mom, and both his sisters. Also, my grandma, and my 2 best friends from high school. I love my vacations to the warmer weather, but I love my hometown too.

Now let's get on with this move.
I'm so with you- I can't leave my mommy! Or my sister, or my brother, or my aunts and uncles and cousins....

DD will be almost 14 months old when we go. Notice how I am saying "WHEN" and not "IF". LOL Anyway, I have no idea what size she will be then (she's nearly outgrown most of her 0 - 3 month clothes already and is only 2 1/2 months), but obviously I would like to make some customs for her for the potential trip. Any advice on how I should handle this size dilemma? Any patterns that would be more forgiving than others as far as being too big or such? She's my first child so I have no frame of reference on childhood growth spurts. LOL

I agree with everyone who said you might want to go with a size 18 months. I think CarlaC's portrait peasant dress would be a good option, too. You can just wait until closer to the trip to put the elastic in the sleeves and neckline.

Hello all! I have been away for a week processing the surprise I got for Christmas. My husband and I brought back an extra souvenir from our Disney trip. Our third baby is due in August!!

Is it sad that I am secretly hoping for a girl, so I can sew ruffles longer??

Oh my gosh, how exciting!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

We got accepted to Project Linus too! I'm so excited. I got permission to do double sided fleece blankets. I'm going to put Heathersue's swirl Mickey in the corner. I'm so taken with that design and I figured since the blanket is getting me into Disney why not spread the love. I have four to do!

TheresaJoy: I don't digitize! I'm perfectly happy to buy everyone else's designs and beg a few times when I want something specific! LOL.
That would be really cute! I was thinking of putting some embroidery on them if I do this, too.

I sent a message to Project Linus, I haven't heard back yet, hopefully I will this next week. That sounds like one I would really enjoy.

I have tried digitizing. It's HARD! I don't know how Heather does it. My sister is mighty talented!
:hug: You're too good to me! I think the same thing about you with those satin gowns you make! You are amazing!

I wish you had your good camera with you! These girls look so pretty!

So I thought I would say what I have planned. DGD4 birthday (almost 5), coming up in a week, and I am making a patchwork twirl for her out of cherry and ice cream prints. Then I have to stop my usual kids clothes for a bit. A friend has asked me to repair a quilt that has been in his family for about 60 yrs or so. It is in horrible disrepair (not sure even most of it is salvagable) but I told him since his kids (he has 3 grown) all loved it and carried it around their whole lives, that my suggestion would be to salvage the better blocks and make 3 baby size quilts using new borders and binding. This way he can present them to his 3 grown children and they can each have a part to cherish. He loved the idea, so that is my next project. I can't possibly match the fabrics so I am going to take it and use coordinating fabrics. I am pretty excited about this. I hope they turn out as special as I think they will.

What does everyone else have lined up for the next few months? I don't have a Disney trip planned anytime soon(probably not for at least 18 months or so) so I have to concentrate on other things right now.
What a great use for the quilt!! That will be so special for all of them!

I am planning on digitizing, digitizing, and more digitizing. I've been slacking. I have lots of projects I need to work on, but I'm enjoying you guys instead.

DD insisted on a Peter Pan cake last year & I made this one (it was really easy!)
That is such a cute cake! Sawyer loves Peter Pan and I bought him those figures for his birthday this year!

Hi everyone...just wanted to post an update on my Christmas Embroidery Machine......

My hubbie found out that the machine he ordered off amazon was not the one I wanted, so he offered to return it and get the one I wanted so we got online and I ordered the Brother PE770...they didn't have any PE-770D's, but I am really thrilled. The package comes with 4 hoops the largest being a 5 x 7!!! YIPPEEE

I had knee surgery on 12/28, so I am not sure how soon I will be able to start sewing again, but my machine should be on my doorstep by the time I get home from the check up with the surgeon today so I will be reading the manual the balance of the day!!

