Could the Dream Turn the Grump into a Believer? Charleston Update 10/13

Welcome back, Michelle. Happy you had a good time and can't wait to read all about it.
:welcome: home Michelle! Loved your facebook updates. I never did start a pre trip report, but I promise a trip report when we get back. I am doing laundry & packing today......we leave Saturday morning & board the Dream Sunday! :sail:
Welcome home Michelle! Looking forward to reading all about your joint adventures and I so need to return during the F&W festival! :laughing:
Welcome Back! So glad you had a great time. Can't wait to read all about it.

Good luck getting caught up at home!
Welcome back Michelle! I was supremely jealous of all of your FB status updates.

Absolutely loved your mini TR on Charleston. I just love southern architecture, especially on the historical homes. I am absolutely in love with that one "driveway" shot of the plantation. So unbelievably beautiful! I love visiting historical homes and taking trips like that, but I think it will be quite a while before I can bring my DD on something like that.

Now, a Disney cruise? DH actually mentioned that Disney will have 3day cruises out of NY next year - he brought it up! But I was not a fan of that idea since it doesn't stop at Casstaway Cay at all. And besides, part of the draw of a Disney Cruise is hopefully doing a land and sea trip....
Hi, Michelle! Welcome back! I can't wait to hear about your last trip.

I was pretty behind on here, due to my own trip, so I'll just sum up- The cruise looked absolutely amazing. :cloud9: And I'm really glad they still had your D&B bag.
Welcome back Michelle! I can't wait to hear all the details. I understand you have been elected scribe for the TR!!!! popcorn::
Hi everyone! Well I am back from my girls trip to WDW and I had a fantastic time! I had the best roomie ever in Happydog, for two people who had never actually met, we got along very well and had a really great time. Outside of one night of rain, we had fabulous weather! Food & Wine was amazing, I definitely want to partake in that again in the future, I didn't try one thing that I didn't like. And lots of fun was had at MNSSHP :thumbsup2

I'll be back to catch up on replies here soon, I need to get caught up on home :laundy: and work :surfweb: first though! We will be doing a TR from the girls trip, Happydog and I are going to do a joint report since our experiences were basically the same, and Jenjolt and Wigdoutdismom will throw in their 2 cents as well, I'll post a link here once we get it going.

I could have written that exact post!!

Great roomie = check
Fab time with MNSSHP = check
Nice weather = check
Needing to catch up on cleaning and work = check

We will have fun writing this one!!! :thumbsup2
Welcome home! Loved seeing your FB pics!

We leave in just a few hours! :cool1:

Look forward to reading your report.:thumbsup2
Welcome back Michelle. Looking forward to reading about your girls trip!
Hey Michelle!

I have finally gotten all caught up on your great hearing all about the cruise. I can't wait to do my 1st one - hopefully in 2013! ;)

So glad to hear Don liked the cruise so much - maybe there is also hope for Chris! :rotfl:

I share your frustration about not being able to re-book on the cruise. But hopefully your agent discount wld be just as good as a rebooking discount in the event you can convince Don to take the plunge again. ;)

Loved hearing your account of the entire trip, and seeing all the souvies you picked up. It goes without saying - love the D&B bag, and BIG sigh of relief that it was returned to you safe and sound!!! :worship:

Can't believe you have already been off and returned from your F&W trip...I still haven't come up for air yet since we returned on Oct.11th, so I know how cruel it can be coming back to reality. :laughing: Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!!! :goodvibes
Michelle, thank you for sharing your photos of Charleston with us. It sounds like a wonderful trip and someplace that I think Mark would enjoy. You got great photos and I enjoyed looking at all of them.

Thanks Kathy! It was a wonderful trip.

Wow Michelle what lovely photos of Charleston - it looks like you had a great trip!

:woohoo: on leaving tomorrow!! Have an amazing time and I look forward to seeing pics of all the F&W goodies :goodvibes

Charleston is a beautiful city, we did have a great trip.

