Considering First Ever Solo Trip - Tips, Suggestions, and Advice?

We have a daughter that works at Walt Disney World so we take turns going to visit her. Since she can get us in free we definitely enjoy a few days with her but we also always go to the parks a day or 2 without her. As most people have said, being able to do what you want without trying to make everyone happy is awesome! You can actually walk through France and not have to rush to get on Remy. Do the Monorail Resort tour. Go see the stunning lobbies at the Fort Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge. Too many choices to list them all!
We have a daughter that works at Walt Disney World so we take turns going to visit her. Since she can get us in free we definitely enjoy a few days with her but we also always go to the parks a day or 2 without her. As most people have said, being able to do what you want without trying to make everyone happy is awesome! You can actually walk through France and not have to rush to get on Remy. Do the Monorail Resort tour. Go see the stunning lobbies at the Fort Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge. Too many choices to list them all!
Wonderful ideas! And how fun that your daughter works at Disney!
I love solo travel, done it all over the world. But I struggle when I have done Disney alone, and I think that is because it is only been trips with a close few family members. I did have fun and it was nice doing what I wanted. But I did find myself wanting to say hey look over there or what about this or that. Not to discourage, think it is great. Just hard for me.
I love solo travel, done it all over the world. But I struggle when I have done Disney alone, and I think that is because it is only been trips with a close few family members. I did have fun and it was nice doing what I wanted. But I did find myself wanting to say hey look over there or what about this or that. Not to discourage, think it is great. Just hard for me.
Yes to solo travel other places; Disney was/is a family memories place, and I'm soo to be entering the empty next phase; and definitely the phase where the kids can't travel with me except for a few days each year. I'm expecting some real nostalgic heart ache, but trying to set the stage for this next chapter. Hugs to you!
Yes to solo travel other places; Disney was/is a family memories place, and I'm soo to be entering the empty next phase; and definitely the phase where the kids can't travel with me except for a few days each year. I'm expecting some real nostalgic heart ache, but trying to set the stage for this next chapter. Hugs to you!
maybe you will love it and when the kids want to go again you can show them something new
This is great advice! After traveling with kiddos - one of whom is not much of a relaxer :), I'm looking forward to some quieter moments. Just not TOO quiet! And I totally get it about the character meet and greets - that will likely be a pass for me as well.
Don't forget that there are some amazing places around the World to just go for a quiet walk. The monorail area resorts have some great walking trails and over the by the Boardwalk is wonderful. When I lived in Orlando I used to do that all the time.
Don't forget that there are some amazing places around the World to just go for a quiet walk. The monorail area resorts have some great walking trails and over the by the Boardwalk is wonderful. When I lived in Orlando I used to do that all the time.
Thank you so much!! That would be a new experience and I'm sure really lovely!
I go solo about once a year, plus some other trips with friends and family. Solo is a different kind of trip but just as fun. A few tips I have:
  • High end meals are just as fun solo as with a big group, same with Epcot festival foods
  • Genie+ and ILLs become a bargain, since it's easy to get cancelled spots and close reservations
  • It's easier to get spots for fireworks at the last minute
  • You will move fast from attraction to attraction and get more done than you would as a family, and that gives you more time for things like shopping and shows
Thank you for such practical advice! I love reading, and usually only take my Kindle out for the flights. I can load up some books for dining!
Books are my go to for solo dining. Without a book to read I undoubtedly start browsing social media, peak at the news, etc and I end my meal completely pulled out of vacation mode as the real world tugs me back in through all that.
I go solo about once a year, plus some other trips with friends and family. Solo is a different kind of trip but just as fun. A few tips I have:
  • High end meals are just as fun solo as with a big group, same with Epcot festival foods
  • Genie+ and ILLs become a bargain, since it's easy to get cancelled spots and close reservations
  • It's easier to get spots for fireworks at the last minute
  • You will move fast from attraction to attraction and get more done than you would as a family, and that gives you more time for things like shopping and shows
Thank you! It sounds very promising!!
I have been reading this thread getting good tips for my solo trip next month. Thanks for the great advice.
First solo trip so nervous.

@notatallmagic I hope you have fun planning and a really fun trip. Interested in seeing a trip report.
I have been reading this thread getting good tips for my solo trip next month. Thanks for the great advice.
First solo trip so nervous.

@notatallmagic I hope you have fun planning and a really fun trip. Interested in seeing a trip report.
Thank you! I have 2 super good deal plane tickets; one for September ($39) and one for October ($58). Each is for 2 full day and one night, so I'm watching for super hotel deals and excited but still a little nervous.

