Dear you . . .

Dear S____,
Thanks for saying that you love me last night, but have you lost your mind! :eek: We haven't known each other that long. I am quite freaked out but, I do appreciate that someone out there cares about me. :hug:
Dear Son,

I know that you are doing what you love and are best trained to do by defending your country. Not a day or night goes by that we don't think of you and wonder how and what you are doing. God Speed and please come back to your family safe and sound physically, mentally and spiritually. All troops and families remain in our prayers for their sacrifice.
HOOAH!!! Rangers lead the way!

We love you :goodvibes
:hug: Mom and family
Dear feet,
Why are you so cold all the time? I have thick socks on and my sneakers. It is not cold in the house,yet, here you are, freezing my little toes off. Now stop it! Get some blood down there, and warm up. I have too much to do before work, I cannot take my shoes of and tuck you under the fleece sheets until you warm up.

Dear Dinner,

How about you just cook yourself for the next few weeks?


Dear 4nana,

Tell your son my family says "Thank you, and stay safe" too. :) He's our hero. Oh yeah...Luke says "HOOAH" too :teeth:


Dear Beasley, my sweet spoiled beagle,

Just because DH left his chair pulled out does not mean it's ok for you to get up on the dining room table, lay down and then try to eat a banana out of the fruit basket. It would have helped if you had acted like you knew you did something wrong when I caught you instead of laying there and continuing to eat while wagging your tail. Thank you.

Your fustrated human
Dear friends,

Don't give up on me yet, I may be down but I'm not out!!

me :teeth:

Dear Vivi(doggie),

Even though after 5 tries of jumping I had to pull you up on the bed last night, I still love you. don't worry, it's just a bigger bed. I'll build you a ramp. None of us are as young as we used to be! :goodvibes

Dear Sink,

please empty yourself of the dirty dishes. And while you're at it, can you clean the oven and stove too, please?

love oogieboogie.

PS: I won't dump crusty ketchup on you again if you do this for me.
Dear Tarheels -

Please play your little baby blue hearts out and win the national championship so I don't have to listen to my misguided, Duke fan father gloat.

Love, Tarheel born, Tarheel bred, and when I die I'll be a Tarheel dead.

Dear Hannah -

Let me remind you once again, when you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, you don't need to come into my room and tell me that you are going to go. Really, I am all right with it.

Love, Mommy

Dear Emily, on the same token as above, next time you are going to get sick in the middle of the night, go directly to the bathroom, don't stop by the edge of my bed and tell me you are going to throw up.

Love, Mommy
Dear Fellow Commuters:

PLease please use perfume/cologne sparingly. If we can smell you from the back of the bus as you are getting on, it's too much! Please also refrain from talking on your cell phone LOUDLY for the entire 40-minute ride...or if you must, AT LEAST talk about something JUICY! Please be considerate when you are walking in the aisle with a large back. I have narrow shoulders, yet somehow you manager to smack that bag into me as you march to your seat.
Dear dishwasher,

Could you please empty yourself? And then fill yourself up with the dishes that are in the sink?

Thank you,

Dear kitchen floor,

Could you mop yourself?

thank you,

Dear laundry,

Could you take yourself down to the basement, sort yourself, and then jump in the washing machine and get clean? Then jump in the dryer? Then fold yourself and go back upstairs and put yourself away?

Thank you,
Dear DISboards,

Why must you be so addicting?!! I really have a lot to do, and Alyssa only naps a couple hours a day. I'd appreciate it if you would stop calling my name when I walk by the computer.

Thanks ever so much,
Dear tooth (maybe tooth fairy?),
Please hurry it up and get that 4th tooth in ds a tad quicker! It has been a loooooooooooooooong,fretful, sleepless week. :(
Thank you,
Connor's mommy
Dear home,

In case you haven't noticed, I've given up trying to clean you. It's up to you now, so please don't argue, just do it. If you do, I promise to finish painting and hanging pictures- just remember, I can't do it if you are a mess.

Dear 4nana- Thank you for raising such a brave son! We will keep him and his company in our prayers!
Proud to be an American,

Dear Alyssa's mommy,
How do you get your dd to sleep a few hours? DS won't even sleep a few minutes this week to allow for DIS'ing? Ditto to all you said above! My poor house really shows I am here when ds is sleeping!
Thank you,
Dear Ipod,
We've had some good times. Like the time we listened Girls and Boys 10 times in a row. We must have looked like a real spaz to the other parents huh? We've also had some bad times, like the time you loaded Gary's complete Counting Crows collection into yourself without my permission.

Be my friend forever,
(or until you are uncerimoniously flushed down the loo by my offspring. sorry thought I'd warn you in advance.)
Dear weekend,
Thanks for coming (finally!). Do you think you could hang around a little longer this time around?


Your friend who misses you Monday - Friday
Dear KMH1,

Your little girl is so cute and I always smile when I see your posts with her picture. Thank you!!

Dear Nerves,

I know you hate it when DS is in the playoffs, but please could you let me watch the WHOLE game?



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