CRAZY DIS ASIANS! A Sept 2018 TR...COMPLETED 6/1 The last day!!

Friday August 31st Day 0: The Night Before

Our flight was scheduled to leave really early in the morning. Like 6am early. We live in NJ and my brother in law Marc said he'd drive us to the airport. Marc is the nicest guy as I would probably never offer. :laughing: I was actually all set to take an Uber! My sister spent the night at our house so that Marc wouldn't have to make an extra stop. That only means that night we gave each other a little fashion show of what we were going to wear and I decided to pull 3 extra outfits from my suitcase so I'd have room for a new popcorn bucket (the bubbling cauldron was calling my name). My suitcases were actually very light which is how I usually like to travel. My sister on the other hand had a packed suitcase, and I told her she'd probably need a little more room in case she wants to buy stuff which always happens, so she removed some extra items so that it was maybe 94% full instead of 98% and maybe saved like half a pound in weight. :rotfl:

I lifted up her carry-on bag and I almost dropped it! It was so heavy! What was in here?

"Shiny Pennies" was her answer. :sad2:


Yup, rolls and rolls of shiny pennies and quarters ready for the penny machines at WDW. Because apparently if you just get change at the stores the pennies aren't SHINY and it is not good enough. So her carry-on was almost as heavy as her checked bag. :sad2:

I tagged all the checked luggage with the ME tags and we put them all downstairs ready to go in the morning. It was 11pm and I was ready for bed!

Saturday September 1st Day 1 Part 1: And It Begins...

It was 3:30am and I was not ready to wake up! I'm not like those people who are so excited about going to Disney that they can't sleep the night before. I need my sleep to PREPARE for Disney LOL. We tiredly got up and got ready, thinking we were behind schedule and that Marc would get her before we were ready but it was Marc who ended up being about 20 minutes late, haha. It's ok, we don't live far from the airport so it's not like we would be late or anything. I used to extra time to eat a big breakfast, stuff we had prepared the night before.

We got to the airport, checked in and headed to our gate. We all have pre-check so we go through the expedited line but of course my SISTER gets stopped during security and they have to check her bag because of her rolls of PENNIES and QUARTERS. Steve of course made fun of her and CS just tossed her hair in return. #whyamInotSOLO

At the gate I made an Amazon Prime Now order to get bottles of water delivered as well as fruit and bath salts for me, which I find to be the best thing for recovery after a long day at the parks.

Finally on board the plane for an on-time flight!


Do I look tired?


Don't answer that.

I think I may have to forgo the early morning flights from now on! But it gets us in so early that we have an entire day at Disney ahead of us! We touched down ahead of schedule and made our way on the fauxrail to Magical Express. A little crowded this morning due to the labor day weekend but nothing crazy or anything.


It actually wasn't too bad of a wait because when we got on line they started to load the bus. We were one of the last people to board but there was still a lot of room, and my sister and I sat in the very front with Steve a few rows behind us.

Oh and we got the brand new ME buses. They are really nice and feel like the cruise line buses with the round windows and all but they were brand new!


We were ready to go! Wow 3 hours from take off to sitting on ME...that is one advantage of the early morning flights. No terminal traffic to delay your flight!


Sitting up front allowed us to get this coveted shot:


I'm HOME!! Why is it that I get all giddy when I see the sign even though it's not our first time here and I was just here in June and 7 times last year, but every time just feels like the first time, right? #crazyDISasian

I think our first stop was the Boardwalk, and the second was Beach Club! Question, do you guys tip the ME driver? I know it's not required but I always do when we have a bag stored under the bus.
Our room was not ready so we went to change and store our stuff with Bell Services. Before we changed we got a picture in the lobby:


We changed and went to the marketplace. Steve got a refillable mug and since I don't drink soda I just have a reusable water bottle so I fill it with ice water. My sister refused to carry any bottles with her because her coins are already so heavy and she would just get water at the parks. Although, she does have a preference for Frozen Coke and will announce it to the world when she gets one. :laughing:

I don't know why I did my FP this way but I had made 2 FP for the daytime for DHS and then a Slinky Dog FP at night. In between we had an Eat to the Beat dining package at Epcot, so we'd be doubling back to DHS. Oh right I remember why I did this, it's because I'm a Crazy DIS Asian. :rotfl:

Actually I think it's because we couldn't wait to see Toy Story Land so our first stop HAD to be DHS, right?

