Dawgs go to Disney - Hallobirthary 2010

Should we splurge and do MNSSHP?

  • YES! It is so fun even for college students and you'll get more time to do attractions!

  • No. It is overload for your DBF and the bank. You will only be there for a couple days, so relax.

Results are only viewable after voting.
101 days!!!!!! :yay:

So, after taking a look at the F&W info on WDW's website, I've made a wish list....Lord knows I won't get all of these..but I'll have to narrow it down!

- Belgium - waffles with berry compote and whipped cream

- Brazil - Shrimp stew with coconut and lime

- Canada - Canadian cheddar cheese soup

- Charcuterie & Cheese - Cheese fondue with croutons and roasted potatoes

- Chile - Shrimp Ceviche

- France - creme brulee au Chocolate au Lait

- Germany - apfel strudel

- Greece - chicken souvlaki with tsatziki

- Japan - spicy tuna roll (MUST HAVE...i LOVE sushi)

- New Zealand - Seared sea scallop with vegetable slaw and lemon oil

- Puerto Rico - asopao de pollo

- Singapore - Shrimp cake with singapore noodle salad

- South Korea - Honey Ginger Tea

- Spain - seared albacore tuna with romesco sauce

- U.S. - Heirloom Tomatoes with Oregon Blue Cheese, Red Onions, and Basil

Of course, DBF's list will be different, since his will include red meat! I wonder if he'd come up with a wish list if I asked him...;)

I also am thinking about doing one of the culinary demonstrations if we have time. The only thing is I don't know if we have to be 21 to attend since there is a wine pairing included. Anyone know the deal with this?

ANNNDD... to celebrate 100 days tomorrow, I'll put up a few pictures from previous WDW trips as I promised!



HAPPY 100 DAYS TO ME!!!!! :cool1:


I'll try to sort these chronologically as best I can.

These first three are in May of 1992. I'm 21 months old here, and chubby as ever!

Goofy was always my favorite because he was tall like my dad!


Can you tell it's the 90s?? Hehehe

Please excuse this ridiculous outfit.

You'll start to see a trend of my cousin and I ALWAYS MATCHING...and always DISNEY! We are six weeks apart. That is my mother with us and Minnie :)

I don't know what I spilled on my top...:confused3

Embarrassed because I've spilled on myself!!

It must have dried up by the time we got to Mickey...??


This is the overall trip...I'm pretty sure we went in February, which is my mom's favorite time to go. Also featuring my brother, Jake!

Before Splash Mountain completely terrified me...Also I'm not really sure if that's my brother or not...He has always been very tall. He may have been like 18 months here, but I really don't know if he was tall enough to ride SM by then...I'll have to consult with my mom.

My dad's NASCAR phase... and my favorite Princess at the time :)

CRT breakfast!


Yes, I am cool...this actually might have been my fifth grade surprise trip now that I think about it!

MATCHING AGAIN!! And more midriff?? AND FANNY PACK!!!! Does anyone know if these statues are still around?

More matching!

Can anyone guess where this is? ;) It's terrifying!!! :scared1:

Hope you enjoyed my crazy pics...Next time... starting to create the touring plans....EEEEK.

hey cassidyh. im joining in..im from georgia as well about an hour from athens. I did the college program spring 2007 and i loved it and if u decide i sure you will to.i know some things have changed but if u have any questions ill be happy to help. those flashback pics are so cute . i have a few of those lying around!
hey cassidyh. im joining in..im from georgia as well about an hour from athens. I did the college program spring 2007 and i loved it and if u decide i sure you will to.i know some things have changed but if u have any questions ill be happy to help. those flashback pics are so cute . i have a few of those lying around!

Yay! :welcome:

More Georgians :)

AHHH and I have so many questions!
What year were you when you did the program? What was your role? Where'd you go to school? Did you take classes?
ksdjlsa jealousss.

I'm probably going to have to do it either Spring of 2012 (the second half of my senior year) or Fall of 2012 (immediately after I graduate). It all depends on when I get my braces off :sad2: I'm sure I will have plenty of questions about applying and stuff once I get my time frame set.

thanks about the pics :) looking at past trip pics always gets me excited to go back.
You should be able to do the culinary demonstration, they just won't give you the wine pairing. Obv you can't do the wine seminar ;)

I don't remember Esmarelda being in the parks! Neat!

