Chico's trip Part 5 - Day 3 -I get burned at breakfast! (photo)


keeping a low profile
Aug 28, 2003
The cast:
Me: 34, 2nd trip to WDW (last time was 2001 – but we only did MK 1 day – does that count?)
DW: 36 also her 2nd / 1st real trip
DS: 5, ditto for him;
DW’s best friend: 36, 1st trip, hereafter known as Auntie K

Picking up where we left off… we’ve finished our day at the Magic Kingdom, where Auntie K has found that her childhood dreams have come true; we’ve learned that DS is not a big fan of Splash Mountain, (nor is mom!) but that the seeds of a Disney fanatic have been planted in the far edge of Fantasyland, where the Mad Tea Party lives!

I should point out that our late afternoon grocery trip to Goodings at the Crossroads had a secondary motive, at least for DW, as she found herself unpacking that first night without her cosmetic bag! Whoops! So we (well really, they) had more than groceries to find. Auntie K resisted the urge to buy more oranges – I think the customs agents put the fear of God in her good! – but we did stock up on quick breakfast items, and the occasional adult beverage…

I forgot to mention last post about our return to the room from MK earlier in the day, and how I was anxiously awaiting the fabled “mousekeeping” displays or towel animals etc. I didn’t share my inside knowledge of this occasional treat with my crew, I mean come on, spoil the magic for DS and Auntie K? What kinda guy do you think I am? So it was with anticipation that I opened the door to the room to find…

TA DA!! Stitch and the much-loved Puppy sitting on two pillows! That’s it? Well, okay, they had been placed facing the door to welcome us home. Good thing I tipped you… It really made DS’s day – and everyday thereafter he’d race me back up the stairs to the third floor, hide around the corner to “scare “ me, and want to be the first one in to see what was waiting for him! I didn’t see the ‘magic’ but it made him happy - It’s a little thing, but it made his days just that much more special. Okay so I guess it was worth it.

Now, back to the show…

Monday December 8,2003

The plan is to visit Animal Kingdom today, taking advantage of the EMH. As a treat for DS, and now maybe even a bigger one for Auntie K, I made a PS for the character breakfast at Donald’s Breakfastosaurus for 10:30 – knowing we’ll be good and hungry by then, but also because it’s the last breakfast seating time available- which hopefully means less crowds, and more time with Donald, Mickey, Goofy and Pluto!! We’ll head back to the hotel in the afternoon – and then over to MK again this time for Spectro, and Wishes! We’ll likely have to miss Mickey’s Jungle Jammin’ Parade though, in order to make our plans work, but I’m sure we can fit it in later in the week – it is only Day 2 afterall!

Up and at ‘em again for 6:00 – but today the gang is a little slower. Hmmm, me thinks they need more motivation…

“The sooner we get there, the more animals we can see! Without any crowds! Really! Come on! Let’s go!“

My prodding is being met with some skepticism, and more than one dirty look. Something about bodily functions… Okay I’m outta here!
“Dad’s going to get coffee and hot chocolate… And no, Stitch can’t have any!”

We manage to get our butts down to the bus stop 7:20. Must have just missed the AK bus, as it’s a good 15 minute wait, at least, for the next one. Then we stop at both ASMu and ASMo – some days our busses stop here, on other days we don’t – not sure if its scheduling or demand or if some days the drivers just forget? Today of course we hit them both, and after a short drive and a bit of a walk from the AK bus stop we arrive at the park entrance just after 8:00.

We are all rookies from here on, in the parks. None of us have been to MGM or Epcot or AK. The blind leading the blind, as they say. Let’s hope I’ve done my research, and can navigate us through the park – I’m not certain of where anything is so I’m at Disney’s mercy when it comes to the map. At least strollers and guide maps are located where we expect – on the right after entering. And we’re happy about the familiar ‘spoke and wheel’ layout. Shouldn’t be too confusing for us first-timers.

Well we’re off to see the Safari – and if I’m not mistaken, so is everyone else here right now! Its cool again this morning, so jackets are a must, but the forecast is for decently warm in the afternoon – so shorts are a go for me – everyone else chickens out! We think about the Kali River Rapids – but cool weather and soaking wet aren’t exactly my favorite combination – not to mention Splash Mountain boy and a certain water-river-slide-type ride aversion, so we pass, and decide to keep up with the crowd (if you can even call it that – its just that everyone is going the same place.)

