CRAZY DIS ASIANS! A Sept 2018 TR...COMPLETED 6/1 The last day!!

Woo! I'm here for this!

*Su-Lynn pats herself on the back for clever TR title as others roll their eyes*

I laughed as soon as I saw it b/c I knew how much you loved this movie!

PINK = Pain IN the Knee
(because I busted my knee 3 days before the trip ended. Insert very sad face here)

Noo! Ugh!


I love that his intro picture is in the Land!!

Chunkysis aka Su-Queen

I was so glad she tagged you in facebook pictures so I could get even more Disney-ness to hold me over until december :rotfl:

So her carry-on was almost as heavy as her checked bag. :sad2:


It was 3:30am and I was not ready to wake up! I'm not like those people who are so excited about going to Disney that they can't sleep the night before. I need my sleep to PREPARE for Disney LOL.

Same! I want to get there early, but I hate the wake up call! The bad part from here is if I want to fly into MCO there are no direct flights, so I have to connect in Atlanta or Dallas, so my 3 1/2 hour flight usually turns into 4 1/2 to 5 hours with the layover.

I think I may have to forgo the early morning flights from now on! But it gets us in so early that we have an entire day at Disney ahead of us!

I say this every single time. Although DH and I did the fly-in-a-day-early-on-a-late-flight-and-stay-at-the-Hyatt thing for NYE and it was so convenient it's what we're doing for this NYE too.

I know it's not required but I always do when we have a bag stored under the bus.

This is when we tip, too. If they don't have to deal with our bags I usually don't, but the past few times we've had a couple of bags under there.

So when we got to the boat it looked like this:



The line length is always so daunting. I am amazed when they manage to get so many people on those boats. The boats seem so small to me, it doesn't feel like they should hold as much as they do.
Joining in, love your reports especially when Chunky sis is with, love all her outfits and character meets.

Love your Crazy Dis-Asians title, very good!

We are in the 3am wake-up club for travel days, so tiring but I love to get a park in on the first day.

Love the Toy Story ears, ooooooh, ahhhhhhhh!!
Joining in and I love your trip reports. Long time reader first time saying hi !

Thank you so much for reading and welcome!! :)

Following! Your trip reports are always a joy to read.

Thank you so much!! :)

Yes I am in! Enjoyed following your trip on IG and can't wait to hear alllll about it! I'm so sorry you hurt your knee :(

Thank you!!
Yes, it was something that I was in denial of for the last few days of the trip...thankfully it is a little better now but it still hurts!


Steve is DEFINITELY the craziest asian!! He's just sneaky about it because he seems so normal.

Hahaha I like how you word this. It's always the normal ones who are the craziest. :laughing:

I always enjoy your writing! Thanks for sharing your adventures!

Thank you so much for reading!! :)

Great start! Your dresses are super cute!

Thank you!! :)

Following! I love your reports. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thank you so much for reading! :)

So excited for this. I loved following your trip on instagram!

Thank you so much!! :)

I'm sorry, but I'm TOTALLY with Chunkysis on this one!! Not being prepared for pressed penny machines and then using non-shiny pennies is seriously the worst. The designs come out looking terrible with dirty pennies, and it's, like, impossible to clean them after they've been pressed. I didn't bring nearly as many as she did, granted, but I definitely set aside a baggy in my purse with all my shiniest pennies and enough quarters to pay for them before we left for our trip! :angel:

The penny machines are there for a reason, and that reason is the both of you!! :rotfl:
I do understand how the shiny pennies do look really pretty when pressed out. But she brought A LOT, LOL

Oh my goodness, me too! Disney takes energy! I don't have that if I don't sleep. And sleep WELL.

Agreed! Need my slee!

:rotfl: Of course! This has happened to us before with rolls of quarters that we packed for paying the tolls while driving.

They always laugh when they find out what it is and the reason my sister gives. Pressed penny machines!!

For someone with a 6am flight, you actually look pretty great!

Thank you! Good lighting.

Oooh, I didn't realize this was a thing! They look great! :goodvibes

I didn't either but I saw a small news snippet a few weeks ago.


But seriously though, that feeling never goes away. I'm with you there. :lovestruc

Right? It's like you're a kid going for the first time again!

I'm beginning to count the similarities between myself and your sister...and they're all the things that you write about that seem the most silly/annoying! :rotfl2: Oops!! I guess I'm THAT travel buddy.

Haha yes you guys would make good travelling companions!
It's not really that annoying but it's only because we're family so we have to make fun of each other. #sisterlylove

This is super cute! You look great!

Thank you!

I thought so, too! So precious! The new TSMM entrance looks awesome and totally fits with the theming, too.

It really is very cute and colorful!

Oh my gosh, I'd be dying. I don't know how she does it.

