Christmas Ideas for Teenage Girls?

While I know you don't want to get them gift cards, that would really be the best choice for girls that age. I have a DD 15 and a DS who is 20 and in college.

DD 15 loves bath and body works items, but is sensitive to many scents. Feathers are pretty much out of style now. That was last year, she took the feathers out of her hair a few months ago and won't be putting new ones in. Scarves and earrings are personal and once again some styles won't be worn. Please rethink the laundry basket at any time. DS got several of these type gifts and most of the items ended up at Goodwill. Neither of them ever wear college sweat or t-shirts. DS never has worn a shirt from his school, and I have gotten DD shirts from his school and she has gotten shirts at college visits and I have never seen either of them ever wear them. If they do wear t-shirts, they are things they are in type shirts like her golf and basketball team shirts or his fraturnity outings shirts.
I have a teen niece and a tween daughter and they both *love* giftcards to Sephora.
I'm with LisaR. If you don't happen to know the tastes of the recipient, it's still an impersonal gift.

I'm in agreement with the "no gift cards" theory. It is impersonal. A "real gift" shows that you thought about the girl and chose something just for her.

Teenage girls aren't hard to please -- I have two at my house, and I buy for several more in addition:

You can't go wrong with simple earrings, and they're easy to choose -- silver is still more popular than gold.

Not all teens have pierced ears, and not all wear jewelery.

Scarves are all the rage, and -- again -- you can't go wrong. You can get a heavy warm scarf, or a lightweight fashionable scarf -- either is popular with teens. Target has nice choices for reasonable prices.

Again, not all teens wear them. My dd has a definate fashion style and keeps up with trends, but does not wear scarves in any way shape or form.

Several other people mentioned crazy socks; mis-matched socks are "a thing" with teens righ now. Knee socks are more popular than short socks.

Mismatched socks, yes. Knee socks, no.

Hoodie sweatshirts and cardigan sweaters are popular, and they're so simple that you can't go wrong.

Unless you pick one that's not their taste.

PJs are always nice; and if you're feeling unsure about colors, they're less intimidating because they're only worn in the house.

I know lots of girls that only wear shorts, not long pj pants.

Fancy lotions and shampoos from Bath & Body Works. I see LOTS of those items friend-gifted among the high schoolers.

Include gift receipt so that it's a scent they like.

Fancy pencils and notepads, a new calendar for the upcoming year, or other "nicer" office supplies. Not stationary; teens don't write letters.
Many teens are very environmentally conscious; a re-usable water bottle would be nice, and that's something people don't mind having in duplicate. Fill it with candy. Likewise, Tervis Tumblers are big favorites, as are travel coffee mugs.

My 17-year old wants college stuff more than anything else right now. She's getting her college laptop and some accessories to go with it, some inexpensive dishware, and . . . seems like something else, but I can't remember. I wouldn't get bedsheets; that's something that's very "visible" and she'd likely prefer to pick that herself. But towels, an alarm clock/ipod charger, a sweatshirt with her college name -- those things'd be welcome. She just bought herself a lap desk a few weeks ago, but that'd be nice for a college-bound student. Or one of those big body-pillows; she could use it now at home, then later take it to college.

For those who insist upon gift cards, choose carefully. Last Christmas my daughter received a Walmart gas card from a well-intentioned but clueless family member. The closest Walmart that sells gas is 30 miles away. I "bought" the card from her, and I still haven't used it. Also, both my girls still have the movie gift cards they received last Christmas; they've been to the movies a couple times, but either they've met friends at the wrong theater or they were someone's guest. They never seem to jump right on spending their gift cards.

My point above is that if you really don't know the person you are buying for a "personal" gift can be just as impersonal as a gift card. You're still only buying based on generalities, not on knowing someone's taste. And buying a gift card could still be hit-or-miss if it's to a place that isn't near the recipient, or that the recipient doesn't care for.

(And not all kids like candy.)
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Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I like the gift card idea to multiple different restaurants or movies so that might be a possibility. I think what makes this hard is that they didn't request a particular store and I hate paying the fee for a Visa Card.

I have asked the girls mother what they would like but I guess I should have just asked the girls because then I might have gotten a better answer. These are my husbands nieces that we don't do much with so it makes it difficult. Plus they barely talk to us when we do see them. I wish they were saving for something big then I wouldn't mind giving money as much. The oldest hasn't picked a college yet so I can't get her a college shirt.

I always give a gift receipt as returning anything is a pain without a receipt. I don't know how many times I have gotten duplicate items for my young daughters that returning them was a pain.

Thanks again for all of your ideas! It definately got me thinking :)

I have 2 teenage daughters. They are not your average teenage girls...not into clothes at all, wear only sneakers, t-shirts and hoodies. They have never worn a gift someone besides me has gotten them, we always have to return. I wish they were easier to buy for but this is just how they are. My family now gives them cash because it is truly what they want. Older one is saving for a car, younger one is saving for gas money to get rides from her sister :lmao:

I bought an eyeliner and mascara to put in my older ones stocking. I'm hoping she will be inspired to try them out ;)


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