I have lots of pictures of F&W goodies to share - we ate a lot :laughing:

Love, love, love your Charleston update. What a beautiful & romantic city!:lovestruc

Yes, beautiful and romantic - a perfect way to describe Charleston!

Love your pictures of Charleston. We must get back there and see Ft. Sumter and Boone Plantation. That was absolutely beautfiul.

Hope you have a great time over the next several days and safe travels! Can't wait to read all about it when you return.

Both Ft. Sumter and Boone Hall were highlights of the trip, there is so much to see and do in Charleston though, that I'd love to go back!

What a lovely mini TR! You really got to see a lot of history in just a short time. Those shells in the walls of the fort were massive. How awesome to see all of that! Loved all the pictures. The details on some of those houses are just magnificent. Thanks so much for sharing :)

I loved looking at all the houses! When I was a little girl I dreamed of living in an old Southern Plantation style home, so I was like a kid in candy store walking around Charleston. We are actually thinking about building a new house and when we got back from our trip I found a house plan that was inspired by the homes in Charleston. I would LOVE to build it, just not sure how well it would 'fit' in a neighborhood in Oklahoma....
Thanks for the Charleston pics!!! I was there for a friends wedding... VERY nice!!

Oh, there would so many amazing places to get married there! I bet the wedding was beautiful.

This has to be where Forrest Gump was filmed. That is absolutely gorgeous!

I am so kicking myself right now. About 2 years ago my husband was offered a promotion, but he had to move to Charleston for it. We turned it down because we didn't want to move away from here. After seeing your pictures, I know I could easily live there! It is beautiful!!!

I love all the fort pictures. We would have liked doing all the stuff you did. Whenever we go to a historical place like that we always read the tombstones too. It is so fascinating to think about the people who lived back then. It's amazing how many of the graves are those of babies or young children too. Makes you realize how fortunate we are to live during a time with good medical care.

The waterfront is gorgeous! :cloud9: Love the palm trees!

You have convinced me that I need to be planning a trip there. I will be going back and making some notes from your post too. The restaurants sound great! Heck, it all sounds great! I'm glad you guys had a good time. It looks like a perfect adults only trip.

Forrest Gump wasn't one of the movies they listed, but it sure could have been!

Oh my gosh, I could easily live in Charleston, it is a beautiful, beautiful city! I used to think that I could never move away from here, but now I think it wouldn't be so bad if I could live somewhere like that.

History fascinates me, going to Charleston just reinforced my desire to travel to more of the historic cities on the east coast, of course, I have to give up Disney to do that........

I am so glad your D & B was found. I would have seriously thought about turning around and waiting for the ship to come back. :rotfl2:

Sorry about KSC- Sometimes husbands can just get something stuck in there craw and not let go.

Charleston is wonderful isn't it. We went one year over Thanskgiving and toured the ship. I had seafood for Thanksgiving dinner and had a nice time.

Funny thing about KSC is that I included it in our itinerary for DH, that kind of thing is right up his alley. Unfortunately he was just too hell bent on getting home :sad2:

I could do seafood for Thanksgiving dinner :thumbsup2

Wow, nice pictures! Looks like a great trip!

It was, thanks!

:worship::worship::worship:Thank You! :worship::worship::worship:

Stunning pictures! The scenery is gorgeous! I want to live there. I know as soon as I see it I will want to retire there! Can't wait!!!!!!

Bummer about no inside pictures. :headache: Definitely going to Boone Hall. I also want to do a carriage tour. Our time there is limited!

Thanks so much for posting. I love the hotel - that's right up my alley.

Have an awesome time in Disney!

Hmmmmm, I can't remember your actual dates, you may have already left for your trip! I hope you have a great time, and I'm so glad that I was able to get these pics posted for you before I left. I can't wait to see your pics when you get back, I know they will be AMAZING!
Michelle, you take some of the most gorgeous pictures on the Dis. Seriously. :goodvibes I hope by now you have landed and are in WDW! Enjoy!! :cloud9:

Awww, thanks Kelli! :goodvibes

I would've totally freaked about the bag being left. I think I would've been sick for those 5 days.
I love the Charleston pictures. I didn't read through, just looked at the pictures, now I need to go back and read. I would love to tour that area.

