Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friends - A Coast to Coast Adventure

Day 9

After the long day and the relatively late night the previous day, I did not actually set the alarm. However, I still managed to wake up in time to get up and ready to head over to the Grand Californian for Fitness in the Park. The same cast member checked us in and there was quite a big group. He took our order for our complimentary smoothie from Jamba Juice and I went with the Caribbean Passion smoothie again. He even remembered that I am allergic to bananas. Then there was a little spanner thrown into the works. He told us that the fitness instructor was not in that day and asked us if we were OK with him taking us for a power walk around the park. I was somewhat disappointed as I had already done this, but figured I was up anyway so I may as well join in.

The security guard let us into the park and the fitness instructor was coming the other way. There had been some miscommunication and she was in after all. She took us over to water front at Paradise Pier where she had set up towels, exercise balls, some water and our complimentary workout towel for each of us. It was a beautiful bright day, but not too hot at that stage. I did enjoy this, but this was a bit more of a challenge than the power walk. The first third or so was spent on hands and knees and by the end of this, my knees had to say a thing or two about this. What was a nice surprise was that I actually coped really well with the exercises that used the ball. We had to put this under our back and balance on this. I have always had issues with my balance and was a little worried about this. However, this was not an issue at all and it was only the extension exercises that I struggled with. I was pretty happy with this. We finished off with some exercises on the staircase and then we took our workout towels and headed back towards the Grand Californian. On the way, two cast members met us and handed us our smoothies. This time round, I had finished my smoothie before I even got back to the Grand Californian.

I had seen on Facebook that there was a Halloween tree at the Grand Californian. I had been in and out there a number of times, but did not notice this. So I decided to check this out. I did like it, but it is relatively small and when the lobby is busy, I suppose this is easily overlooked. This morning the lobby was empty so I took some photos and then I sat down for a spell. I love sitting in that lobby and just chilling. After a while I headed back to my hotel to get freshened up and changed and then backtracked to California Adventure.

My first port of call was to get a Fastpass for World of Color Celebrate! I ended up with a yellow Fastpass again. I stopped by the Grizzly Peak Diamond anniversary photo spot, but now that I have seen the photos, I wished I had left this until later in the day as the light was simply not right at that time of the day. The Little Mermaid ~ Ariel's Undersea Adventure was a walk on so I did this before heading down towards Toy Story Midway Mania. On the way is stopped at the California Screamin Diamond anniversary photo spot and this worked out better.

I then pushed on to Toy Story Midway Mania and this was the only time all day I had any kind of significant wait and even that was only 30 minutes or so. After this, I decided to be brave. Mickey's Fun Wheel had a waiting time of only 5 minutes for the non-swinging capsules. This ride is kind of borderline for me as I don't do too well with heights. However, this time it was fine. I think this had a lot to do with the fact that there was not a great deal of stopping and starting. I did reward myself for being brave with riding the Golden Zephyr.

Then it was time for some lunch. I headed over to Cars Land. I wanted to try a couple of things at the Cozy Cone Motel. Unfortunate they were sold at two separate cones. For my lunch I went with the Chicken Verde, which is chicken and Salsa Verde topped with Queso Fresco in a bread cone. This was full of flavour and very delicious. For a drink, I had set my heart on Ramone's Pear of Dice soda. This had quite an unusual taste, but again I enjoyed it.

As I was in the area anyway, I headed over to Radiator Springs Racers. Although the standby line was about an hour, the single rider line was very quiet. I managed to do this three times in a row. The car I was in only won once.

As I was already there, I decided to check who was out meeting people by the Cozy Cone Motel. It was Lightning McQueen and I got in line. Once I was done with him, I also had some Photopass photos taken on the street. One thing I did notice is that they have scaled down the presence of photographers. In 2013 and 2014, there were photographers near the entrance by the Cars Land sign, the on the street near the Cozy Cone Motel, near Luigi's and near the City Hall. This time round there was only the photographer on the street near the Cozy Cone Motel. The only explanation that I have is that those photographers were reassigned to the Diamond anniversary photo spots.

