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Ok, I really wasn't going to say anything, but being victim of verbal and emotional abuse from my father and a rape survivor, I just couldn't stay quiet. There is NO WAY other employees didn't know PW is a bully who most likely intimidates, controls, gaslight and emotionally sabotage his employees to feel in control. Maybe not all employees but definitely a large percentage. These people coming forward are BEYOND brave! They know all the ramifications of speaking up. I certainly hope that these people set the standard and others speak up to help validate and solidify their accusations. I know other employees might want to speak up but are afraid of the ramifications and fallout and can't/won't risk their livelihood. "Fortune follows the brave"....its hard to take the risks but this is a moral issue that requires a backbone and motivation to do the right thing.
I hope that those involved stay strong, relying on friends, family and faith throughout all this. It WILL be ok.
It took me 10 years as well to come forward with the truth...it was the only way for me to heal. I was living a lie, pretending things were fine, afraid to be true to myself and expose the truth. But I am ok, these brave people will be OK. Anyone else who comes forward will also be OK. There will be fallout and trials but the other end of it is so healing and knowing there will be a stop to the madness is the motivation that will see this through till closure.
I have a statement that yulilin3 wanted me to post.

“I miss being able to interact and help plan everyone's trip, miss our sww threads, our Galaxy's edge sub forum. But seeing the recent moderation I cannot come back. It has only become worse from when a big group of us were banned for voicing our opinions about true actions taken by PW and the WM/Mod team. Speaking for myself, I am happy on the DBCPod/DBC Server, it's a smaller group but we are all very open, honest and most importantly, respectful of everyone's opinion. As always, happy planning"

She was always so very helpful with trip planning. I remember she would post updates while in the parks and also live stream while in the parks. Glad to see she is well.
I have a statement that yulilin3 wanted me to post.

“I miss being able to interact and help plan everyone's trip, miss our sww threads, our Galaxy's edge sub forum. But seeing the recent moderation I cannot come back. It has only become worse from when a big group of us were banned for voicing our opinions about true actions taken by PW and the WM/Mod team. Speaking for myself, I am happy on the DBCPod/DBC Server, it's a smaller group but we are all very open, honest and most importantly, respectful of everyone's opinion. As always, happy planning"
She is truly missed. I've had to stop visiting the TPAS boards since she left due to very poor moderation.
Like many sites, my understanding is that there is a private (or was back at thr time) forum where private PMs were posted for others to read. Nothing was private. I would have to ask my former mod friends what powers they had outside of "normal" moderation abilities. Now I have zero issues with hidden forums for moderation. A site I help run has the same and it makes sense. But the use and abuse of powers is decades old for here.
Again, I'll say that I don't know how they run things here, but as a former admin of an entirely different message board; private message boards for mods/admins/etc is a necessity for them to discuss business on their boards. I fully expect and support that. It was a hierarchy, with each position having more responsibilities as you went further up in rank, as did access to the private message boards for mods, super mods (which we had) and different levels of admins. I don't know how they bestow power (responsibilities) on here, but I can see how easily someone can take that power and responsibility to an unhealthy level.

I will say it's a tough job and you couldn't pay me to do it again! I do have respect for the authority of the leadership on the boards and how they work, having come from that background myself. I think that's why I had so much trouble with a lot of the moderator/admin/wm power flexes I was seeing over the years.

I’ve learned a lot about the operation of these boards in the past few days 👀
Honestly, I fully expected to be banned when my post was deleted yesterday, and for speaking out on topics that I know would've been previously shut down really quick. I was also very pleased that she was shut down and dialogue was allowed to continue. That was definitely not the norm before and a big reason people, like me, left.

And again I will say that I'm very hopeful for a new start on this site with transparency and trust at the forefront. You can't have those without allowing people access to information or with the entire "what-not-to-do-as-a-wm" debacle that happened yesterday.
She was always so very helpful with trip planning. I remember she would post updates while in the parks and also live stream while in the parks. Glad to see she is well.
I used to watch her live streams as well. I really liked her and I'm glad she's doing well.
I used to watch her live streams as well. I really liked her and I'm glad she's doing well.

She would personally reply to each persons questions. Even if they asked follow up questions. She would make sure she quoted them and gave them the information they needed. She would keep people updated if she wouldn’t be able to post for a bit so you didn’t think she left you hanging. She really was a wealth of information for those going on trips.

I knew nothing about SW but my DD enjoys it and her SW thread and posts on those threads were so helpful.

When I found out she was leaving it was an “WTH” moment, especially so abruptly and rteetz around the same time if I remember correctly. He was also very helpful with tons of info.

I really liked her too.
Didn't somebody post a rundown of what's going on? I'm just now watching Ryno's YT video and not sure what's going on.
Dustin West now has a YouTube video called Friday Night Hangout. Watching it on TV now so I can’t link it right now. I’m so glad to see he is doing better and feels the support, and is strong enough to publicly talk about it.