Anyway, I am very excited and I can't waite to get started. I am hoping that my first project will be a shirt for my DD for this saturday's trip to the circus!! I will post pics

Have a great day everyone
Congratulations on your new machine! I'm so glad you're getting the one you really wanted! How is your knee doing after the surgery?

As many of you know, I had two miscarriages b4 this souvenir pregnancy. My last was at 16 weeks. So at 15 weeks, when I started cramping, I freaked out! I had an ultrasound and everything was OK! Yayyyy!!!! What is more is that the tech was able to get a PERFECT shot...Of certain anatomy. Yes, it is a BOY!

I was excited to think I may get to sew for a girl, but I just want a healthy baby!!! I am 18 weeks, everyone. Past my dreaded 16 week pt. And it is WONDERFUL feeling!!
I'm so excited for you, Alicia! :banana::banana::banana: I think Gabriel Ian is a perfect name! Don't all the best ideas come at 3:30am? ;)

Guess what's here!!!!!! Today is my lucky day! UPS came early, but the poor delivery man had to walk from the top of our hill. (We live at the bottom of a pretty steep hill on a cul-de-sac.) I thanked him profusely!

I can't wait to free my friend from its box! First, I gotta go get shredded and walk away some pounds! Then I can reward myself by playing all afternoon!

Finished up a little Kimono for the grandchild of a co-worker this weekend. I got the fabric from a quilt shop, and knew that I just had to make this pattern from Habitual.wordpress with it.

(the gold is quite sparkly, not sure if that is showing or not)
That is SO cute!!! Great job!
I can chit chat to move things along and to procrastinate doing any real work. I may never graduate at this rate!

It isn't snowing here(in Kansas) yet, but it is supposed to Wed-Thur. It is cold though!! My car said 1F this morning!! It has been years since we have had a winter like this! We took trips to warm places in late Nov and early Dec and I wish we had saved them!!!

We don't have any trips planned as of yet, but my husband got a companion pass for Southwest, so for the next year anywhere he flies I fly for free! I have all sorts of ideas. I really want to squeeze in a trip to WDW or DL with the Get a Day (going to sign up later - either for the blanket or there is something with the Make-A-Wish here). And we talked about the beach or skiing. My daughter turns 2 in July and we'll have to start paying for her to fly!!

I just made a really great dress for my daughter, it kinda works for both the holidays and for Valentine's day. It's using the precious dress bodice but with a ton of ruffles. I saw one like it at Old Navy and knew I could make it! I'll post when I get pics.
I'm also working on another Valentine's dress similar to my Mickey through the years one. I'm pretty excited but it may take a little while (very applique heavy!). Plus I am trying to make up a pattern for a shirt/dress.
And I just signed up for the big give to make a petti!!! I am super excited - I've always wanted to do the big give, but have been pretty busy - now I can do one!
What was everyone's favorite Christmas present? Very favorite was the one I bought myself - my embroidery machine! Favorite gift from someone else was the present my 4½yo daughter picked out all by herself... an emergency kit for my car. :rotfl: Seriously, it's perfect for me - I love practical gifts. :thumbsup2

Is it snowing anywhere today? Not here in sunny SoCal! But it is going to be colder than yesterday, when we hit 80 degrees. <ducking and running>

Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before? It's been a few years - I don't fast when I'm pregnant or breastfeeding, and then last year I just didn't get around to it. Too much going on this year - maybe next year.

Any trips anywhere planned? We leave for our second-ever trip to WDW in NINE DAYS! AHHHHHHHH!!!!

What are you sewing right now? Making some t-shirts for the trip... I had big grandiose plans of all the customs I was going to make for this trip, but life happened and now here I am struggling to get a handful of t-shirts created. Guess we'll just have to go back again! ;)
Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
Is it snowing anywhere today?
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
Any trips anywhere planned?
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....


My favorite gift was my super cool kickboard, pull bouy, shammy, and mesh bag my mom got for me. Now I won't have to hunt them down when I go to lap swim. After all the years she had to get us swim team gear she really knows her stuff...lol.

