Confessions of a Disney Convert: A March 2017 Trip

I forgot to mention that before we made our pit stop at the Tangled toilets, I had taken a wrong turn and guided us back to Gaston's tavern. Gaston was out meeting people, and here was R's chance. For weeks she'd been saying she wanted to go up by herself, be brave, and tell Gaston to stop being so mean. The sight of him was too much, though, and she turned to us and said, "Maybe I will do it later." We didn't push it, though I do wonder what that would have looked like had she screwed up the courage to do it! There's always next time!

Now we were in search of D, who was dutifully saving a spot on the shady side of the parade route near Country Bears Jamboree. B was in search of something else though, the evidence of which ended up only on R's face:

The last remaining bits of a Mickey Ice Cream bar! While we waited for B to purchase this, R and I stood in the shade of the cart where another employee perked up the sweaty R by giving her a Stitch sticker. It was sweet and kind, and also kind of amazing that the employee seemed to know that she needed just a little something at that moment. Of course, to have a sticker followed by a Mickey ice cream bar is no bad thing at all!

The parade essentially began early, as there was a large group of young students - I think they were in some sort of Disney student success program - who preceded the official parade with characters in tow. Here comes a wall of photos!


Goofy gets up close and personal!

The "real" parade, as R called it, began:




This time around, the Mad Hatter approached R and asked her name. She was decidedly less nervous and happily obliged!





This parade was no less exciting for R than the previous one! We had the fortune of great seats, shady seats, that less us see the parade just as it began before moving along in search of the one thing R had asked for all trip: a Mickey lollipop. We bought a bunch in the gift shop outside Pirates, then moved back toward Aladdin for our 5th FP of the day.


After this, D and K kindly took R for another spin to look at the boats coming down Splash Mountain and gave us their other 2 paper FPs so that we could enjoy the Haunted Mansion. The ride broke down a total of three times: twice while we waited in line after the stretching room, and once while we were on it, very near the end.

By this point, it was about 4:30 and I had managed to make a 6th FP for Buzz at 5:30. We decided to have an early dinner, and since repeats were the order of the day, I was more than happy to have a second lobster roll at Columbia Harbor House. Everyone else had shrimp, minus the kid who had a pbj. Again it was quiet and again we sat upstairs, the sun glinting in as we started to do the thing that always means a trip is ending: talking about how amazing everything had been. We talked about favorite moments, about adorable things R had said and done, and about how hard it was going to be to leave tomorrow. R seemed to understand that in less than 24 hours we'd be getting on a plane and heading home, but then she said, "That's good. I will go home and take a nap, and then we can come back to Disney World when I wake up." Oh the heartbreak and smile with which I had to deliver the news that such things weren't possible. We diverted conversation back to the fun still yet to be had today, and with that we moved in the direction of Buzz.

R rode with her grandparents, leaving me with this guy, who cleaned up on this ride as usual:


After Buzz, we took a spin on the People Mover. R of course adored the inclined moving walkway, and it was nice to take a leisurely ride around as the sun continued to set.



We said a special goodbye to the castle:


After exiting the ride, we parted ways with D and K, who were going to try to stick it out a bit longer. FPs were no longer available for the day (perhaps because of a paid evening event?), so I assumed we were done and would be heading to the exits. I got a little teary as we hugged goodbye, thinking this was nearly the end.

R ducked into a gift shop to "show me one thing," which turned out to be a small plastic Mickey Mouse bracelet. She asked to use her piggy bank money to pay for it, and I was glad to let her. I'd been carrying $25 of her piggy bank money with me all week on the promise that she could pick one thing to buy for herself before we left. She hadn't forgotten. It was under $10, so I felt like it was a major score!

As we were strapping her into the stroller, prepared to make our sad exit, R said she hadn't gotten to do the pirate ride again. Well, we can't deprive the girl of one last rerun, can we? The app said the wait was 20 minutes, but by the time we'd crossed the park it was posted at 35. We probably waited somewhere in between, riding in the last row of the boat on our last ride on our last day at Disney.

When we exited the ride, in one last surprise, D and K were waiting for us, having decided to leave with us rather than fight the growing crowds that were pouring in. I made sure to stop them as we got close to Main Street so that I could hold and snuggle R while we each said goodbye to the castle. I then had to put her in her stroller and walk quickly, pretending to be focused on weaving our way out of the park but really just blinking back, and then not being able to blink back, the tears at all. I could not have asked for a more perfect day.

We waited no time at all for a bus - one was standing there waiting - but we were the last ones on and had to stand. We all hung on for dear life in the dark, but I was still somehow wishing the bus would slow down. It didn't, and soon there was nothing left to do but walk back to our room.

While R snuggled into bed, I began the packing process, hefting the dirty clothes into one suitcase and the remaining clean clothes into the other. The rest would have to wait until tomorrow.

I can certainly see why people might not understand how others can visit a place like this over and over. I admittedly didn't understand it myself. But on Monday and Thursday, we'd done pretty much that: fun things, time and again, returning to places and images and people we'd visited once before. In both sets of moments I saw my daughter filled with love and joy, and I won't ever again question people who only want to see that kind of rerun over and over again.
Great trip report! I can see it already. Next year's trip report title will be "Our 10 day trip to WDW"! Your little one is super cute BTW! I have DD3 and DD5 about to be 4 and 6. We have an August trip planned and I'm thinking about doing a trip report. I'm not sure I have the patience for it though.
You have a fantastic writing style! Your trip report is great, and your daughter is adorable. :)
I made sure to stop them as we got close to Main Street so that I could hold and snuggle R while we each said goodbye to the castle. I then had to put her in her stroller and walk quickly, pretending to be focused on weaving our way out of the park but really just blinking back, and then not being able to blink back, the tears at all. I could not have asked for a more perfect day.

