can i do that ?


DIS Veteran
May 11, 2001
since i am a catholic and i know that there is no way that i can have a priest to officiate my wedding, i am thinking if i can do this:-
-have a wedding in Canada (where i am from) (church of course), then i will registered in Canada. the guest: will be those who cannot attend my wedding in florida

-THEN i will just bring my certificate to florida to show that ihave just registered in nov 2004 (my wedding is dec2004)

the problem is, my mom said it is not good to register again in florida, and she does not like this idea at all(Because of some chinese ethics i gues)
so if disney allows, i will still have a ceremony in wedding pavillion, but i will not registered in florida, hence i do not need to have a licence
will disney allow me to do that? and i donèt want this to be considered as vow renewal, since it is not..
what do you think?

Louisa - I am pretty sure you can do what you are describing. Disney and your officiant will need a copy of your marriage lisence from Canada in order to perform the ceremony, but I'm sure they will do it.

As far as what takes place during the ceremony, you would have to work that out with your officiant in Florida. When we were trying to figure out how we were going to handle the cermonies (FH and I are both catholic) we were told if we got married at home and then had a ceremony at Disney, the second ceremony would have to be some where along the lines of a vow reaffirmation (sort of vow renewal, sort of not), since they can't perform a marriage ceremony, as you are already married. But, again, you should talk to your Florida officiant about your options.

FH and I didnt like the vow reaffirmation option, since we wanted the Disney wedding to be viewed as our wedding day, and felt that if we were to get married before hand, it would make the Disney wedding feel less special. So we have decided to get married in Disney, and then have a private convalidation ceremony at our church a month later. Which is another option if you can get your parish priest to agree to it. (we found our mothers to be a bigger obstacle than the priest on that one though!)


We did the same thing Helen is planning. Our Diocese was happy we still wanted to participate in all the marriage preparation classes and was glad to accomodate our ceremony. We did it the weekend after our honeymoon.
I would check on this as all the wedding packages said you must have a florida marriage license. We had to do ours through the mail. For a vow renewel they might let it slide.
We are also catholic - our daughter got married here in New Jersey in church on a Friday nite, and had what was called a "reaffirmation of vows" ceremony on Monday morning in the Wedding Pavillion with a christian, non-demoninational minister who used scripture and the couple's choice of words - it was very much like a wedding ceremony no a renewal of vows. They had to provide copies of their certificate from New Jersey to the consultant at Disney - no problems at all and a very beautiful ceremony. Good luck!!!!
can you tell me which officient did you use? because i don't want my guest to know that this (disney) is just a show, sicne we already got married in church

Rev. Day, whom I think you may have already contact when looking for your Cantonese officiant, will perform a "Catholic-style" service.
my concern is that the officient cannot perform my wedding, since i do not have a marriage licence rather than a certificate that i already got married one month prior... and i do not like the idea of vow renewal

I know that this is not what you want to hear, but there is no way to have a Catholic ceremony on Disney property.

Your choices are get married in a church prior to arriving in Disney, give Disney a copy of your marriage certificate from where ever you got married, and do a vow renewal that is worded like a wedding, or don't get married ahead of time, get your marriage license in Orlando, and get married at Disney.

I'm not quite sure what info you are looking for, but those are the only two options Disney gives you.
i called dineywedding, and insisted to talk to my sm , bill, since he never ans our call, then got hold for 10 min, he finally there...he said that there should be no problem in doing a wedding, instead of vow renewal, hope he has right info this times, since i will sign the contract very soon
So basically you want to trick your guests into thinking they're attending a real wedding and not a vow renewal, correct?
is that consider a trick? because my mom thinks that it is very important to get married in a church and registered in Canada, so we will register in canada probably one month prior, probably only both parent will attend. but i will not wear wedding gown, but just a simple white dress
then all the guests will be going to our real wedding in disney
i wish it will work out, and i have decided to change my sm... sigh... because it've been over two months now, he still did not give us any budget

If you are waiting for a budget, you prolly shouldn't count on it. I am getting married in one month, booked my wedding 6 months ago and just got my first Disney budget today.

The best option you have is pay attention on the DM board, read all the posts, visit Andrea's site, read Andrea's nook, and see if the DM pixies will subscribe you to the old Yahoo site with our archives and create a budget off of the info on all those places. I made my own Excel spread sheet and came to within $50 or what Disney sent me this morning.

If you do decide to get married before your Disney wedding, I would definitely suggest that you be upfront with your guests about it. I think you may find that many people will be hurt and feel deceived if you purposely withhold this information. Just tell them that the Catholic wedding is your "religious ceremony" and the Disney wedding is your "public ceremony", because for you, that's really what they would be.

To answer your earlier question, your SM is pretty much only there to set up your contract, which means setting up your room block, helping you select date, time and location and get your deposit processed. Once your contract is signed and you get assigned an EM, they can provide you with more info, but don't be surprised if no one really does much until about a month or so out before your wedding.


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