Covid Creativity

Here's the thing about an Etsy shop... JMHO (Just My Honest Opinion).

The love and creativity of a creation is so hard to price out.

The time and effort is hard to put a price on.

When something becomes a job instead of pure enjoyment the desire to do it is lost.

I recently closed my Etsy shop and am taking a LONG break from it,,,it just wasn't creative fun anymore.

Hugs Mel
@Donald - my hero Jacqueline...those are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU need to open an Etsy shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You made my day, thank you!
the thought has crossed my mind for the key fobs since they're really easy to whip up but the other things? Not so sure about that since they're all so highly detailed and extremely time consuming. Every item is customized and while others can't see the faults I wouldn't want to sell them! As Mel mentioned it would no longer be a labour of love or an outlet for my creativity. No way I could put a price on them to cover my time.

I could easily turn those key fobs into lanyards as well by just adding a clip and making them longer. The watch band covers are also easy to sew up. Biggest problem? No idea what would be a reasonable price 🤔
When something becomes a job instead of pure enjoyment the desire to do it is lost.

I recently closed my Etsy shop and am taking a LONG break from it,,,it just wasn't creative fun anymore.
the thought has crossed my mind for the key fobs since they're really easy to whip up but the other things? Not so sure about that since they're all so highly detailed and extremely time consuming. Every item is customized and while others can't see the faults I wouldn't want to sell them! As Mel mentioned it would no longer be a labour of love or an outlet for my creativity. No way I could put a price on them to cover my time.

I agree with both of you!!!! No one wants to pay for the TIME if actually takes to produce an item like a bag like that!!! It's not a bag that you could find anywhere, but yet...people only want to only pay 19.99 for it :scared1: :furious: not wanting to pay for your creativity and effort at having an exclusive hand-made item. Unless it come attached with some stupid brand name people don't want to spend $$$ for items.
You made my day, thank you!
the thought has crossed my mind for the key fobs since they're really easy to whip up but the other things? Not so sure about that since they're all so highly detailed and extremely time consuming. Every item is customized and while others can't see the faults I wouldn't want to sell them! As Mel mentioned it would no longer be a labour of love or an outlet for my creativity. No way I could put a price on them to cover my time.

I could easily turn those key fobs into lanyards as well by just adding a clip and making them longer. The watch band covers are also easy to sew up. Biggest problem? No idea what would be a reasonable price 🤔

i would buy a key fob or two for sure!

i just searched on etsy really quick. looks like similar key fobs are priced around 10-15$, lanyards around 20$. does that fit with the labour/material costs?

i agree with everyone else that i think i would stick to smaller items. your bags are beautiful, but i don’t think you’d get the value for your time and effort.
good grief it can't possibly be the middle of September already, can it? It was the end of July when I posted the pictures of key fobs I'd made and I just now finished making one from each ribbon I've bought


these are for me ... gotta be able to change things up!
can only attach so many pictures to each post but I also wanted to share what happens when Jacqueline wanders the rows and rows and rows of fabric at Lens Mill. The flannel will become a nightie for myself but I have no idea why I even bought the rest of it ... Purdy!

Look closely at this purple fabric


but this stuff??? OMG I might have squealed a lil bit 🤪
WOW! Jacqueline, the key fobs look so professional, you did an incredible job!
The Orange Bird fabric is amazing, did you find that in Guelph?
I might just have to go get some...
WOW! Jacqueline, the key fobs look so professional, you did an incredible job!
The Orange Bird fabric is amazing, did you find that in Guelph?
I might just have to go get some...
No, our store is currently a stupid TENT! It's so poorly stocked right now and for about a week after the torrential downpours half of it was blocked off due to flooding. They are supposed to be moving into a new building but the owners haven't fully left yet, be lucky if they get in by the end of October at this rate.

We drove over to the one in Waterloo and to tell you the truth, even though the new location here is less than 5 minutes away, I'll be going to that store when i need fabric. It is so well organized and signage is great! They currently have all licensed materials 20% off and it's clearly marked and kept within the correct category. Usually grouped by designer so the Disney stuff is in both licensed AND with the other Camelot stuff. The Orange Bird was actually in with the fruit & veggie stuff that's on sale but I didn't care, would have bought it anyway, was chatting up the woman cutting it about how rare it is to find anything with him on it and she kept saying "not licensed" to which I'd reply, "that's fine I still want it!" While she was folding it up a much younger staff member came up behind me and told her to give it to me for 20% off because he is in fact a VIP and that now she'd need to find a Dole Whip somewhere :P

I have NO idea what I'll be doing with the danged key fobs BTW .. how many does one person need!!! ALSO, open to suggestions as to what to do with 3 yards of the Orange Bird material gang 🤪
LOL I was wonder myself what I would do with the Orange Bird material! All I know is I WANT IT! LOL....
It would make a super cute sundress for a young child, not so much for a 60 yr old woman!

I really don't need any more masks than i currently have and no one here would recognize him, please tell me I won't need to wear them in Feb 2023 :P
Might make a nightie
Now I am on the look out for badminton fabric so I can make myself some new masks for when I go back to my badminton classes in October. I found some material on Etsy so now I am checking to see when there are any online airmiles deals.

Just checked my fabric site on Etsy and my fabric is only on sale for 30 hours so can't wait for any deals. OH well I may buy the material anyway and earn a few air miles.
It would make a super cute sundress for a young child, not so much for a 60 yr old woman!

I really don't need any more masks than i currently have and no one here would recognize him, please tell me I won't need to wear them in Feb 2023 :P
Might make a nightie

i think it could be a great sundress for you!

scroll through this story to the orange bird section of adult dresses, bags, etc. that they sell in disney. you’d fit right in!


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