Speaking of Diamond anniversary photo spots, this was my next port of call. I was still missing one, which was located in A Bug's Land. Some of the photographers had mentioned that this is their favourite one of the six photo spots and when the photographer explained the concept behind this, it was rather clever. I also like how the photos have come out.

I crossed over into Hollywood Land. I had planned to ride Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!, but unfortunately the ride was down. So I headed over to see Olaf instead. This could not have been more different from my first meeting with Olaf. This time round there was one family ahead of me and nobody behind me for quite some while. So I got some real quality time with Olaf. Once I saw another family approaching, I said my goodbyes and moved on.

At some point between Cars Land and Olaf, I had started to message with Erin, who is an admin of a Disney Facebook group that I belong to. She is local to Disneyland and was planning to visit Disneyland with her kids that afternoon. She wondered if I fancied meeting up. I definitely did. We messaged back and forth for a bit and then she told me she would be in touch once they had arrived.

I got some iced water and then wandered over to Buena Vista Street. I decided that I was going to get the Diamond Anniversary hoodie that I had been eyeing since my first evening there. Unfortunately when I went inside Elias and Co, they no longer had this in 2XL. I decided to check with one of the cast members if they may still have one out back. They did not, but she checked the inventory and it showed that they still had a couple at Star Traders. She asked me if I had the ability to park hop, which I confirmed and then offered that she could call them and ask them to hold it for me. I took her up on this offer and she made the necessary arrangements. I thanked her and headed over to Disneyland. On the way I took a couple of photos.

When I entered Disneyland, there were some Photopass photographers at a loose end and I decided there could not be any harm in stopping for a few photos. I got some great magic shots for doing so. Then I headed over to Tomorrowland and Star Traders. It took me a little while to figure out where I needed to go. Eventually I found the right place. Unfortunately they had kept aside the wrong size. This one was XL and was too snug for my liking. I felt a little deflated. The cast member that had put the hoodie to one side for me took me over to where the hoodies were hanging and we went through them. There were none in 2XL. She went in the back to check if they had another one. I had a look around and after a while, I decided to have another look through the hoodies on display. Somebody must have changed their mind as there was now one in 2XL right at the front. I was so pleased. Shortly afterwards the cast member came back and she had found another one. I told her that I had already found one, thanked her and then I went to pay for it. I had it sent to the hotel as I did not want to carry it around.

On the way back down Main Street, I decided that I fancied some ice cream. I had heard that they had some pumpkin ice cream in previous years and this sounded nice. I had no such luck this year, but the Cookies and Cream ice cream was very tempting. I am used that nothing at Disney is ever cheap, but I could not believe my eyes when I saw the size of this ice cream. This was the biggest ice cream cone I have ever seen. This was great value for money. I walked down Main Street and then I sat down on a wall near Tour Gardens to enjoy my treat.

As I was finishing off my ice cream, I received a message from Erin that they had arrived and that the kids had decided on California Adventure. I message her back that I briefly had to cross over into Disneyland to take care of something, but was on my way back. She told me that they were heading for Toy Story Midway Mania and we agreed to meet there.

One of Erin’s kids has special needs and therefore is entitled to a DAS. She asked me if I wanted to join them for a ride on Toy Story Midway Mania and I was up for this. She checked with the cast member at the exit if it was OK if I joined them and he told us no problem. We had a short wait and that gave us the opportunity to get to know each other a little. Erin’s son was finally tall enough to ride California Screamin and Tower of Terror and he tried to convince me to ride those with him as his sisters are not tall enough. Unfortunately he had chosen the wrong person. Tower of Terror terrifies me and I have never been brave enough to try California Screamin. So he had to settle for us all going on Toy Story Midway Mania. The two older kids wanted to ride together and Erin, her youngest daughter and I were going to ride together. We had already sat down when one of the cast members told us the kids needed to ride with an adult. So I ended up riding with Erin’s older daughter. She is such a bundle of energy and a lot of fun. She also comprehensively outplayed me. She is only in Kindergarten/ Reception, but she had no trouble getting a beaver whereas I was yet again relegated to being a bunny. After the ride, we chatted for a bit longer and asked a cast member to take a photo of us and then it was time to go our separate ways. We said goodbye and I headed back to the hotel.

