Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

You people are crazy, freaky, and very off:eek: I hope to fit right in :lmao:

As I was reading you car(s) story I thought ugh bad things happen in threes as I continued to read I remember thinking leave it to a Canadian to go above and beyond:rolleyes1

I am a wanna be Canandian in Albany, NY.

I am also having trouble quoting -but the airspeed of an unladen swallow----in order to maintain airspeed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times.... bonus Points :love:

And my guess is pirates, splash and thunder, I'm going old school :yo-yo:

Ps. Your trip report title caught me and I couldn't stop reading..when I put the baby to sleep, when I got up, while I was get it... I have laughed til I have had to read aloud parts to explain my laughter which sometimes gets me even more strange looks especially at the grocery store:thanks:
Tough. I'll go out on a limb here and hope it doesn't break. I'm already so far behind that it probably won't matter anyways.

My park guess is MK.
Rides: I know you have a 7DMT FP+ booked, So my guess is 7DMTR, BTMRR and I'm going to be an odd ball and guess Haunted Mansion.
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Such horrible luck with your cars and repairs!

You know the old saying: "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all"?

Yeah... Bite me, old saying!

I'm going to invest in a skateboard.
And invest heavily in bone healing research...

I will be back to comment, later,

I'll hold your place for a while... but the next update is almost ready to go.
I'll probably hold off on it for a bit, but....

but for now my guesses (like almost everyone else): BTMRR (of course), 7DMT, Space Mtn. And only 7DMT by fastpass+.

Interesting extra comment about only 7DMT by FP+.
We'll see if you're right, right?

You people are crazy, freaky, and very off:eek: I hope to fit right in :lmao:

You got that right! There's something very wrong with these people.
I on the other hand am perfectly normal and well adjusted.
And that's what they tell me every time they let me out of my padded cell.

:welcome: to the TR! Glad to have you along for the ride! :goodvibes

As I was reading you car(s) story I thought ugh bad things happen in threes as I continued to read I remember thinking leave it to a Canadian to go above and beyond:rolleyes1

Trust me... I really could've passed on the "above and beyond" part.
Unless of course you mean I was above my tolerance level for craptastic car issues
and beyond exasperated.

Then... yes.

I am a wanna be Canandian in Albany, NY.

Need more snow?

Interesting that you're from Albany.
Which is near Schenectady.
Which is somewhere I'd like to visit some day.
Just so I can say "Schenectady".
Cause it's a fun word to say.

Actually, I am curious why you say you're a "wanna be Canadian"?

Love hockey? Want to say "eh" a lot?
Have an almost irresistible urge to say "sorry"?

I am also having trouble quoting -but the airspeed of an unladen swallow----in order to maintain airspeed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times.... bonus Points :love:

Need the pkondz tutorial on how to quote?
No problem if you do, it's already typed out.

And as for the swallow.....
I hate to break this to you...

This from

In order to maintain airspeed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?
Actually, wrong. By comparing the European Swallow with bird species of similar body mass, we can estimate that the swallow beats its wings 18 times a second with an amplitude of 18 cm:
Species Body mass Frequency Amplitude
Zebra Finch 13 g 27 Hz 11 cm
European Swallow 20 g ≈ 18 Hz? ≈ 18 cm?
Downy Woodpecker 27 g 14 Hz 29 cm
Budgerigar 34 g 14 Hz 15 cm
Note that even the tiny Zebra Finch flaps its wings no more than 27 times a second while cruising.

So... There ya go.
But I'll still give you the bonus points for attempting to answer that! :laughing:

And my guess is pirates, splash and thunder, I'm going old school :yo-yo:

Interesting guess. We'll see how close you get.

Ps. Your trip report title caught me and I couldn't stop reading..

Sorry about that.
I am rather long winded (long-written?) aren't I?

when I put the baby to sleep, when I got up, while I was get it...

Yes I do.
Anytime you needed some useless drivel to take your mind off things you came here.

Understood. :rolleyes1

I have laughed til I have had to read aloud parts to explain my laughter which sometimes gets me even more strange looks especially at the grocery store

:lmao: That's funny! Love that last part "especially at the grocery store".
I can just see that. "And he says, "He didn't wait for the bus!" isn't that funny?"
Clerk: "Uh, huh. Hysterical. Please pay for your groceries now and leave. Okay?"

Tough. I'll go out on a limb here and hope it doesn't break.

Just don't jump up and down on it.... or shoot it.

I'm already so far behind that it probably won't matter anyways.

I told you not to worry about it.
I know how crazy it is for you guys right now.
I'm honoured that you're even posting at all!