We all don't know how she does it. Occasionally she does remove the cardigan, but very rarely!

OK Subbing in, but I have so much to catch up on, I'll be back to catch up.

Hi Alison!! Thanks for joining!

We were there the same week! I love your Toy Story ears. So cute!

Oh nice!! Wasn't it so hot? I was dying the first few days. I keep saying I'll never go back in Sept but...the deals are too good so I put up with the heat! :rotfl:
Woo hoo another Chunky TR. following along and looking forward to reading more. I love the EPCOT area resorts - especially during food and wine.

Thank you!! It was fantastic staying at Beach Club. I love the Epcot resorts and can stay in them at any time!

I thought I read Crazy Rich Asians last year but just looked and it was Rich People Problems by the same author. Will have to read the other now and see the movie. Have heard good things about the movie .

Yup the first is Crazy Rich Asians, so it'll probably give you more context for Rich People Problems.
It really is a great movie that is very heartfelt, funny, and it was shot in my home country, Singapore. :)

LOVE your Trip Reports, LOVE your HUMOR, LOVE your family. It makes my day when one of your reports pop up.

Aww thank you so much, that is so sweet of you to say!! :lovestruc

PS: I have to ask: How many vacation days do you and Chubby Hubby actually get? :)

Haha, I get asked this a lot as everyone just thinks we're at Disney all the time.
I get 5 weeks of vacation plus a few extra floater days depending on the year. Steve actually gets a little more than me but are just PTO days so includes sick time off too. So whether he's out sick or on vacation or a personal day it's counted as a PTO Day. I get a separate pool of "sick days" but it's really for when I really am sick (and I'm bad at lying, LOL)!
I also try to go on trips on long weekends, like labor day and veterans day so I can extend the magic too. Next year we are going on MLK weekend for our first January visit. :)

I secretly stalk all your trip reports and I'm so glad there is another so soon.

Thank you so much that is very sweet!! I am truly grateful to all the stalkers on my trip reports! :lovestruc

I love your trip reports and I was hoping you'd do one for this latest trip! It was great following along on IG (sorry if I commented on your stories too much :-D) and looking forward to the rest of your report!

Thank you so much!! And thank you for commenting!! It really is great to know who is watching, and to get some feedback!! It's fun doing the stories actually as I can look back and see how I felt in a particular moment of the trip. :)

"Can I help you?"
"Will you help me?"

Well, if you put it that way...



"I travel light. I only need two suitcases (and a carry on. Don't tell anyone.)"

That is not the definition of traveling light!

OK so I should have mentioned it was "our" suitcases. One of them is Steve's and I pack for him! :laughing:

well.... yeah. Of course.
Who wants a grubby pressed penny? :confused3

Ok true. I guess I stand shiny corrected.

Just a bit past 3:30am as I read this and I'm about ready to get to bed.

Good morning!

Nope. You look cute.

Thank you!

Oh. Sorry.


I know what that means! ::yes::


Oh! I didn't know that was a thing.

Apparently the news travels a little slower up north!

Knew it. And nice shot, too! :)

:thumbsup2 Thanks!

Sigh... Usually, no. I'm so excited about getting to Disney that I forget. And then when he pulls the bag out, I don't have anything for a tip ready. Ugh.

I know, there have been times I forgot, and for the record, I think I was one of the few to tip the ME driver even though many people had bags, but I just feel like it's a nice thing to do so I always prepare.

So...... was it hot? Perhaps a touch humid? No? :rolleyes1

Nah of course not, dry as the sahara. My hair just likes to frizz at 10:37am.

I'm keeping track of this, you know.
I'm starting to wonder if the price of a cruise is worth it just for the popcorn bucket.

Regularly, that would be a no.
In Disney math speak, absolutely book that cruise now solely for the popcorn bucket.

Really! I wonder as they keep working on it, if it will expand?


I get this. You can't rest easy until you know for sure that everything's okay. And considering how important character shots are for her...

Yes it was very important to her...I was just very hot and wanted to leave. :boat:


good hashtag

Huh. Going up faster than I thought.

A lot of progress made since I saw it in June!

Very fashionable. You look thrilled.

Everyone wants a statement necklace.
But I did get jealous stares.

Same here! You and your sis remind me of me and mine. And I always fantasize about being solo or just the two of us. We have slow walking husbands and we were Disney trained commandos by our Gram. Our kids can hustle though.

Love your outfits

Aww that's so sweet. Thank you! It's always us girls who can hustle when there's someplace to be. I have done my share of hustling Steve to get to places, and my sister for some meals unless it's a character meal. :)

Thank you!

I love that song! Thankfully my girls have shifted from the pressed pennies to the pin trading. It's lighter on the suitcase.

Haha I'll let my sister know!!

You look great!

Thank you! Good lighting!

