Dave and Jenny's Escape Wedding and Disneymoon - 9/27/2013


Earning My Ears
May 1, 2013
Hey all, at the recommendation of Lurkyloo I am starting a pre-trip journal so that I can get to know you all a little better and maybe even learn some tips for our upcoming wedding.

I've never done one of these before so you'll have to bear with me as I figure it out. :) I guess I should start by introducing myself and my fiancee and our family. My name is Jenny and I'm a 32 year old from Missouri. I currently work as a Registrar with a Charter school here in the city but recently found out that the school is closing on June 26th so I am somewhat in panic mode facing the possibility I may not have a job at the end of the month. My fiancee is Dave and he's 37. He is a QA Engineer with a large company here and loves his job. We have two daughters, Katie (7) and Claire (5), two dogs (Lucy and Tex), four ferrets (Jynx, Lilly, Ivy and Bean), one rabbit (Dark Marshmallow) and a hamster (Snowflake). So needless to say, we keep pretty busy. :)

Dave has been my best friend for about 5 years and we initially met through the game World of Warcraft. We both raided with a local guild and actually first met at a guild Christmas party. At the time I was married to my high school sweetheart and obviously wasn't looking for anything else. But we became friends and because he didn't have any family nearby he began spending holidays at our house and so my kids grew up with Dave around. Anyways, right before my tenth wedding anniversary my husband at the time told me that he no longer wanted the responsibility of a family or house anymore and wanted to get a divorce. He said he hadn't loved me since college and had only stuck around because I was a good mom and I made his life easy but now he wanted more. I was crushed. He was the only man I had ever dated (we had been together since we were 15) and I was sad for me but even more sad for my children. The months that followed were really hard for all of us, but we survived and now I can look back and see just how bad things were and how much better my life is now. :)

Anyways, throughout the whole process of the divorce Dave was there for me. He was the one I could call at anytime day or night and he would just listen to me cry and be there for me. We started hanging out more, again just as friends. Then a few months later it was suddenly Thanksgiving. My ex gets the girls over that holiday because his family always has a huge reunion and it was my first time being away from them. I was a wreck. Dave invited me to join him for a road trip to Oklahoma to visit with his mom for the holiday. I found out later he concocted this trip just to get me out of the house. I had a really awesome time meeting his mom and sister and on the way home he confessed to me that he had developed a crush on me the first time we met at the Christmas party but never thought he would get a chance with me and now that I was suddenly single he didn't want to let the opportunity pass without taking a shot. I was floored. I wish I could say I fell into things really easily but I was so gun-shy and I made things really difficult for him for a couple months not committing to anything because I really needed the time to find myself. But eventually I got to a point where I was willing to take that chance. As I said previously, my girls were already really familiar with Dave and he fit in really well with our family dynamic. They seemed delighted that he was spending more time at our house and all was good. (He really is an excellent man and father!)

We had originally planned a trip to Disney World from Sept. 28th through October 5th just to have a chance for our family to bond and we were thinking if all went well we would look at getting engaged sometime in early 2014. Imagine my surprise when he proposed on February 14th of this year. I guess I should share that story too. :) My ex takes the girls on Thursday nights and one or two weekends a month. This year Valentines day happened to fall on a Thursday. We weren't planning on doing anything because we were saving for this Disney trip but Dave called me earlier that day and said he had made reservations for us to go out. He explained that most of the time we would have the girls on that holiday and he wanted us to have a special one this year while it would be just us. He wound up taking me to a beautiful winery in Defiance, MO. They had the fireplace lit and candles everywhere and it was absolutely breathtaking. We had a table in the corner and were just enjoying our meal and listening to the band when suddenly he turned to me and said he had been doing a lot of thinking lately. I was like, oh yeah? He told me that he didn't know if this was the right time to do this but that he figured there would never be a perfect time as there was going to always be something going on and that right now felt like the perfect time to him. With that he got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen (though I may be a little biased). He asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I started crying and accepted. It was so perfect. The next day he proposed to my daughters with sapphire necklaces asking them to become part of his family and they were really excited too. Claire's only instructions were they got to be the flower girls (because they are the best flower girls ever) and the wedding had to be short because weddings are boring. :P

