Compromise is a Disney word: Taking one for the team over Thanksgiving 2016* August PTR link! 5/28

Yup, out of Newark. I can't wait till you reveal more of your plans!
I'm itching to start my PTR but I need to wrap this up first! I think I'll start the PTR as soon as we return from Disney later this month. Plus I still have my dining report going from our March visit which I'll add to after this visit................I can handle 2 reports at the same time but 3 will put me over the edge!

Sounds like you had a busy training day! Just seeing the few pictures of Portofino makes me miss it so much! It's been 17 years since I have been there
Wow! Sounds like you need to plan a Universal trip ;) If we ever stayed I honestly don't know which hotel I would choose. I loved the theming at Royal Pacific but then as soon as you step outside around back at Portofino........just gorgeous. But I know my boys would prefer Hard Rock. Of course since Steve and I pay the resort choice would be up to us lol!

Ah...and the trip comes to an end. Sounds pretty nice overall though.
Overall it was and I'm definitely glad I went :)

Toothsome still remains on my list in the future but probably not this trip as we'll most likely stick to the Disney bubble also.
I think it'll be a good place to visit on a recovery trip sometime all an "all-healed/healthy" trip, for a little desert indulgence :goodvibes

However we do have this trip to Florida planned for August. Currently it's just 4 or 5 nights at Vero Beach but I want to bookend it with something else. I'm considering a day or two in Disney. We are also considering the Keys for a few nights. It's still very up in the air and a lot depends on my doctor appointments next month and what treatments will be planned for me after surgery. Still if there's a way to squeeze in a day or two at Disney again in August...I'll do it
LOL anytime Disney can be squeezed in you should do it! I'll be waiting to hear what you decide to do along with Vero :)
Just got caught up!! Universal training sounds great, I think it's awesome you were able to tke part in it and had a great roommate too. Sorry about the flight issues although I always think i'd much rather deal with flight issues when i'm already on vacation than when i'm trying to get there lol. So awesoem you got to go to DS although you're way nicer than i am i would have wanted to go to a park hahaha. LOVE the boathouse!! It's DH's new favorite now and high up there on mine too so nice you got to eat outside. I look forward to the Edison as well. ANyway looking forward to final thoughts and your next TR <3
I know it has been said, but omg, I am in awe of your willpower with having an AP, being on Disney property, and not going into a park. I was reading the report silently willing you to just say "bye, Felicia!" and hop a bus. I'm not as nice as you, apparently. ;)
:laughing: I did feel like I was wasting my AP!! I know myself though and I would have felt too guilty, thanks to my Italian side. Although since I would have ended up meeting Kari @kastoney if I skipped out on Cathy, my guilt most likely would have been drowned out :drinking1

Now that Toothsome dessert case might be almost enough to lure me over to Universal property...almost.
So funny how many people say they're not quite ready for Universal! It is, IMO, almost 100% different from being in Disney so you either have to really want to be there, or really want some relaxation/slow days before or after Disney. Or at least someone in your party needs to really be pushing for it.

Congrats on having your August trip planned! Looking forward to hearing about that one and REALLY wanting to see AKL.
We're staying there this month too, can't wait! Also can't wait to hear about your DL trip that's just around the corner :goodvibes You best be doing a TR on that when you get back!

Universal training sounds great, I think it's awesome you were able to tke part in it and had a great roommate too.
I'm very happy I was able to go too and I feel it's helped me quite a bit. And really, it was a fun time :) Speaking of TA I do remember you asked about it awhile ago :thumbsup2

Sorry about the flight issues although I always think i'd much rather deal with flight issues when i'm already on vacation than when i'm trying to get there lol.
That's very true! In Aug. 2015-when we were all going to Universal actually- a hurricane was set to hit Orlando and on the day we were flying out of NY, actually Hartford CT, our flight was cancelled about 8 hours before we were supposed to leave. I freaked, they put us on one more than 24 hours later. We would lose 2.5 days of an 8 day trip. Steve got on the phone with JetBlue and after about 2 hours we were moved to a flight out of a closer airport 40 minutes away that was leaving in 2 hours so we need to haul a**! I would have been MUCH less stressed if it was our return flight home from Fla. and I'd been down there with the whole family.