Plus we wanted to show off our Toy Story attire.


CS was decked out in a Toy Story print dress. She bought a lot of stuff from those Facebook groups that do group orders. The products take a few weeks turnaround as they are made to order based on the amount bought, but they are very cheap and are usually in bright colorful prints. My dress was from Hot Topic and looks like regular floral but there are Toy Story characters disbursed subtly in the print.

We made our way towards the boat. It was only around 10:30am but it was already HOT.



We arrived at DHS and we had to go to the ticket counter to activate Steve's AP. Once we did that, we were good to go, but Steve only realized after he went through the turnstiles that he never got an AP card! They just said ok and waved him away so it was activated but he didn't have a card to show people to get AP discounts and stuff. I guess he could just have pulled it up on his phone but that's too cumbersome. He went to get a card from Guest Services later on.

Here we are!! My hair is already a frizzy nest.


Most importantly, I brought my refillable popcorn bucket, the one that is supposed to be never-expiring. I've had it almost a year and it is true, it has never been denied by a CM for refilling.


We had FP for RnRC and Star Tours but we were most excited just to SEE Toy Story Land! So we headed with the masses in that direction.

Our first glimpse!


We're here!


Toy Story Land is super cute!! It's not big, smaller than Pandora, but they have the new entrance to Toy Story Mania there, Slinky Dog Dash which is the first thing you see when you enter, Alien Swirling Saucers (A.S.S.) which is all the way in the back, and Woody's Lunchbox which is the quick service spot. I took mostly video of Toy Story Land. I'll probably put together a vlog at some point so you can see it or you can head over to my instagram stories which I have saved as a highlight.



We looked around, took a few pictures and marveled at it. It was definitely crowded that morning so we went back out and did our FP

Ooooh The Claw!


We walked back out and went to RnRC. On the way I snapped a pic of Dee's Corner for @natebenma. Even though there's not much to see in the window now, it's still looking good!


I haven't downloaded all the PP pictures yet so no ride pic from RnRC but I know that when we got out it was pouring, and so we all put on our ponchos (well, Steve and I did but CS is not going to let that ruin her hair and spontaneous photopass moments so she had an umbrella instead). Of course 2 minutes after we walked out the rain ends so my sister ends up laughing at us instead. My sister decides to skip Star Tours to meet Olaf instead so we walked over to Star Tours, on the way Steve and I got this picture which I think is cute:


While on Star Tours my sister announced to everyone that she got a Frozen coke:


And a picture with Olaf:


After Star Tours I got a text with our room number and Steve wanted to go back to the room as he was hot but then my sister spots Donald and Daisy so her and I decided to wait for a picture.


But of course we had to go to the Photopass center right after because my sister couldn't see any of the photopass pictures because it was my memory maker but even though we were linked we had to link up again so that she could view my pictures. This is very important to her so we had to spend additional time doing this. :sad2:

So when we got to the boat it looked like this:


Steve was on the boat that was filling up right there, but it only could fit a few more people before it left. Then a CM came and counted the number of people in line that would fit on the next boat and OMG we just made the cut off!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

My sister couldn't just wait in line so she went to get a PP pic. I was honestly too hot to walk anymore so I just waited in line. Yes it was 90 degrees, yes my sister is wearing a sweater. #crazyDISasian


Here's a picture of the new Gondola station. Good progress since June!


On the boat, it was crowded and hot so I had to pull out the fashionable neck fan.


It was only 1:30pm and I was already drained. Hopefully some sustenance would help me!

Coming up, lunch at Teppan Edo, a date with Tiffany, and Slinky Dog!