It is not snowing here though it is unseasonably cool in the lower 50's

I don't know what a Daniel Fast is :confused3

We are going to WDW in 10 days :banana:

I am testing out some designs I digitized this weekend that are intended for customs for our trip.

I am going to the grocery store now and fully expect the move to occur while I am gone so hop to it :)
I love the "souvenir" posts!!! Congrats Shannalee!!! I was secretly hoping for a girl too...

BUT! I have a story...

As many of you know, I had two miscarriages b4 this souvenir pregnancy. My last was at 16 weeks. So at 15 weeks, when I started cramping, I freaked out! I had an ultrasound and everything was OK! Yayyyy!!!! What is more is that the tech was able to get a PERFECT shot...Of certain anatomy. Yes, it is a BOY!

I was excited to think I may get to sew for a girl, but I just want a healthy baby!!! I am 18 weeks, everyone. Past my dreaded 16 week pt. And it is WONDERFUL feeling!!

Hooooray for baby boy!! I think that even though sewing for a girl is super duper fun, sewing for a boy you just have to be more creative! And sewing for any baby is fun. hehe

I've been to Disneyland once, when I was 17. Let's just say that was a LOOOONG time ago! :rotfl2: I am hoping I can talk Henry into staying for a whole week and we can do Sea World and Universal Studios, too. They have that citypass that gives you 3 days at Disneyland, a day at Sea World, 2 days at Universal, and a day at the San Diego Zoo! Sawyer MUST go to Sea World while he still loves killer whales! He would LOVE it! I just need to start digitizing more designs so I can afford to pay for it! ;) I took 2 weeks off, but now I need to get back to work.

Yikes, that is so expensive!! I did find a fare from Detroit to San Diego for $244 total. So, I think we might do that! It's on Southwest, so there are no baggage fees, either. That way we can go to Sea World first and then go up to Anaheim.

How exciting about your Disneyland trip! Not so exciting about your roommate, your upcoming move, and surgery. You've got such a great attitude about things, though!

We are gonna do that southern Cal city pass too. Im getting so excited. When are you planning on going?

Thank you, you know so much crap happens in life, and I have learned that I have to keep my head up and have a good attitude about it because it does no good for Georgia or myself. Now, I have a computer again, and my internet and my DIS family! Its one thing to have facebook on a cell phone but I can't see very well on that thing....now I have a full screen. hehe :goodvibes:love:

Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
Is it snowing anywhere today?
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
Any trips anywhere planned?
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....


I can answer that.
My favorite Christmas present was a little tiny fake flower that Georgia found and cleaned up and added ribbon too. So sweet. Then...my Packers pj pants my mommy got me. hehe

No snow here, actually the fog cleared up and its suppose to be sunny and a high of 63 today. Right now its 49 outside.

I have actually never heard of a Daniel Fast what is it?

Well, we have our Disneyland/Southern California trip for Christmas time. Im not sure what our total plans are just yet, but we are going! Super excited. We might do a mini trip in summer or for my birthday to DL, just waiting on my moms go ahead and book it. But other than that no other Disney trips. Peach wants to go to the snow for her birthday, so my brother and sister in law might rent a cabin in Tahoe and we might go up. She has a three day weekend on her birthday weekend! SCORE! haha :cool1:

I have dolly clothes at the sewing table right now, but I need to work on Peach's birthday outfit this week and then her Valentine day dress or skirt. She hasn't decided yet. We are gonna go look for Valentine fabric today maybe.
Love chitchat....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present? I got a cast iron enamel dutch oven....LOVE IT! I made the best swiss steak last Sunday!
Is it snowing anywhere today? not here...sure feels cold enough to! Plus, my heat went out downstairs so it is soo cold, the gas logs help some, but it is pretty cold down there!
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before? Never heard of it...please share!Any trips anywhere planned? Just Ohio this month then to Disney in June.What are you sewing right now? I am sewing ski mask for the kids for the afore mentioned trip to Ohio....I hear it is cold up there!
Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
Is it snowing anywhere today?
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
Any trips anywhere planned?
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....

