DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I swear at one point (at least on the DLR website) they were saying something to the affect that pre-selects would no longer be guaranteed for every DAS-Holder but an additional accommodation that they have to offer in certain circumstances.

Of course now that they’ve updated the website to remove the mention of pre-selects, I can’t confirm if this was true or not and I didn’t screen shot at the time because I didn’t think the website would be changed this much 🙈

BUT if true, I think the thing to do would be exactly what they did…remove all mention of pre-selects so that people don’t expect to receive them and/or ask for them. This would also get rid of people abusing the system FOR pre-selects. They could still have them available as something to offer for certain needs but not an automatic offering just because the guest qualifies for DAS. Without going into detail, someone who needs to have a plan for their day.
If this is true, that is really awesome! It means that families who need the pre selects will actually be able to choose a ride they want to do, rather than taking whatever is left if they don’t select right at the start of their 30 day registration window.
If this is true, that is really awesome! It means that families who need the pre selects will actually be able to choose a ride they want to do, rather than taking whatever is left if they don’t select right at the start of their 30 day registration window.
This is exactly what I was thinking. They’d be using the pre-selects as an actual accommodation instead of just a “bonus” for registering ahead of time. And like you said, they wouldn’t “run out” for rides as quickly if they’re not being given to everyone that registers.

I know there’s a lot of situations where having a set time for a certain ride (especially if it’s the one that they’re really excited for so you can tell them “we will be going on at 11” for example) would be helpful. For others, the set time might not work because they don’t know if they’ll be attending to needs during that window of time leading to them missing the return window anyways.
Just finished with the chat.
Logged on at 6:30p EDT
Waited about 1 hr 30 mins for the chat
See below for details.

Take aways: The process for describing my needs and requesting the DAS was similar to the prior times that Iv'e done the pre-registration. My explanation was accepted with just a few clarifying questions from the CM.
  • Does your trip start before or after the 'new rules' date? If before, are all the days of your trip before?
  • 5/22+
  • What kind of tickets? Did your ticket type require park reservations? Only date based tickets don't require reservations
  • Annual Passes
  • Does the person you did registration for fit into the category of developmental disability (autism or similar) that is listed on the website or some other issues/concerns with waiting in the regular lines? REMINDER: don't post specific diagnosis, symptoms or conditions, just 'yes' or 'other'
  • Not a developmental disability.
  • Did the person end up registered for DAS or other accommodations? If other accommodations, do they sound like they will meet the needs?
  • Standard DAS
Other notes:
  1. I mentioned that I'd heard about some upcoming changes, and asked if there would be anything new in the actual usage of the pass when in park. CM told me that registration changes would start on 05/20, but that the usage would be as before in park. No mention of a 10-minute cooldown timer for new DAS return time.
  2. Even though I have an AP, my DAS expires on 06/20. I've got to wonder if this means that actual start date for the "new rules" in practice in the park starts on 06/20, but the changes to registration starts on 05/20. If so, I'd recommend not waiting to call if you have a trip planned in early June.
Thanks for the first-hand report from the west coast! Just to clarify...when you say your expiration date will be 6/17 - is that the DAS expiration date? I'm trying to figure out how that is 30 days. Or maybe you mean your MagicKey expiration?
The 6/17 expiration date is for DAS. You're right that it won't be 30 full days out from my next renewal, but the CM said (if I understood her correctly) that DLR renewals will expire before the new program starts so that people renew under the new rules starting 6/18.
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Just finished with the chat.
Logged on at 6:30p EDT
Waited about 1 hr 30 mins for the chat
See below for details.

Take aways: The process for describing my needs and requesting the DAS was similar to the prior times that Iv'e done the pre-registration. My explanation was accepted with just a few clarifying questions from the CM.
  • Does your trip start before or after the 'new rules' date? If before, are all the days of your trip before?
  • 5/22+
  • What kind of tickets? Did your ticket type require park reservations? Only date based tickets don't require reservations
  • Annual Passes
  • Does the person you did registration for fit into the category of developmental disability (autism or similar) that is listed on the website or some other issues/concerns with waiting in the regular lines? REMINDER: don't post specific diagnosis, symptoms or conditions, just 'yes' or 'other'
  • Not a developmental disability.
  • Did the person end up registered for DAS or other accommodations? If other accommodations, do they sound like they will meet the needs?
  • Standard DAS
Other notes:
  1. I mentioned that I'd heard about some upcoming changes, and asked if there would be anything new in the actual usage of the pass when in park. CM told me that registration changes would start on 05/20, but that the usage would be as before in park. No mention of a 10-minute cooldown timer for new DAS return time.
  2. Even though I have an AP, my DAS expires on 06/20. I've got to wonder if this means that actual start date for the "new rules" in practice in the park starts on 06/20, but the changes to registration starts on 05/20. If so, I'd recommend not waiting to call if you have a trip planned in early June.
This is where I get a little confused … so because people are registering before May 20th … they are still working under the old rules, even if their trips happen after the “official start date” ?
This is where I get a little confused … so because people are registering before May 20th … they are still working under the old rules, even if their trips happen after the “official start date” ?
That is what was communicated to me. I think that this falls under the poor communication handling by Disney on this issue.
That is what was communicated to me. I think that this falls under the poor communication handling by Disney on this issue.
It makes sense I guess… I mean if the rules don’t change until the 20th of may then it seems logical that people would be registering under the old rules… but you are right, very poor communication from Disney on the timeline .
Just finished with the chat.
Logged on at 6:30p EDT
Waited about 1 hr 30 mins for the chat
See below for details.