So awesoem you got to go to DS although you're way nicer than i am i would have wanted to go to a park hahaha
:rotfl2: Apparently I'm nicer than about 70% of Disers because everyone is saying they'd have left Cathy in the dust :car:

I look forward to the Edison as well.
Crossing my fingers it's open for our Aug. trip! Otherwise I'll have to book ANOTHER trip as soon as a solid opening date is announced. Oh, how terrible :P
So funny how many people say they're not quite ready for Universal! It is, IMO, almost 100% different from being in Disney so you either have to really want to be there, or really want some relaxation/slow days before or after Disney. Or at least someone in your party needs to really be pushing for it.

I've been to Universal Hollywood twice and Universal Orlando once, but all were a long time ago. I would really like the see The Simpsons area. I know that we'd have fun, but not enough fun to justify leaving Disney property. Plus, as I mentioned before, we don't like Harry Potter, so there's not even that pull. Probably not going to happen for us. ;)

I forgot that you'll be at AKL soon! Looking forward to that. And I will do a DL trip report, but I'm warning you now that it's a 2 week trip, only 4-5 days of which will be Disneyland. I'm going to miss that WDW bubble!
:laughing: I did feel like I was wasting my AP!! I know myself though and I would have felt too guilty, thanks to my Italian side. Although since I would have ended up meeting Kari @kastoney if I skipped out on Cathy, my guilt most likely would have been drowned out :drinking1
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: We're two of a kind you and I!:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1
So I went, I saw, I ate......sorta, and I came home. I'm extremely glad I did the Uni training, mainly because I learned lots of stuff I didn't know and got to see parts of the parks/resorts I'd never seen before, and that's my job now :D It was also really nice to meet 2 of my fellow agents since everything is online now and I don't really ever get to know my co-workers, and even better that I hit it off so well with one who lives less than an hour from me.

As a TA and most especially as a complete, 100% certified Disney lover, I couldn't help but compare almost everything with Disney. I felt bad doing it in some cases even though it was mostly in my head, but I think that's inevitable for anyone who is used to Disney and goes to Uni, or even vice-versa. Here's where I did the most comparing:

1. Dining plan. I like that Universal doesn't make you buy the plan for everyone in the room and you also don't have to buy it for every day of your stay. You can mix it up; no plan at all for some people, quick service for 3 out of 6 days for some, maybe the one that includes table service for just adults in the party. That's a good thing. What I don't like is that you can't use it at the resorts. Often their parks close early - well, earlier than Disney parks - and I feel people may spend more time at their resorts than at Disney since you don't have that "rush rush" feeling or as many parks to get to. So if you're getting a late start or planning not to leave the resort at all, you can't use your plan. On the other hand that's when you don't buy it, as long as you understand it all ahead of time. I guess here it would kind of be a wash or a tie.
2. Value resorts. I feel that Universal's values, Cabana Bay and Sapphire Falls, are a lot nicer than Disney's values. A step up from the All Stars and Pop if you will. I was impressed. Win for Universal.
3. SECURITY!! The way Universal does it is far superior IMO to Disney's as it's less time consuming and a more efficient system. Regardless of how we entered and where we were going we had our bags checked and our bodies scanned and it was quicker than standing on the bag check lines at Disney parks. Another win for Universal.
4. Transportation. Good move on Universal's part offering guests transportation from Disney's resorts to their parks and back; it's something I feel they needed to do. And I completely get why they'd charge for it. Also something Disney does NOT need to do. On the other hand I do not think it's cool that they charge for their shuttles from MCO to their resorts and back and I hope they change that soon. Disney wins here.
5. I have to say it: the food. With the exception of a nasty burger once at HS I have never had bad food at Disney but unfortunately I can't say the same about Universal. I was sorely disappointed in what they served 95% of the time, and even lots of what I got when on my own wasn't that good. I'm going to chalk it up to being served some banquet food, which is usually never that good, and the fact that if it was a personal vacation I would have put thought into where I ate and hopefully would've hit on some of the better restaurants I've heard about. Huge win for Disney here.
6. I wasn't even going to mention this since I agree with so many of you that it was more an error on our group leaders part than the actual policy, but what the hell: the whole thing about only guests staying at a specific resort can use the water taxi at said resort. That's just dumb in every sense of the word. I won't say Disney wins because I'm just going with it's a non-issue.
7. Parking policy. As I mentioned in the report, if you park a car at your Universal resort you'll pay a daily parking fee. Not only that; if you choose to drive a car to the parks, you'll pay a parking fee there, too, Universal resort guest or not. We all know if you are off property and drive to a Disney park you pay to park, but that's the only situation. Combine this with paying to take the shuttle to and from the airport and I think Universal can really turn people off transportation wise whether guests are driving or flying. Of all these things I think the parking bothers me the most and IMO is a HUGE win for Disney and a HUGE fail for Universal.
8.Pool Hopping! I didn't even touch on this in my report at all but Universal DOES allow pool hopping unlike Disney. Not sure I see this as a win, or a plus. I often wonder when I hear people complain that they can't pool hop at Disney why they'd want to take that much time just to swim in a different pool. It means traipsing with all your pool stuff to another resort which in most cases means extra time on transportation, then lugging all that stuff, now wet, back to your resort again spending extra time on transportation. All Disney's pools are nice and while you may wish you had access to Stormalong Bay, would you really want to be in it with 2000 others? So while Uni allows this how often would you take the time to bring all your stuff to another resort to swim? Especially if you had small kids? The only time I see it as being beneficial is if you have family/friends staying at a different resort. So maybe not a "win" for Uni but nice that they offer it.
9. Theming. This really doesn't have much to do with the training but it just reinforced what I felt after our 2015 trip. With the exception of Harry Potter, Disney's attractions are themed much better, in my opinion guys :P I know I have a few Uni lovers reading. And while it's neat walking through the Simpsons area and I do like the feel of the NY area, overall I think Disney wins 1000x over.
9.5. Park Hours. We all get a little made when Disney closes their parks at an hour we consider early, like 8:30, 9, and for some of us 10. While I was there, both Universal parks closed at 7 every night even though they were heavy into celebrating Mardi Gras. So if you wanted to stay on property your choices after 7 were swimming, hanging at your resort, or CityWalk. It was pretty chilly every night so for me and even my kids, swimming would have been out. While sitting at a bar drinking would work for me, if my kids were with me they would have annoyed the crap out of me after a couple drinks and probably wanted some attention :rolleyes: CityWalk is nice, and you could certainly do dinner there after the parks close. I guess it could be a routine for every day of your trip: parks till 7, CityWalk dinner at 7:30. Unless you wanted to change it up, because simply walking around CityWalk more than 1 night, to me, is boring. Sure you can take in a movie or play mini golf but the snacks aren't as good as DS, the stores aren't as fun like World of Disney and Lego, and we didn't see any street entertainment like they now have in DS. Maybe they have that during different times of the year but we were out just about every night and there was none.

Am I being a little obvious here as to where my heart lies :love:

Having said all that, if you've never visited Universal it's worth checking out if you're at all curious, if only to get it out of your system and see some of the competition. And to see the Wizarding World of HP whether you've read the books, only seen the movies, or only talked to people who've read the books and seen the movies (except for @Jfsag123 and her family who hate Mr. Potter :rotfl2:)

I forgot to talk about a couple things in the report. One is that since Pam had her truck, the 3 of us went to the Character Warehouse one afternoon. I'd never been before and we found some really cool things! I got a shirt from last years' MNSSHP for $3, a couple autograph books for $1 and some really cute Disney character coloring books that I've never seen before for $1. I didn't buy much at the theme parks except some candy for the boys, but I did pick up this shirt for Christopher's Godmother for Mother's Day as she's a special ed teacher:

I also got one for his 5th grade teacher and he gave it to her last week for Teacher Appreciation. They had a few other Dr. Seuss teacher things that were really cute.

So that is the official end of my Universal TA Training TR! Thank you all so much for continuing with me from my Nov. TR, I enjoyed sharing the few details I remembered and pictures I took with you guys. Now before I leave you to try getting at least one more update on my dining report done before we leave for DISNEY again on Thursday :thumbsup2 since I didn't do a PTR for this trip I feel the need to share with you some clothes I bought for it. First, the non-Disney romper:

I found this in Old Navy. Last time I wore a romper like this was about 15 years and 15 lbs. ago, but my friend convinced me to try it on and besides being soooooooo comfortable, it didn't look horrific. So I did what lots of us who don't find it easy to find clothes do and bought this and another one in blue!
I was trying to order some things from Etsy but it makes my head hurt because there are so many sites to check out, so I went to my always reliable Hot Topic. Let's start with my Brave tank:

I really like Merida and have never found any shirts with her on them except for one other t-shirt I got from Hot Topic that has her, Pocahontas, Mulan and Tiana on it, so when I saw this I grabbed it. Well, I quickly put it in my online cart ;)
Next is this really cool Peter Pan tank:

And check out the back; it has WINGS!! I CAN FLY!!!

