CARYN & MARK's Trip Report****6/8 added more pics, dried bouquet and wedding album***

OH MY GOD!!! Finally.... i was dying...

I love everything so far especially the scene of the MIL on the plane...she's right you deserve the attention... everyone turns 58 but how many get married at WDW.

It's so great to read the start of your trip report! Thanks for sharing all the pictures- I love the one of the dress strapped in the plane and the one with all the Welcome Bags lined up. The upgrade sounds fantastic, it must have been great being back at the Boardwalk!

The hijack of your trip report was so cute too, I'm excited to read more from everyone :jumping1:
Welcome home! I read your entire PJ this past weekend because I was so into it and just stumbled upon this site a few days ago! I am so glad that you are home and that you had a great time! Thank you so much for all that you have shared and all of your advice in the PJ. It has been so helpful! Now on to the show: Love the pics so far- thanks for the report! Cant wait to read more!
Welcome Home! I can't wait to read all about it!

i can't wait to read YOUR tr! a dcl wedding! i'm super excited for you! maybe we'll book and lurk at your wedding...

OH MY GOD!!! Finally.... i was dying...

I love everything so far especially the scene of the MIL on the plane...she's right you deserve the attention... everyone turns 58 but how many get married at WDW.


she is so funny. she even complained about that guy on her flight home.

It's so great to read the start of your trip report! Thanks for sharing all the pictures- I love the one of the dress strapped in the plane and the one with all the Welcome Bags lined up. The upgrade sounds fantastic, it must have been great being back at the Boardwalk!

The hijack of your trip report was so cute too, I'm excited to read more from everyone :jumping1:

i think it's funny to look at that dress pic. at the time, i was absolutely MANAIC about it.

Welcome home! I read your entire PJ this past weekend because I was so into it and just stumbled upon this site a few days ago! I am so glad that you are home and that you had a great time! Thank you so much for all that you have shared and all of your advice in the PJ. It has been so helpful! Now on to the show: Love the pics so far- thanks for the report! Cant wait to read more!

wow! thanks for reading! my pj is super long...i'm glad you got through it! i'll post as many pics as i can...i'm still waiting for them to arrive!
Oh, Caryn, what a sweet thing for Mark to say. :goodvibes You must both be so happy!!

Count me in as another person who has been waiting for this TR!! I can't wait to see how wonderfully (because I know it did!) everything came together!!

Day 2- Tuesday January 22, 2008-The day before the day before the wedding...this was suppsoed to be my "no stress" day...
I had told my dad that we needed to drop the ceremony and reception items off at Franck’s that morning and we also had 3 welcome bags to take to POFQ. I wanted to meet them in the morning to get this done and not worry about wedding stuff for the rest of the day. I woke up at 7:30 to get ready, I took a shower (LOVE the shower in the GS), go downstairs (ahhh-GS), roll my hair in the ½ bath (darn those GS’s are great) and then Mark wakes up. His mood did not improve at all yesterday and I didn’t want to deal with him that morning. The plan was to leave his grumpy butt in the room so he could sleep, I would run all the errands and meet him and his parents at MK. Well, that wasn’t Mark D’s plan…he wanted breakfast, since we were Concierege Level, we went to the Innkeepers Lounge, ate and waited for my parents to get there. While we were waiting, we walked by the pool. The bartender was just going on duty and he recognized us! Five years later! So cool!

We met my parents and headed off to POFQ to drop the 3 welcome bags off. I hadn’t seen that hotel since my cp, It is so nice, I’m really glad that I included it in the room block.

Next stop-Franck’s.

It was super busy in there, Marion had a PS that day so I gave all of our stuff to the interns that were there. One of them (Keri-Ann) was going to be her assistant for our wedding, I was really glad to meet her (on the day of the wedding, I was relieved to see a familiar face). There were two weddings at the pavilion that day and they were cleaning it, so we snuck in to take a look. I had never been in there, when we entered, I was instantly glad that we had chosen SBP. The WP is beautiful, it’s just not ME. My Dad really loved it though…he had an “ah-ha” moment with the castle view through the window (I believe the word he used was “tremendous”). We took some pictures posing at the wp and then walked outside.

The one thing I have to say about that area is that it’s very secluded, but you still have the Disney “feel” 100%. If you want a private wedding, the WP is the place to be! There really aren’t any areas in there that can’t be controlled by DFTW, which is unique.

I looked across Seven Seas Lagoon at the Poly and got excited that we would be there for the rest of our trip! I told my parents the story of these kids on my cp who stole a boat from the GF marina in the middle of the night, took it to the volcano pool at the poly and put a whole bunch of powdered soap in the pool so the volcano was foaming all over. They videotaped their stunt and were subsequently fired, but live on in infamy (and my tr)! My dad thought that was pretty funny. We got into the car and headed back to bw to get the mini-van. I was done with wedding stuff for the day!

