Cruisers since 9/11 flying from MCO


DIS Veteran
Jul 28, 2000
This is our 3rd cruise, 8/02, so I know about the normal disenbarkment, but the airport I want to fly out of, home, only has a 11:04 return flight on Saturday. Am I cutting it too short? We also will have to pickup a rental car from Avis, which we did last year. I am afraid there will not be enough time. Probably will have to switch airports, trying to fly out of what I thought was the safest. How long did it take at MCO? Thanks!
We flew out of MCO on 10/7. We left the ship about 9:00. Our car was in the lot so we didn't have to go to Avis so I can't advise of the length of time to do that, yet--but I'll know in about 2 weeks. Anyway, the trip to the airport is not that long--about 45 minutes to an hour. We took several detours (tried to get to KSC the back way--blocked, then tried the front way, and didn;t have enough time to tour; several pit stops, etc.) Got to the airport, did curbside check in, returned rental car, and got through the line, still had at least 3 hours to kill. Delta is still advising getting to the airport about 2 hours prior to check in, with expected waits of about 30 minutes+ If all goes as it usually does, you can get off the ship early, and make it to MCO. But, if something unusual happens--delayed docking, etc., it might be cutting it a little too close. Maybe by 8/02 the security will be better adjusted for the times, etc.


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