I always want to sit in the front and the girls always insist on sitting in the way back.

I am definitely all for the front, esp the very front!

I always wonder this as well. We usually try to not have our big suitcases. But I think we did the one time we went down late and had to pick up the suitcases.

Yeah usually we have a small carry on because I'm always scared the airline is going to lose our luggage so I do bring 1 change of clothes for me and Steve on the plane in case!

Great photo.

Thank you! I love the Aliens!

YEAH!!! Can't wait to hear about all of those things! Tiffany was one of my favorites.


I’m here. Love your trip reports.

Thank you so much! Great seeing you here!

Excited for another Chunkymonkey trip report!

Thank you so much!! :)

Those dresses are adorable! Does Chunkysis never get warm. I'm sweating just looking at her!

Oh yes, she does, but she's a slave to fashion. :cool:

Chunkysis is a smart girl. Shiny pennies are a must for the pressed penny machines. Don't waste the money with a dirty penny.

I guess if you're going to do pressed pennies might as well have the shiniest ones available!
She definitely didn't need like 4 rolls though...:rotfl:

You are a very photogenic family!

Aww thank you!!

Following along!!! I always love your TRs!

Thank you so much!! :)

Love love love your dresses! Can't wait for more!

Thank you!! We try our best to be "themed" LOL.

Woo! I'm here for this!

Yay!! Glad to see you back on the boards!

I laughed as soon as I saw it b/c I knew how much you loved this movie!

I am very proud of that title, LOL.

Noo! Ugh!

Yup, unfortunately the knee slowed me down significantly :sad:
It still does! I am moving like this...:snail:

I love that his intro picture is in the Land!!

It's only fitting!

I was so glad she tagged you in facebook pictures so I could get even more Disney-ness to hold me over until december :rotfl:

Haha, she definitely does have a bunch of pictures! :thumbsup2

Same! I want to get there early, but I hate the wake up call! The bad part from here is if I want to fly into MCO there are no direct flights, so I have to connect in Atlanta or Dallas, so my 3 1/2 hour flight usually turns into 4 1/2 to 5 hours with the layover.

Yeah it's a tough call sometimes. I really want to get there early, but I'll feel so tired the whole day...

I say this every single time. Although DH and I did the fly-in-a-day-early-on-a-late-flight-and-stay-at-the-Hyatt thing for NYE and it was so convenient it's what we're doing for this NYE too.

Yes! I am a big fan of this plan. I think Steve and I will do it for the next couple of trips.

This is when we tip, too. If they don't have to deal with our bags I usually don't, but the past few times we've had a couple of bags under there.

Agreed! :thumbsup2


The line length is always so daunting. I am amazed when they manage to get so many people on those boats. The boats seem so small to me, it doesn't feel like they should hold as much as they do.

I know!! I am always so ugh when I see that line but was grateful we made it on the 2nd boat. You have to see the state of DHS's buses right now...they are all being diverted to the far end of the parking lot so it's a LONG walk to any buses. I was sooo grateful we were at an Epcot resort that week because you had to walk a third of a mile just to get from the bus to the front entrance. :faint: We did that long walk (and then some) during our trip. It's definitely what probably put my knee in this state. :faint:

Joining in, love your reports especially when Chunky sis is with, love all her outfits and character meets.

Thank you so much Caroline!!

Love your Crazy Dis-Asians title, very good!

Hehe. I think so too!

We are in the 3am wake-up club for travel days, so tiring but I love to get a park in on the first day.

It is really nice to spend a whole first day at Disney!!

Love the Toy Story ears, ooooooh, ahhhhhhhh!!

Thank you!! They are from Aloha Ears Design!
Hi, Su-Lynn! I knew it was going to be yours, just by the title!

*Su-Lynn pats herself on the back for clever TR title as others roll their eyes*

I love it! So clever!

PINK = Pain IN the Knee
(because I busted my knee 3 days before the trip ended. Insert very sad face here)


Too stubborn to slow down due to busted knee because she thought it was fine and is now doing 6 weeks of physical therapy for said knee.

Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear this :sad1:

Oh and we got the brand new ME buses. They are really nice and feel like the cruise line buses with the round windows and all but they were brand new!


How cute! I don't even know they had new busses. I hope I get one next month :love:

Sitting up front allowed us to get this coveted shot:



Question, do you guys tip the ME driver? I know it's not required but I always do when we have a bag stored under the bus.

Same. If I just have a little bag that I carry, I don't.

Plus we wanted to show off our Toy Story attire.


You girls are always on point! I absolutely love your dresses!

we walked over to Star Tours, on the way Steve and I got this picture which I think is cute:



After Star Tours I got a text with our room number and Steve wanted to go back to the room as he was hot but then my sister spots Donald and Daisy so her and I decided to wait for a picture.


