DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

Love the chemistry between the people at the table and the segments that have been happening. I wish at some points there would be an outside opinion, someone who doesn't live in central Florida. You all get to be so close and have the chance to go back whenever, and I don't mean whenever but when time and life permits, it would be nice for an outside opinion on things like Fastpass plus and planning. I know for me I watch because I love WDW and can't wait to plan my next vacation and I want to keep up with what's going on in the parks. Just an idea.
I wish at some points there would be an outside opinion, someone who doesn't live in central Florida. You all get to be so close and have the chance to go back whenever, and I don't mean whenever but when time and life permits, it would be nice for an outside opinion on things like Fastpass plus and planning.
The Disneyland edition has done segments where they help a listener plan their vacation. Maybe the Disney World edition could do something similar.
Love the show! Ofcourse 7/7 is my favorite. If possible I would like to see some video of when Yall go on your own to the parks, diners, or resorts more often. I could see how this could be a safety issue for those with their children though. I would LOVE it if there could be a call in portion of your show. Would love to hear Y'all say " let's go to the phones, caller what's your question?"
I have noticed small changes as well that lets us know Yall do read suggestions! I love it when yall interject with your personnel lives. Stories from the distant past or what you did over the weekend. When Pete talked about his parents at OKW during his 7/7 review??? Priceless!!!
Besides a stupid hat, what would you want to see on a video show? What are you missing by us being audio only?
Personally, I just prefer having the video. I used to download the audio only podcasts a few years ago, but when I listened to them, I found that it was easy for me to zone out - not because of anything the podcast team was doing, but because I'm just used to having to multi-task with audio and I wasn't paying attention as much as I'd like to. I stopped downloading them when I realized I wasn't really listening to them very well. The video gives me something to refocus my attention. It's odd, I know...I am very much an aural learner in many ways, but for this the visual aspect turned out to be more important.
Love the chemistry between the people at the table and the segments that have been happening. I wish at some points there would be an outside opinion, someone who doesn't live in central Florida. You all get to be so close and have the chance to go back whenever, and I don't mean whenever but when time and life permits, it would be nice for an outside opinion on things like Fastpass plus and planning. I know for me I watch because I love WDW and can't wait to plan my next vacation and I want to keep up with what's going on in the parks. Just an idea.
I TOTALLY agree!! I like to hear their perspective as a Florida resident, but it does not pertain to my situation at all. Haha! :)
I've been watching for about a year in a half, accidentally came up on the videos while finding info for my first trip to Walt Disney World (Nov 2013). Since then I watched them every week and I honestly don't see any change.

When I first started watching I saw a few restaurant reviews and liked them, would like to see more of that. And not to forget the 7and7's those are fun.
I am a big fan. I listen to the shows all the time while at work. Often listening to them over and over again as I miss conversations. It has been four years since I my last and first visit to Disneyland. It has been five years since my last and first visit to Disney World. Since then my wife and I have become a Disney couple. We have a little corner of our home dedicated to our vacations and hope to return soon. Call it our Disney Shrine.

It appears we will return to the Magic Kingdom this year to celebrate my wife completing her Doctorate. By listening to the show regularly I have learned a great deal on the do's and don'ts in planning our vacation. My favorite episode was from a few years back in which you discussed cost saving tips such as the DVC Rentals. Thus my feedback is keep up the great work, those like myself really appreciate what your doing. Of course nothing will showsappreciation more than when I call Dream Vacations and book my trip.

For suggestions, that is difficult as you do so much already. Perhaps revisiting some of the old topics with updated information. A review of some of the restraunts that are similar. Which is the best seafood, steak, Italian, ect.
I am a big fan. I listen to the shows all the time while at work. Often listening to them over and over again as I miss conversations. It has been four years since I my last and first visit to Disneyland. It has been five years since my last and first visit to Disney World. Since then my wife and I have become a Disney couple. We have a little corner of our home dedicated to our vacations and hope to return soon. Call it our Disney Shrine.