The three of us were hungry, Mom and Dad were going to get Megan from the airport at around noon and we still had a couple of hours to kill so we headed to DTD for lunch. They ate at Earl of Sandwich, sorry, no food porn, I’m REALLY bad about that…though I got slightly better at the end of the trip…We went to the Christmas shop and I was so upset when I found out that they are not carrying the Disney Christmas Spode china anymore. DRAT!

This day was also Megan’s birthday, so my parents went to fetch her and Mark and I went to MGM (oh, excuse me, the Hollywood Studios) with his parents. We were all going to meet up with at the MK later on that day.
Here we are on the tram (I love self pics…)

and in front of the park (the 90210 bag is HOT)

MGM (sorry, it will always be MGM to me, no matter what it says on the sign) was pretty fun, I wore my bride ears everyday in the parks and it was amazing how many people noticed-truly amazing! We went on Star Tours (MIL’s fave) and the Great Movie Ride. I was excited that we got a spot at 50’s for lunch that day.
An exciting family pic at 50’s!

We just LOVE that place! We would eat dinner there often when we were cm’s, so there are a lot of happy memories. I forgot food porn (again). I was starting to get very anxious around this time. I barely even ate (a problem that perpetuated until the day after the wedding). I really wanted to see my sister who had just arrived and was on the way to MK, so we hopped into the van and made our way to the TTC. We detoured through there to see the poly since I hadn’t been there in like 6 years. Then we headed off to MK to meet my parents and Megan.
Here’s the birthday girl and I (self pic in the MK)

Rabbi Jimmy and his fantastic wife Shelley had just arrived as well and we met them on Main Street right in the middle of the parade! We headed over to Pirates (no line), then the HH (again, no line), someone was hungry and figured out that you get free popcorn in the MK if you are getting married, so free popcorn it was! I really wanted to go to Hall of Presidents (I LOVE wax people) especially since American Adventure was being refurbed, it took some coaxing for some people to go (namely my husband) and I had to get the Rabbi Jimmy’s support on this one. I just LOVE that ride (I guess it’s an attraction-NOT a ride, sorry), I’m such a dork. After that was done, Rabbi and Shelley went back to the hotel, they had a long day and were tired. I confirmed that Mark would meet them in the front of All Star Movies tomorrow at 9am to pick them up for the rehearsal.

It was getting dark at this point, so we decided to try and make dinner plans. Lindsay and her dbf Chris (herein referred to as “my ray-bar”) had just arrived and were going to meet us at MK, but we decided to head back to the All Star and eat in the food court. As I said earlier, my anxiety was hitting an all time high. I don’t know what did it. I was texting Lindsay and my ray-bar texted back and asked me if I needed a hug. NO. I decided that tequila would cure all and so I hit the bar as soon as I arrived. Lindsay had bought a birthday cake for megs so we (my parents, IL’s, Megan, Lindsay and my ray bar) congregated in the back of the All Star food court for her mini-party. I asked a cm if we could have some balloons, which she delivered while I was at the bar with lin, my ray bar and my mil. I think everyone was tired that night and nerves were on edge, after a mini-drama (that will be referred to in the future as the “lemonade incident”) mark and I headed off to the GS. Actually, we were really hungry since we hadn’t eaten and the tequila was NOT helping my stress level. We needed to get something for dinner, but just couldn’t think of a place to sit down, so we ended up at Gooding’s, which was fine since I wanted to buy a flower for my rehearsal bouquet anyway. The first flowers (one of a precious three times) that mark gave me were from Gooding’s. It was a single red rose in a tall thin glass vase with some baby’s breath. I had that rose for years until one of our cats destroyed it. I was so happy to see that they had the exact one, but NOT happy to see the price, $9, he only spent $9 on my flowers??? And that’s with inflation, I bet 5 and a half years ago it was even less than that!!!

I was in a REALLY bad mood, like, such a bad mood that I couldn’t concentrate on anything. This mood perpetuated until just after our ceremony. Not good. We went back to the BW and mark listened to me scream for a bit. Bless him. Then we took a bath in the Jacuzzi and went to bed. I was tired, but didn’t sleep much.
Oh, Caryn, what a sweet thing for Mark to say. :goodvibes You must both be so happy!!

Count me in as another person who has been waiting for this TR!! I can't wait to see how wonderfully (because I know it did!) everything came together!!


it WAS wonderful! i can't wait to finish my writings so i can share it with you all!!!
Caryn... Your TR has started fabulously! I can't wait to read more! Great picture at the 50's Diner, one of my very favorite places at Disney! Can't wait for more!:rotfl:
I know I'm like the 54,382 person to say it, but...