I went via Whitewater Snacks at the Grand Californian again and this time I got a peach Fanta, which I enjoyed on the way back to the hotel. When I got back to the hotel, I stopped by the gift shop. I wanted to get a pin and I also wanted to get some more shampoo. I ended up getting a bottle of the grapefruit and bergamot shampoo that they use at most of the Disney resorts at present, a bottle of the Aquatics shampoo that they used to have and a bottle of the blushing orange that they use at the value hotels. With the shopping done, I stopped by Bell Services to pick up my purchases from the previous day and then I went up to the room for a nap.

I got up again in time for an early dinner. That morning I had made a booking for the Beach Side Bonfire Buffet at PCH Grill. When this was first announced in early summer, I thought that this sounded good, but had no plans to try it. Apart from a couple of character breakfasts and some meals with friends, I had planned to stick with counter service. However, I had pretty much tried all the counter service places I wanted to try and suddenly a buffet sounded tempting. I got checked in and the restaurant was fairly empty.

I got seated and the server took my drink order. I just had a Coke. I then went to look at the buffet. I ended up with some spice-rubbed pork shoulder, green beans, smashed potatoes, macaroni cheese, garlic bread, cornbread and dry-rubbed smoked tri-tip with a barbecue sauce. The macaroni cheese was ordinary and tasted like the kind that comes out of a cardboard box. The rest of the food was lovely and the standout dish was the dry-rubbed smoked tri-tip. This was very flavourful and melt-in-the-mouth tender. I had to go back for seconds. I also tried a cheeseburger slider, which was also nice. For dessert I had the build your own strawberry shortcake and some homemade marshmallows, which were delicious. Once I had finished my dessert, I paid and headed over to California Adventure.

I finally got around to taking some photos of Grizzly Peak Airfield and of some of the Diamond anniversary decorations. I headed over to the Storyteller statue. It has become a bit of a tradition to get a photo with this. Unfortunately the Photopass photographer had already gone for the day. I decided to briefly return the next day to get my photo. I walked down towards the entrance to see if Oswald was there. He was, but again without a Photopass photographer. Still, at least I was able to say goodbye to Oswald.

I walked past Soarin over California and noticed that the standby line was 10 minutes. This was too good to pass up. It was actually a walk on. I headed up doing this 4 times in a row and was as happy as anything.

One drawback with Soarin is that the mobile phone reception in this area is not wonderful. I was supposed to meet up with somebody for World of Color Celebrate! At some stage the person I was supposed to meet texted me that she had arrived at the park, but by the time I got the message and was about to text her that I was on my way, I got another text letting me know that she was very tired and had decided to go back to the hotel. We had plans to meet up the next day anyway so this was not a problem.

I walked over to Paradise Pier to find a spot in the yellow Fastpass area. This time it was busier and I was a little further back, but I still had a decent view and very much enjoyed World of Color Celebrate! again. After the show, I headed straight back to the hotel. It did not take long at all to get out of the park and I was soon back in my room, where I called it a night.
One drawback with Soarin is that the mobile phone reception in this area is not wonderful. I was supposed to meet up with somebody for World of Color Celebrate! At some stage the person I was supposed to meet texted me that she had arrived at the park, but by the time I got the message and was about to text her that I was on my way, I got another text letting me know that she was very tired and had decided to go back to the hotel. We had plans to meet up the next day anyway so this was not a problem.