I loved this so much more when I put it on than I thought I would, and now I want to go back online and see what others they have in this style! But since I wasn't sure I'd like it, I got a PP back-up:

And FYI, it cost me $24.90 :rotfl2:

Now this next one looks so incredibly pretty on:

Unfortunately I think it's too big. I ordered a large and I look a little preggers in it. Like, I could stuff a pillow in my pants and the shirt would still flow loosely so yeah, a bit too big. And all this just came Thurs. so there wasn't time to order a medium in time for our trip in 5 days but I think I'm going to return it for the right size and then I'll have it for my next trip.
Finally I ordered and got a Cruella/101 Dalmations muscle T to show off my guns and I swore I took a picture of it but it seems to have vanished. I've been trying to get this update done for about 4 days so I'm going to forget it; you'll have to watch for me in my dining report if you won't be able to sleep until you see that shirt! Oh and because of @xlsm's ravings I bought a couple pairs of Target capris for this trip. I wore them a couple times around here to try them out and man, they are so comfy they make you want to flit around the house like a gazelle! And I may have done that while the boys were at school and Steve at work. Right now the weather is HIGH 90's for our trip so don't know if I'l be wearing them this trip but the weather should be perfect for the Sanuk flip flops I also got on @xlsm's recommendation. Have a mentioned she's the reason I ever stayed at WL in the first place? Hmm, I may need to buy her a gift........

Anyway guys once again a big :thanks: to all of you for hanging out with me. Feel free if you haven't already to come join me on my dining report which is not linked in my signature; it's for my March F&G trip and I'll be adding this F&G trip to it, too. And as long a our August trip still happens (freakin' sports again, do you believe it??) I'll be starting a PTR soon and I promise I'll come back and do my damndest to remember how to link it :rolleyes1

PEACE OUT!!:hippie:
I forgot that you'll be at AKL soon! Looking forward to that.
So am I! I've wanted to go back there since our first stay in Jan. of last year. Five days now :goodvibes

And I will do a DL trip report, but I'm warning you now that it's a 2 week trip, only 4-5 days of which will be Disneyland. I'm going to miss that WDW bubble!
I'd love to hear about everything you do!! I know it'll be a huge change from WDW but I bet you 10 Grey Goose slushes it'll be a great change :thumbsup2

We're two of a kind you and I!:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1
Sistah's from different mistah's! Our parents can be proud :laughing:
Oh and because of @xlsm's ravings I bought a couple pairs of Target capris for this trip. I wore them a couple times around here to try them out and man, they are so comfy they make you want to flit around the house like a gazelle! And I may have done that while the boys were at school and Steve at work. Right now the weather is HIGH 90's for our trip so don't know if I'l be wearing them this trip but the weather should be perfect for the Sanuk flip flops I also got on @xlsm's recommendation. Have a mentioned she's the reason I ever stayed at WL in the first place? Hmm, I may need to buy her a gift........

As I love to say here at home, usually in a weird high pitched annoying voice in an attempt to drive my kids nuts, "Team work makes the dream work!"
I want to tell the world about those capri pants!! If I was Oprah, I'd be passing those babies out like new cars!!
The sanuk flip flops were great in the park. I ended up wearing them all but twice...because my Tevas squeaked with every step I took. It seemed so loud and obnoxious. I swear people were looking at me funny. Sanuk 1, Tevas 0.
I love the wrap up and all the new clothes! I haven't hit up Hot Topic in awhile but have a ya never know. Though I doubt I get it in time for my trip...which is happening in 3 WEEKS!

Anyway, glad you re-confirmed that there is no rush to get to Uni....though we will get there eventually. Enjoy your trip and once you get will almost be my turn! Yay! And if you haven't figured it out, I have my usual Saturday night wine buzz going on. Haha.
Great review and comparisons. I agree with all, plus I didn't know the dining plan at US is only good in the parks. We have found one day at both Universal parks is enough for us, however it has really went up in price over the past couple of years. We are skipping it our next couple trips.

I love your new tank tops, I bought a few new ones from Hot Topic as well and I like all but one so a win I would say!