...and no, the statues aren't there anymore :(
Yay! :welcome:

More Georgians :)

AHHH and I have so many questions!
What year were you when you did the program? What was your role? Where'd you go to school? Did you take classes?
ksdjlsa jealousss.

I'm probably going to have to do it either Spring of 2012 (the second half of my senior year) or Fall of 2012 (immediately after I graduate). It all depends on when I get my braces off :sad2: I'm sure I will have plenty of questions about applying and stuff once I get my time frame set.

thanks about the pics :) looking at past trip pics always gets me excited to go back.

well i cant say my class bc ive been in school a while but i think i was classifeid as a sophmore but i was 20 and they were people 18 all the way up to 30 who were there. i was merchandise role and i worked future wolrd north merchandise in epcot which at the time consisted of strollers mostly, the two shops under spaceship erath gateway gifts and camera shop. i loved camera shop where people would see there photopass pics and they were alwasy fun to look at. there was also leave a legacy but thats gone and the store at the entrance with package pickup and one of those carts and we did glow cart too. i was at valdosta state at the time and i took a class but i didnt get credit but i got this certificate. it was cute becasue it was a ducktorate degree at the top. if i had the choice i wouldnt do the class again but if u can get credit go for it.
a friend of mine did a second program the semester after he graduated.i think that would also be helpful if u wanted to work for the company long term including the ones under disney, abc, espn, i think..o and i had braces while i was there to. i had them for three yeasr 18 to 21 so i understand that but i was lucky to to with a chain and they had an office there i went to. good luck!
You should be able to do the culinary demonstration, they just won't give you the wine pairing. Obv you can't do the wine seminar ;)

I don't remember Esmarelda being in the parks! Neat!

...and no, the statues aren't there anymore :(

Yay! I think I might try to fit that in. We'll have to wait for the wine pairing next year...hehehe

Yeah I think she used to be in EPCOT. I saw on that Character Central site that she was in MNSSHP...but I'm not sure how recent that is: http://www.charactercentral.net/ViewCharacter.aspx?CharacterId=187

BUMMER about the statues. Those things were so fun. I vote bring them back.

well i cant say my class bc ive been in school a while but i think i was classifeid as a sophmore but i was 20 and they were people 18 all the way up to 30 who were there. i was merchandise role and i worked future wolrd north merchandise in epcot which at the time consisted of strollers mostly, the two shops under spaceship erath gateway gifts and camera shop. i loved camera shop where people would see there photopass pics and they were alwasy fun to look at. there was also leave a legacy but thats gone and the store at the entrance with package pickup and one of those carts and we did glow cart too. i was at valdosta state at the time and i took a class but i didnt get credit but i got this certificate. it was cute becasue it was a ducktorate degree at the top. if i had the choice i wouldnt do the class again but if u can get credit go for it.
a friend of mine did a second program the semester after he graduated.i think that would also be helpful if u wanted to work for the company long term including the ones under disney, abc, espn, i think..o and i had braces while i was there to. i had them for three yeasr 18 to 21 so i understand that but i was lucky to to with a chain and they had an office there i went to. good luck!

Aw that sounds like so much fun. I think I would enjoy a merchandise position. I've worked retail before so I kinda know the ropes. Yeah I don't think any of the University Systems of Georgia schools take their courses as credit which is really silly to me. I'm sure the classes are a lot more involved than anything I would take at UGA. I've read that most people don't recommend taking classes though so you can work more. I would love to work for WDW long term...but I'm afraid I dream too big!! :rotfl: Did you ever think about doing a PI?

What's your major, btw? Also what orthodontist chain? That is reallly lucky they had a location there!! I'm so jealous. I don't want to waiiit arrrghhh. :mad:

I've emailed a few offices in Orlando, and most of them recommend just sucking it up and waiting because switching over (twice -- once to Orlando and then once back to Athens) would be expensive and silly.
You need to get DBF to hang out with some WDW lovers. I happen to think they're all pretty awesome, good people! ;)

The old pictures are too funny; I have a lot of the same type of pictures! The old-school midriff shirts are classic. We should bring them back! :lmao:
Hellooo happy Friday!!