Hi Wendy, We are all trying hard to get to 250 pages.

My Never Summer snowboard is right up there but having all my family together was the very best present.

It isn't snowing today but is very cold again.

Yes, we have a lot of trips planned for this year.
1. WDW for April/May at BCV, this came about when an entire family trip got cancelled because of conflict. So we will go down with DS for a week and half. Had to use our Southwest credits before they expire so Disneyworld it is.

2. Disneyland July 11th-16th. DH has a powerschool conference at the DL hotel and well, we are going to go along. Our room is paid for but the rest of it. I am saving already. Got decent airfare on Southwest

3. WDW 1st weekend in Dec. We usually go for my birthday, food and wine and MNSSHP at the end of Sept but we haven't been to see the lights on the castle in years. So we switched our fall trip for the Dec trip. We think we want to go to the taping of the parade but with DS being SN we may rethink that idea. If DS isn't going to be ok we will move our trip into 2nd weekend and skip the crowds. We are also trying to stay away from Pop Warner week. This trip is just thinking about and not planned yet. But we be at BCV if we go.

I don't know what a Daniel fast is either?

I don't have anything to sew at the moment. Actually, I am just waiting to start on the quilt next week.
Finished up a little Kimono for the grandchild of a co-worker this weekend. I got the fabric from a quilt shop, and knew that I just had to make this pattern from Habitual.wordpress with it.

(the gold is quite sparkly, not sure if that is showing or not)

That is really pretty! I love it!!!

Thanks....I will definitely do before and after pictures. I want to give them pictures of the "before" as well to keep.

Good luck on the flower girl dresses. My DGD's were in my youngest daughters wedding in May. I comtemplated making them but got a great deal on one of them on that unmentioned auction site...and then got the other one after Christmas sale for 60% off. So, couldn't pass them up.

I am excited about doing it. I haven't done this before so sewing it into new fabric is a challenge but I think it will be fine.

Good luck on your customs for the cruise. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Going there now to check it out.
i can't wait to see the pictures!

Yes, Teresa...For those of you I don't usually talk to on FB his name will be Gabriel Ian. Believe it or not, Matt picked it...at 3:30AM! LOL

I love it! Good job Matt!
I hate to complain...but it is so cold here in Dallas! Hating it!!!! Today's high is only 37 and Thursday it's only going to be 29! I know for some of you that might seem like summer but it's really cold for here. Our highs this time of the year are usually in the mid to upper 50's. They said Thursday it will be as cold as it's been in 10 years here!

Sorry for the randomness, just doing my best to keep our thread moving so we can move!

Teresa, are you back from Hobby Lobby????
Seriously, that is cold no matter WHERE you live! Complain away, I give you permission! It's 25 here in Michigan today, they say it is suppose to get colder, but cold is cold! If you were complaining about 60, I might drive down and bop you on the head though!

NO! I haven't left yet!!! So, cool it! ;)

I just use the same thread that I'm using in the top for in the hoop projects. I just discovered how much fun in the hoop projects are. I'm just digitized my very first in the hoop design last week! I still have to write the instructions, though.

I know you always take the kids out of school in May. But, having you actually tell me that I should go is really pushing me in that direction! I'm starting to get esited!!

I'm so with you- I can't leave my mommy! Or my sister, or my brother, or my aunts and uncles and cousins....

:hug: You're too good to me! I think the same thing about you with those satin gowns you make! You are amazing!

I love in the hoop stuff, I'm so glad you are going to start making them!!! Corey loves what you made him!

Ok, good, I'm glad you are going to listen to me!!! Really, Tessa will be fine, I promise!

Since you aren't allowed to move over 30 miles from Mom either, you were included in that radius as well! Just make sure it's the 30 miles closer to me and not further away!

There is just so much thought that goes into the digitizing, it amazes me! And, thank you, you are too nice to me!!