Have a great trip and Happy Mothers Day.
Loved your UNI TA trip wrap up. Great comparisons from someone who has never been to UNI. May be a while still yet. :laughing:

Still jealous of your job. :blush:

Loving your new tanks for your next trip!! I'll have to check out hot topic for our next trip in the sweltering heat of July.

Wishing you safe travels and hope you have a fantastic time! :drinking1

Happy Mother's Day!
Now this may have changed by now although I don't think so, but back in Feb. Toothsome wasn't taking reservations. So we went in to give our name at 7 and were told an hour wait :faint:

Nope still not taking them we had to skip our meal there this trip because the wait was too long. :sad:

We don't talk music much here on the Dis but Motley Crue is one of my absolute favorite bands!! Along with Aerosmith and Metallica, FYI. I saw Motley Crue about 4x in college and I've seen them another 5x since; last time was almost 3 years ago but sadly I missed their farewell tour.

I love Motley Crue too! I've seen them 4x since I was 15, and we went to their farewell tour.

I ordered the Four Cheese Flatbread: Fontina, Mozzarella, Parmesan and Ricotta with Basil, Garlic, and Olive Oil, and it came like this:

That's what I had the first time I went.

Needless to say we were both a bit disappointed with our meals. But we were really also too tired to care much. To give a bit of a fair shot to Toothsome, they're probably much, much better at all their desserts; I'd read a few reviews here on the Dis from folks who'd eaten meals there and they all pretty much felt the food was "eh" with a couple standouts, so I shouldn't have been expecting to be wowed. I think if I do go back there for more than buying hundreds of dollars worth of macarons and other assorted bakery goodies, I'd stick to maybe an app and definitely try a dessert.

I found the flatbread disappointing too. The ricotta was just too much and I love cheese. The milkshakes are awesome though. I have gotten some "meh" food from there, but the menu is so extensive I feel like I've picked wrong in the past. I definitely think apps and a dessert/milkshake are the way to go. I planned on trying the apple crepes this time but sadly that didn't happen.

Happy Mother's Day!
Am I being a little obvious here as to where my heart lies :love:
Having said all that, if you've never visited Universal it's worth checking out if you're at all curious, if only to get it out of your system and see some of the competition.

We're also definitely Disney people through and through, but we had a great couple of days at Universal!! So glad you had mainly good experiences there and learned so much!

I was trying to order some things from Etsy but it makes my head hurt because there are so many sites to check out, so I went to my always reliable Hot Topic. Let's start with my Brave tank:

I really like Merida and have never found any shirts with her on them except for one other t-shirt I got from Hot Topic that has her, Pocahontas, Mulan and Tiana on it, so when I saw this I grabbed it. Well, I quickly put it in my online cart ;)

No way! I also just bought this tank! (There's a very good chance it may be coming on our May trip, too.) I LOVE Merida, and you're right that she's rarely featured on clothing or merch. And I like how nicely this tank lies/flows, without drowning a person in it.

Oh and because of @xlsm's ravings I bought a couple pairs of Target capris for this trip. I wore them a couple times around here to try them out and man, they are so comfy they make you want to flit around the house like a gazelle! And I may have done that while the boys were at school and Steve at work. Right now the weather is HIGH 90's for our trip so don't know if I'l be wearing them this trip but the weather should be perfect for the Sanuk flip flops I also got on @xlsm's recommendation. Have a mentioned she's the reason I ever stayed at WL in the first place? Hmm, I may need to buy her a gift........

I'd say a gift is definitely in order! I've taken a couple of her suggestions, too. Maybe there's something to this... @xlsm have you ever considered being a life coach? Or maybe just a Disney-life coach? :P

Thanks for the great reading material, Ariane! Can't wait to hear about the May and [hopefully] August trips, too, and hopefully we'll cross paths this weekend :)
As always great report and love all your new shirts! Have fun looking forward to hearing about the AP preview of Pandora.

Am I being a little obvious here as to where my heart lies :love:

Having said all that, if you've never visited Universal it's worth checking out if you're at all curious, if only to get it out of your system and see some of the competition. And to see the Wizarding World of HP whether you've read the books, only seen the movies, or only talked to people who've read the books and seen the movies (except for @Jfsag123 and her family who hate Mr. Potter :rotfl2:)

:P I'm scared my daughter is going to end up reading the books and loving them. Boo. :D

So am I! I've wanted to go back there since our first stay in Jan. of last year. Five days now :goodvibes

Your 5 days have come and gone. Have a great trip!!!