So, Dave and I got to talking about what kind of wedding we wanted. Having been married before, I wasn't interested in anything big but I did want it to be meaningful. I also wanted us to write our own vows because I wanted him to really mean whatever he promised to me. Dave insisted on me having a traditional wedding dress and an aisle. Both of us just wanted it to be extremely small (just family) because we really wanted to just focus on us and the girls. Extending our Disney World stay and adding on a wedding just made perfect sense to us. :) I called Disney and they had availability for an Escape ceremony on September 27th at Seabreeze Point. Everything has just fallen into place perfectly. It will be Dave, myself, our girls, my parents and his dad and mom. We found a pastor who is willing to perform a family ceremony incorporating the girls so Dave and I plan to write our own vows to each other and also to the girls. The girls are going to promise to make this the best family they can. We will do a sand ceremony where the girls each have their own color and Dave and I each have a color and we will blend it all together and be able to take home a visual representation of the blending of our family. (Though I'm not sure how to get that home without it getting all jumbled). Anyways, I am so excited. We will arrive on Sept. 25th. Be married on Sept 27th and Disneymoon there until October 5th.

I need to get back to work but I will post more later about all the little surprises we have planned for our girls and families while we are down there. It is wonderful to meet you all!!!!! :)
I love your story!! It is so amazing that he had feelings for you all those years and never acted on them, was just a really true friend. That is AWESOME. And because you've know him for so long, you know you can trust him, which is HUGE, especially after the situation with your Ex. How is your Ex with the whole situation? It sounds like your kids are really happy which is incredible and must increase your happiness!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!

Hi Brooke! It's nice to meet you! :)

I do feel very blessed to have Dave be a part of our lives now. It is amazing how much everything seems to have just fallen into place. And I was surprised at how fast the girls adjusted to having him in the role of a father. When Dave proposed, Claire asked if that meant she could start calling him dad now. I think part of it is the fact she is still so young but I know he loves it. It's so cute because he still asks their permission to tuck them in at night and they are always like, "of course, silly!"

My ex is handling it fine. Shortly after he left us he bought a new car, started dating a 24 year old and is living life large so he isn't particularly worried about what I am doing.

Hmm, I wanted to post a pic of us but I need to have ten posts first. I guess it's time for me to stop lurking and start posting. :)
Congratulations! I love your story and can't wait to read more!

P.S. I used to play WoW too. :)
Yay my fiancé and I use to play WOW. Sorry about your ex but it gave you the chance to be with what sounds like a great guy. I love the story and I really love that he asked the girls as well with necklaces, that really makes them feel like they are apart of a family. Congratulations
It's so funny that so many of us used to play WoW. If you don't mind me asking what classes did you play? My main was a holy pally. My df played a tanking druid. :)

Anyways, getting back to the wedding stuff. This is what we have planned so far! :)

My df, our kids, myself, my parents and Dave's biological father (David) are flying down to Orlando on Sept. 25th and checking into the All-Star Movies Resort. (Not the classiest of resorts, I know, but as we are paying for everything ourselves we decided the room was the least of our concerns since we don't plan to spend a lot of time in it). We should arrive around 1:00 and are planning on checking in and then heading to Downtown Disney. We have dining reservations at the Rainforest Cafe (Katie's choice).

Sept 26th we are all planning on going to Magic Kingdom. Nothing out of the ordinary planned for that day. Dinner reservations at Ohana'. Dave's mom is "tentatively" scheduled to arrive sometime this afternoon and may join us for dinner.