Reading this, I feel a little bad that I wimped out :o ...but as you say, we had the meet at the Halloween Party coming up which was great fun!:yay:
Reading this, I feel a little bad that I wimped out :o ...but as you say, we had the meet at the Halloween Party coming up which was great fun!:yay:

Don't feel bad. I understand all about feeling tired especially on a travel day. We more than made up for this the next day and that instalment will come on Sunday.

Looks like you had another really fun day in parks.

Jill in CO
You always seem to pack so much into your park days. With that exercise in the morning and that many times on RSR, I would never have made it back out in the evening! You always get so many great pictures with the PP photographers!

I'm glad you got your Chile Verde cone, aren't those good? And its actually not unhealthy for you. The Surf's Up buffet looks like it has some pretty good offerIngs there.
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I love the Diamond celebration picture backgrounds!
Looks like you had another really fun day in parks.

It was. Unfortunately by then the Disneyland part of the trip was rapidly coming to a close.

You always seem to pack so much into your park days.

As I have to come halfway round the world, I have to make sure to make every moment count.

With that exercise in the morning and that many times on RSR, I would never have made it back out in the evening!

I have to say I was tempted to just stay put and get an early night, but I really wanted to see World of Color Celebrate once more and I am glad that I made the effort.

You always get so many great pictures with the PP photographers!

They are probably my favourite souvenir.

I'm glad you got your Chile Verde cone, aren't those good? And its actually not unhealthy for you.

I really enjoyed this.

The Surf's Up buffet looks like it has some pretty good offerIngs there.

I was really surprised about this, but the price, choice and quality of the food were all great.

I love the Diamond celebration picture backgrounds!

I thought they were a really nice touch.

Catching up. You're really packing it in again. Glad to see you had an afternoon rest. Will we see the hoodie at some stage?
Catching up. You're really packing it in again. Glad to see you had an afternoon rest. Will we see the hoodie at some stage?

I don't think I ever wore it when I had photos taken, but here it is.



Day 10

I had another fairly early start as I had a 7:30 reservation for Surf’s Up Breakfast with Mickey and Friends. This is probably my favourite character meal at any of the Disney resorts. It is great in terms of food and character interaction. The added bonus this time was that I just had to go downstairs. I got checked in and stopped for my photo with Mickey for the photo package, which was part of Photopass+. I was then escorted to my table. The restaurant was relatively empty that early in the morning. Pretty much as soon as I had sat down, Daisy came to visit. I had some fun with her and then went to get some food. I started with a Mickey waffle with whipped cream and strawberry compote. When I got back, Stitch came to visit. He was rather taken with my t-shirt. Once I had finished my waffle, I got some hot food. I had some breakfast potatoes, rice, chicken breast, sausage and some Chilaquiles. While I was having this, Pluto came to visit. Stitch came by a second time and I asked if I could have a photo on my phone to share on Facebook. Then some time passed before Minnie turned up. I was just about to give up when she arrived. I had already paid and received my photo package so as soon as I had said goodbye to her, I made tracks. I wanted to take the photo package up to the room anyway so I decided to check at Bell Services if my hoodie had arrived. Fortunately it had so I could take this up to the room, too.

I dropped off my stuff and then went out again. The original plan was to spend the whole day at Disneyland with a break in the afternoon to pack and have a nap. However, I really wanted a photo in front of the Storyteller Statue so I decided to go via California Adventure. This was kind of on the way anyway. On the way, I checked out the waiting time for Soarin and this was not too bad. So I decided to do the single rider line. I got the first row so I left happy. I then moved on towards the Storyteller statue and got my photos. As I walked down Buena Vista Street, Chip and Dale just came out so I stopped for some photos with them. I decided to have a quick look if Oswald was out and about, but I was out of luck on this count. So I decided to revert back to the original plan and go over to Disneyland.

On the way I took some photos on the Esplanade, which was positively deserted. I also stopped for some photos in front of the pumpkin at Town Square. Then I decided to do some rides. I wandered over to Tomorrowland first and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters was a walk on. So I did this a couple of times before heading over to Frontierland. The situation at Big Thunder Mountain was not quite so lovely, but I thought a 20-minute wait was still rather sweet. So I did this before heading over to Haunted Mansion Holiday.

