Confessions of a Disney Convert: A March 2017 Trip

Beautiful trip report :love: You captured so much of the magic that we have been feeling over the years. People often as us why we return to WDW so frequently, and it's honestly the one time per year that we get to spend a full week together laughing and having fun. As you are learning, these littles don't stay little for long, and as they grow, so too does their world. Our trips to WDW being me back to a time when they are ALL MINE…if only for a week, or so.

I have to say that one of the reasons I started reading this is because next year I will be taking my great-niece with us, who will be 2.5 years old. It's been MANY years since I've traveled with anyone that little (My DS is 15 and DD13!), and I need to read up on it. I think it will slow us down a bit, but in a good way.

I have a feeling you WILL be going back REAL soon :P

:thanks: for sharing your trip with us!

(PS-How were you uploading your pictures? When I upload from the bottom right link (upload a file), I am only allowed to upload 10 per post. I noticed you uploaded any more than that in each post…that would make writing TRs MUCH easier!)
I adored your TR. While reading along I relived my trips with my kids. We took my daughter for the first time at 16 months and our next trip she was 5 and my son was 3 it is such a magical time.

I am so glad that you had such a wonderful vacation and trust me when you plan your next trip no matter how soon it is it will still be magical, maybe not in the same way that this trip was but one of the reasons so many of us go to Disney year after year is because there is so many magical moments that happen and really the most important part is that you are together as a family having a great time together.

Thank you so much for sharing your trip. It was a lovely read. :)
Loved your TR! You're a gifted writer and photographer. Thanks for sharing the magic
I've only just reached the second page of this thread, but your report has made me feel all the feels so far. And, I want to stay at AoA now. We've only ever stayed at AKL so far, but I could get into the fun and magic of AoA. Also, we're not early risers, so we've never done rope drop, but now I want to do the Welcome Show at MK. It looks like you had a dream of a first trip! What an absolute joy to read your report. Thank you for sharing.
Thoroughly enjoyed your joyful trip report. My daughter's first trip to Disneyland was for her 3rd birthday. She is almost 28 now. She and I are going to Disney World in a month or so to celebrate her birthday (and to see Wishes again, before it leaves). Your trip report reminded me so much of our first trip. I cant wait to get to Disney World to create some magical memories my grown-up daughter!
I saw that a lot in the days we were in Disney - knowing parents trying their best to help each other out. A lot of times in my everyday life when my kid acts up I feel like it's a burden on the rest of society, like the people in the grocery store or at the library or the middle of a Target parking lot couldn't be more inconvenienced by the presence of tiny people. But in Disney, it felt like we were all in it together, doing what we could to help each other out. That was really wonderful.

Yes! You worded it so perfectly! I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times I was helped, and saw other people helping on our last trip. I think for the most part the magic in Disney brings out the best in people.

Loving your report so far. Our first trip was when my oldest had just turned 4, it was so magical watching her take everything in. Can't wait for more!
Great TR! Your writing style is so fluid. As the mom of an almost 2 year old you make me want to make a trip happen for her as soon as I can. Thanks for sharing!

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I really can't believe how much my mind changed about taking young kids to Disney! As a few weeks have passed since we went on the trip, it always warms my heart to hear her suddenly ask, "Mommy, remember when we saw Grumpy? He came right up to me!" I'm sure the "remember whens" will get fewer and further between, so I'm especially thankful to have the pictures and words to keep the memories alive for her.
Thoroughly enjoyed your joyful trip report. My daughter's first trip to Disneyland was for her 3rd birthday. She is almost 28 now. She and I are going to Disney World in a month or so to celebrate her birthday (and to see Wishes again, before it leaves). Your trip report reminded me so much of our first trip. I cant wait to get to Disney World to create some magical memories my grown-up daughter!

Oh, wow! You just gave me goose bumps as I tried to picture my girl as a 28 year old woman! I can only hope to have something like your trip to look forward to! I hope you have a wonderful time.
Yes! You worded it so perfectly! I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times I was helped, and saw other people helping on our last trip. I think for the most part the magic in Disney brings out the best in people.

Loving your report so far. Our first trip was when my oldest had just turned 4, it was so magical watching her take everything in. Can't wait for more!

It's really something, isn't it? I have of course heard of horror stories about rude people - how could you avoid them in such big crowds? - but the way we were treated by complete strangers is something I'm trying to model and replicate even now that we're home. A bit more empathy for the crying kid at the movie theater goes a long way!
Beautiful trip report :love: You captured so much of the magic that we have been feeling over the years. People often as us why we return to WDW so frequently, and it's honestly the one time per year that we get to spend a full week together laughing and having fun. As you are learning, these littles don't stay little for long, and as they grow, so too does their world. Our trips to WDW being me back to a time when they are ALL MINE…if only for a week, or so.

I have to say that one of the reasons I started reading this is because next year I will be taking my great-niece with us, who will be 2.5 years old. It's been MANY years since I've traveled with anyone that little (My DS is 15 and DD13!), and I need to read up on it. I think it will slow us down a bit, but in a good way.

I have a feeling you WILL be going back REAL soon :P

:thanks: for sharing your trip with us!