I guess I should give you a little background on our families. I grew up with a pretty normal family situation, both my parents are still married and my life was pretty stable. Dave's life was far different than mine. His mom apparently married his dad but then immediately started having an affair with another man. She subsequently ran away to NY with that man. She told Dave's dad, David, that Dave could never know he was his father and that he couldn't visit him. So David's response was "if you won't let me see my son, then I'm not going to pay child support." Apparently back in the 70's if you didn't pay child support for 6 months the mom could go to court and have your rights revoked which is what she did. David just got a letter in the mail one day saying that this other man had adopted Dave and David's parental rights had been revoked. He was horrified. He hired a lawyer and tried to fight it but at that point it was done. Anyways, Dave's mom and adopted dad changed Dave's name and moved and David never could find him again. Dave grew up thinking this other man was his dad and didn't find out he was adopted until he was 10 when he overheard a family member say something. From that point on he was told his biological dad didn't want anything to do with him, voluntarily gave up his rights, was a drug user and an awful person, etc. When Dave and I first started dating I asked him why he never sought out his biological father (because he didn't even know his name) and he said that why should he waste time looking for someone who never spent any time caring about him. Anyways, back to the story. So his adopted Dad is a real class act...not. Apparently he adopted Dave when he thought he couldn't have kids but then Dave's mom and him had a daughter and in their own words when I confronted them about why they treated Dave the way they did, "Once they had Dave's sister, they didn't really need him anymore...And Dave was just such an unaffectionate child - too hard to love." Believe me, that still pisses me off... I just can't understand how anyone would treat their children like that. Anyways, Dave's mom and this guy subsequently divorced and she moved in with another guy who was very abusive to Dave. Eventually she left that man too. Dave finished high school at 17 and ran away to California not telling anyone where he was going. He lived around the country in various places and when we started dating he hadn't seen his mom in over 7 years and his adopted dad in more than a decade. Because I'm very close to my family (and I didn't know the full story of his) I encouraged him to reconnect and he has built back a decent relationship with his mom. We have tried to reconnect with his adopted dad but honestly he is such a jerk.

Interestingly enough, last summer my mom was poking around on ancestry.com and came across a post from Dave's biological father trying to find him that was about 10 years old. This gave me the name of his dad. I knew Dave would never reach out on his own but I followed up on it. The email didn't work but through a LOT of investigating and some luck I managed to find out what town he was living in (through a comment on a blog post of all places) and found a working number. I called him because I figured if he wanted a relationship with Dave I could give Dave all the info and let him make the decision but if he didn't want a relationship with Dave then I would never let Dave know I made the call because I was reasonably certain he would never reach out on his own and then I could shield him that pain since he had been hurt by family enough. Well it turns out Dave's dad absolutely did want a relationship and had been looking for him for most of his life. Dave's adopted dad had been receiving the calls and not passing any of the information along - effectively blocking contact and as David didn't know what they had changed Dave's name to he wasn't finding him on his own. So got his contact info and sat down Dave and told him about all my investigative work. He agreed to talk via email and actually spoke to him for the first time on his birthday last October. David actually sent Dave a gift, the first birthday gift he had received from a "parent" since he was young. In fact, his mom only acknowledged it was his birthday through fb and his adopted dad, not at all... They slowly built up their relationship and his Dad actually came and spent Christmas at our house last year. He is such a wonderful guy and we are so blessed to have found him. Anyways, he was originally part of our Disney trip because he wanted that time with Dave and us, and he is going to stay throughout the whole honeymoon and take the girls a couple of evenings for us so we can have some alone time. :P

Getting back to the trip... The morning of Sept. 27th we have surprise breakfast reservations for CRT at the castle for Dave, our daughters and myself. The girls have no idea this is coming and we thought it would be a great way to start of the day with some special bonding time for our family. Then we will walk around Magic Kingdom for a little while but we have to be back at the resort by 1:00 for hair and makeup. :) Dave is going to hang out in his Dad's room and the limo will take them (and maybe his mom if she is there) to the ceremony site at 3:30. Then it will come back and get my dad and mom, myself and the girls. The wedding is at 5:00! Yay!!! We aren't really upgrading much although we are doing the whimsical style wedding cake and we ordered rose wands for the girls.