We have to wait for the truck ahead of us to fill then we step right up. It feels like we’re getting ready for a gun-fight at the O-K corral. Auntie K has her 2nd and last disposable camera ready. I’ve made sure I charged 2 sets of batteries for the digital camera over-night to avoid the whole camera-plays-dead routine this morning, and DW has the video camera at the ready. If there’s animals to see today, by golly, we’re gonna shoot ‘em.

With film I mean.

And we’re off. Our driver is a maniac (I know they all are) and everyone is jolted quickly into the action. DS loves the frenetic pace of the truck, and we’re in luck as we get to see a lot of animals: antelopes, warthogs, elephants (of course) giraffes, etc, and even Simba lying out on Pride Rock. DS thought that was great! We’re getting some good video today. Auntie K is getting some good photos from her side of the truck too. Even DS is having fun. Me? I’m stuck in the middle, and I can’t get this god forsaken camera to work again!!! That’s it ya stupid piece of… If I hadn’t just spent $500 on you… I know I charged these stupid things! Why you little… DW, as always, comes to my rescue, with another set of new batteries – (But I know I charged them!!) - I half suspect she’s onto me now, seeing how she’s come prepared… but no matter, I’m back in business! You gotta love her!

Auntie K got a bit grabby and panicky over the rickety bridge (and had a good laugh) and we all cheered for Little Red at the end. A little corny – I know – but what can you say? The scenery and habitats are amazing (yeah I know Pride Rock is heated and that’s why Simba is out there early in the morning in the shade and all that) but it’s the details that make the attraction.

We skip the Pangani Trail since the weather is cool and gorillas aren’t big on sitting out on cool mornings. (Hello gorillas? Get your selves a new agent – or maybe a bigger part in the next Disney feature – The lion’s have a heated rock! What do you get?) But my crew is looking to take it easy today – the tropical location and themeing help to make this park more low key – which is refreshing. We poke around Harambe and check out the Mobassa Marketplace. I’m struck by the details in the buildings, and the scenery. DW and Auntie K make a pitstop at the facilities, and DS and I find Baloo around the corner on the way to Asia, so we flag Auntie K down as fast as we can. Baloo and King Louie are Auntie K’s favorites! She loves the Jungle Book, and was asking if I thought she might see them today. She’s five again as I take her picture, hugging and holding onto Baloo, and she returns the favor by taking one of DS and me with Baloo.

DS had fun playing the bongos, which were set up by the stone wall / picture taking spot place! And I took some great shots of the Tree of Life! We’re headed for Dinoland and the Triceratops Spin, so we walk along the parade route towards Asia, then across the bridge back to Discovery Island. I’m looking for Devine hoping to spot her, but to no avail. Maybe too cold? Maybe later in the day? Does she keep a schedule? Questions posed hoping for answers…

We laugh at the Petrifries sign and DS is interested in the Boneyard, but there’s no line at TriceraTop Spin, so we walk right on. Dumbo has morphed into the prehistoric age! Again DS and Mom ride together– at his request (I think he knows she doesn’t like the height!) and he takes their dino up, up and away!

Riley and mom head into the Boneyard to dig and play, so Auntie K and I head into Chester’s and Hester’s to look around. Great little toy store! I felt like I was five again! I found a Power Ranger Ninja Strom toy that DS has been looking for and asking about, so I buy it for him and have it shipped back to the resort… How cool is that? I know that my wife and Auntie K are going to love this perk of being a resort guest!!

We all hook up to ride the Triceratops again, then make our over over to Donald’s for our breakfast PS. We’re early, but they’re serving hot cocoa in paper/foam cups with lids, out on the patios, and we get the traditional photo taken. We chat with some of the CM’s and people watch for a bit then get called in on time.

We’re seated just around the corner in the main room, DS on the outside corner diagonally across from me so the characters have easy access to him, and I have easy photo ops. DW is across from me and Auntie K is to my left. Neil our server introduces himself makes sure he has the right guests by verifying our family name (Parker) takes our drink orders, then returns quickly with juice for all, and his camera, offering to take our ‘family’ picture.

