CDC Notifies States, Large Cities To Prepare For Vaccine Distribution As Soon As Late October

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Can you show me the science that shows the covid19 vaccine will prevent the spread of covid19? Fauci himself says there is none. You can't say you are following the science then NOT follow the science. It's not about belief. Science is not a religion that requires faith. It's about looking at studies and data and acknowledging what they PROVE.

People need to be aware of the facts and we shouldn't have people walking around thinking they are immune to covid19 after they have the vaccine, meanwhile spreading it to others by not wearing a mask and not social distancing. Not until we have proof it cannot be spread by those who have been vaccinated.
Science shows it can prevent serious cases. Once everyone who wants a vaccine has had a chance to get a vaccine, it's no longer my responsibility to prevent spread. Once you have been given a tool proven to protect yourself, it will be on you to avail yourself of it.

And they haven't proven it won't prevent transmission. They just don't have proof yet that it prevents transmission. Give them time.
Can you show me the science that shows the covid19 vaccine will prevent the spread of covid19? Fauci himself says there is none. You can't say you are following the science then NOT follow the science. It's not about belief. Science is not a religion that requires faith. It's about looking at studies and data and acknowledging what they PROVE.

People need to be aware of the facts and we shouldn't have people walking around thinking they are immune to covid19 after they have the vaccine, meanwhile spreading it to others by not wearing a mask and not social distancing. Not until we have proof it cannot be spread by those who have been vaccinated.

He also said while it hasn’t been tested yet they expect it to limit transmission since viral loads will be lower in vaccinated people and for the most part vaccines do slow/prevent spread.
Yesterday, I signed up to see if I qualify for the Phase 3 trial of the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) vaccine since they were enrolling in my area. Not sure they will want me since I am a stay at home mom, but my kids are in school in person and I do all the shopping/errand running for the house, so I go out several times a week. Plus, community spread is high here. I'm interested in this vaccine because it's only one dose and seems similar to older vaccine technology which I know I tolerate well.

My only concern is the timing of another vaccine being available to me and whether or not I'd be able to get that one while participating in this other study. I guess I will ask about that during my initial meeting.

You will absolutely not be able to get another vaccine while in their study. It would make your presence in the study completely moot.
Can you show me the science that shows the covid19 vaccine will prevent the spread of covid19? Fauci himself says there is none. You can't say you are following the science then NOT follow the science. It's not about belief. Science is not a religion that requires faith. It's about looking at studies and data and acknowledging what they PROVE.

People need to be aware of the facts and we shouldn't have people walking around thinking they are immune to covid19 after they have the vaccine, meanwhile spreading it to others by not wearing a mask and not social distancing. Not until we have proof it cannot be spread by those who have been vaccinated.

First off, if you've been vaccinated, even if it's theoretically possible you could transmit the disease, the odds will still be exceedingly low, as you will by definition have an extremely low viral load and for a very short amount of time.

Second, once the vaccine is readily available to all, you feel free to wear a mask and socially distance. Your choice at that point.
First off, if you've been vaccinated, even if it's theoretically possible you could transmit the disease, the odds will still be exceedingly low, as you will by definition have an extremely low viral load and for a very short amount of time.

Second, once the vaccine is readily available to all, you feel free to wear a mask and socially distance. Your choice at that point.

It's not like it's the choice of the people. These businesses and airlines will continue to enforce the mask. They are already telling us this. I'd expect it all through 2021 and at least part of 2022 we'll still be wearing them.
So here’s a thought I’ve been pondering... all this talk about the vaccine being approximately 95% effective... I want to know if all the trial participants went about their normal daily life post vaccination. Like are they not wearing masks, gathering in large groups, etc? Or are these people still following masks and distance guidelines. For example, a participant wouldn’t have been able to travel and visit WDW unmasked even though they received the vaccine because WDW wouldn’t have allowed them in unmasked. So how can they say it’s effective when we don’t know if the participants have returned to “normal” life. 🤷🏼‍♀️
First off, if you've been vaccinated, even if it's theoretically possible you could transmit the disease, the odds will still be exceedingly low, as you will by definition have an extremely low viral load and for a very short amount of time.

Second, once the vaccine is readily available to all, you feel free to wear a mask and socially distance. Your choice at that point.

They are quarantining people with no symptoms who test positive. I'd say they have a very mild viral load, yet they are perceived as a dangerous public threat. Why would that stop after being vaccinated if someone can still have a mild version of covid19? I expect continued testing, quarantine and mask wearing all through 2021. I don't like it but I am realistic and prepared for it.
It's not like it's the choice of the people. These businesses and airlines will continue to enforce the mask. They are already telling us this. I'd expect it all through 2021 and at least part of 2022 we'll still be wearing them.
I believe businesses will continue to require masks as long as they believe doing so gains them more customers than not doing so. Once local officials stop requiring it, businesses will flip the switch when they think they'll get more business without them.