My park guess is MK.
Rides: I know you have a 7DMT FP+ booked, So my guess is 7DMTR, BTMRR and I'm going to be an odd ball and guess Haunted Mansion.

Okay, got it. I'll let you know pretty soon.
it is preferable to plow into the car that cuts you off rather than avoid it.
Yes you will probably kill the other driver, but you have an airbag and should survive.
That way, the other driver will be at fault for cutting you off and it will save you money.

Sounds like a no-win situation for you, but depending on traffic, it could have been worse for you to swerve. Either way, you were lucky to walk away.

I'm going in to get a crown.
Which turns out to be disappointing on many levels.

First... it hurts!
Oh, the needle in the face and the drilling and scraping and general mayhem
are terrific of course.
But when I was told I was getting a crown,
I really thought people would start calling me "Your Majesty".
Which, of course I so richly deserve.

Apparently it's a different kind of crown.


I feel your pain - quite literally. I saw my dentist last week and got a temporary crown, and I will get the permanent crown in about 10 days. Since the swelling went down, I have had constant pain. I was popping Ibuprofen like candy until I switched to Aleve last night - first full night's sleep in almost a week. And now that I've brought it to mind, it's going to start hurting again. I called and got another appointment for tomorrow morning, because this just isn't normal.
Where's the tiara I so richly deserve right now!

While the drilling expedition was no picnic,
when the anesthetic wore off.... I was a tad sore.
Nothing that some Tylenol didn't help, but still.
All in all, I'd rather be in Disney, you know?

Me, too!

Plus I'm not decrepit.
At least not completely.
I can walk it!

Good for you!

Heh. Actually, I kind of wish someone had tried to steal it.
Crook: "All right! The hatch is unlocked. I'll just crawl in and hot wire this puppy!"
"What the...? Why can't I start it? I'm a failure! I'll never try to steal another car again!"

Aww, you had a chance to change some poor unfortunate soul's life.

I'm exhausted.
Basically running home combined with the stress of the car and my sore face
(forgot about the dentist didja?)

I didn't forget - believe me!

I magnanimously volunteer to stay for the midnight shift.

Yeah, like you had a real choice.

the roads are still too wet + sandy

Didn't we already have this conversation?

Ugh. It was awful.

<crunch> Oh, no. Gotta get the car fixed.
Fixed! Yay!
<crunch> Argh. Gotta get the car fixed.
Fixed! Yay!
<crunch> Aaaaaarrrggghhhh!!!!
Gotta get the car fixed.
Fixed! Yay!

It sounds awful!
Sounds like a no-win situation for you, but depending on traffic, it could have been worse for you to swerve. Either way, you were lucky to walk away.

I was very aware of what was going on around me.
If there'd been someone beside me, I wouldn't have swerved.
But then I absolutely would've hit him.
Then again, I might have swerved if I'd figured that it was the lesser of two evils.
I've had to do that before.
Once, coming home from taking the kids tobogganing,
very similar situation.
I was passing a line of cars stopped for a light,
when one guy decides he wants my lane.
I had to choose between plowing into him head on
or putting the car into an embankment.

So I did both.
Glanced off his car and then slid to a stop against the embankment.
Car was written off, but no one was hurt.

This time, even when I did swerve, I still signaled and shoulder checked! :laughing:

I feel your pain - quite literally. I saw my dentist last week and got a temporary crown, and I will get the permanent crown in about 10 days. Since the swelling went down, I have had constant pain.

Oh, no!
I had pain with my temporary crown, but only when I had hot/cold stuff.

I was popping Ibuprofen like candy until I switched to Aleve last night - first full night's sleep in almost a week.

Aw, man. That's just not right.

And now that I've brought it to mind, it's going to start hurting again.

Uh, oh. Quick! Think of something else!
Someone got a squirrel handy?

I called and got another appointment for tomorrow morning, because this just isn't normal.
Where's the tiara I so richly deserve right now!

Glad you're going to see the dentist.
You're right, that doesn't sound right at all.

And you win. You should get the tiara.
Here ya go.


Aww, you had a chance to change some poor unfortunate soul's life.

I think if it happens again, I'll just get it towed to a seedy part of the city and let it entertain me for a while.

I didn't forget - believe me!

I believe you! I believe you!

Didn't we already have this conversation?

Maybe... :rolleyes1

It sounds awful!

Oh, no. I enjoyed each and every one....

Okay, Ponzi, will you please let me know when the episode of Punk'd you'll be appearing on is going to air? Because there's literally NO other explanation for all the auto-related debacles you and your family have been suffering. I just have no words. I only have ($#*@&(#*$&@#*$()@*# to say because the words I might choose are just not appropriate for this lovely forum. Wow. I'm so sorry. Let's hope that you've gained yourself years of auto-related bliss in a sort of pay-it-forward type of situation.