I'd love to hear about everything you do!! I know it'll be a huge change from WDW but I bet you 10 Grey Goose slushes it'll be a great change :thumbsup2

Ask and you shall receive. ;) But seriously, I'm getting more and more excited each day. However, I must admit I also have started putting together a preliminary plan for our WDW trip for next summer that I can peek at every now and then to tide me over.
I want to tell the world about those capri pants!! If I was Oprah, I'd be passing those babies out like new cars!!
I wore a pair on the plane going down and another pair coming home, and I was SO comfortable. I wanted to wear them in the parks but since it was above 90 every day and I felt like I was dying in skorts, I think I would have passed out :faint: I would've looked good sprawled out on the ground though!

The sanuk flip flops were great in the park.
They were :thumbsup2 And you know what I just realized Sunday night? There's a Sanuk store in DS!! Did you know this? We didn't go in but it's there!

I love the wrap up and all the new clothes! I haven't hit up Hot Topic in awhile but have a ya never know. Though I doubt I get it in time for my trip...which is happening in 3 WEEKS!
Now it's LESS THAN 3 WEEKS!!!!! WHOO!!!!

Great review and comparisons. I agree with all, plus I didn't know the dining plan at US is only good in the parks.
You can actually use their DP at about 8 restaurants in CityWalk but that's it; not all of them, and nowhere at any of the resorts can you use it including the luau at Royal Pacific or the character meal there. I think it stinks you can't use it at the resorts :confused3

We have found one day at both Universal parks is enough for us, however it has really went up in price over the past couple of years.
Yes, when we went in 2015 one day in each park worked well. We did do 3 days and the 3rd day we just revisited the kids' favorites in each park, but we didn't even stay full days any of those 3 days and Steve and I would have been fine with just the 2 days lol.

I love your new tank tops, I bought a few new ones from Hot Topic as well and I like all but one so a win I would say!
Good score for you! I wore 3 of mine on this trip and was happy with them all :) I just need to exchange the Jasmine one when I get around to it........

Still jealous of your job. :blush:
LOL I don't blame you! Got home last night from Disney, spent a good deal of today "working". Which means I spent a good deal of today doing Disney stuff :mickeyjum

Loving your new tanks for your next trip!! I'll have to check out hot topic for our next trip in the sweltering heat of July.
You should! One of the things I love about the Hot Topic stuff is that I never see tons of other people wearing their stuff. I do see it sometimes, and I end up seeing things from there that I didn't buy. But there are other shirts that you see repeatedly every day in ever park; I like having Disney clothes that aren't as common on property :thumbsup2

No way! I also just bought this tank! (There's a very good chance it may be coming on our May trip, too.) I LOVE Merida, and you're right that she's rarely featured on clothing or merch. And I like how nicely this tank lies/flows, without drowning a person in it.
I saw you wearing it in your pictures and you look adorable :goodvibes I actually wore mine yesterday on our last day. It would've been kind of neat if we both had it on when we met on Friday, except that you look so much cuter in it I would have felt super old lol!

Thanks for the great reading material, Ariane! Can't wait to hear about the May and [hopefully] August trips, too, and hopefully we'll cross paths this weekend :)
I know I said it already but I am just so happy that Steve and I got to meet you and Nathan :hug: You guys are so adorable together and I cannot wait to keep reading about your wedding plans.

As always great report and love all your new shirts! Have fun looking forward to hearing about the AP preview of Pandora.
thank you! And in case you read this before you leave TOMORROW, have a wonderful trip!!!!

I'm scared my daughter is going to end up reading the books and loving them. Boo. :D
:laughing: From what I know of her through your reports and FB, I think your fear is justified.

But seriously, I'm getting more and more excited each day. However, I must admit I also have started putting together a preliminary plan for our WDW trip for next summer that I can peek at every now and then to tide me over.
Steve and I were talking to a couple over the weekend in WDW who frequent DL, and they made me really anxious to go to DL so I'm jealous of your trip. However I completely understand your very, very early planning of your next WDW trip since that's what you know, but as I've said I think you guys are going to have a wonderful time out west ::yes::

I missed your update before you left! I hope you are having a great time!
:thanks: We did have a great trip! Hoping to get moving on my dining report again tomorrow or Thurs. and then start a PTR for August really soon too! Thank you for following along with me!


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