I started to wonder what was going on, as Haunted Mansion Holiday was a walk on as well. That was too good to pass up. I took some photos with my iPhone and was surprised how great most of them came out.

When I came out, Jack Skellington and Sally were meeting people by the Rivers of America. I have met Jack on a number of occasions, but never Sally. Unfortunately the line was moving very slowly and when I was nearly at the front, they went in for a break and we were advised that only Jack would be back out. I was not overly happy about this as I have met Jack on a few occasions previously, but never managed to meet Sally. Still, I figured I had been in line for a while and it would be silly to leave at this stage. So I stayed put and met Jack about 5 minutes later. Sally was due out again later and I decided to come back then.

Pirates of the Caribbean had been closed since before I had arrived at Disneyland, but had reopened over the weekend. So I headed there next. I was happy that I got the chance to do this ride before I left. I could not spot any obvious differences apart from the fact that I could not find any shooting stars near Blue Bayou. I wonder if they have removed this special effect. When I got off the ride, I headed towards the front of Adventureland to see Aladdin. There were a few people in front of me. Once I had my photo taken with Aladdin, the cast member that was with Aladdin asked me if I had a bit of time. I told her that I was in no rush to get anywhere and she suggested that I hang around. I had no problem with this and was rewarded for being patient. Jafar arrived shortly afterwards. He and Aladdin had a go at each other, which was too funny to watch. Eventually they settled down and agreed to take a photo with me.

I then headed across the hub and into Fantasyland taking a photo of the castle in its Diamond anniversary on the way. According to the app, the Evil Queen was strolling along the path leading from the castle up towards Its A Small World. She is one of the characters I was really hoping to see. I was wandering up and down and she was nowhere to be found. I even discovered a map and at one stage it looked we were right next to each other, but there was still no Evil Queen. At that stage I was right by Pixie Hollow and decided to ask the cast member there if she had seen something evil in the vicinity. She had not, but mentioned that the fairies did not have a long line. I decided to give up on the Evil Queen and go and see the fairies instead. Iridessa was in residence that day. I had not met her before. I met her first and then went to see Tinkerbell.

After meeting the fairies, I headed back towards New Orleans Square. On the way I stopped by the Halloween tree in Frontierland, but in daylight that does not actually look all that impressive. I wish I had remembered to take a photo at night. I then walked over to the Rivers of America, as Sally and Jack Skellington were about to come out based on the information I had been given by the cast member earlier. They were already out and the line was silly long. About 5 minutes later, a cast member came to advise us that Jack and Sally were going for a break in about 15 minutes and only Jack would come back. I knew that there was no way that I would be at the front of the line in that time frame so I gave up. I went over to the Haunted Mansion instead. This had got a little busier, but a 15 minute waiting time was still too good to pass up especially as my photos of the gingerbread house and the hatbox ghost had not come out earlier on. I wanted a second chance with this. I am still not really happy with the photos of the hatbox ghost, but this was the best I was going to get.

By then it was time to think about leaving the park if I wanted some downtime before the party. I walked down Main Street and browsed in a couple of shops on the way. I did get a present for Alison that I had shipped to her. I spotted a Figaro soft toy sitting in a pumpkin earlier during the trip, but thought she probably would already have this. She did not so I decided to get this. Unfortunately they forgot to add the message slip that they made me fill out so Alison had no idea where this came from.