I almost forgot about our next challenge. Hmm... I'm going to say MK and that you headed for Jungle Cruise, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain. :thumbsup2
Okay, Ponzi, will you please let me know when the episode of Punk'd you'll be appearing on is going to air? Because there's literally NO other explanation for all the auto-related debacles you and your family have been suffering.

Apparently it's on quite often, thank you very much.

I just have no words. I only have ($#*@&(#*$&@#*$()@*# to say because the words I might choose are just not appropriate for this lovely forum.

:eek: Wow! For someone with no words... you have some very interesting words!

Wow. I'm so sorry. Let's hope that you've gained yourself years of auto-related bliss in a sort of pay-it-forward type of situation.

Oh, I doubt it.

I'm at work tonight (on a break as I type) and my Mom calls.
My sister is flying in tonight and she wanted to know if the flight was going to be on time.
I tell her it is, what time it's going to land, etc.
She then says, "When you got your battery, you put it in yourself, right?"

Uh, yes. Why?

Apparently they went out and her car died.
AAA (or CAA up here) gave 'em a boost and they were on their way.
But it looks like she needs a new battery.
I know what I'll be doing in the next couple of days. :laughing:

MIL's car, my car and now Mom's car.
I am so going to be an expert at this.

I almost forgot about our next challenge. Hmm... I'm going to say MK and that you headed for Jungle Cruise, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain.

Jungle Cruise first? Very interesting.
Pretty sure no one's mentioned that yet.
We'll see..... soon.
Trying to catch up (been home since Sunday and work has been kicking my butt...can't wait to see what happens when I take a week off I May and a week and a day in July and 2 weeks in October).

All I can say is WOW! That is a lot of car trouble, and the dentist (I would rather go have a mammogram than go to the dentist...I know...too much info there).

I'm guessing Magic Kingdom and Space Mountain, Mine Ride and Pirates.
Trying to catch up (been home since Sunday and work has been kicking my butt...can't wait to see what happens when I take a week off I May and a week and a day in July and 2 weeks in October).

I've seen you desperately trying to catch back up here and there.
No worries. I know you've been busy.
I figured you'd get over here when you had the time.
I'm just glad you managed to pop in and get your guess in before I posted the next update.
(Coming soon.)

All I can say is WOW! That is a lot of car trouble, and the dentist (I would rather go have a mammogram than go to the dentist...I know...too much info there).

Oh, that's okay.
I totally understand.
I must admit though that I'd never really thought about
the difference in pain between a mammogram and a dentist.

I'm guessing Magic Kingdom and Space Mountain, Mine Ride and Pirates.

Got your guesses.
You should know in the not too distant future how you did.
I'm holding off on the next chapter for a bit for stragglers.
Plus I'm not sure if I want to end where I am or keep going.

But anticipate a new chapter in the near future.

How's that for vagueness???
I'm holding off on the next chapter for a bit for stragglers.
Plus I'm not sure if I want to end where I am or keep going.

But anticipate a new chapter in the near future.

How's that for vagueness???

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: It's okay...hold off a bit. I still have a lot of catching up to do (and haven't even looked at my own PTR). :laughing:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: It's okay...hold off a bit. I still have a lot of catching up to do (and haven't even looked at my own PTR). :laughing:

:laughing: You're like me.
"Yay! Somebody posted on my TR... but first I have to reply/comment on everyone else's"
Hurry up already! I'm bored! I've already caught up on my other TR's and started and finished another. I need some entertainment!

Oh yeah, DH and two other guys teamed up to do a graphic novel of three short stories. It's currently on Kickstarter if anyone is interested. Jason Lenox is the lead on the project. They are called Ugli Studios. This is #3 but DH wasn't in the first one.

Yeah, I know what it's like to have car troubles. I had to ditch my old car and get a new one! Used up all our tax money. We were planning on going to Vegas with our friends this fall. But now, no trip for us this year! Again!!! Didn't even make it for a night at a B&B.
Hurry up already! I'm bored! I've already caught up on my other TR's and started and finished another. I need some entertainment!

Uh, oh. The natives are getting restless!

I think it'll be up today.
Tomorrow at the latest.

Oh yeah, DH and two other guys teamed up to do a graphic novel of three short stories. It's currently on Kickstarter if anyone is interested. Jason Lenox is the lead on the project. They are called Ugli Studios. This is #3 but DH wasn't in the first one.