Congrats you guys!! :goodvibes

popcorn:: Anxiously awaiting more...
Yay, Caryn's trip report! Well, I am glad you at least packed your hater blockers :cool2: and the pic of you in them was very cool too! I loved the belted dress pic too ; I even showed it to my 15yr old son - he said "niiicce," LOL!!
Just subbing! I'll be back to read later!
What the @#$%! are you doing here, missy?! You're supposed to be at WDW patiently waiting for me and Wendy so you can crash our weddings!!!

But thank gawd you've started your TR already - I thought I was gonna miss it! :goodvibes
welcome back Caryn! congrats!!
YAY! :yay: glad your back! CONGRATULATIONS :dance3: Been looking forward to your trip report!

We were the PS Marion was with when you dropped off your stuff at the WP!

BTW, we got to lurk at your ceremony! Just BEAUTIFUL! We arrived at the BW just as your guest bus pulled up! :laughing: I spotted the pink crinnie the minute I walk in the door! :cool1: I have been waiting patiently to hear all about it!!!
Awww! It was so sweet of him to say that... I would have melted into my chair.. :)


OMG I love your tote!!! Seriously...amazing :thumbsup2

he is a very sweet man! 90210 is one of my favorite shows ever! i got that bag at target for like $10 the day before we left!

Caryn... Your TR has started fabulously! I can't wait to read more! Great picture at the 50's Diner, one of my very favorite places at Disney! Can't wait for more!:rotfl:

i wish i would have been calm enough to eat that day, i'm STILL craving s'mores...

Type quicker!!

i'm going i'm going...

I know I'm like the 54,382 person to say it, but...

Congrats you guys!! :goodvibes

popcorn:: Anxiously awaiting more...


Yay, Caryn's trip report! Well, I am glad you at least packed your hater blockers :cool2: and the pic of you in them was very cool too! I loved the belted dress pic too ; I even showed it to my 15yr old son - he said "niiicce," LOL!!

the :cool2: came in quite handy at times on this trip...

What the @#$%! are you doing here, missy?! You're supposed to be at WDW patiently waiting for me and Wendy so you can crash our weddings!!!

But thank gawd you've started your TR already - I thought I was gonna miss it! :goodvibes

i know i know i know. my best friend and i might pop in next week...i missed my kitties...

welcome back Caryn! congrats!!


YAY! :yay: glad your back! CONGRATULATIONS :dance3: Been looking forward to your trip report!

We were the PS Marion was with when you dropped off your stuff at the WP!

BTW, we got to lurk at your ceremony! Just BEAUTIFUL! We arrived at the BW just as your guest bus pulled up! :laughing: I spotted the pink crinnie the minute I walk in the door! :cool1: I have been waiting patiently to hear all about it!!!

oh wow! franck's was PACKED that day, we wanted to look around, but all my dad got were some pics and we scooted out! i'm glad you got to see the wedding, i was looking for dis'ers, but it was such mayhem that i didn't see any!
Day 3- Wednesday January 23, 2008-Rehearsal Day

Rehearsal morning. I woke up early to put my hair in rollers and get ready for the day. I was stressed when I woke up, according to our original reservations, we were supposed to switch rooms that day, but since we were upgraded that wasn’t necessary. They just gave us new keys and we didn’t even have to go check in and out again, that was great. We ended up going to the concierge lounge for breakfast and then I met my sisters to take their dresses to the GS to be steamed later on that afternoon. Mark went to get his parents and the rabbi and wife at the ASM for the rehearsal that started at 10. I met my parents in the lobby. I had 2 welcome bags to be delivered there, Mark’s business partners were staying in a suite there and were arriving that afternoon. When the last 2 bags were finally gone, we headed outside. I was in a super snappy mood and my father attempted to let me know that and I just got even snappier. Bridezilla was a real thing at this point.

We all met on the BW outside the bakery and made our way to the rehearsal.
Here’s Mark and I posing with our sign

Originally Marion told me that I didn’t have to do a rehearsal, but I really wanted to and I’m so glad that I did. We all had our bridal party wear on, it was so cool! The rehearsal went well, Marion said I was very organized and complimented me on my numerous craft projects, which was sweet of her. The rehearsal took no longer than 15 minutes. That surprised me. I thought it would take longer. I guess I was SLIGHTLY bossy, but I was stressed and people weren’t focusing and that was making Bridezilla mad.
Rehearsal Pics

Lindsay on her practice walk

Megan on her practice walk

Mark and his parents practicing

(everyone got to practice except me)
discussing something very important (not that I remember what it was…)

a super fun family shot of us in our rehearsal wear!

We had an ADR at the Garden Grill for 12:20 and had a ton of time to waste…I decided to call Periwigs to get a nail appointment, I wanted to keep my afternoon free because we were SUPPOSED to go to property control that day, but that never happened. In retrospect, it would have been better for me to go to one of the spa’s for a massage but that didn’t happen…So we were all in the GS, Rabbi signed and had witnesses sign the marriage license. I remark that we’re technically married now, we could just perform a mini ceremony in the GS and be done with it!