This post has helped so much! Excited to hear about your solo maiden voyage too!!
I had my first and likely last solo trip experience about 2.5 yrs ago, in Dec. '20. Always been independent and not bothered by doing things by myself, but Disney hit different. Stayed at Swan and did enjoy some aspects of the trip, but it just felt like kind of a waste of time. Enjoyed Abracadabar, which I wouldn't normally get to check out, but walking around Epcot just felt lonely and pointless. Getting food and sitting quietly on a bench by myself just felt weird. This was during covid, so that added some strain to things. Like sitting at an empty bar and then gradually being surrounded by loud groups not wearing masks was stressful a couple times, but that was specific to that time. I don't know, I was just kind of bored to be honest. Not sharing the experience with family or friends wasn't as enjoyable for me.
Do it! I made my first solo trip as a 60-something woman. What a lovely time, doing only what I wanted to do and not worrying about other people’s enjoyment or feelings. I still go on trips with DH and love sharing with him, too. Disney is perfect for a solo trip.
I had my first and likely last solo trip experience about 2.5 yrs ago, in Dec. '20. Always been independent and not bothered by doing things by myself, but Disney hit different. Stayed at Swan and did enjoy some aspects of the trip, but it just felt like kind of a waste of time. Enjoyed Abracadabar, which I wouldn't normally get to check out, but walking around Epcot just felt lonely and pointless. Getting food and sitting quietly on a bench by myself just felt weird. This was during covid, so that added some strain to things. Like sitting at an empty bar and then gradually being surrounded by loud groups not wearing masks was stressful a couple times, but that was specific to that time. I don't know, I was just kind of bored to be honest. Not sharing the experience with family or friends wasn't as enjoyable for me.
Sorry you didn’t enjoy your experience. I wonder whether Covid had more to do with that? I ended up leaving early from a solo trip toward the end of the emergency era as so many people weren’t masking and it was freaking me out. I’ve been numerous times since then and with the vaccinactions I’ve received and my own masking in lines and in crowds I’ve really enjoyed the trips. I feel remarkably un-self conscious as a single at WDW. Plus, I listen to a lot of audiobooks through earbuds.
In 2001 I started going solo almost every single year. I also very occasionally went with family and friends. I loved WDW since my very first visit in 1983 and never lost the desire to go until recently, but that had nothing to do with not enjoying my solo trips. Having been as often as I had, let me know exactly what I wanted to see or do so the made planning a bit easier. I loved dealing with just myself and did backstage tours, Pleasure Island when it existed, ate when and where I felt like and since except for once, I always stayed offsite. I had a wider range of dining locations that didn't require a reservation so I was far more flexible. If one loved the parks for themselves and not just because they could witness their children or significant others experiencing it, then going solo will be as much fun as before. Just don't over think it. Live in the moment and spend little time on memories created before. Talk to people in the line or on a bench or wherever you meet them. It's pretty easy to tell if they don't want any company, so don't worry about it.

I stopped going mostly because being retired I have a fixed income and since I was never what one would call wealthy I have to budget my money to last what is left of my life. Disney priced me out. That was before some physical problems started to creep in and would have made a trip like that far more difficult. If you love the place go. Not to be a Debbie Downer but go while you can as you never know when abilities will change. Personally from 1983 to now, I have made 48 visits to WDW, 1 to Disneyland and 1 to Disneyland Paris. All but the last ten years of that were from Vermont after that from NC. It would be tough to call me a local.
I'm a very independent and introverted person by nature, so solo trips are right up my alley. I do most of my travel solo, and Disney is one of the best places to do that since I feel so safe there.

I've had a couple group trips in the past few years, and while I have wonderful memories from those, they also stress me out. Navigating the emotions and moods of other people causes me more anxiety than the crowds, weather, and long lines. I'm not sure why, and it's likely something I should see a therapist for, but it can really weigh me down. Riding ROTR and Cosmic Rewind for the first time with my Disney-loving buddies are experiences I wouldn't trade for anything, but I've made a habit of carving out alone time near the end of each group trip so I can bask in my own company for a while.

I find that when dining solo, sometimes the wait staff are more attentive than when I'm in a group. (Not always, but often enough that I've noticed.) And while single rider lines are great, sometimes you even get to skip the lines at other rides when they're looking for smaller groups (Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, Soarin', Dinosaur, etc.) Not having to confer with people about what to do next saves a lot of time, and I've also left queues before because I just wasn't feeling it. I can also find a spot for parades and fireworks without camping out an hour ahead of time. It's glorious.

Every now and then you get a cast member loading an attraction who will ask "Just one?" in a way that makes you feel a little judged, but I've also had parents ask me to switch places with them. Do I sometimes flash back to a great memory with a friend and get a little nostalgic? Sure. But I do find that I post on social media more when I'm traveling alone. People from home, especially my Disney Buddies, will comment and respond, making me feel like I do have company at times.

Also, I've met and talked to so many people when I'm there alone. On the Skyliner, in queues, on buses. One morning I was eating at Les Halles, standing at one of the high top counters along where the line forms. Several very friendly people asked what I was having and what I'd recommend. It made for a lovely morning. I find that I'm able to live in and enjoy the moment so much more when I'm alone than when I'm with people. Breakfast in the parks is an especially great time for me, for some reason.

The trip report in my signature details the 10-day solo trip I took in August 2018. It was the best trip I've ever had. I've had some shorter ones since, and some group ones, but this one stands out above the rest. (Out of about 15.)

Anyway, I say all of that to say that solo trips are wonderful. They may not be for everyone, just like large group trips aren't for me, but I would highly recommend it to anyone who already enjoys their own company.
Do it! I made my first solo trip as a 60-something woman. What a lovely time, doing only what I wanted to do and not worrying about other people’s enjoyment or feelings. I still go on trips with DH and love sharing with him, too. Disney is perfect for a solo trip.
I’m thinking of going on my own in the spring when my husband needs to be away for a week.
I hate being home on my own so I thought maybe Disney.


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