There’s the link. He’s a really cool guy…and very brave. And probably not a big surprise as I’m commenting a lot here…but I’m a survivor of rape too. Years and years of therapy to process it, but it’s always with you. This young man is incredible…but he’s going to have a lot of work ahead of him. Imagine finding out nearly a decade later that he was drugged and raped. I worry for him…that he’ll begin to have flashbacks…because that can happen too. I wasn’t going to share but figured…so many others have. It’s always these narcissistic and toxic wrecking balls that do so much harm.
When I found out she was leaving it was an “WTH” moment, especially so abruptly and rteetz around the same time if I remember correctly. He was also very helpful with tons of info.
Yes, the two of them and The Lucky Rabbit and Hiro my Hero all stepped down from Mod roles in a very short time span. They weren’t all related to one another but I think it’s fair to say all 4 felt worn out by their unpaid roles.
I realize Dreams Unlimited Travel is a successful business, but did anyone else find it odd how many Concierge cruises and DVC stays Pete was able to do ? I'm sure he was doing well, but not well enough to do all that travel and support his expensive shopping habit.
Clearly he wasn't, google his name + "AmEx"
Again, I'll say that I don't know how they run things here, but as a former admin of an entirely different message board; private message boards for mods/admins/etc is a necessity for them to discuss business on their boards. I fully expect and support that. It was a hierarchy, with each position having more responsibilities as you went further up in rank, as did access to the private message boards for mods, super mods (which we had) and different levels of admins. I don't know how they bestow power (responsibilities) on here, but I can see how easily someone can take that power and responsibility to an unhealthy level.

I will say it's a tough job and you couldn't pay me to do it again! I do have respect for the authority of the leadership on the boards and how they work, having come from that background myself. I think that's why I had so much trouble with a lot of the moderator/admin/wm power flexes I was seeing over the years.

Honestly, I fully expected to be banned when my post was deleted yesterday, and for speaking out on topics that I know would've been previously shut down really quick. I was also very pleased that she was shut down and dialogue was allowed to continue. That was definitely not the norm before and a big reason people, like me, left.

And again I will say that I'm very hopeful for a new start on this site with transparency and trust at the forefront. You can't have those without allowing people access to information or with the entire "what-not-to-do-as-a-wm" debacle that happened yesterday.

I used to watch her live streams as well. I really liked her and I'm glad she's doing well.
Right, my comments were about how this site was run per those who helped in the early years. It was a long time ago so not sure what level could read, but they did absolutely share private info on the back end. Their issues are decades in the making.

Having run sites I can give ideas on what goes on elsewhere but that wasn't my point. Except they did have a choice not to look and they not only did but shared it with others. Which is what I want the focus to be on. How long and how bad this has been going on. This site really shaped how not to moderate and admin IRL for me.

People look at this site like it was run by gods so to speak. It isn't. They're human. And often not very nice humans running it.
Was going to say the same thing. Sean’s account of how Charles treated him during this time also paints Charles as not just a silent victim. He knew & he knew how Pete was treating Sean at that moment and did nothing. He’s not the stand up guy here. Fat shaming is when he had courage? But knowing Pete was actively abusing Sean did not garner the same courage?
I mean this respectfully.

I was always a fan of Sean and Charles, I appreciated that they were able to be honest but share a perspective through a fresh lens, and not so much looooong time Disney fans. I hope that makes sense. I say that because I don’t want this to seem like I’m attacking Sean.

Charles may have treated Sean badly. But hasn’t it been documented that Pete caused divisions in the team, intentionally? Charles knowing about an SA that happened with Dustin, doesn’t necessarily mean he knew about anything going on with Sean. I would assume that Charles knew what everyone else knew only by witnessing it first hand. Charles addressed what he had been told by Pete.

Isn’t Charles the one who really set this whole thing off? Which lead to Dustin speaking, which lead to Sean speaking?

It seems to me that Pete took advantage of guys who were in vulnerable situations. Also, maybe Charles didn't realize how his actions hurt Sean. This story isn’t over. And there’s a lot of conversations for these people to have with each other if they choose to.

Again, I mean this respectfully. I’m asking questions. 🙂
Honestly hilarious that anyone associated with this community would call any other website "toxic"
Well, I mean, let’s not get crazy. Not counting recent revelations, that sites users appear to hate-watch the Dis (if the show has sucked for so long, why keep watching it religiously?).

But I might be biased, because regardless of lineup changes, Craig and Ryno have been my favorite mainstays. They could do a show on just shooting the schitt, and I’d prolly be entertained.
A lot of people hate Craig’s dry, deadpan delivery, but I was always was relieved/happy when he was hosting a week and Pete was out (any show when Pete wasn’t on was more fun and loose).
Well, I mean, let’s not get crazy. Not counting recent revelations, that sites users appear to hate-watch the Dis (if the show has sucked for so long, why keep watching it religiously?).

But I might be biased, because regardless of lineup changes, Craig and Ryno have been my favorite mainstays. They could do a show on just shooting the schitt, and I’d prolly be entertained.
A lot of people hate Craig’s dry, deadpan delivery, but I was always was relieved/happy when he was hosting a week and Pete was out (any show when Pete wasn’t on was more fun and loose).
I agree I’m a fan of Craig and ryno …
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