Quick life update for the evening!

First, I have pretty good news. I applied for an internship with an event planning/hospitality firm in Athens, and I got called back for an interview on Monday!! :cool1: I'm really kind of hoping for this because it's sort of WDW related since it's in the hospitality field! They're mostly known for their weddings, but they do other things too like concerts and holiday events. Anyway, I definitely feel like this is something I would enjoy doing. I love themes and cute things and planning and making things perfect! I hope I impress at the interview... If anyone has pixie dust to share, you can send it my way!

SECOND, I am in the dreadful process of MOVING. Last night we had to move all of Morgan's stuff out of his duplex. He's going to the Boy Scouts National Jamboree for like 13 days :guilty: He left today, and his lease is up on the 31st, but he won't be back until the 4th. So, we had to put all of his furniture at a friends' house and then pack up EVERYTHING in his room and stuff. He has way more clothes than I do, and all this camping gear and pack-ratty things. It drove me nuts that he waited until the last minute, but what can you do? :confused3

So, he finally got everything out, but now I have to get everything out of my apartment. Luckily it came furnished so I don't have to move any furniture at all. I don't think this process will take very long. Just packing away clothes and stuff like that.

I have to be out by the 31st, too, and we won't be able to move in til the fifth, so I'll be staying at home for a little less than a week. Right now Wally is at DBF's mom's because I can't have him at the apartment, but I'll get him next week. I miss him so much already...I think I miss him more than Morgan!! :lmao:

So then when the fifth rolls around, Morgan and I will be moving in to a three bedroom one bath place with two other boys (yes...three boys, one girl, ONE BATHROOM...what am I getting myself into???). I am staying there indefinitely for now. I was only going to stay for a semester because I wanted to do the WDWCP in Spring 2011, but with the braces I'll have to wait. I may find my own place in the spring, but who knows...? The great thing about that house though is it has a HUGE fenced in backyard and a dog park is a short trail walk away. Perfect for my baby Wally!

I also got my braces tightened on Wednesday and they hurt :(

Also, DIS related news...I got my $25 gift card in the mail! F&W funds!! hehehe :yay::yay::yay:

I also had TWO DIS related jobs today at work...one man's client was saving to take his parents to WDW for their 30th anniversary, and another guy is going next week! (It's so weird that I hear about all these people's health, money, and vaca info and I don't know any of them...)

I really want to get an itinerary set, but I'm thinking about waiting til August. Then Morgan will have his schedule and we will find out if his Thursday afternoon class is canceled for Fall Break (pixie dust pixie dust pixie dust). Also...my birthday is in August and I am hoping my parents get me an iPhone (I would most likely pay for the data plan...$25 a month). So, if I do get that, I'm subscribing to Touring Plans and getting the Lines app! Has anyone used this before, btw? I've heard great things from different podcasts so I really wanna try it out!

So there's my quick update. Some of it was silly news and some was DIS related, but overall it's an update nonetheless :)

Aw that sounds like so much fun. I think I would enjoy a merchandise position. I've worked retail before so I kinda know the ropes. Yeah I don't think any of the University Systems of Georgia schools take their courses as credit which is really silly to me. I'm sure the classes are a lot more involved than anything I would take at UGA. I've read that most people don't recommend taking classes though so you can work more. I would love to work for WDW long term...but I'm afraid I dream too big!! :rotfl: Did you ever think about doing a PI?

What's your major, btw? Also what orthodontist chain? That is reallly lucky they had a location there!! I'm so jealous. I don't want to waiiit arrrghhh. :mad:

I've emailed a few offices in Orlando, and most of them recommend just sucking it up and waiting because switching over (twice -- once to Orlando and then once back to Athens) would be expensive and silly.

its north georgia orthodontist and it was the same as the central florida but ive heard they dont really transfer anymore. Yeah if i ever couldve did it again i wouldnt take classes and its a great way for u to start out. they have some speakers i forgot whats it called but you can meet people who started out with the college program in some important roles. I had thought about going back and doing another program but not after having my son. I could do a PI becasue you have to find your own housing but my mjaor is not disney related..lol.. i am a respiratory therapy major. i just love disney that much.
its north georgia orthodontist and it was the same as the central florida but ive heard they dont really transfer anymore. Yeah if i ever couldve did it again i wouldnt take classes and its a great way for u to start out. they have some speakers i forgot whats it called but you can meet people who started out with the college program in some important roles. I had thought about going back and doing another program but not after having my son. I could do a PI becasue you have to find your own housing but my mjaor is not disney related..lol.. i am a respiratory therapy major. i just love disney that much.