My favorite gift was my super cool kickboard, pull bouy, shammy, and mesh bag my mom got for me. Now I won't have to hunt them down when I go to lap swim. After all the years she had to get us swim team gear she really knows her stuff...lol.

It is not snowing here though it is unseasonably cool in the lower 50's

I don't know what a Daniel Fast is :confused3

We are going to WDW in 10 days :banana:

I am testing out some designs I digitized this weekend that are intended for customs for our trip.

I am going to the grocery store now and fully expect the move to occur while I am gone so hop to it :)
Hey you guys, I said I was leaving!!! What's the big idea???

you are in charge of the move until I get back, ok?
I got caught up last night when I got home from work at 1:30 and expected to miss the move by the time I woke up. Today I finally have a day off. We have been so busy this last week we were all exhausted last night. School starts tomorrow for the boys I'm not really looking forward to that. I've actually enjoyed being able to sleep in a little. I have an interview tomorrow for a supervisor position where I currently wok. I also had another interview just before Christmas for a better job. So we'll see what happens.

As for the chit chat questions it is not snowing today, i think it will snow later this week, I don't have time to wtch the news much lately. Projects I'm working on, too many to list. Making purses for MIL and grandma that were supposed to be Christmas gifts. Curtains I've been woking on for a few months but haven't had the time, I have 1 1/2 panels done out of 4. That's all for now. I'll try to add more chit chat in a minute to help move things along.
Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
Is it snowing anywhere today?
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
Any trips anywhere planned?
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....


1. My parents got us a White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker. Not that I make a lot of ice cream but my grandparents always had one of these since I was born (their's wasn't electric, it was the crank kind but same brand) and we have always made the same ice cream. Since I am so far away from any family I haven't had "our" ice cream in a while since I didn't have a machine. My parents have one but I hadn't bought one...just one of those things that are kind of expensive and even though I really wanted one, not something I would buy for myself. So it was a great gift for me! It makes 1 1/2 gallons (6 quarts) of ice cream so it's pretty big.

2. Not snowing but it's really cold! Can't get warm in my house even though I have the heat up. I swear it's b/c the builders don't insulate down south. That and not having a basement makes the floor seem really cold since there is nothing between it and the ground. Brr!

3. What is a Daniel Fast?

4. Walt Disney World! April 27-May 5. With my DH's family who are currently annoying me...not a big drinker but I am thinking that drinking around Epcot may be in my future! The only problem is that may cause me to lose my inhibition and say something I shouldn't...although that might happen anyway.

5. Not currently sewing...but getting ready to start on outfits for my girls that I have planned on doing since before Thanksgiving! I've got to get them done, I refuse to have anymore unfinished objects hangning around! So my goal is to get them done in the next week or so and get started on the Disney customs! Hopefully that will motivate me!
I love the "souvenir" posts!!! Congrats Shannalee!!! I was secretly hoping for a girl too...

BUT! I have a story...

As many of you know, I had two miscarriages b4 this souvenir pregnancy. My last was at 16 weeks. So at 15 weeks, when I started cramping, I freaked out! I had an ultrasound and everything was OK! Yayyyy!!!! What is more is that the tech was able to get a PERFECT shot...Of certain anatomy. Yes, it is a BOY!

I was excited to think I may get to sew for a girl, but I just want a healthy baby!!! I am 18 weeks, everyone. Past my dreaded 16 week pt. And it is WONDERFUL feeling!!

That is so cool Alicia, and sounds like DH picked a great name too.

I LOVE THAT FABRIC! I totally need it for my daughter!

It would look so totally great on her.

When I get home from work I will check to see what the selvage says. If that doesn't help I can get you the name and number of the quilt shop if you want.

Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present? Santa put fat quarters in my stocking - who knew Santa was that thoughtful:confused3

Is it snowing anywhere today? Not snowing, and at 4F, a bit warmer then it was on the weekend.
Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before? Nope, what is it?
Any trips anywhere planned? Cruise on the Royal Caribbean Liberty of the seas for 7 night over our March Break.
What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz..... Started my first Precious Dress Last night. Little more complex than I am used to, but I think I will be able to handle it if I take it slowly.

