Canadian Buffoon's Sweet 16 Celebration - Update 01/28 - The End


Brace yourself for immediate disintegration
Mar 9, 2007
Canadian Buffoon's Sweet 16 Celebration

Welcome to the TR!
My eighth!!

How did this happen?
I wasn't even sure I'd do one TR,
let alone eight!!
(Links for the brave
can be found in my siggie.)

Well... there's a reason.
And that reason is you.

You kept telling me to write.
And when I wrote,
you kept telling me to
write some more.

right about now you're
throwing your hands up
in despair and saying
"Please make it stop! When will it end?"

Who knows?
Certainly not me.
It's really up to you, after all.

First... intros.


That's me. On the right.
You could say I have a slight...
fondness for Ariel.
Which is cool, because
she obviously returns my affection.
(Evidence her smitten expression of adoration.)

The other person in the above photo
is my younger daughter, Kay.

She's a good kid,
but sometimes gets in the way
when dad is trying to hit on
aquatic women.

I mean really!

There are some things
that I should make clear
right from the get go.

This will be a very.... fragmented TR.
The first few days....
Notes! Copious notes!
I've got notes about my notes!

And then we get to Disneyland...

Nary a note as far as the eye can see.

Because while the first part of the trip
was all new to me,
the Disneyland/California part was...

Well... new too... but I wanted to
play tourist more than I wanted
to play Trip Reporter.

So... be prepared for details....
Loooots of details.
For the first half of this TR.
The second half?

Yeah... not so much.
I'll be relying on my memory there.
And since I can't remember yesterday....
And this trip was in March.......

But there is one thing you can count on.

Exploding helicopters.
With giraffes.

What all good TRs should have,


Before we begin... a little background.

I mentioned that Kay is my younger daughter.
When her older sister turned sixteen,
we threw a big party for her.

But Kay isn't a "big party" kinda girl.
And we had no idea what she might like.
So one day I said to her,
"Would you like to go on a trip somewhere?"
She said. "Yes! Japan!"
I said. "Think... less distant... less $$$$$$"
And left it at that.

A few days later, Kay comes to me and says.
"Dad? I want to do this."
And shows me this exact photo:


Kay is an animal lover.
She goes nuts for any animals...
The critters in the above photo
are capybaras.
The world's largest rodent.
Pretty much just giant versions
of her Guinea Pig.

You weren't allowed to touch them,
but you could sit and feed them
for half an hour.

And it wasn't ridiculously expensive.
Located at the Palm Beach zoo in Florida,
the cost was $35/person.
(Plus $20/person zoo admission.)

I told her we could do that.

"And can we go to Universal?"
"And maybe Disney for a day?"

And the planning began.

But then we found an even
better place.... in Phoenix.
You could pet the capybaras there.

It's not that far from Phoenix to LA.

"How about after Phoenix,
we pop over to Universal
and Disney... California?"


I took that as a 'yes'.

And hence, a trip was born.

Care to follow along*?

(*Hint: This is where you can get off.
Sauve qui peut!)

And for bonus points...
How many of you had to Google
"Sauve qui peut"???

Bonus points for what?
Did I not mention the contest?
With an actual prize?

Why yes, Virginia.
There is a Santa Pkondz.

The winner gets...
Canadian chocolate.

Of course if you live in Canada...
Then all you get is... chocolate.

And maybe another odd or end, too.

Oh, sure! Now you want to stick around!!

(The things I do to keep people reading... :sad2:)

Shall we begin?

1. What time do we leave?

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither?

3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles.

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.

6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.

7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan

8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.

Good luck!

I'm heading out to the Canadian
west coast day after tomorrow
and will be gone for about a week.

That should give y'all plenty of time
to get up to mischief
and get your contest answers in.

See ya when I get back!

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Exploding helicopters! With giraffes! I am IN!

Back to read and comment later.
Hey. I am the first person here.

Edit: the second one here

I will play this time.


2. Fly


4. Thin mints


6. Ice cream

7. Ghost in the shell

8.reclining seats with foot rests
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Hey. I am the first person here.

Edit: the second one here

So close... yet so far!



