CM missing from Wonder 03/22/11??

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While maybe the general public does not deserve the details, I can't imagine the circumstances of why the family is not being told all the details including the phone conversation. Just saying it could hurt the investigation implies foul play, which the Bahamas has already ruled out, so is it liability or privacy? What circumstances does DCL feel they cannot report to the parents at this point now that she is gone? I certainly would be very angry if I were them. :mad:
Certainly the male cast member who was consoling her after the phone call should know something. :confused:
Certainly the male cast member who was consoling her after the phone call should know something. :confused:

I'm sure he does and has shared it.

I think from the families perspective, or at least I know I would feel this way. If your child is missing and has not been found, despite what the indications point to, you hold out hope they are alive and can't reach you.
While maybe the general public does not deserve the details, I can't imagine the circumstances of why the family is not being told all the details including the phone conversation. Just saying it could hurt the investigation implies foul play, which the Bahamas has already ruled out, so is it liability or privacy? What circumstances does DCL feel they cannot report to the parents at this point now that she is gone? I certainly would be very angry if I were them. :mad:

It's tragic.
But I suspect the family has been told everything. Accepting what they are being told is another thing. That's completely understandable.
It's tragic.
But I suspect the family has been told everything. Accepting what they are being told is another thing. That's completely understandable.

Agree. When it doesn't make sense and you're desperately trying to find someway to make everything make sense, there isn't enough information. It just doesn't exist. Because nothing makes it make sense. So, you just keep having questions.
It's tragic.
But I suspect the family has been told everything. Accepting what they are being told is another thing. That's completely understandable.

The news article I linked to specifically quotes a Coriam family member stating that Disney and the Bahamas police have not shared with them nature and content of the phone call Rebecca made before she disappeared. The article also implied they have not been allowed to speak to the CM who comforted her at the end of the call.

So if the Coriams say they are being kept in the dark (about an investigation that seems to have no timetable or defined end deliverable) I believe them.
There are a lot of news articles out there and you can take each one with a grain of salt. The last article I saw said her parents spoke to the girl that Rebecca called.

And the latest says they dont have any knowledge of the conversation. Its very hard to say what they do or do not know at this point, but it is still very sad that there hasnt been any real news of her whereabouts.
The news article I linked to specifically quotes a Coriam family member stating that Disney and the Bahamas police have not shared with them nature and content of the phone call Rebecca made before she disappeared. The article also implied they have not been allowed to speak to the CM who comforted her at the end of the call.

So if the Coriams say they are being kept in the dark (about an investigation that seems to have no timetable or defined end deliverable) I believe them.

And this article contradicts that one

Mrs Coriam, from Chester, said: ‘I feel like she is still alive, I don’t feel like she is gone from us. We spoke to the girl who Rebecca had rung, face-to-face. She said that Rebecca had been upset but then calmed down.

‘Later we actually saw the CCTV footage and saw Rebecca on the phone. There was no erratic or drunken behaviour. She walked off fine with her hands in the back of her pockets and she seemed OK. Everyone we spoke to on the boat seems as mystified as we are about what has happened to her.’

So, the conclusion I'm drawing is that perhaps the latest article isn't giving the latest information? Or someone just made a mistake when they published? Either way, I think people are tuning you out CandyMandy. You seem to have decided right from the start that there is a big coverup going on. While I'm completely in favor of keeping her in our hearts and prayers and hoping for answers for her family, I don't think what you are doing is helpful.
The news article I linked to specifically quotes a Coriam family member stating that Disney and the Bahamas police have not shared with them nature and content of the phone call Rebecca made before she disappeared. The article also implied they have not been allowed to speak to the CM who comforted her at the end of the call.

So if the Coriams say they are being kept in the dark (about an investigation that seems to have no timetable or defined end deliverable) I believe them.

With all due respect, how would the investigators know the nature and content of the phone call?
You seem to have decided right from the start that there is a big coverup going on.

Posting a link to an article that states the Coriams have frustrations with the handling of the investigation is not implying a cover up. It simply shares the real sentiments the family is feeling - which all those making prayers for them would seemingly like to know. ;)

I sense what is really bothering some isn't any presumed insinuation of a cover-up -- it's the fact these parents aren't following the desired drill of "going gently into that good night."