Take aways: The process for describing my needs and requesting the DAS was similar to the prior times that Iv'e done the pre-registration. My explanation was accepted with just a few clarifying questions from the CM.
  • Does your trip start before or after the 'new rules' date? If before, are all the days of your trip before?
  • 5/22+
  • What kind of tickets? Did your ticket type require park reservations? Only date based tickets don't require reservations
  • Annual Passes
  • Does the person you did registration for fit into the category of developmental disability (autism or similar) that is listed on the website or some other issues/concerns with waiting in the regular lines? REMINDER: don't post specific diagnosis, symptoms or conditions, just 'yes' or 'other'
  • Not a developmental disability.
  • Did the person end up registered for DAS or other accommodations? If other accommodations, do they sound like they will meet the needs?
  • Standard DAS
Other notes:
  1. I mentioned that I'd heard about some upcoming changes, and asked if there would be anything new in the actual usage of the pass when in park. CM told me that registration changes would start on 05/20, but that the usage would be as before in park. No mention of a 10-minute cooldown timer for new DAS return time.
  2. Even though I have an AP, my DAS expires on 06/20. I've got to wonder if this means that actual start date for the "new rules" in practice in the park starts on 06/20, but the changes to registration starts on 05/20. If so, I'd recommend not waiting to call if you have a trip planned in early June.
Thanks so much for the 1st hand report. Do you mind sharing how many ppl. were in your party and if you did pre-selects?
Other notes:
  1. I mentioned that I'd heard about some upcoming changes, and asked if there would be anything new in the actual usage of the pass when in park. CM told me that registration changes would start on 05/20, but that the usage would be as before in park. No mention of a 10-minute cooldown timer for new DAS return time.
  2. Even though I have an AP, my DAS expires on 06/20. I've got to wonder if this means that actual start date for the "new rules" in practice in the park starts on 06/20, but the changes to registration starts on 05/20. If so, I'd recommend not waiting to call if you have a trip planned in early June.
Since people can register for DAS 30 to 2 days before their trip, there could be people who are still registering for a trip that starts on/before May 20 until May 18.
I think your idea that the "new rules" may have an actual start date of June 20. That would be the first date that all guests registering for DAS would have registered 30 days out.
This is where I get a little confused … so because people are registering before May 20th … they are still working under the old rules, even if their trips happen after the “official start date” ?
I think May 21 will be the first time everyone will actually be registering when their entire trip would be under the new rules and June 20 will probably be the 'go live' date for the changes.
I can't know for sure, but it makes sense
The 6/17 expiration date is for DAS. You're right that it won't be 30 full days out from my next renewal, but the CM said (if I understood her correctly) that DLR renewals will expire before the new program starts so that people renew under the new rules starting 6/18.
Do you mean you will renew once in 30 days (around 5/20) and then that renewal will only last until 6/17, or are current DLR DAS approvals approved until the shorter of 60 days or 6/17? 🤔
Do you mean you will renew once in 30 days (around 5/20) and then that renewal will only last until 6/17, or are current DLR DAS approvals approved until the shorter of 60 days or 6/17? 🤔
Current Magic Key DAS renewals are approved for 30 days, not 60. I will need to renew when my current DAS expires, so on 5/21 at the earliest. That renewal will expire on 6/17 before the new program begins on 6/18.
I'm in a very similar position to you and agree it isn't plenty of notice, despite how they want to spin and sell it to protect themselves.

I'm from the UK so have to book my trip a year in advance and we'll be coming over in late June/July to WDW and I'm not even looking forward to my trip anymore after all of this because I don't know what's happening, whether I still qualify or not and thus I'm paying thousands and thousands of pounds to have my trip ruined and there's nothing I can do about it without losing all of that money, which clearly isn't an option. I was about to book my 2025 Oct/Nov trip but I won't be now until things are more clear and I know I can still be accommodated properly.