As I mentioned in the first post we found a pastor who is willing to do a family ceremony for us and we plan to incorporate a sand ceremony as well. The girls are walking in to an instrumental of A Whole New World (their favorite), and then it is shifting into "When You Wish Upon a Star" for me. They are going to play Ava Maria during the sand ceremony and we are doing Brave's Touch the Sky as the recessional. (Going all out Disney style!) :)

We currently have dinner reservations at Citricos but I am really hoping that the California Grill will be open then so we can have our post-ceremony dinner there.

Sept 28 is DHS with reservations at Mama Melrose's and the Fantasmic package.

Sept 29th is Epcot and will be my parents last day there so I am going to surprise everyone with an Illuminations cruise. We have dinner reservations at Coral Reef at 5:55 and we are supposed to be at the dock by 8:00 so I am hoping we can finish dinner and then I can subtly convince everyone to go on a stroll to the Yacht club. I thought this would be a good way to thank our families for coming and giving up their vacation time to be with us for this trip. Even Dave doesn't know about the cruise so hopefully it will be a good surprise for everyone! :)

Sept 30th is Magic Kingdom with reservations at the Crystal Palace.

Oct 1st is Epcot with reservations at Akershus. (Yes we are doing a lot of character dining - the girls LOVE those and I would prefer that to waiting in long lines to get autographs). :)

Oct 2nd is Animal Kingdom. We don't have reservations that night because David is going to take the girls in the early afternoon and I think Dave and I are going to spend the evening at Downtown Disney or walking around the resorts or something. Just having some time to ourselves. Does anyone have any good, romantic suggestions for us? How about a good place for dinner?

Oct 3rd is DHS with dinner tentatively at 50's Primetime Cafe.

Oct 4th is Magic Kingdom. It's also Dave's birthday. He really wanted to eat at Be Our Guest and I was able to get reservations!!! Then we are doing the MNSSHP that evening.

We fly home the afternoon of Oct 5th but are going to do a goodbye breakfast at Chef Mickey's.

I already have my wedding dress picked out, we have our rings purchased. Now we are just counting down the days..... :P We made a countdown chain for the girls - only 119 more days to go!

So, anyone have any suggestions of things Dave and I should try to do during our limited alone time. I was joking with him that you know you are marrying a good man when he is willing to spend the majority of his honeymoon with his daughters and dad. :P
Wow, that is a great story!! I love that you not only gave Dave his first "real" family when you and your children took him into your hearts but then you went out and helped him find his biological father! Amazing. I think it is so wonderful that they've been able to connect and forge a relationship. It sure is a crazy world, isn't it?

I think your plans sound really perfect! I'm glad you guys will end up with at least a little alone time...and I LOVE the idea of surprising your family with the Illuminations cruise. That's a great idea!

Keep posting so you can add some pictures!!

Yay, I can finally post pictures!!!

This is Dave and me!

Our family!


Halloween 2012!

Our girls and our countdown chain!
Joining in. I have really enjoyed reading your stories. You guys have both gone through so much, but then you've had like little real life miracles to help bring your family together. It's truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

And of course I am loving your Disney plans. I don't know about romantic ideas, but one night my fiancé and I went to Beaches and Cream for dinner, took a stroll along the Boardwalk and then went to Jellyrolls. It was a great evening.

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading more!
Joining in. I have really enjoyed reading your stories. You guys have both gone through so much, but then you've had like little real life miracles to help bring your family together. It's truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

And of course I am loving your Disney plans. I don't know about romantic ideas, but one night my fiancé and I went to Beaches and Cream for dinner, took a stroll along the Boardwalk and then went to Jellyrolls. It was a great evening.

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading more!

Beaches and Cream and Jellyrolls sounds fun! I have never been to either. I will definitely keep that in mind.

