Budget waterproof iPhone case


DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2009
Looking for a trustworthy, truly waterproof iPhone 4S case that can allow the phone to be operated under water.

I know about Lifeproof but that's really pricey.

Any other options a bit more budget friendly?

I bought one at Walmart for 5.00. I took a piece of paper and put it in the pouch and sealed it up, I then put it in a bowl of water and weighted it so it would stay down after half an hour I took it out and the paper was still dry.
My SIL had a life touch and believed that it was waterproof when she went on a flume ride. Her phone fried (my brother's phone in a ziploc bag was fine btw. LOL). She called life touch since they have a warranty. They told her they'd send her a new case. She said, "why would I want that when I don't have a %#*£ phone now to put in it??

Just wanted to throw that out there. I have an otterbox that is not water proof but did save my Iphone from a quick toilet drop. I never moved so fast in my life!! LOL.

Good luck finding something to meet your needs
My SIL had a life touch and believed that it was waterproof when she went on a flume ride. Her phone fried (my brother's phone in a ziploc bag was fine btw. LOL). She called life touch since they have a warranty. They told her they'd send her a new case. She said, "why would I want that when I don't have a %#*£ phone now to put in it??

Just wanted to throw that out there. I have an otterbox that is not water proof but did save my Iphone from a quick toilet drop. I never moved so fast in my life!! LOL.

Good luck finding something to meet your needs

That's too bad about your SIL phone. My daughter dropped her iphone in the lake and it was under water about 10 feet down for about 20 minutes before she found it again. It was the best money I have ever spent! Saved her phone!
They do suggest you submerge your life proof case empty to ensure its not faulty. I have read many friends have had luck putting their phone into a bag of rice to dry it out. Most of the time the phone works again. My DH and I both have life proof, but we got really lucky when we bought them, the computer at future shop rang them through at $25 each!
You should def test it first and be sure to go through registration process. The little hole for earphones has a screw in cover, can easily be forgotten when using the earphones. The charging cover can look closed, make sure you hear a click.

My phone went in the stream because my husband thought it was funny to hear me scream every time he dunked it. Still works just fine, that was the point he was making. It wasn't funny.
I don't know if its a good brand, but there is one on sale in Groupon Goods right now...
My understanding is that no matter what case you use, once underwater you won't be able to operate the touch screen because water interferes with the way it interprets your finger.
I do not have any suggestions, but do have to add that I hated my lifeproof. The touch screen never worked quite right when it was in the case. I returned it and the second one was the same way. I have heard lots of great things about them though.
That is similar to what happened when my iphone glass shattered after being dropped IN an Otterbox! I called them and they offered to send me a new case but ONLY if I had the receipt!


My SIL had a life touch and believed that it was waterproof when she went on a flume ride. Her phone fried (my brother's phone in a ziploc bag was fine btw. LOL). She called life touch since they have a warranty. They told her they'd send her a new case. She said, "why would I want that when I don't have a %#*£ phone now to put in it??

Just wanted to throw that out there. I have an otterbox that is not water proof but did save my Iphone from a quick toilet drop. I never moved so fast in my life!! LOL.

Good luck finding something to meet your needs
My kids and hubby bought me a custom life proof case for my iPhone 5 and I hate it! I can't hear anyone! It's so muffled!

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Sounds like Lifeproof is sort of a "permanent" case, whereby you are supposed to utilize it daily, right?

I wanted something I could use only in certain situations, like when I am at the pool or on vacation. But, I need to be able to use it..mostly for music and pics...and be able to take pics underwater.

Only Lifeproof?
You aren't supposed to open and close the lifeproof case often or it can loose its waterproofness. You are really just supposed to put the phone in and be done with it. I have no problems using the touchscreen but the sound is reduced. I usually open up the charging flap when I talk on the phone as it lets more sound out, or just use headphones with the speaker in them.
If you have a Lifeproof with bad sound, contact them and they'll likely send you a new one. Not all of them have poor sound quality. But it IS a known problem.

OP, Amazon sells waterproof pouches for occasional use. I've never used one.
As fas as taking photos underwater, we have a Kodak PlaySport and <3 it. Takes HD video and photos.
I used this one at TL in the Shark Reef, Wave Pool, and Lazy River. Took lots of pics and the phone stayed dry.


I have a Lifeproof but the sound was very muffled and didn't care for it to use everyday. Went back with Otterbox. But the Lifeproof case did save my iPhone when j dropped it in the lake a month ago.
I like my Lifeproof, but it's fiddly and difficult. I have been known to take the time to put it all on, then realized the screen wasn't as sensitive, or calling DH really quick showed it to be muffled, so then I have to do it all again. I also sometimes get dirt/fluff/whatever trapped in between, which drives me batty, so I do it again. Basically I have to set aside a solid hour to make SURE it's on perfectly.

So I don't really change it up that often. But I never wanted to. Phone made of glass (not literally, but nearly!) is not something I want to mess with.

And I like the look of my red lifeproof, so that's good. :)


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