Adorable :-)

Yes it was 90 degrees, yes my sister is wearing a sweater. #crazyDISasian


I am going to hire your sister to be my stylist. She's just so perfect :worship:
Here and ready for the adventure!!

Can I just say that I was OBSESSED with finding that Toy Story dress from Hot Topic before my August trip?? It was online only (why does Canada not get all the good stuff?) and it would have cost $34 USD in international shipping to get it. So I had to accept the fact that a cute Toy Story dress was not going to happen. But it looks great on you!
Hi Guys! :flower3: So excited to be following along! You have great TR! I think your sister is going to add a FUN twist...because why wouldnt you annouce to the world you have a frozen coke!!!:love:
I’m here! I love your trip reports! I’m a card maker too and follow your sister on Instagram so I was keeping up with your trip a bit thru your Instagram and eagerly anticipating your trip report!
Following along. I've recently discovered the trip reports and have been catching up on yours and many others from Disboards regulars. Excited to have a new one to read!!
Well, if you put it that way...



But I can't get over how dizzy she must be by now.

OK so I should have mentioned it was "our" suitcases. One of them is Steve's and I pack for him! :laughing:

(But you're probably too young to know this one.)

Ok true. I guess I stand shiny corrected.

You can sit. On account of your knee.

Apparently the news travels a little slower up north!

Yes. You posted this last night, but I'm only reading it this morning!

I know, there have been times I forgot, and for the record, I think I was one of the few to tip the ME driver even though many people had bags, but I just feel like it's a nice thing to do so I always prepare.

It is nice. Right thing to do, too... And... I forget. Almost every time.

Nah of course not, dry as the sahara. My hair just likes to frizz at 10:37am.

Thank you for the clarification.

Regularly, that would be a no.
In Disney math speak, absolutely book that cruise now solely for the popcorn bucket.


Yes it was very important to her...I was just very hot and wanted to leave. :boat:


Everyone wants a statement necklace.
But I did get jealous stares.


:lmao: I bet!
You have to see the state of DHS's buses right now...they are all being diverted to the far end of the parking lot so it's a LONG walk to any buses. I was sooo grateful we were at an Epcot resort that week because you had to walk a third of a mile just to get from the bus to the front entrance. :faint: We did that long walk (and then some) during our trip. It's definitely what probably put my knee in this state. :faint:

Every time I see the reports of the new long walk I close my eyes and pretend it's not real :rotfl::rotfl:

I haven't paid much attention to when it's supposed to be finished because I am in denial, lol.

I'm planning to start a PTR for the upcoming trip, so I'll be around more!
Not too bad! Joining your report just a couple of updates already in progress. Usually I am playing major catch up.

Great title for your trip report! I loved the intros, even tho' I have known you through your reports just about forever!


I am not surprised that your sister was stopped and her bag checked because of the pennies/quarters. That happened to me a few years ago, and a few others have said they experienced the same thing with the coins. BTW- I have read that shiny pennies are not actually the best ones to used for the pressed coins- I think the pre-1964 ones are best due to the material they are made from- and I think you are supposed to soak them in coke and ketchup or something like that. But I usually just try to find shiny ones.

That is a fantastic arch shot! I love the front row. No matter how many times you cross into the bubble it will always be a thrill!

I'm a former food server so I tend to be an obsessive tipper. I am also a planner- I am usually prepared with the proper bills for bus drivers and waitstaff and tour guides.

I like the way the 3 of you are all wearing coordinating outfits in the lobby picture, but I love the Toy Story dresses you and CS changed into even more. OMG- the alien ears, too!

Thanks for visiting my corner. I have just started to save pictures from there into a folder- mine and others. I just ran across the trip report I have for Flat Ben, and there are a couple of him there.

UGH! Those friendship boats are SOOOOOO hot! Still better than walking in many circumstances, but :scared:

Fabulous start as always! You and your sis looked awesome for a 6:00 AM flight. I am impressed with the fixed hair and well-done make up. I'd be like "my teeth are brushed - be happy for that"!!!
So excited you have another trip report! We were at Disney the same time you were and it was crazy hot and humid.
I was the one who ran up to you in Animal Kingdom like a lunatic!
SO excited for a new trip report! I have to ask... what are the two character pictures that your sister is missing? You two are adorable -- your Disney fashionista style is on point, always!!! I need to confess... I saw you outside the Festival Center in Epcot on 9/2. But I realized it only as I passed you and then my brain froze and all I could think of was "chunky" and decided in the moment that yelling "hey, chunky" might not be the best. But I do hope to get another opportunity to meet you one day. :flower3:

The boat situation at Hollywood Studios is a mess with the extended walk to the Epcot resorts now. Know it will all be worth it in the end (Galaxy's Edge!!) but painful right now.

Can't wait for more!!!


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