My last two trips to Disney World as an adult have been pretty rough. I was there in Dec of 2005 - about 25 weeks pregnant with Katie and ended up in premature labor. Then we planned another trip December of 2010 (my daughters' first visit to Disney) and I ended up shattering my ankle and breaking my leg into 4 pieces while jamming during a derby bout and had to do that trip in a wheelchair.

I have my fingers crossed that nothing bad happens right before this trip! :P
We will be celebrating so much there this time! This will be Dave (and his dad's) first trip to Disney World!!! My girls were there when they were 4 and 3 but this will be their first trip where they are tall enough to ride everything (except maybe the Rock n' Roller Coaster). Of course we will have the wedding and be on our honeymoon and then we'll also be celebrating Dave's 38th birthday.

Anyone know how to make time fly faster? :)
Oh! By the way, congrats on your impending wedding LittleKittyMarie! Just under two months to go! You must be getting so excited! I found your pre-trip journal and I can't wait to check it out later! :) Thanks for stopping by!
Hello and welcome!!

You have a wonderful story! And a lovely family! How awesome that you were able to find your DF's father! What a wonderful thing it is to be able to create that bond. Your itenerary sounds great! I'm looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes
We are also getting married Sept 27!!!! Ours is up here in NH though and then we will be Disneymooning the 30- Oct 6! Maybe we will see you there!!!!

Awesome! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! We should totally try to meet up and say hi sometime while we are both down there!!! :). Thanks for the link to the other thread. I will totally check it out. Very nice to meet you!
We definitely should!!! I'm getting really excited about everything already! :dance3: How about you? only 109 more days!!!!:cheer2:
We're excited too! We made a countdown chain for the girls but I almost think it is making the days pass slower because we always know exactly how long is left to wait... :p I just can't wait. I started writing my vows today. I know I will probably tweak them again before the wedding but I was pretty happy with my start. Other than finalizing those and my final dress fitting, it is mostly just waiting!
With the wedding quickly approaching, I thought I would give everyone a quick update of our plans and see what you all think! :)

So it turns out it will be Dave, our daughters Katie and Claire, myself, my mom and dad, Dave's mom, dad, and adopted dad and sister all flying down for the wedding!

So without further adieu, here's our schedule! :)

Wednesday, Sept. 25th fly down to Orlando. Arrive at 1:25 pm and take the magical express to the All-Star Movies resort. Then we are going to head to DD to meet up with everyone and have dinner at T-Rex (Katie's choice!) :D

Thursday, Sept. 26th - MK Day!!!!! We have adr at Crystal Palace for dinner. Also, this is the only day we are down there that they have the Main Street Electrical Parade and the regular wishes show so we are going to make sure to catch those.

Friday, Sept 27th. - WEDDING DAY!!!!! Dave, the girls and I are going to start our day having breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table (as a surprise to the girls). We have to be back at the resort by 12:30 - where I have to kick Dave out to his dad's room until the wedding. :) At 1:00 Caroline Allen's will be coming by to steam my dress and the girls flower dresses. Beaute Speciale will be coming to do my hair and the girls hair.

This is what I'm thinking for the girls and me. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151777896024791.1073741829.501224790&type=1&l=d954f160dc

The limo will take Dave and his family over to Sea Breeze Point at 3:30 and pick up the girls, myself and my family at 4:00. The wedding is scheduled to begin at 5:00 pm! I cannot wait!!! We are doing a sand ceremony during the wedding with four colors of sand so that myself, dave, and each of the girls can add a color creating a physical representation of the blending of our families for us to keep forever. We are also writing our own vows to each other and also vows to the girls who are going to promise to make this the best family they can. Reverend Tim Herring is conducing the ceremony. Afterwards we have a Whimsical style wedding cake and Dave wants to do our first dance to Can You Feel the Love Tonight. I feel a little silly doing a first dance when there is only 11 of us there in the first place and we will be out in the open (and I'm terribly shy about such things) but since it's important to him - dance I will. LOL. Following the ceremony and pictures around the Boardwalk we have a mini-reception at the Sonoma room inside the newly refurbished California Grill. We have a couple more friends joining us there in addition to our families and are going to have dinner and drinks and be able to enjoy the fireworks from a private balcony. They have a $2,500 minimum for food and beverages and even with a 3 hour open bar and all the food we were still way short from meeting it so the chef offered to prepare bottles of Fairy Tale Cuvee and chocolate logo bars inside boxes with ribbons to give to our guests as they leave. I thought that was super sweet of them to work with us in that way. They are also putting together a wine basket for Dave and I to take and enjoy during the rest of our honeymoon there. My parents are keeping the girls that night so Dave and I can at least have one night without little ones in the hotel room with us. :thumbsup2