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"Shiny Pennies" was her answer. :sad2:


Yup, rolls and rolls of shiny pennies and quarters ready for the penny machines at WDW. Because apparently if you just get change at the stores the pennies aren't SHINY and it is not good enough.

I'm sorry, but I'm TOTALLY with Chunkysis on this one!! Not being prepared for pressed penny machines and then using non-shiny pennies is seriously the worst. The designs come out looking terrible with dirty pennies, and it's, like, impossible to clean them after they've been pressed. I didn't bring nearly as many as she did, granted, but I definitely set aside a baggy in my purse with all my shiniest pennies and enough quarters to pay for them before we left for our trip! :angel:

I'm not like those people who are so excited about going to Disney that they can't sleep the night before. I need my sleep to PREPARE for Disney LOL.

Oh my goodness, me too! Disney takes energy! I don't have that if I don't sleep. And sleep WELL.

but of course my SISTER gets stopped during security and they have to check her bag because of her rolls of PENNIES and QUARTERS.

:rotfl: Of course! This has happened to us before with rolls of quarters that we packed for paying the tolls while driving.

Do I look tired?


Don't answer that.


For someone with a 6am flight, you actually look pretty great!

Oooh, I didn't realize this was a thing! They look great! :goodvibes

Why is it that I get all giddy when I see the sign even though it's not our first time here and I was just here in June and 7 times last year


But seriously though, that feeling never goes away. I'm with you there. :lovestruc

Question, do you guys tip the ME driver? I know it's not required but I always do when we have a bag stored under the bus.

I do, yes!! But only if I have a bag under the bus. And only a couple bucks per bag. My rule of thumb is that I tip anyone who I see touch my bag. So, like, if a taxi driver takes it out of the trunk for me, I add a small amount to the tip for the bags. If bell services brings my suitcase to my room and I'm there to open the door, I tip them. If bell services/DME people bring the bag to my room while I'm not there and they just leave it, then I'll off the hook.

Although, she does have a preference for Frozen Coke and will announce it to the world when she gets one. :laughing:

I'm beginning to count the similarities between myself and your sister...and they're all the things that you write about that seem the most silly/annoying! :rotfl2: Oops!! I guess I'm THAT travel buddy.

Oh right I remember why I did this, it's because I'm a Crazy DIS Asian. :rotfl:

I'm beginning to sense a pattern! :laughing:

This is super cute! You look great!

Toy Story Land is super cute!!

I thought so, too! So precious! The new TSMM entrance looks awesome and totally fits with the theming, too.

Yes it was 90 degrees, yes my sister is wearing a sweater. #crazyDISasian

Oh my gosh, I'd be dying. I don't know how she does it.
Woo hoo another Chunky TR. following along and looking forward to reading more. I love the EPCOT area resorts - especially during food and wine.

I thought I read Crazy Rich Asians last year but just looked and it was Rich People Problems by the same author. Will have to read the other now and see the movie. Have heard good things about the movie .
LOVE your Trip Reports, LOVE your HUMOR, LOVE your family. It makes my day when one of your reports pop up.

PS: I have to ask: How many vacation days do you and Chubby Hubby actually get? :)
I love your trip reports and I was hoping you'd do one for this latest trip! It was great following along on IG (sorry if I commented on your stories too much :-D) and looking forward to the rest of your report!
Marc said he'd drive us to the airport. Marc is the nicest guy as I would probably never offer. :laughing:

"Can I help you?"
"Will you help me?"

That only means that night we gave each other a little fashion show of what we were going to wear


My suitcases were actually very light which is how I usually like to travel.


"I travel light. I only need two suitcases (and a carry on. Don't tell anyone.)"

That is not the definition of traveling light!

I lifted up her carry-on bag and I almost dropped it! It was so heavy! What was in here?

"Shiny Pennies" was her answer. :sad2:

well.... yeah. Of course.
Who wants a grubby pressed penny? :confused3

It was 3:30am and I was not ready to wake up!

Just a bit past 3:30am as I read this and I'm about ready to get to bed.

