Destash 2020 Time to Putter with Clutter

Joining in on this. My goal is at least one bag/box of items to Goodwill or trash a week. Also another big goal to get rid of the rest of the NHRA cars left sitting on eBay. My dad left us a huge NHRA collection when he passed, almost 5 years now. I went from over 400 cars to less than 100. We are keeping about 50 for my boys and I have the others on eBay. This doesn't include any signed hats and pics he left but that's another issue. So basically I have it set to do the automatic markdown every week on eBay; we'll see how it goes.
Another major goal is to finish the kids bathroom remodel. This has gone on all summer! The husband is dragging his feet on it and we're now 10 months working on the bathroom!!!! ARGH! o_O We have our son's first communion in May and it'd be really nice not to have people walking through our bedroom to use the bathroom.
Good luck letting go to everyone!
I think I'll hop in for this one. I have a lot of clothes that need to go and don't fit me as well as a HUGE JP dinosaur collection in the toy room that I'm thinking of selling. I could use the cash and the space. Maybe some older dolls as well, I know I still have some mint in box Monster High and some doll furniture that I just don't use. The problem is listing and selling as it's worth too much to drop onto the local thrift store.
Time to get the new destash thread ready for those that want to participate.,looking forward to seeing many people participate and the amount of clutter we can all get rid of

Goal: I want to get rid of another 500 items from the house this year!
I’m in!
I think I hit 500 two days ago in one trip to the donation center...

But Jan 1 is a new year and I’ll start from 0.

Time to slay the inner hoarder!
Had the kids come over and clean out what they left in their closets. I've now got SIX trash bags full of old (mostly school) clothes in the back of my car to take to Goodwill. Broke my heart to see so many "still good" clothes go, but if I'm honest a majority of them hadn't seen the outside of the closet since 2015, so past time to go!
We don't have a ton of "stuff", as our house is pretty small and I can't stand clutter, but now that we are empty-nesters and looking at moving in the next year, it's time to start purging and prioritizing. We've lived here 18 years and raised our children in this house, so things tend to accumulate.

Tomorrow is garbage, so we went through the basement this afternoon and took out two garbage bags full of stuff and another box of papers/etc for the recycling/shred bin. A great start!
I am taking advantage of the Christmas break to go through my kitchen cupboards. I found something that expired in 2014! I was able to combine several opened sets of spices, toss some hot sauce that my son used (he's out of the house now) and put some dishes into my donate box. Feels good!

I have been inspired by my sister, who moved this year, and has close to 40 years of stuff accumulated. She has stuff I sent her when I was in grade school! We're looking to retire (and hopefully move to a warmer climate) in 10 years, and it's going to take all I can do to destash.
Had the kids come over and clean out what they left in their closets. I've now got SIX trash bags full of old (mostly school) clothes in the back of my car to take to Goodwill. Broke my heart to see so many "still good" clothes go, but if I'm honest a majority of them hadn't seen the outside of the closet since 2015, so past time to go!
Haha. 2015.
I'm already ahead for destashing in 2020! I put the Christmas clearance items in my cart back on the shelf, whispering that I wanted to have less, not more. I've decided that my kitchen will be destashed this year, cupboard by cupboard.

I did the same thing. I went to Kohls and Target the day after Christmas and the only thing I bought was a few gift bags for next year. I really wanted a couple other cute knick knack sort of things, but told myself I just didn't have anymore room for things.

Today I cleaned out my pantry and threw out a few expired things, filled a bag to donate to the food pantry at church and put a few non-food items in the Goodwill bag.

I have 2 bags filled and ready to drop at the GW later this week.
I'm in again for 2020. This year I ended with 256 things gone. I had about the same in 2018 (I think). I am not sure where more I can purge. Well I would like to purge all of DH's nascar collection from probably 15-20 years ago. They are all boxed up and not displayed as interests have changed. However, his rationale is we can't get anything for them, so why not keep them and what harm are they doing doing. My thought is if they are never going to be used, they need to be gone.

My goal for 2020 will be pretty small at 100 items.
I'm in this year. We had our whole house re-piping done in early December 2019. A ton of things from our basement had to be hauled up to our garage. As I was hauling boxes I realized that most of them had not been touched for the 20 years we've lived in this house except to move them from one place to another.
I tried to talk my husband into letting me donate a few of those boxes but he won't just let them go.

So even if he won't join in, I'm going to start at 500 items need to be gone by the end of the year. I bet I can do that just from bookshelves and clothes.
I have small bag in closet ready to go. I need to work on hubby and daughter as they are packrats and I am a minimalist! I will shoot for 100 items.
So this post motivated me yesterday and while daughter was at work I cleared 30 items from her closet. She had clothes size 10/12 in little girls, she is 16!! I made $14 so far selling on facebook marketplace and got rid of stuff.


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