This is exactly how I feel leaving MK at the end of our trip. It is just so hard to say good-bye when you have had such an amazing time, making so many memories with loved ones. I still love to look back over our photos from my kids' first trip to WDW. The photos bring all those feelings right back in a flash.

I was still somehow wishing the bus would slow down. It didn't, and soon there was nothing left to do but walk back to our room.

You captured the feeling exactly!

I can certainly see why people might not understand how others can visit a place like this over and over. I admittedly didn't understand it myself. But on Monday and Thursday, we'd done pretty much that: fun things, time and again, returning to places and images and people we'd visited once before. In both sets of moments I saw my daughter filled with love and joy, and I won't ever again question people who only want to see that kind of rerun over and over again.

So true!
This has been an awesome report! My husband, kids and I are veterans of WDW, but it's always nice to see if again through the eyes of a newbie. I only wish I could convince my brother to take my 3 year old niece to experience it.

And by the way, I have the same Princess virus as your's something you really don't outgrow :)
I have tears in my eyes right along with you on this last day installment! You have a beautiful family and I loved reading along with you!
This is exactly how I feel leaving MK at the end of our trip. It is just so hard to say good-bye when you have had such an amazing time, making so many memories with loved ones. I still love to look back over our photos from my kids' first trip to WDW. The photos bring all those feelings right back in a flash.

You captured the feeling exactly!

So true!

I'm so glad you said the pictures capture the feelings even years later. That's what I'm hoping, and why I took so many! I'm sure I annoyed my in-laws a bit with how shutter-happy I was, but if it keeps the memory alive, I'll be glad!
This has been an awesome report! My husband, kids and I are veterans of WDW, but it's always nice to see if again through the eyes of a newbie. I only wish I could convince my brother to take my 3 year old niece to experience it.

And by the way, I have the same Princess virus as your's something you really don't outgrow :)

I have learned that I have many friends who are reformed Disney-resisters! They crawled out of the woodwork after I posted some pictures on Facebook. As someone approaching her mid-thirties, it has been interesting to see how friends from different parts of my life react to them - some with sheer joy, others with barely concealed scorn, and then those others, like me, who sheepishly admit how wonderful it all is despite every reservation going into it. :)
This trip report has been nothing short of magical... you are a gifted story teller! :)

I have tears in my eyes right along with you on this last day installment! You have a beautiful family and I loved reading along with you!

I'm really humbled to know that other people enjoyed the story of our trip! Thank you for being so kind!
A quick wrap-up post

I am ducking in to wrap up the last little bits of our trip. We were up super early for a 7:25 bus back to the airport, so the sun was barely making its way into the sky as we headed through the resort one last time. I didn't know that the full breakfast didn't begin until 7:00 at Landscape of Flavors, so we had some time to kill after dropping our bags and checking out, which led us back into the arcade where we taught R the wonders of Skee-ball. Once the breakfast lines opened up we grabbed a few plates of waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage, wolfed them down, and headed to the bus that took us back to the airport. The ride was uneventful, and we ended up with a great deal of time to spare before our flight.


R made quick friends with two other girls heading home from Disney who had stashed a boatload of Paw Patrol toys in their carryon bags, so everyone was entertained until it was time to board, and then we headed home. On the plane, R drew pictures of the princesses she met and asked when we could come back again.


If she had asked me that question - when we would go back to Disney - before I booked the trip, I would have said never. This is a once in a lifetime thing, there are so many other places to see, I won't ever want to spend so much money again, and so on and so forth. If she'd asked while I was planning the trip, I would have said, dear lord I don't know if we're even going to make it once! It all seemed so overwhelming!

But on the plane when she asked, after a week of the good kind of exhaustion, the kind of exhaustion that tells you you've spent your precious time off laughing and smiling and just generally feeling exhilarated by everything, I could only promise that we would go back again "soon."

Time is odd for a three year old. "Soon" doesn't mean anything, really. Soon is a way of putting off the future, but it's also a way for me to try to hold on to the present. It feels some days like it takes three hours to get her to brush her teeth, and on those very same days when I pick her up from day care she seems to have aged impossibly quickly, the new way she tosses her hair while putting on her coat all the more a reminder that she doesn't even need my help putting on her coat anymore. Time expands and collapses on me in so many ways that I could never imagined before she entered my life. But when I say "soon" to her, she is satisfied, because she knows it really means "eventually." And "soon" will have to do for me, too. I know that if and when we do find ourselves fortunate enough to make another trip to Orlando, the biggest challenge I will face is planning a trip that will live up to the high expectations set by this one. This is probably an impossible task, which is why "soon" is the best I can say to her, and to myself. But maybe, just maybe, it will be "real soon."

Thank you to everyone who peeked in on this trip report, and to those of you who commented. You gave me a place to keep living this trip just a bit longer, and I'm grateful to know that you might have enjoyed reading along.
Great TR! Your writing style is so fluid. As the mom of an almost 2 year old you make me want to make a trip happen for her as soon as I can. Thanks for sharing!
Just found your TR a while ago and read the whole thing. Sounds like you had a great trip, your daughter is adorable! Great report, I really enjoyed reading it.


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