We all have pre-check so we go through the expedited line

Nice. I don't fly enough for me to make it worthwhile (Well, I don't know if I could even do pre-check, but NEXUS in Canada I could.)

but of course my SISTER gets stopped during security and they have to check her bag because of her rolls of PENNIES and QUARTERS.


Do I look tired?

Nope. You look cute.

Don't answer that.

Oh. Sorry.

It actually wasn't too bad of a wait because when we got on line they started to load the bus.

Nice! No waiting.

my sister and I sat in the very front

I know what that means! ::yes::

Oh and we got the brand new ME buses. They are really nice and feel like the cruise line buses with the round windows and all but they were brand new!

Oh! I didn't know that was a thing.

Sitting up front allowed us to get this coveted shot:

Knew it. And nice shot, too! :)

I'm HOME!! Why is it that I get all giddy when I see the sign even though it's not our first time here and I was just here in June and 7 times last year, but every time just feels like the first time, right?


Question, do you guys tip the ME driver?

Sigh... Usually, no. I'm so excited about getting to Disney that I forget. And then when he pulls the bag out, I don't have anything for a tip ready. Ugh.

Steve only realized after he went through the turnstiles that he never got an AP card!

Whoops! Gonna want to have that.

Here we are!! My hair is already a frizzy nest.

So...... was it hot? Perhaps a touch humid? No? :rolleyes1

Most importantly, I brought my refillable popcorn bucket, the one that is supposed to be never-expiring. I've had it almost a year and it is true, it has never been denied by a CM for refilling.

I'm keeping track of this, you know.
I'm starting to wonder if the price of a cruise is worth it just for the popcorn bucket.

There it is! Looks cool!

Toy Story Land is super cute!! It's not big, smaller than Pandora,

Really! I wonder as they keep working on it, if it will expand?

Alien Swirling Saucers (A.S.S.)


Ooooh The Claw!



Steve and I got this picture which I think is cute:


But of course we had to go to the Photopass center right after because my sister couldn't see any of the photopass pictures because it was my memory maker but even though we were linked we had to link up again so that she could view my pictures. This is very important to her so we had to spend additional time doing this. :sad2:

I get this. You can't rest easy until you know for sure that everything's okay. And considering how important character shots are for her...

Steve was on the boat that was filling up right there, but it only could fit a few more people before it left. Then a CM came and counted the number of people in line that would fit on the next boat and OMG we just made the cut off!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Woot! No waiting!

Yes it was 90 degrees, yes my sister is wearing a sweater. #crazyDISasian


Here's a picture of the new Gondola station. Good progress since June!

Huh. Going up faster than I thought.

Very fashionable. You look thrilled.
I secretly stalk all your trip reports and I'm so glad there is another so soon.

Same here! You and your sis remind me of me and mine. And I always fantasize about being solo or just the two of us. We have slow walking husbands and we were Disney trained commandos by our Gram. Our kids can hustle though.

Love your outfits
I lifted up her carry-on bag and I almost dropped it! It was so heavy! What was in here?

"Shiny Pennies" was her answer. :sad2:

I love that song! Thankfully my girls have shifted from the pressed pennies to the pin trading. It's lighter on the suitcase.

Do I look tired?


Don't answer that.
You look great!

Sitting up front allowed us to get this coveted shot:

I always want to sit in the front and the girls always insist on sitting in the way back.

I think our first stop was the Boardwalk, and the second was Beach Club! Question, do you guys tip the ME driver? I know it's not required but I always do when we have a bag stored under the bus.
I always wonder this as well. We usually try to not have our big suitcases. But I think we did the one time we went down late and had to pick up the suitcases.

Ooooh The Claw!

Great photo.

Coming up, lunch at Teppan Edo, a date with Tiffany, and Slinky Dog!
YEAH!!! Can't wait to hear about all of those things! Tiffany was one of my favorites.
Excited for another Chunkymonkey trip report!

Those dresses are adorable! Does Chunkysis never get warm. I'm sweating just looking at her!

Chunkysis is a smart girl. Shiny pennies are a must for the pressed penny machines. Don't waste the money with a dirty penny.

You are a very photogenic family!

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