I personally think most will stop requiring it by the end of 2021. But I'm in a red state so probably more likely to be the case here than in other states.
So here’s a thought I’ve been pondering... all this talk about the vaccine being approximately 95% effective... I want to know if all the trial participants went about their normal daily life post vaccination. Like are they not wearing masks, gathering in large groups, etc? Or are these people still following masks and distance guidelines. For example, a participant wouldn’t have been able to travel and visit WDW unmasked even though they received the vaccine because WDW wouldn’t have allowed them in unmasked. So how can they say it’s effective when we don’t know if the participants have returned to “normal” life. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Because there is a control group. They don’t know whether they got the placebo or the actual vaccine, and both groups carried on with life. More from the placebo group got sick than those from the vaccine group.
They are quarantining people with no symptoms who test positive. I'd say they have a very mild viral load, yet they are perceived as a dangerous public threat. Why would that stop after being vaccinated if someone can still have a mild version of covid19? I expect continued testing, quarantine and mask wearing all through 2021. I don't like it but I am realistic and prepared for it.
Because 1) you can have a mild case that turns severe, and you don’t necessarily know if you are one who is carrying a high viral load or not and 2) OTHERS will be able to get a vaccination preventing themselves from getting sick, something that we don’t currently have.
We still have to wait for the vaccine to be widely available, so we are still looking at months of mask wearing.
So here’s a thought I’ve been pondering... all this talk about the vaccine being approximately 95% effective... I want to know if all the trial participants went about their normal daily life post vaccination. Like are they not wearing masks, gathering in large groups, etc? Or are these people still following masks and distance guidelines. For example, a participant wouldn’t have been able to travel and visit WDW unmasked even though they received the vaccine because WDW wouldn’t have allowed them in unmasked. So how can they say it’s effective when we don’t know if the participants have returned to “normal” life. 🤷🏼‍♀️

They compared the number who contracted Covid in the placebo group to the vaccine group. Assuming both arms of the study were engaging in the same habits, inculding the ones you mention above.
Looks like my state would get about 23,750 doses from Pfizer.

An article I was reading said keep in mind due to 2 doses needed cut that number in half for the amount of individual people who would get it.
Here are some numbers hot off the presses from Dr. Moncef Slaoui, head of Operation Warp Speed:

Total PEOPLE (not doses) able to be vaccinated by month in the US with current supply:

Dec: 20 million
Jan: 30 million
Feb: 50 million
Looks like my state would get about 23,750 doses from Pfizer.

An article I was reading said keep in mind due to 2 doses needed cut that number in half for the amount of individual people who would get it.

Not completely in half as there will be more doses available by the time at least some of those people need their second dose. But yes, 23k doses now does not equal 23k people now.
Not completely in half as there will be more doses available by the time at least some of those people need their second dose. But yes, 23k doses now does not equal 23k people now.
This is straight from the article: "Kansas’ 23,750 doses from Pfizer won’t cover the 40,000 people in the top priority group. Each person needs two doses, so only about 16,875 people in the state will get immunized. Missouri’s 50,000 will take care of about 25,000 people." I believe they are talking about being fully protected, you wouldn't want to count a person a immunized if a vaccine needs more than 1 dose.

I don't yet know how they will distribute the initial doses but you have to make sure people get the same vaccine as the first dose. When they submitted their plans both KS and MO discussed they had a vaccine registry set up which will track.
Please understand these are just the first shipments. There will continue to be shipments going forward.
Please understand these are just the first shipments. There will continue to be shipments going forward.
No one has said otherwise and I don't know how anyone would think there wouldn't be continual shipments. Geez just sharing information about the distribution of vaccine,this is after all the thread about...vaccine distribution in case we've forgotten
No one has said otherwise and I don't know how anyone would think there wouldn't be continual shipments. Geez just sharing information about the distribution of vaccine,this is after all the thread about...vaccine distribution in case we've forgotten

Umm...I wasn't jumping down your throat here. Just clarifying. I just don't want people to think these are the entirety of what those states are getting in December/January.
Umm...I wasn't jumping down your throat here. Just clarifying. I just don't want people to think these are the entirety of what those states are getting in December/January.

Also want to point out this is only the one vaccine. It is pretty likely we will have two in the very near future. :) Can. Not. Wait. Oh and fwiw, once vaccines are widely available for all, my mask is not going to be on my face. At that point it is a choice to not protect themselves and I'm out. I do my part 1000% now and have this entire time but once everyone can get the vax, then it is their responsibility to protect themselves. Not mine.
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