I will play this time.


2. Fly


4. Thin mints


6. Ice cream

7. Ghost in the shell

8.reclining seats with foot rests

You missed a couple.
#3 might be tough for you.
But... Guess on #5?
Exploding helicopters.
With giraffes.
Nice one! Because exploding helicopters by themselves are so passé

"Dad? I want to do this."
And shows me this exact photo:
Did she want to sit in a lawn chair with a goofy grin like that guy?

And for bonus points...
How many of you had to Google
"Sauve qui peut"???
Sadly I did. My high school French failed me. I guess that happens when you don't use it in 25 years.

Of course if you live in Canada...
Then all you get is... chocolate.
You have any Manitoba chocolate? We have the Newfoundland Chocolate Company here. And no it's not those little bags of "puffin poop", that's just yogurt covered raisins. They actually do gourmet chocolate with local berries. Pricey but very nice.

For the contest:
1. 6:15am
2. Fly
3. Darn I feel like I should know this but I'm drawing a blank. Something about having a letter from Kay's mother allowing you to travel?
4. Thin mints
5. Favourite dish
6. Pie
7. Beauty and the beast
8. Reclining seats with footrest
Holy Moley!! I made page 1! It's some kind of miracle or something!

I think I'll just sit on the sidelines and watch the contest play out this time, although Canadian chocolate does sound awfully tempting... But since I can never keep up with the contests I'll just watch Liesa win :bitelip:

Glad to see a new Ponzi TR up and running!

Do I get bonus points for remembering the real reason you went left coast...I mean west coast over east coast?
Yay! I'm in and still on the first page! Now I'm going back to read!
Nice one! Because exploding helicopters by themselves are so passé

It's been done.

Did she want to sit in a lawn chair with a goofy grin like that guy?

Goofy's at Disney.

Sadly I did. My high school French failed me. I guess that happens when you don't use it in 25 years.

I heard that term...

In an English novel.

You have any Manitoba chocolate? We have the Newfoundland Chocolate Company here. And no it's not those little bags of "puffin poop", that's just yogurt covered raisins. They actually do gourmet chocolate with local berries. Pricey but very nice.

We do!
That's a great idea!
Morden's Chocolates.
Been around for a long time.

For the contest:
1. 6:15am
2. Fly
3. Darn I feel like I should know this but I'm drawing a blank. Something about having a letter from Kay's mother allowing you to travel?
4. Thin mints
5. Favourite dish
6. Pie
7. Beauty and the beast
8. Reclining seats with footrest

All noted.

And :welcome:
Holy Moley!! I made page 1! It's some kind of miracle or something!

Look at you! All prompt and all!


I think I'll just sit on the sidelines and watch the contest play out this time, although Canadian chocolate does sound awfully tempting...

It's soooo good.... No?
Not tempted to join in?


But since I can never keep up with the contests I'll just watch Liesa win :bitelip:


I suspect she may not have
the time to keep up either.
She's awfully busy these days.

Glad to see a new Ponzi TR up and running!


Thanks Kelly! :goodvibes
Yay! I'm in and still on the first page! Now I'm going back to read!

You made it!


Hi Alison!

Was just thinking of you.
I think I'm going to have to book my Cali
trip when I come back from BC.
I'll touch base with you first, though. :)
still love the intro photo.

And for bonus points...
How many of you had to Google
"Sauve qui peut"???

too lazy to google.

1. What time do we leave?

6:00 am

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither?


3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)

are you constipated?

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles.

Thin Mints (you really should try Samoas - yummy coconut)

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.


6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.


7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan


8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.


very excited to read about this trip.
still love the intro photo.

Thanks, Jen!


too lazy to google.

I just wrote those exact
words on a different thread!

6:00 am


are you constipated?

Thin Mints (you really should try Samoas - yummy coconut) Bite your tongue!





All noted.

very excited to read about this trip.

All the photos for the next update
are already uploaded
and ready to go!
SWEET! A Sweet 16 Party! I'm thinking I can catch up here. A hurricane day is like a snowday. I know I could be so much more productive but I have an excuse.


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