With the shopping taken care of, I had planned to head towards the exit and back to the hotel. However, there were character escorts and Photopass photographers lurking all around Town Square. I asked who would be out and it was supposed to be all of the Fab 5. I was hoping that they would be out in their Diamond anniversary outfits as I had only ever seen them in their Halloween outfits. I had read at one point that they would be out in their Halloween outfits in the mornings and their Diamond anniversary outfits in the afternoon. However, I was out of luck and they were out in their Halloween outfits. So I decided to pass and head back to the hotel.
Once I got back to the hotel, I gathered my laundry together and headed for the laundry room. I got the washing started and then went to the business centre to do my online check in. I did not have a great deal with joy with this. It let me check in, but every time I tried to print the boarding pass, the computer crashed. I tried this on different computers and in the end I went down to guest services to see if they could assist me with the printing of the boarding pass. Fortunately there it worked. Strange enough, it did not give me the option to pay the baggage fees. I had never flown on a purely domestic flight on American before so I was not sure if this was the norm or if this was because I had issues with the online check in. With any other airline I have flown with, I was able to pay the excess baggage fees as part of the online check in. Still, there was nothing I could do other than sorting this out at the airport the next morning.

I went back to the room to start the packing process and then went back to the laundry room to put my stuff in the dryer. I then had a nap while my laundry was drying. Once the laundry was dry, I finished the packing and then got changed into my costume for Mickey’s Halloween Party. As I was about halfway between the Grand Californian and the bag check area, I received a text from Karilynn to let me know that she had arrived at Disneyland. After the aborted attempt to meet for World of Color the previous evening, we had arranged to meet at the beginning of Mickey’s Halloween Party. I texted back letting her know where I was. By the time I got through bag check, she was inside the park. I texted her an update and she texted me back that she was waiting for me on a bench by the opera house. We met up shortly afterwards. It was nice to finally get to meet up in person. We were discussing what to do. I was meeting up with my friend Jennifer and her husband and I was waiting for a text on when they would arrive. As the pre-party at Toon Town had been a bit of a zoo on the Friday and Jennifer is pregnant, I had decided that we would give this a wide berth. However, Jennifer texted me shortly afterwards that they were still a way off and I asked Karilynn if she fancied checking out the pre-party. She did and we set off in that direction.

This was a completely different experience. There was no line as such to get in and just a minimal delay as we entered Toon Town as the cast members needed to check the wristbands. The line for the treat trail in front of Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin looked very long and did not seem to move much so we gave this a wide berth. Instead we headed left towards Donald’s Boat where another treat trail was located. There were not many people in the area and we got plenty of chocolate. We then wandered over to Mickey’s and Minnie’s houses and a waiting time was displayed at Mickey’s house so it looked like he was in residence. This was wrong, but there was a treat trail winding through both houses. I had never been inside Minnie’s house so it was nice to see this. By the time we had been through this treat trail, my bag was about a third full. We decided to get in line for some characters. Daisy was out in her cowgirl outfit and once we had met her, we got back in line to meet Donald in his wizard outfit.

While we were in line for the characters, I received a series of text updating me with Jennifer’s whereabouts. I texted her were we were and she texted back that they would come and find us. Once we were finished with the characters, I had another text from Jennifer letting me know that they had kind of been herded straight into a treat line by the shops. I misunderstood this to be at Toon Town and figured that they have somehow ended up on the treat line outside Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin. I told Karilynn and we decided to wait in this area. In the end, they had been waylaid on Main Street and eventually came down the hill. We decided to do the treat trails at Donald’s Boat and at Mickey’s and Minnie’s houses again. By the end of this, my bag was nearly full.

We then headed into the park proper. Jennifer and Jeff wanted to get a snack and ended up getting a pretzel. Karilynn and I wanted to see the villains so this was where we headed next stopping at some treat trails on the way. We also stopped at the opera house to get the annual pass holder treat. All of us apart from Karilynn were annual pass holders at the time. As I already got the gift at the last party, I passed mine on the Karilynn. We then got in line for the villains. When we got in line, the female villains (Cruella; Maleficent and Evil Queen) were out, but they were replaced shortly afterwards by the male villains (Hades, Governor Radcliffe and Jafar). A cast member came by and just before they were due to switch and suggested that we should check out the switch over in Town Square. We left Jeff in line and headed up to Town Square. The villains were escorted by a gravedigger and arrived in horse-drawn carriage. This was pretty impressive. Once the gentlemen had arrived and the ladies had left, we rejoined Jeff. He got to see the show as well as they switched out again just as we were one family from the front of the line. So I did get to see the Evil Queen after all.