The morning of Saturday, Sept 28th Dave's mom and adopted dad are heading home and the rest of us are heading to DHS with adrs at Mama Melroses' with the Fantasmic Package. I have never seen Fantasmic so I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, Sept. 29th is Epcot. We have 5:00 reservations at the Biergarden restaurant. We originally had adrs at Coral Reef but then Dave's sister decided to join us at the last minute and I wasn't able to add her. Do you think a 6 and 7 year old will be okay at Biergarden? I did make secret reservations for an Illuminations Fireworks cruise that night that no one knows about because I want to surprise everyone and thank them all for coming. Has anyone ever done the cruise before? Is it awesome? I just have to get everyone to the Yacht club marina by 8:00 pm without them asking why. :laughing:

Monday, Sept. 30th my parents fly home but Dave's biological dad and sister will stay with us the whole trip. Monday is another MK day and we don't have anything special planned except adrs at Ohana' for dinner.

Tuesday, Oct. 1st we head back to Epcot and have an adr at Akershus for dinner which the girls are thrilled about. (Remember they don't know about CRT so they think this is their princess meal and they are super stoked!)

Wednesday, Oct. 2nd is our AK day. The park closes at 5:00 pm and Dave's dad and sister are going to take the girls to dinner somewhere and Dave and I plan to head to Beaches and Cream for dinner and then hang out on the Boardwalk and maybe go to Jelly Rolls or something. I'm not really sure. This will probably be our only evening alone so if anyone can suggest some nice adult, romantic things to do I would really appreciate it. :idea:

Thursday, Oct. 3rd is up in the air. We have adr at 50's PrimeTime Cafe but were going to see what everyone was thinking.

Friday, Oct. 4th is Dave's 38th birthday! :goodvibes We are going to head back to MK for the day. I made surprise reservations at the Pirates League for Dave, myself and the girls to get turned into pirates (or mermaids)! Then we have adr at Be Our Guest in Fantasyland. Finally we are ending the night with MNSSHP!!! This is our last day at Disney and we are going all out!!! :banana:

Saturday morning we have our last adr at Chef Mickey's and then our plane flies out of Orlando at 3:55. Whew!!!

So, whatcha think?! :) Anyone know how to make the next 7 weeks fly by faster???
I think your plans sound great! I love that you are including your girls in the sand ceremony and the vows. I think that is something they will remember forever and will really help strengthen the bond of your new family!!! I can't wait to see the pictures!

I love that you've built in little surprises for everyone! The girls will LOVVE the castle experience and what a magical moment for your wedding day! I have no little kids and I LOVE being inside the castle! My favorite is showing kids the little Gus and Jacque [the mice from Cinderella] up on a ledge high above Cinderella, watching everyone getting their picture taken. They're pretty high up on the wall, but such a fun surprise.

And the Illuminations cruise! I can't wait to hear how that goes!! I'm thinking you could tell them you want to go get ice cream at Beaches and Cream to get them over there...but then you might have to actually get ice cream later...no matter how cool the cruise is, you can't dangle ice cream out there without repercussions :rotfl2:

I think the Pirate/Mermaid thing for his birthday is AWESOME too! I can't wait to see and hear how that turns out. I wonder if I could ever get Frank to do that...

Your week sounds wonderful!!!!



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