(PS-How were you uploading your pictures? When I upload from the bottom right link (upload a file), I am only allowed to upload 10 per post. I noticed you uploaded any more than that in each post…that would make writing TRs MUCH easier!)

You know, I think you really hit the nail on the head. R is in daycare while both of us work, and even weekends can sometimes be a flurry of obligations. I got to enjoy every minute of the day with her, and I mean really enjoy it! If I'm being honest, I might not have been entirely certain I could handle her energy for that long, but it was nothing short of wonderful to get the chance.

As for the images, I used the "Image" button in the toolbar on the top (next to the smilies button), and then inserted the url of the photos I have. This requires them to be hosted online somewhere (I just happen to use Shutterfly to hang on to a lot of my images), which might not be required if you're using the file upload button, so it might take an extra step. I think I was allowed up to 30 or so images per post that way.
I adored your TR. While reading along I relived my trips with my kids. We took my daughter for the first time at 16 months and our next trip she was 5 and my son was 3 it is such a magical time.

I am so glad that you had such a wonderful vacation and trust me when you plan your next trip no matter how soon it is it will still be magical, maybe not in the same way that this trip was but one of the reasons so many of us go to Disney year after year is because there is so many magical moments that happen and really the most important part is that you are together as a family having a great time together.

Thank you so much for sharing your trip. It was a lovely read. :)

Thank you so much for the reassurance! That's me, ever the slight pessimist, thinking "there's no way to top this, we'll just be disappointed" instead of "I wonder what other, different magical experiences might be waiting for us!" I'll try harder to at least split the difference and imagine another chance just to have a great time together, like you said!
As for the images, I used the "Image" button in the toolbar on the top (next to the smilies button), and then inserted the url of the photos I have. This requires them to be hosted online somewhere (I just happen to use Shutterfly to hang on to a lot of my images), which might not be required if you're using the file upload button, so it might take an extra step. I think I was allowed up to 30 or so images per post that way.

Now that you mentioned shutterfly, I absolutely could NOT figure out how to get the image URL from my shutterfly pics!! I ended up giving up and taking an extra step to upload my pics to imgur. I would much prefer just to do a big shutterfly dump since I do use it to create photobooks.

I used to use FB, but they keep changing where photos are stored so my URLs end up pointing to dead links a few months later.
I've only just reached the second page of this thread, but your report has made me feel all the feels so far. And, I want to stay at AoA now. We've only ever stayed at AKL so far, but I could get into the fun and magic of AoA. Also, we're not early risers, so we've never done rope drop, but now I want to do the Welcome Show at MK. It looks like you had a dream of a first trip! What an absolute joy to read your report. Thank you for sharing.

I was as shocked as anybody that we made it out the door and to the bus in time to even consider being there before the park opened. My husband is usually pretty content to stay under the covers as long as possible. I'm a fairly early riser by comparison (not as early as some folks, for sure, though!), so I was just as pleased that we were all awake and in the Magic Kingdom as I was to get to watch a sweet show that has led my daughter to "bibbity bobbity boo" any closed door she encounters to make it open.

I had no complaints about AoA at all. I have nothing to compare it to, but the pictures I've seen of AKL are of course amazing!
Now that you mentioned shutterfly, I absolutely could NOT figure out how to get the image URL from my shutterfly pics!! I ended up giving up and taking an extra step to upload my pics to imgur. I would much prefer just to do a big shutterfly dump since I do use it to create photobooks.

I used to use FB, but they keep changing where photos are stored so my URLs end up pointing to dead links a few months later.

I was able to open my photo album in Shutterfly, choose an image, and right-click, which would bring up a menu that included "copy image address" as an option. I am curious now to see whether Shutterfly will present a similar storage shuffle issue, as I hadn't thought of that, though I hope not! I've never used imgur, and I'm not quite as savvy with this stuff as I'd like to be!
I don't think I've ever teared up reading a trip report before but here I am, sitting in my cubicle, teary eyed and hoping no one comes over to talk to me!!

Well done! And I look forward to reading your future reports "soon". :love:
What an absolutely enchanting trip report. It reminds me so much of the first time we took our kids and my daughters were 4. Experiencing Disney with your young children for the first time is indeed magical. Thank you for bringing back those memories and for writing this charming report.
You're trip reminds me so much of our first with a kid. My daughter was 4, we were there the week after Thanksgiving and everything was perfect. I had grown up near Disney as a kid and was pretty much over it. But watching it through my daughter's eyes was magical-there is no other word for it. My husband and I both got swept away in seeing her joy and delight over everything. There was an added bonus of the customer service being top notch. We've taken trips since then and added a couple more kids. But nothing can compare to that first trip with just her.
As for the images, I used the "Image" button in the toolbar on the top (next to the smilies button), and then inserted the url of the photos I have. This requires them to be hosted online somewhere (I just happen to use Shutterfly to hang on to a lot of my images), which might not be required if you're using the file upload button, so it might take an extra step. I think I was allowed up to 30 or so images per post that way.

I'm going to try that! All of my pics are on Shutterfly anyway...Thanks!


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