“Okay everyone smile…” We all get ready, move in close… And he laughs as he sprays us with water from his joke camera!! “Gotcha!” He apologizes, with a “Ya had ta see it comin’…” Yeah well we didn’t. We all had a laugh. DS thought it was funny – and note – Neil made sure not to get him wet – he was going for mom and Auntie!

I got up with DS to find the washroom, and was halfway across the room when I heard Neil bellow, “Pahker, (Boston accent) Where do ya think yawr goin?” I turn to find him over across the room, serving other guests, and motioning towards Auntie K and DW with a drinking action (tipping the pretend glass back…) and he continues. “Thought y’d step out for a quick one, did ya?” I ‘m practically at the restroom door, and, well let’s face it, I got nuthin’! How do come back with a wise crack when you’ve been caught totally off guard? I manage a ‘Huh? What me? Point to the kid’ kinda motion and disappear. This should be a fun breakfast!

We return and get in line for the buffet. Wow! Omelettes made to order, French toast, pancakes, breakfast pizza, etc, etc, We were a little concerned that the food may have been sitting out since we were at the end of the breakfast time but there was no need to be concerned. Everything was hot and delicious!

Returning to the table we see Neil has a new family at a nearby table leaning in for their ‘picture’ and smile! Got them too! Donald stops by for photos and autographs, and Auntie K is nervous about asking for a picture with him! Well not me! You don’t get to see the Duck himself very often, so I ask Donald if he’ll pose for a picture of K and me, and he plays along with the surprised look, and the hug for Auntie! She kept her composure but she’ll admit later she was nervous! (First time meeting a character and all, and he’s one of her favorites too!) Pluto’s not too far behind so he stops in too. And then Mickey himself comes over! We all get our pictures taken with him, and the autographs signed. He seemed to be in a bit of a rush. No matter. We met Mickey! We put the cameras down, and get back to eating when Neil returns carrying a tray holding some cups with lids,

“Sorry about the camera thing, let me make it up to you. Okay? Now careful now, I’ve got these very hot frappuccinos here, On the house, and let me just set them down… and uh, OH NO!”

GOOD LORD! He’s just hit the end of the table and the tray is coming my way!! MOVE!

I’m up and getting out of the way, stuff is flying, utensils hitting the floor! Then it hits me.

He’s tripped and sent EMPTY CUPS flying in my direction!! I must have been 2 feet off the ground! I bought the whole act! The look on my face must have been priceless!! (Apparently, according to my wife, it was!)

I know the look on Neil’s certainly was! “Ohh, Pahker! I gotcha GOOD! You’re all mine! Don’t even try it!” He’s doing a victory dance, all proud of himself, and, well, he earned it! Auntie K is howling, DW thinks its pretty funny too!

I know when I’ve been beat. I acknowledge the rest of the restaurant, and try to return my face to a non-red colour! “I’m gonna get you back, Neil, Just wait.” Yeah idle threat, what am I going to do? Tell 55,000 of my closest DIS friends about him? Well, maybe. Post his picture? Sure! Thank-you Neil. You made a special moment in our trip unforgettable! (DS got Neil’s autograph too.) Goofy visits us to round out the meet and greet, DW just has to buy the souvenir photo, and we’re off again...

Link to Part 6
chico...I can only hope my trip report can be as entertaining as your reports have funny:D Keep up the good work...I'll have to check the rest when we get back
:wave2: Oh, chico, I have been enjoying your trip reports right here on our board! I laughed out loud this morning! :crazy:

Keep the reports coming. I can't go to Disney (didn't win the lottery-and the university sweepstakes are coming up) but I love to live vicariously through the trips of others. :tongue:
Chico - I love the play by play - sounds like everyone had a fantastic time - hope you get the camera to work! Jo
That is sooo funny Chico! We are going to try Donalds Breakfastasauraus in Feb (actually on my B-day), I hope our server is as entertaining. I'm not going to tell my family about those "tricks" and hope they get a hoot out of them too.
Im looking forward to Part 6.

I didn't know Donald's Breakfast was so funny...I'll have to go there next time. The Big D's also my fav.


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