I already know the "bathroom pass" checkpoint nonsense won't work for me or my needs but I doubt they even remotely care about that or the added stress it's putting on me now and my trip. I'm supposed to be looking forward to my holiday, not dreading and feeling like I've wasted an humongous chunk of money to sit around and not be able to ride anything with the rest my family ever.
I'm from Canada, and I have always purchased my trips over the years, no less than 4 months out (this year I did it 9 months out due to planning it out with sister's family), you have no choice with plane flights, hotels, cars, there is lots to plan out because it's essentially a once a year trip at best and we make them longer to maximize our precious dollars and you need everything to match up so you can have your "magical" vacation that they love to advertise.

Can't expect a non-local to be able to adapt to the new system in under 2 months, they are shunning a large chunk of their customers, who may be turned off from returning in future years. I know now regardless if they grant me some leniency this year or not, next year I'll have to severely change the way I plan for these trips.
And i think that is a really big deal… I know it’s just 10 minutes, but the DAS guest is already waiting the standby time, and then waiting in the LL and then has to wait an additional 10 min to choose a new attraction…

It all adds up and I think that is a big step in the right direction.. making the DAS less attractive to those who want to be dishonest to get one.
They could let Genie (free) book your next pass automatically when it accounts for location and interests.
One thing that would be of help to me, and maybe many others, would be the ability to register more than 30 days out from beginning of trip. If DAS is changed to the point where whatever accomodations would affect trips, it may be too late to alter or cancel some elements, (air fare for example. If I waited until 30 days out, cost of air fare would be much higher than if I booked it months in advance).

Perhaps other costs would no longer be the same with having to alter plans at or within 30 days, but being able to do the registration earlier would at least let guests know what plans would need to change or be canceled.

Since I fall into the non Developmental Disability category, it could mean that I would have to severely change my plans, or cancel altogether.
One thing that would be of help to me, and maybe many others, would be the ability to register more than 30 days out from beginning of trip. If DAS is changed to the point where whatever accomodations would affect trips, it may be too late to alter or cancel some elements, (air fare for example. If I waited until 30 days out, cost of air fare would be much higher than if I booked it months in advance).

Perhaps other costs would no longer be the same with having to alter plans at or within 30 days, but being able to do the registration earlier would at least let guests know what plans would need to change or be canceled.

Since I fall into the non Developmental Disability category, it could mean that I would have to severely change my plans, or cancel altogether.
Now that they are planning to remove the advanced selections, I don't know why they didn't expand the time to register for DAS (no ride times are being affected anymore, could have linked up with restaurant scheduling which is 60 days away from visit). Tradition DAS users have very complicated lives and have a lot of planning involved to be able to go to places like Disney. It would greatly help knowing if we would apply or not much further out than just 1 month.
Now that they are planning to remove the advanced selections, I don't know why they didn't expand the time to register for DAS (no ride times are being affected anymore, could have linked up with restaurant scheduling which is 60 days away from visit). Tradition DAS users have very complicated lives and have a lot of planning involved to be able to go to places like Disney. It would greatly help knowing if we would apply or not much further out than just 1 month.
And maybe something like could come eventually. Disney has to make the transition between the "old" rules and the "new" rules, and widening the window right now would just add more people to the system when resources are already a bit strained (all of the people whose trips are more than 30 days away who are calling now with questions that Disney probably can't answer yet).
Can't expect a non-local to be able to adapt to the new system in under 2 months, they are shunning a large chunk of their customers, who may be turned off from returning in future years.
I empathize with you.

International travel is tough and there is a great deal of planning for this type of travel. WDW and Disney parks in general at one time were hyper-focused on their guests and their satisfaction and really bent over backwards to make their Disney trip super special and magical. Now, WDW and other Disney parks are creeping closer to just like any other tourist destination. It's sad to see, but you shouldn't expect WDW to be any better than the competition in many respects.

I wish you well on your vacation and hope you have a blast.
Why not? Other tourist destinations don't tell us in advance if something is changing or closing. Why are Disney Parks expected to do differently?? Universal certainly didn't give folks 6 months in advance and yet folks adapted and continued to go.
Agreed, poor and confusing communication is one thing but realistically it's always going to impact someone's trip, someone who plans well in advance, someone who is dropping a lot of money and time into the trip. Lengthening the time would only lead to even more uncertainty for many more people, people are already mentioning anxiety and angst over calling and now you'd want them to have many more months added onto that uncertainty?

And Disney is not one for giving advanced notice, they don't on ticket pricing; the DIS is the place I find out about that lol. Nor restaurant increases, nor a variety of things.


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