By the time we had seen the villains, we were ready for some food. Jennifer and Jeff suggested the Stage Door Café. This sounded good to me as they have corn dogs on the menu. It also worked out well insofar that we wanted to see Cadaver Dans perform and their seating area overlooks the Rivers of America. Jeff went to stake out a table and the rest of us went to get food. The line was quite substantial and moved very slowly. While we got the food, Jeff moved three times to get closer to the Rivers of America. He ended up with a nice spot by the time we finally had the food. By the time we did finally have our food and sat down, the moment had passed for me. I was no longer hungry. I had a couple of bites of my corn dog and a handful of fries and then I was done. The orange soda went down a treat though and I enjoyed sitting down in good company and watching the Cadaver Dans on the Rivers of America. Jeff was dressed up as Doctor Who. I don’t watch this programme so this went straight over my head. However, many other people did recognize the costume straightaway including a cast member that was working at Stage Door Café. He was so taken with this that he brought us a complimentary funnel cake with every topping conceivable for us all to share. This was my first time trying funnel cake. I know that a lot of people love it and I had meant to try this for a long time. I have to say I was not impressed. I am not sure if this was because I was not hungry or if this was not a very nice example, but this is not something I have to try again.

We discussed what we wanted to do for the rest of the evening. Karilyn and I both started to feel tired and I had to be up at the crack of dawn the following day. So we agreed that we would make our way slowly down towards the hub and that Karilyn and I would call it a day after the fireworks. We checked out the scarecrows and did the treat trail inside the Golden Horseshoe Saloon and then walked over towards the hub. We said goodbye to Jennifer and Jeff and wandered down Main Street as the area around the hub was packed. I was positively surprised that the view was actually pretty amazing from halfway down Main Street. We enjoyed the fireworks and then made our way towards the exit. Both of us had hoped that we would be able to catch the male villains. The lady villains were out at that time, but the line was so long that we were pretty sure that the lady villains would be out again by the time we would get to the front of the line. So we decided to give up. We got some Dove chocolates as we were leaving the park and walked back to the Grand Californian together.

Once I got back to the hotel, I packed the rest of the odds and ends that I did not need anymore. I enjoyed my last orange cream soda and then I set the alarm for the following morning. In the end I did manage to get a reasonably early night.
Great recap of the party...only one thing is did we not get a picture together?? (insert face palm)
Great recap of the party...only one thing is did we not get a picture together?? (insert face palm)

That is precisely what I thought when I looked through the photos. We just have to make sure that we meet up again at some stage.

  • Love the jacket!
  • Awww! The pic of Stich smooching you is adorable!
  • Tinkerbell was very cute and pixie-ish.
  • The dress you wore for the party is very pretty and it matched your ears perfectly!

Love the jacket!

I love it, too, but unfortunately it is a little scratchy.

Awww! The pic of Stich smooching you is adorable!

I really like that photo, too. Not sure what Graham will think about it though ;)

Tinkerbell was very cute and pixie-ish.

I really enjoyed meeting her.

The dress you wore for the party is very pretty and it matched your ears perfectly!

The ears were custom made to match the dress.

This was my first time trying funnel cake. I know that a lot of people love it and I had meant to try this for a long time. I have to say I was not impressed. I am not sure if this was because I was not hungry or if this was not a very nice example, but this is not something I have to try again.

Probably an acquired taste--very sweet. The funnel cake did not make it through the evening though...I think the between the three of us left at the table, we managed to eat most, if not all of it.
Probably an acquired taste--very sweet.

I did not think it was sweet at all. To me it tasted kind of bland and floury. Sweet is what I had expected.

The funnel cake did not make it through the evening though...I think the between the three of us left at the table, we managed to eat most, if not all of it.

I am pretty sure most of it was gone.



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