I get a nail appt for 11am and it was already 10:30 so Mom and I headed over to Y+B and the rest of them went to EPCOT. If I had it to do again, I never would have went to Periwigs, my manicure is completely gone now, not a trace of it and it hasn’t even been a week. It was the weirdest thing, it just peeled off in whole pieces! I’ve never had that happen before. I felt bad for the girl working there, she was obviously terrified of her bosses (there were like 5 Disney managers in there when I was there) and was a bit shaky. We got done at around 12:10 and I was worried that we would miss our food. Well, we are racing through World Showcase and Mark called and said that Lindsay had the time wrong and the ADR was for 12:40 and to take our time.

Lunch was amazing. Probably one of the best meals I’ve had a Disney.

The only thing that wasn’t perfect was the turning mechanism on the restaurant was broken, so it wasn’t moving. Oh well. The food was really good (sorry, I forgot the porn, oh wait, I have one…)

and they even gave us a congratulations cake!

In the middle of the lunch, my mother got a phone call and started saying very loudly, “ohhhh noooooo” she was talking to her mother. It was supposed to snow a lot over those two days in NJ and my grandparents and 3 sets of aunts and uncles were coming in that day. When she started her dramatic conversation I thought they weren’t coming. Turns out that they were already in Orlando, they just had a nice 4 hour wait at Newark airport. At least they were there! We loved the characters. Mark remarked that this was the first time he’d actually seen Mickey since his first cp in the early 90’s. He took this as a good omen.

After lunch we went on The Land. I just love that ride, it’s one of my all time faves.
My ray-bar and I on The Land

I REALLY wanted to go on the “Behind The Seeds” tour, but grumpy Marky wouldn’t let me.

We left EPCOT with my mom and headed back to the GS to meet Carolyn Allen’s. Sue came and steamed our dresses.
When she first started steaming

with my sisters dresses hanging up

It took her literally 2 hours to do mine since it had never been steamed. I was amazed at how much poofier it was after she was done with it. Mark kept trying to come into the room as she was doing my dress, but I wouldn’t let him, I sent him to the Inn Pool’s spa, right across from our room. While Sue was steaming, I re-arranged the hoops in my hoop skirt and put it together with my crinnie.

on the morning of the wedding, right before I was about to leave, I had my mother crawl under my dress and cut out all that extra white stuff, I was tripping over it…

After Sue was done, I stashed my dress in the ½ bath, allowed Mark access to the GS again and we went to Celebration for dinner. On the way out of the lobby, I noticed that our names were flashing on the Events Sign! I was so excited!!

We were SUPER nervous. Like, it was really bad. We couldn’t find anything to talk about, we made boring small talk…we were a mess. We actually used to live in Celebration, that was when it was Disney owned, which is no more. Our dinner was ok, we ate at some italian place outside, Café D’Antonio’s maybe? It wasn’t that late when we finished up and we needed to “get tired” in order to sleep that night so we decided to go walk around DTD. We started on the West Side and walked all the way through PI and then onto The Marketplace. Mark’s family was having their dinner at Portobello Yacht Club and we stopped by for a drink. Originally, we had planned on just being by ourselves that night (my family was at Cape May Café) but since we were there, I thought it would be a good idea to meet his side instead of trying to meet 20 people at my reception. This actually worked out really well for us. I had a lemon drop martini and Mark had a beer. We were there for an hour or so and the martini really calmed my nerves. Truth be told, I could have gone for another, but I didn’t want to get loaded in front of my new fam. Oh the scandal that would have been…We lazily walked through The Marketplace, I was pretty upset that they don’t carry the Disney Christmas Spode china anymore but oh well. We got bored and cold and decided to head back. I took a pic of our ears on the bed while the tub was filling up…

Here’s Mark, posing through the window…

We went to bed at around 11:30-12ish…

Wow, a lot happens in the one night I'm away from my computer. You gotta hurry up with the TR so I can read it all up before we leave on Friday. I'm glad you're back on the board, but soooo sad that you're not in the World. Come back, come back!
do you know what mark said to me at dinner tonight? i have noticed a change in him, and in me as well. back up a bit, we need some history here-mark was a perpetual bachelor. we've been through our ups and downs and never thought we'd be married...he never thought he needed it. seriously. he'd broken off an engagement previously. tonight he told me that he feels so content and it's very comforting. he said that everyone should be able to feel like this. it's a very lovely feeling. it really is. it was so magical (and we're not even in disney anymore ;) ) when he said that to me! more tr to come soon!


:dance3: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :dance3:
YAY, I'm so glad to be reading your TR! It's great so far and I can't wait to read more and see lots of amazing pics. What Mark said is so incredibly sweet. I wish you both the best! :wizard:



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