Yes, I was sick about the bag! It's hard enough to bring myself to spend that much on a bag (well, maybe not that hard :laughing: ) but to think that I had spent it for nothing, well that DID make me sick to my stomach!

I'm so glad that you found the bag, i woould have been sweating bullets!

I want to go to Charleston more than ever, then drive down to Savannah. What a trip that would be!

We went to a plantation in Louisiana, Shadows on the Teche. It was furnished just as if the family left for the day, lovely. We also went to a mansion in Butte, Mt. It was the former home of a silver king & jhad been turned into a B&B. There was so much stuff in there that it was creepy to the max!!

We thought about driving down to Savannah too, but decided that our time was too limited. We'll just have to take a separate trip to Savannah sometime :thumbsup2

While you are in WDW having a grand ol' time, I am taking the opportunity to catch up! :goodvibes

Love the group photo of you guys and Anita's group! Very cute!

I feel your pain over Don not wanting to see the shuttle and wanting to get on the road. You know Charles is always champing at the bit to get going on the last day -- we wouldn't have even made it to KSC. :sad2:

Ugh, how sickening about the purse, but thank goodness Disney found it and sent it back to you! What a relief!

Love, love, love all your pictures from your Charleston trip! They made me want to be back there! So glad you enjoyed your trip there!

This picture is of the Dock Street Theater. During my senior year and freshman year of college, I was a stage manager for Charleston Stage Company that did plays and productions there.


Thanks for the walk down memory lane!!!

I honestly wish that we had just skipped KSC and saved it for another time. It is not a cheap entry and to just spend a few hours really felt like a waste.

Yes, definite relief at Disney finding my D&B!

I thought of you several times while we were in Charleston, I could easily see why you love it so much :goodvibes

What a quaint city! You got some lovely pictures-- glad you had such a lovely time!

We did have a lovely time, thanks!
The question has not been answered so far as I've read: Did Disney turn the Grump into a Believer? I'm not convinced! Kick him for not rebooking on the ship and for missing the shuttle! I would've loved to do both!

And I almost bought that D&B bag through the Disney Store site for about $125-$150 (coupon) but I just couldn't bring myself to spend that much on a purse! A friend has promised me her D&B purse for Christmas...2012! Hope the world doesn't end before I get to enjoy it!

I AM IN LOVE with the Cabana! The family you shared the cabana with, how did y'all meet? And if you didn't know each other beforehand, how did y'all arrange to share the cabana? Your two famalies had more than 6 people. Was that ok?

Thanks for a GREAT trip report! I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot!

Well, I guess if I am being honest I would have to say, no, it didn't. I think it softened him some, I know he loved the cruise, and I know he would love to go again.....someday, no commitments from him though.

Don wishes I had your restraint when it comes to purses :laughing:

Oh my gosh, the Cabana was awesome! One of the best things we did for ourselves the entire trip, no doubt! We met the family that we shared it with here on the DIS. Wigd and I have been reading each others reports for years and even though we had never actually met, it felt like we already knew each other. We knew that we were going to be on the same cruise and we had already requested to be tablemates at dinner. It was a no brainer to split the cost of the cabana and enjoy it together as well. You are right, the cabana price is only good for up 6 guests, but they will allow you to have up to 10 with an added cost of $50 per person over 6.

Glad you're back safely and glad you had a great time!!! Will patiently await more :)

We had so much fun! Happydog and I have our heads together trying to come up with a TR title, as soon as we do we'll get it going!

Welcome back, Michelle. Happy you had a good time and can't wait to read all about it.

Thanks Kathy, hopefully we'll get the report started soon :thumbsup2

:welcome: home Michelle! Loved your facebook updates. I never did start a pre trip report, but I promise a trip report when we get back. I am doing laundry & packing today......we leave Saturday morning & board the Dream Sunday! :sail:

Yay!! You are on the Dream NOW!! :woohoo:

Welcome home Michelle! Looking forward to reading all about your joint adventures and I so need to return during the F&W festival! :laughing:

The F&W festival was great, loved it!