Yeah, I know what it's like to have car troubles. I had to ditch my old car and get a new one! Used up all our tax money. We were planning on going to Vegas with our friends this fall. But now, no trip for us this year! Again!!! Didn't even make it for a night at a B&B.

Yeah, but you got a nice car.
Did you get those issues sorted out? Or are you living with them?
I'm holding off on the next chapter for a bit for stragglers.
Plus I'm not sure if I want to end where I am or keep going.

But anticipate a new chapter in the near future.

How's that for vagueness???
Uhoh, I think I'm one of the aforementioned stragglers. =)

Was trying to come up with good guesses.

Ok, will guess MK as the park, and since it looks as though you enjoy coasters, will pick BTMRR, Space Mtn & Mine Train as the rides.

As for dental issues, I definitely feel your pain. But I honestly prefer dental work to having to deal with car repairs... go figure!
As an aside, one of my cousins told me a few years ago that Aleve (naprosyn/naproxen) wasn't available in Canada? We would always joke about exchanging Aleve for 222's, when not swapping 100 Grand bars for Coffee Crisp. Not sure if that's still the case, but the Aleve comment above made me think of it.
As I read about your car issues I kept expecting to get to the end and realize it was a joke. That was crazy! :sad2:

As for the dental work....that is my biggest phobia so I feel your pain!

I'm thinking old school MK with Haunted Mansion and Pirates and Space Mountain.
Apparently they went out and her car died.
AAA (or CAA up here) gave 'em a boost and they were on their way.
But it looks like she needs a new battery.
I know what I'll be doing in the next couple of days. :laughing:

MIL's car, my car and now Mom's car.
I am so going to be an expert at this.

No, just NO! I sure hope you're collecting royalties off the Punk'd episodes you'll soon be appearing on... ugh! Sending you a :hug: cause... well, that's all I got... no words again! (except my aforementioned (%*@#($*@U#IOu!)
I'm holding off on the next chapter for a bit for stragglers.
Plus I'm not sure if I want to end where I am or keep going.

But anticipate a new chapter in the near future.

How's that for vagueness???
So what you're saying is that you're going to definitely post a new chapter sometime possibly soonish. Maybe.

Right? :rolleyes1
Uhoh, I think I'm one of the aforementioned stragglers. =)

Wellll..... :rolleyes:

Was trying to come up with good guesses.

It's never a good idea to wait too long on this TR.
I'm actually holding myself back from posting too quickly.

I think I learned that on my first TR.
I would post a new chapter every two to four days. :laughing:

Ok, will guess MK as the park, and since it looks as though you enjoy coasters, will pick BTMRR, Space Mtn & Mine Train as the rides.

Got it! And just under the gun!

As for dental issues, I definitely feel your pain. But I honestly prefer dental work to having to deal with car repairs... go figure!

As much as I could do without the dental work... and really, who wouldn't...
It was over in one week.

As opposed to half a year with the cars... :sad2:

As an aside, one of my cousins told me a few years ago that Aleve (naprosyn/naproxen) wasn't available in Canada?

I don't know, actually.
I've never looked for it.
I do know we have naproxen though.
Might not be over the counter. Not sure.

We would always joke about exchanging Aleve for 222's, when not swapping 100 Grand bars for Coffee Crisp.


As I read about your car issues I kept expecting to get to the end and realize it was a joke. That was crazy!

Oh, yeah.
I'm definitely not laughing.


As for the dental work....that is my biggest phobia so I feel your pain!

Does anyone like dental work???

Here's the weirdest thing, though.
Kay has a phobia when it comes to needles.
She absolutely freaks out.
It's a real chore if she needs bloodwork.
Not fun.

But needles in her mouth for a filling?
Sure! No problem.

The child ain't right!

I'm thinking old school MK with Haunted Mansion and Pirates and Space Mountain.

I've already got all the points allocated in the upcoming chapter.
I noticed you hadn't posted anything and was a little surprised.

But now... Well I might have to go back and adjust some numbers....
Might not. :rolleyes1

No, just NO! I sure hope you're collecting royalties off the Punk'd episodes you'll soon be appearing on... ugh!

Well, I could certainly use the cash to offset the car bills.

Sending you a :hug: cause...

Awwwww.... thanks! :goodvibes

well, that's all I got... no words again! (except my aforementioned (%*@#($*@U#IOu!)

You're always so succinct!

So what you're saying is that you're going to definitely post a new chapter sometime possibly soonish. Maybe.

Right? :rolleyes1

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: St. Bernard farts! Fart jokes will get me every time.

And I love that you were able to surprise your sister.

Anyway, just proving that I'm here and I'm catching up!


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