Weird! I wish I would have known that earlier though about the ortho :(

They ought to have a respiratory therapist at WDW for all the people that FREAK OUT before/during Space M, Splash M (me), Star Tours, etc. hehehehe :lmao:

Good luck on the internship! Fingers crossed and pixie dust!

Thank you! I think it went pretty well...! We talked about the Disney wedding dresses/rings!
UGH I don't know what happened...my post just like went away.


I'm listening to Magical Mouse Radio right now before I hit the hay... Quick update about what's going on.

I had my interview on Monday and I think it went really well. We talked about Disney Fairy Tale Weddings and the wedding dresses, and I think that was a good talking point. They seemed really impressed with what I had today, so hopefully I get the internship! I would love to put that on my resume, and I think it'd be great experience for the WDWCP.

I'm also sick :( I hardly ever get sick..maybe like once or twice a year. I hate it!! Sore throat, runny nose, coughing, weak body...can't wait for it to be over. I shouldn't have gone to work today, but I'm taking most of next week off to move out/move in so I couldn't call in sick. I Lysol-ed my desk 10000 times though, so hopefully no one caught my bug, whatever it is.

DBF is also gone at some Boy Scout thing and won't be back until next Wednesday. Wally is with his mom because I can't have him at the apartment. I will pick him up on Friday when I get back home. I feel so lonely..especially since I'm sick!!!

One thing really brightened up my day at work though... kinda a funny story. I got a call and the client's name was so-and-so Chippendale... and so I was like so thrilled because it sounds like Chip and Dale!!

I instant messaged my friend to tell him, and he said "that's unlucky." I didn't understand, so he explained that...male stripping place... and I was freaked out! I told him it reminded me of the precious chipmunks...he thought I was crazy! Aren't we all though? :rotfl:

Anyway, I've got to get to bed. I have to work and pack tomorrow and I need my rest!!

Goodnight DIS!
Hope you feel better and hope you get the internship!

Thank you!

I have been on antibiotics and taking allegra D every day so I feel much better already. I should find out about the internship before the 16th of August :)

Nothing is going on!! :confused3

Actually, a lot is going on! I am now in the process of going through ALL my stuff and deciding what needs to go, what needs to stay at my parents', and what needs to come with me to the new house...this is EXHAUSTING. I don't like it. I can't wait to be settled in and ready to start the new year. The sooner school starts, the faster time will go, and that means the faster I get to DISNEY! :yay::yay::yay:

I just have sooo much to do/pay for and figure out. August is way too busy :/

I'm going to get some rest...nothing really exciting in this post. Sorry people.

OK so, I just saw this commercial on TV for this website called fly.com and it finds the cheapest airline prices for you. Just being curious, I looked up round trip from ATL to MCO....it would be like $160 each...

If we did this, we could get to MCO by like 6:30pm on Thursday instead of getting to Disney around 11pm...AND we could have a whole extra day to relax at the pool and do DTD on Sunday before we go home...maybe even resort hop!!!

So..I need to know...is it worth it??? I think we can do it but I'm not 100% sure. I've never booked a flight before and I'm scared! Any advice would be greeaatly appreciated! :worship:

<3 <3 <3
I saw fly! It's not as tiring on your body, and you get more time at WDW!

BTW, my mom called me yesterday saying she saw that commercial, too!
I think we might try to...I really want to! Especially if Morgan can't get out of that class on Thursday, and I may even have to work because I'm scheduled 9-4 for my internship. Hopefully I can get it off though anyway and still fly :D

I saw fly! It's not as tiring on your body, and you get more time at WDW!

BTW, my mom called me yesterday saying she saw that commercial, too!


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