It appears we will return to the Magic Kingdom this year to celebrate my wife completing her Doctorate. By listening to the show regularly I have learned a great deal on the do's and don'ts in planning our vacation. My favorite episode was from a few years back in which you discussed cost saving tips such as the DVC Rentals. Thus my feedback is keep up the great work, those like myself really appreciate what your doing. Of course nothing will showsappreciation more than when I call Dream Vacations and book my trip.

For suggestions, that is difficult as you do so much already. Perhaps revisiting some of the old topics with updated information. A review of some of the restraunts that are similar. Which is the best seafood, steak, Italian, ect.

Ohhhhh...I LOVE this "best of" idea! Which restaurant in WDW serves the best seafood, steak, Italian, salads, vegan options (JL could take that one), desserts, etc. I think a lot of people would benefit from that one.
Why is the Trips "Issue" the only segment that gets a little guitar rift and image? That's just an odd thing.
The Universal Edition needs a "sing-off". "Trip-Out!" and "Stay Out Of The Damn Lakes" are already taken. Here's my suggestion, and you can donate the $50 Disney Gift Card that you would have sent my way for "winning" to Give Kids The World...

"Having Fun Is Universal!"
I'd love to see an updated meet the team/history of the DIS episode to really get to know the people I see on my screen. I watch every podcast every week, so it would nice to hear how the people I see/listen to for 4+ hours a week got together to make such a great podcast. Also it would be fun to have a behind the scenes look of what all goes on to make an episode of The DIS Unplugged.
i could watch pete read the phone book, he's that interesting. hearing about his collectibles would be incredible. Souvenir Sessions with Peter! the people have spoken
Another suggestion I've made before, but not in this thread, is to have listeners/viewers send in photos and videos of their own Disney collections. That could be a fun segment or maybe just a quick feature periodically during an episode showing one collection each time.
I can't even tell you all how much I enjoy the DIS podcasts. Between all your different programs I am a lucky girl indeed, to be able to download -- FOR FREE -- hours of entertainment each week. Not knowing how else to thank you, I recently booked a cruise (the first ever for my family!) through Dreams Unlimited Travel.

And, speaking of the Dreams Unlimited, I would be very interested in a show dedicated to the agency. Secrets from your top agents, what a typical day is like, what a day on which a discount comes out is like, craziest or most outlandish client requests (nothing that would insult any clients, of course, just things that were humorous, surprising, or a challenge an agent was proud to overcome), etc.

I'd also be very interested in your opinions on Universal vs. Disney in compare/contrast scenarios. For instance, how are Cabana Bay and Art of Animation resorts similar and dissimilar. How does Vivo compare with Trattorio al Forno? How does Citywalk stack up against Disney Springs?

As always, I look forward to what your next podcasts bring. I truly appreciate how all the panelists are willing to share their opinions on all things Disney/Universal for better or worse!
Honestly, I think the team has a great chemistry and really doesn't lose too much energy if someone is gone for a week or so. I do think you should take some time to venture a bit more out into the Orlando area. My wife and I took a date night off property once(we used Sunshine Sitters) and hit up the new World of Beer downtown and checked out a great burger place(thanks ratebeer places and tripadvisor) to get a more local flavor. Maybe do a segment on the gastropubs, prewpubs, wine bars and beer bars that are off property.

Also, what are some things you can do when you are traveling to the Orlando area with a large group?...I'm talking at least 10 people of all ages.

Keep up the awesome work and thanks for the great content.
I love the show because I feel like there are two shows going on at once....the actual show, and the chat "show" happening in real time on Livestream. So I don't want the live show to go away, because the chat makes it that much MORE fun.

That said, it would still be a great show even if it's pre-recorded. I'm really new to the show(October), so I don't have a "good ole days" to compare it to.

At this point, every episode feels like I'm listening to friends, so I'll be tuning in regardless.

But if I have ANY suggestions....no, actually I don't have any suggestions. Just keep on keepin' on....


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