I need to get over and get caught up on your report, I'm sure I am woefully behind!
Welcome Back! So glad you had a great time. Can't wait to read all about it.

Good luck getting caught up at home!

Thanks Erika, it was a great time! I'm looking forward to telling you all about it - of course, I didn't take notes - AGAIN, so I'll need to write fast so that I don't forget everything :laughing:

Welcome back Michelle! I was supremely jealous of all of your FB status updates.

Absolutely loved your mini TR on Charleston. I just love southern architecture, especially on the historical homes. I am absolutely in love with that one "driveway" shot of the plantation. So unbelievably beautiful! I love visiting historical homes and taking trips like that, but I think it will be quite a while before I can bring my DD on something like that.

Now, a Disney cruise? DH actually mentioned that Disney will have 3day cruises out of NY next year - he brought it up! But I was not a fan of that idea since it doesn't stop at Casstaway Cay at all. And besides, part of the draw of a Disney Cruise is hopefully doing a land and sea trip....

I keep changing the wallpaper on my desktop to different versions of that picture of the drive with all the oak trees. I could easily live in that home :cloud9: Yes, I can see your DD getting bored walking through those houses. I think my boys would have enjoyed Boone Hall, but the other home tours, not so much. Definitely a trip better suited to just Don & I.

The 3 day cruise out of NY might be a great way to break into cruising though. You guys might enjoy it so much that you will re-book another one that does have a Castaway Cay stop, and then of course, you could tack on a few days at WDW ;)

Hi, Michelle! Welcome back! I can't wait to hear about your last trip.

I was pretty behind on here, due to my own trip, so I'll just sum up- The cruise looked absolutely amazing. :cloud9: And I'm really glad they still had your D&B bag.

Have you started your TR from your latest trip? I need to check out your siggy....

Welcome back Michelle! I can't wait to hear all the details. I understand you have been elected scribe for the TR!!!! popcorn::

Yes, I have your role! HD & I are trying to come up with a title, then we will get started :thumbsup2

I could have written that exact post!!

Great roomie = check
Fab time with MNSSHP = check
Nice weather = check
Needing to catch up on cleaning and work = check

We will have fun writing this one!!! :thumbsup2

Welcome home! Loved seeing your FB pics!

We leave in just a few hours! :cool1:

Look forward to reading your report.:thumbsup2

I'm enjoying your FB pics now!

Welcome back Michelle. Looking forward to reading about your girls trip!

There will be lots of food porn pics!

Welcome back Michelle! :goodvibes

Thanks Kelli!

Welcome home, Michelle! I suspected you might have had a good time! :laughing:

What made you come to that conclusion? :laughing:

I will say that, HD and I commented a couple of times that the only thing that could have made the trip better was to have you there as well :goodvibes

Welcome home, I look forward to your new trip report.:goodvibes

Thanks, hope to get it started soon!

Hey Michelle!

I have finally gotten all caught up on your great hearing all about the cruise. I can't wait to do my 1st one - hopefully in 2013! ;)

So glad to hear Don liked the cruise so much - maybe there is also hope for Chris! :rotfl:

I share your frustration about not being able to re-book on the cruise. But hopefully your agent discount wld be just as good as a rebooking discount in the event you can convince Don to take the plunge again. ;)

Loved hearing your account of the entire trip, and seeing all the souvies you picked up. It goes without saying - love the D&B bag, and BIG sigh of relief that it was returned to you safe and sound!!! :worship:

Can't believe you have already been off and returned from your F&W trip...I still haven't come up for air yet since we returned on Oct.11th, so I know how cruel it can be coming back to reality. :laughing: Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!!! :goodvibes

Hey Trish!

I think Chris will love the cruise, it seems like his kind of thing - plenty of relaxing and not a lot of lines :thumbsup2

Reality blows :laughing:

I'm looking forward to reading about your trip as well, can't wait to hear how Chris delt with it this time around!


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