Yes, how dare they rage against the dying light.
Posting a link to an article that states the Coriams have frustrations with the handling of the investigation is not implying a cover up. It simply shares the real sentiments the family is feeling - which all those making prayers for them would seemingly like to know. ;)

I sense what is really bothering some isn't any presumed insinuation of a cover-up -- it's the fact these parents aren't following the desired drill of "going gently into that good night."

Yes, how dare they rage against the dying light.

Posting links to articles that only provide evidence to your point of view (which is very clearly that WDW is covering things up and that the Bahamas police force is useless) and ignoring all articles (and posts about articles) that contradict your point of view, most definitely does suggest that you are implying a cover up.
Good Day Folks,

I am afriad the candy person has her own agenda(some going on! She is willing to use the comments of a family in pain to push it along, IMO that is dispicable.

She seems to have a grudge with the Bahamma Vessel regisitry and will post any half baked idea or incorrect information in trying to prove something.

Most hear are aware of this.

I choose to ignore her.

Just my opinion.

Have a great cruise
Posting a link to an article that states the Coriams have frustrations with the handling of the investigation is not implying a cover up. It simply shares the real sentiments the family is feeling - which all those making prayers for them would seemingly like to know. ;)

I sense what is really bothering some isn't any presumed insinuation of a cover-up -- it's the fact these parents aren't following the desired drill of "going gently into that good night."

Yes, how dare they rage against the dying light.

It's not just the _one_ link you've posted, it's also your commentary on the article and your overall attitude throughout this thread and others. You've made your position perfectly clear from the beginning. You think there is a cover up.

If the "sense" you say have of "some" includes me, you are way off base. I haven't seen anyone suggest that the parents and family not speak up for their girl. If it were me, I'd be screaming it from the rooftops. The objection for me (and I suspect others as well) is that _you_, CandyMandy, specifically have an agenda. I don't think your posts here are helpful and they could be very hurtful.

From scanning through your posts on this thread and others, I've concluded that you just like a good argument. So, I'm now done trying to talk to you. I'm not going to continue to feed into your desire to debate. This isn't "reality TV" put on for your entertainment. There are real people involved here, real loss, real sorrow and real hope. Please consider the effects your written word will have on others before hitting the submit button.
Although I don't honestly think there is a "cover up" I also don't think the parents have received enough information to be able to allow themselves to let Rebecca go. However, I think this also happens in such tragic accidents as air plane crashes and murders where not all of the facts are present to every relative of every person that has died. I don't think it's Disney's "fault" but I can definitely see the parents wanting to know more than what they were told. I know if it were my child I would want to "see evidence/video/etc." to prove to me that she really is gone. Just my opinion though.... :confused3
I choose to ignore her.

Just my opinion.

Thanks for sharing. I've come to the same conclusion (it took me long enough). And thanks also for your wonderful suggestion of the candle lighting. I saw the video of Rebecca's uncle talking about it and was honored to participate.
I was on the cruise that the CM disappeared from. It was an extremely sad day when she went missing but I believe DCL did everything they could to locate her on the ship as well as obtain information on what happened.

As I stated before on a post, as a passenger, I saw some things that Disney did to secure certain areas of the ship in regards to investigating Rebecca's disappearence. I am not going to post what they were as I do not have proof of why they did it and they have not announced it. In speaking with a friend on the ship who is a CM - she advised me what was said to fellow CMs in regards to those things.

I truely believe that her parents have been given all the information they can at this point. Often, there just isn't that much information to give. Things often do not make any sense to us and we obviously want to know more when there isn't anymore to give.

My heart is broken for Rebecca and her family. No matter what happened and how - it is a very sad situation and one that I hope to never have to go through with my family. I continue to pray for her family.
Thanks for sharing. I've come to the same conclusion (it took me long enough). And thanks also for your wonderful suggestion of the candle lighting. I saw the video of Rebecca's uncle talking about it and was honored to participate.

Thank you for the kind words, but it was no big thing on my part.......the Diz board members grabed the idea and ran with it.......I was a wonderful event!

As a parent, I would never have enough information about my child's untimely death. My head may know the truth but my heart would never give up the hope of seeing and touching my child one more time.

I truly believe Bex's family has been given everything - videos, interviews with CM, walking the ship but - their heart can't except the outcome. And the only person who can give them answers they need is not there. And only Bex can answer their question - Why?

Yes, it's a 'cover-up' -- the head is covering the heart so the pain won't be so great.

I think it's time we allow the family to grieve in private and peace. It's time this thread is closed.
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