That is SO cute!!! Great job!

Thank you.

That is really pretty! I love it!!!

Thank you.

Oh, and Granna, I missed you somewhere, but I Love, love the idea with the making 3 smaller quilts. I'm sure they will be beautiful and cherished by the 3 who receive them.

And April, oooh, a log cabin quilt. I want to learn how to do one of those one day, but it looks like an awful lot of awful small pieces. :scared1: Scares me a little.
Okay - I can chat to help keep things moving too....

What was everyone's favorite Christmas present?
That's a tie between the Drew Brees jersey my DH got me and the $500 my parents gave me towards a sewing cabinet (which I'll be ordering after the 15th).

Is it snowing anywhere today?
Not by me. But it IS cold and we have a hard freeze tonight.

Has anyone ever done a Daniel Fast before?
No, what is that?

Any trips anywhere planned?
Hopefully WDW in December.

What are you sewing right now - Im making corduroy A lines for Han and Eliz.....

Once I get the house straight and all the Christmas stuff packed away, I'm going to do an "instant sew" dress/skirt for myself-- bought a panel at Wal-Mart and all I have to do is stitch up the back seam. It stinks not being able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes well. I also have quilt blocks to cut out for DD's Winnie the Pooh quilt.
In case you can't tell...I'm dancing here! It is official! I have booked my Nov/Dec Disney trip. The deposit is made! I am so excited I can barely stand it...but I will.

I am in the Atlanta area. Today the high is supposed to be 31! Yesterday it was about the same! (Normal High is 56) Temps were in the low teens this am with wind chills in the single digits!

They are forecasting 1 to 3 inches of the white stuff Thursday night! I really wish I had a working fireplace and not one of these fake gas thingys...

So...Mom...are we there yet?

Still don't know what a Daniel Fast is...but if it has anything to do with fasting...I need to try it if my shorts are going to fit for my trip! Got to get some weight off!

Heathersue, what are your next digitizing projects going to be? Any chance it might be Mickey and friends?

Teresa, so if and when it ever makes it to 60 here again...if I complain, you'll drive to Texas? Yeah! Then I'd finally get to meet you! I'm bummed I'm missing you in May.
I was excited to think I may get to sew for a girl, but I just want a healthy baby!!! I am 18 weeks, everyone. Past my dreaded 16 week pt. And it is WONDERFUL feeling!!

Congratulations! So excited for you!

My DH and I keep trying to decide if we should have a third baby. We go back and forth. I guess it would be an easier decision if we knew we could have a boy and I wasn't sick for 9 months straight! It is a long 9 months for me and my family.:rolleyes1

I took 2 weeks off, but now I need to get back to work.

I would change out some of the colors. I can't remember which one right off the top of my head. But, I needed more pinks, blues, purples, greens, and browns than they had in the 50 colors assortment. You'll just want to look through the colors they have and see which ones you think you need more of. They give you too much orange, I do remember that!
Are you going to digitize some Valentine designs? :lovestruc
I guess I need to look more closely at the thread colors. Hmmm.....

I just use the same thread that I'm using in the top for in the hoop projects. I just discovered how much fun in the hoop projects are. I'm just digitized my very first in the hoop design last week! I still have to write the instructions, though.

This may be a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway...is there a difference between embroidering and "In the hoop" projects? I'm confused. Sorry!

My favorite present is by far my machine but now I am pouting because in order to use the embroidery part of it, it has to be hooked to a machine and my laptop that I've only had for a year needs to be sent in and fixed! The screen keeps flickering and getting really dark. I've put off fixing it way too long because Best Buy says it could be 5-6 weeks!!!!:eek:

We also got new pots and pans (Rachel Ray)that I'm so excited about! We've had the same ones since we got married and they've had it!!!!

we're hoping to go to disney in September if we can save the money. We are doing the free dining again. Hopefully we can avoid the flu this trip though! :headache:
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